The room was cold and dark, she could hear the drop of water plop on the collected water by the door. This was her punishment for fighting back, this was where she spent her days, no food, no water, just her and the darkness. Greenery sat by the corner, knees by her face with her interlocked fingers, arms holding them in place. She could here herself breath, her heart beating so fast, fear poisoning every part of her body.
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The girl could not help but shiver, the place was on sub-zero and Greenery only had the institute's white t-shirt on. She could feel the itch of the running mucus rushing down her nose only for her to wipe it with the back of her hand. There was no use pulling it back for it would run back down.
576Please respect copyright.PENANApfsDUAczl5
No matter how many times she had spent locked in here she never got used to it. How could she when it seemed to get darker and smaller each time. She could barely turn around. Suddenly there he was standing at the opposite corner folding his arms not a word escaping his full black-redish lips. Everything seemed to disappear suddenly being trapped seeming bearable. He looked at her, scanning each and every part of her body. Obviously she felt self conscious she had lost a lot of weight being in here and her bruises were evident.
576Please respect copyright.PENANA4FxtoTXRnt
She had never wanted anything more than to touch him, to feel his warm skin against her touch, to see his reaction to her touch. She tried over and over again to untangle herself to no end, she would never get close, never be able to lay her hands on him. This realisation made her weak to her knees, a sob broke through her lips as she fell on her side curling as pain rippled through her entire body suddenly Bash no longer there but instead the beast in her line of vision plugging his taser all over her body.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAXDNbnlnoW7
Greenery jolted up fighting plunging her fights around to hit whoever was near but came still in the realisation that it was just a dream, that she was home now , she did not have to fight anymore. She fell down back in bed again letting the covers engulf her whole. Her whole body was buried in bead of sweat as her heart drummed so hard she thought it would escape her.
576Please respect copyright.PENANANtiFzJw4Sv
The vivid dream still plaqued her even in her waking hours. She took a deep breath running her hand through her hair. She had long accepted that her past would never leave her, she just had to live with it. Turning the clock beeped 4:00am, Greenery slid out of bed pulling on a pair of sweat pants which she had to tightly tie to get them to stay up then put on a work out bra. She walked into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth before tying her hair up. Leaving the room Greenery went down stairs where she walked into the kitchen making a vegetable smooth before heading out.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAPkqNMvY5YS
The sky was a mash of greys and orange. The sun was to rise in a few minutes and its rays were already chasing the dark grey skies of the night. It felt good being outside and seeing the world again. It felt good to breathe fresh air again. Bending down she tied her shoe laces then started jogging around the house while sipping her smoothie now and again.
576Please respect copyright.PENANATkr151mGQw
Her weight was something she would work hard to gain, her bones were sticking out and she was seriously afraid they would pierce her skin soon. After doing one round her muscles collapsed and she sat on the grass heaving. After a twenty minute break she tried again only to collapse after another round. She got up and walked to the far back where she sat on a rock watching the sun rise as she drank her smoothie.
576Please respect copyright.PENANARHLkjlH3X8
A rush of peace washed over her. She closed her eyes as the rays shone on her, kissing her skin and giving her life. A tear escaped as she thought how she could not change her past but could live past it and try to be strong. It was a new year with new beginnings and all she could do was hope she could find strength to live on.
576Please respect copyright.PENANArDMQfTJ7mM
After an hour the sun was high up the sky, coqs from the nearing farms letting everyone know that it was a new beautiful day. Greenery took a deep breath before making her way into the house, she found it was still asleep with its owner so she went up her room the steps leaving her heaving trying to catch a breath. Getting to her room Greenery made her bed which it had took two nights to finally sleep on then went to take a long hot shower enjoying the luxury she not heard for a long time. Closing her eyes she thought of how this day would be spent with her father before Monday came by the following day.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAl8ip0n4Fm0
Greenery was more comfortable with her own thoughts than people's company but she made an effort for her father. He could not see past the façade for it would break him to know how broken his daughter was. She would make the effort for him and no one else.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAHv3BFFCvU9
After pulling on the blue dress that seemed like a tent on her she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen where she made a large greasy breakfast filled with a lot of meat. It was unlike her father to sleep in but she let him since she knew that after this short leave of absence he would be working around the clock to try and cover the bills. She made pan cakes while squeezing the oranges she had grabbed from the trees for some fresh orange juice. The bacon and sausages sizzled in the pan. While another pan held some eggs. It had been surprising how everything was exactly where Greenery left it six months ago but again her father worked all the time leaving no time to cook.
