The sky was grey with the promise of rain later. Cold harsh winds blew angrily sending the trees dancing so excessively.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAjomP0cm9TL
Greenery walked out the black gate ever so slowly, her ever so glowing skin as pale as the sky, eyes so lifeless one would swear she was straight from the grave but she was, she was straight from hell and nothing could cleanse her from all she had been through.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAkFrQidmWzA
Mr Smith stood by his all beat up truck waiting for his only daughter. He could not help but bite his nails. It was a habit he had picked up at a young age when he was nervous. His nerves were so on edge with the thudding of his heart, he was sure a heart attack would soon send him collapsing on the ground. A figure walked out the black large gates that had locked in his daughter for six months.
665Please respect copyright.PENANADgf8hAwLhW
He did a double take not recognising the girl that was walking towards him with the weight of the world on her shoulders. He looked away, waiting for his baby girl to walk out any moment now. His foot tapped the ground now and again only for him to sigh and run his hand through his curls.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAtXiPNaAaKn
Guilt clawed at him like it had in his every waking hour. Every time his eyes closed he could see the broken face of her beautiful daughter as they hauled her away in front of all her friends. He had failed her miserably and he would never forgive himself for that.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAHAv6ww1M5x
He blinked and the girl who had been walking stood right in front of him. He frowned totally confused what this person wanted.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAQYlaZ0Yw5l
" Can I help you?" He asked politely.
The girl did not answer and it was then he really looked at her only to gasp as tears came pooling in his eyes with his heart breaking into a thousand pieces.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAVFGqoiVkZq
" What have I done?" He kept on saying over and over again. His daughter looked like a shell of a person. All her hair had been shaved off, her once chubby, rosey cheeks were no where to be seen with bones protruding out along with her collar bones. She was so thin you could see her body swaying just a little from the blowing wind. All colour had been drained out leaving her as grey as a corpse.
665Please respect copyright.PENANALMWRLsYi6k
He dragged his daughter to his chest feeling every bone in her body as he held her in his arms.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAqICX38EHT0
Greenery made no move to comfort her weeping father, she had her own pain with no more tears left to cry. Every part of her frail body hurt with the fear of breaking her bones if she fell but her legs seemed not able to take her weight.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAd99rybjGU0
She had thought of this day so many times only to be disappointed by its presence, she had thought she would be happy to be out leaving everything behind but as she walked out she took her problems along with her. She carried the weight of the world and it seemed to weigh her down. Greenery could just not see life beyond this point. It seemed pointless for her to keep living, she had nothing to live for and everyone was better without her.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAFpPWsPo9Hx
" I am so sorry baby, please forgive me." Her father wept buried in guilt and regret.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAwcWd4S8s69
Was it his fault? Was it anyone's fault? She had asked herself so many times wanting to put blame to someone, to anyone but it always came back to herself. She was all to blame for this. She deserved everything that happened to her there. She was crazy and deserved to be punished.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAoFldOcVvZn
Her father finally let go. Greenery walked around the car climbing in, closing the door. She pulled on the seatbelt and waited for her father to start the car and be on their way home. The drive was filled silence which she was thankful for, talking was something she was not a fan of recently.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAqXyMh0Ds6j
The car sped through as she saw the streets she had walked since she was a toddler. She saw all the people she knew so well knowing pretty well that she would be met with hostility as soon as she stepped out on the street. Her father went through a drive through ordering her favourite meat deluxe pizza with extra cheese. The rich smell reached her nostrils making her nearly gag. Her stomach turned painfully just from the smell leaving her wondering what would happen when she finally ate the damn thing.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAWj853y4tNz
They drove out of town to the outskirts where their house was located. They parked in the driveway and were out in a minute walking towards the door. Mr Smith followed his daughter into the house trying to swallow the lump in his throat. He did not know what to say. His daughter was a shell of a person and not knowing what happened killed him knowing it was all his fault.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAAifDk3hQnU
What could he say when he saw the pain right through her eyes, how could he turn back the hands of time protecting the one thing he loved so dearly.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAp0JDoy0Leq
"I have a surprise waiting for you in your room." He said shuffling behind her as they went to her room.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAUd6JaXdkoo
Greenery opened the door wanting nothing more than to close it behind her never to leave. She watched as the door swung open to a room she did not recognise. She could see a bigger bed, purple and black everywhere, fairy lights making it look heavenly. She nodded her head, clearing her dry throat.
665Please respect copyright.PENANA6PJBmfgBeq
" Thank you father." She said walking in as her eyes made out the Mac sitting on the desk next to an IPhone 11.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAUl4UOmasIZ
" Oohh, and I bought you a new laptop which you always wanted and a phone. I don't know, they said it was it was the latest in the shop." He said fumbling with his hands shifting his weight side to side.
665Please respect copyright.PENANA4RWEjxvhmI
Greenery simply nodded not wanting to disappoint her father by pointing out how unnecessary it was knowing that he was now probably knee deep in debt.
665Please respect copyright.PENANA1YS8imobgM
" Okay, I will leave you to it. Come down to eat when you're done." Her father said hanging by the door before fumbling something out and nervously closing the door.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAkdpwsAj2kq
Greenery sat down on the bed, feeling overwhelmed by all the emotions coursing through her. She wanted to rip everything apart and scream as loud as she could but did not have the energy to do so. Greenery did not know where her place in the world was, it seemed everything she did was wrong and now she would face the wrath of the world.
665Please respect copyright.PENANATUwTSajuRK
Slowly she stood up and walked to the bathroom where she took a cold shower. She walked back to the room dragging the duvet cover and pillow, laying it on the floor where curled into a ball eyes not moving from the door.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAfCdNO2l4tI
She had been in a state where she was sleeping but awake when her father lightly knocked on the door two hours later.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAK5Apr4ffKW
" Greenery , is everything okay ?" He asked softly.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAZEwkhLLVtq
" I was just checking, the pizza is getting really cold." His soft voice came leaving her filled with guilt. She stood from the floor and went to her closet to be met with the scent of new clothes. Her father had went over and above to give her everything he thought she wanted and she could see how hard he tried. Sighing she pulled up black leggings which she had to fold over and over for them to hold then she wore a black t-shirt which drowned her. The door opened and she stepped out eyes falling on her pacing father.
665Please respect copyright.PENANARj9ne2VaBr
" Oohh here you are. " he said nervously.
" Is everything okay? I could bring your food up." He said, Greenery shaking her head.
665Please respect copyright.PENANA4HfGN4bw8M
They sat across each other eating the warmed pizza in awkward silence.
665Please respect copyright.PENANASIp4usoKfU
" I registered you in Starbright in Lockwood. I went to school with the headmistress and one look at your grades she could not say no."
665Please respect copyright.PENANA8MjRfPgn6r
" You did not have to father, that school is ridiculously expensive."
665Please respect copyright.PENANAoVOYi0TFD6
" And my baby is so smart she deserves the best school the town could offer."
665Please respect copyright.PENANABuqE3LRdrA
Greenery was sure the other schools did not want to associate themselves with her.
665Please respect copyright.PENANA7978S7IKD0
" I will get a job or two." Greenery said pushing away her plate. Mr Smith wanted to tell her that she did not have to work, that he could take care of her but that would be a lie. Being a plumber barely covered the bills and now he was knee deep in dept even after selling his wife's car along with anything that he could sell for a decent amount of money.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAyx3pr