576Please respect copyright.PENANA8PwVTQGdVk
The plates were out and filled in a matter of ten minutes. She placed everything on a tray then walked up to the second floor where she knocked on her father's door. No answer was heard causing her to knock again leading to a thud being heard then a lot of shuffling before the door opened wide to show the dark haired middle man still half a sleep wearing a t-shirt inside out with a pair of sweat pants.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAMZVbplpzgf
" Morning," Greenery said shuving the tray into his hands before turning to walk away and let him get back to his bed cause lord knows he deserved a little bit of rest.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAkvRhP3v0jo
She walked down the stairs to the kitchen where her plate lay on the counter ready to be lunged at. She sat at the stool dragging the plate closer. With a fork she took a few bites trying to get as much needed nutrients before her stomach went protesting. Greenery washed it down with the orange juice then stood up placing her plate on the macrowave then washing the dishes.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAp5IX4psdQo
When all that was done Greenery went dusting and brushing around the house then started scrubbing the floors. By the time Mr Smith came down with his empty dishes Greenery was by the door on all fours scrubbing the floors with a brush and clothe along with the bucket of soapy water.
576Please respect copyright.PENANA60i37MAbWy
" You did not have to, you are supposed to be resting. School is starting tomorrow." He said.
576Please respect copyright.PENANADfQUB9eSfc
" I need to keep busy dad or I will go crazy." She replied only for both of them to freeze at her not so thought out words. She hated this, being labelled by such names. None the less she swallowed the lump in her throat.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAHq5utCN9Qa
" How was breakfast?" She asked changing the topic.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAwZIISxhG2Z
" Delicious, almost forgot how good of a cook you are." Mr Smith said as he made his way into the sparkling clean kitchen to wash his dishes and probably running from the awkwardness.
576Please respect copyright.PENANA0xRCTwu8Wq
Greenery cleaned the stoop then emptied the dirty water washing her cleaning cloth along with her brush when that was done she went in the kitchen pulling out all she would need to make lunch and super. She could hear her father outside raking some leaves.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAjCwDvk9RLq
In silence she started on her roast with potatoes and some rich thick broth. By the time she was done it was already lunch time so she called her sweat dripping father and they now sat at the table eating their lunch in silence.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAPUKHmUKDze
" I am going to go to town after washing the dishes in search of a job." Greenery broke the silence.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAfhxzF2Q3yM
" Okay, try Roy at his restaurant. I am sure he would be happy to give you a job." Mr Smith said eating the large chicken leg.
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" I will father," She said finishing her plate.
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After eating she cleared out the table to wash dishes as her father went back the garden. The dishes were done and Greenery had taken a bath putting on another pair of black sweat pants and a white hoodie wearing her black converse sneakers.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAiwKp0c8tqk
" Bye dad," She said peaking out to her sweating father.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAMCSvIBlOH6
" Bye and good luck."
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" Thank you,"With that Greenery was off walking down the dirt road leading to town. As optimistic her father was she did not share the same sentiments. She knew what everyone thought of her. She knew very well how no one wanted to be associated with her. She was the scum of the town and that was that. The least she could do was try, for her father she would try.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAwTvMe7Ar5F
The walk took twenty minutes and the first shop was the supermarket just across the junction which was owned by none other than Mr Croos. Walking in the , The bell door rang making the cashier know that someone was walking in. Mr Croos was having a conversation with Mrs Herbour , this was a small town where everyone knew everyone. It was a close knit community with bonds from the 18th century.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAzl92QHAeR0
"Afternoon," I said reaching the two gossiping friends.
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They all turned to Greenery only to gasp.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAmWtifw7jcx
" Afternoon Greenery what do you want to buy?" Mr Croos said rather politely. As polite as he was one could tell the disdain at the top of his tongue.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAl74Gxmv9fy
" I am kindly seeking employment sir, I don't have experience with sales and.." the speech was shortly cut off with Mr Croos stating that there was no vacancy as stated by the post at the door.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAfBPpwg2HP6
One after another she went politely stating her request to be declined over and over again, others more forward than others stating how they would not hire someone as crazy as her. It seemed to wear her out but she tried. It was now or never as she stood at the door of The diner owned by the Mr Smith's long time friend named Roy. Taking a deep breath she walked in the door closing behind her. There too was a bell which rang loud gaining everyone's attention as she walked in. If looks could kill she would be six under by now. Taking a deep breath she walked up to the counter.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAkVYWBqZO8H
" Hi, sorry, is Mr Roy in?" She asked Suzzie the well know waitress who had slept with more men than her fingers and toes could count but that was none of her business.
576Please respect copyright.PENANALyjKL68FGa
" Yeah sweetie right this way." Greenery was so shocked by the kind lady it took time for her to react. It had been a long while and what a breath of fresh air it was. Holding her head up she followed the waitress through the passage leading to an office.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAOOhsbAFIL8
Suzzie knocked the opened the door with Greenery following closely.
" Sorry to disturb but there is someone looking for you," Said Suzzie stepping away.
576Please respect copyright.PENANA7dgF25KLdW
" Afternoon Mr Roy," Greenery said trying to be so polite.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAoQPQdRNKS0
The large man sitting behind the desk sat up straight looking at the brunette by the door.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAYTJiCTcABX
"Yes?" He said back looking irritated.
576Please respect copyright.PENANARg18l8brYP
" Sorry sir but I am kindly looking for a job. I am fast on my feet, have an experience with sales and said to be an exceptional cook. Please kindly accept my letter of application and CV. " She said walking up to the desk picking out one of the envelops from her bag handing it out to Mr Roy.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAjfo9lCQIZV
Mr Roy took the envelope opening it irritated as he knew that there was no way he could turn down the oblivious girl before him. First of all he was shocked at the girl as he looked over at her name. He really could not recognise her from all those bones sticking out along with that pale skin.
576Please respect copyright.PENANAiDLxqW6Osc
Mr Smith was one of the most loved people in this town or used to be. He was so kind that he worked for most of the people in town allowing them to pay on their own time when they had their money. Mr Roy himself owed the man a huge sum of money yet he still offered his services to him when plumbing was needed. The bold man cursed under his breath knowing that there was no way out, he did not like this at all but his conscious would not allow him to turn his back on his friend. He loved his dear friend but too bad he had such a nutcase of a daughter.
576Please respect copyright.PENANA9WInZ2s4AR
" Okay, you will be the new assistant chef. In no situation do you go to the front, I don't want you chasing away my customers because you are bad news."
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" Thank you Mr Roy, I promise not to disappoint." Greenery said back with such relief. She had not thought he would take her in but there she had a job after such a long day searching.
576Please respect copyright.PENANASKiQBtDLem
" Any sign of trouble and you are out. Your father will forgive me but I do not run a mental institute here,"
576Please respect copyright.PENANApbA3KrIpTj
Greenery nodded having no other choice. The people's ignorance did not amaze her. Apparently everyone thought she was crazy, but could she blame them really. It had just been a meltdown then everyone went pointing fingers. Tucking her thoughts away she listened to the man who saved her life.
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" Since I guess you have school your shift will start at six on the dot, Monday to Saturday. You will start tomorrow. Suzzie show her to the kitchen." With that they were both dismissed with Greenery just thankful that she could contribute something now at home.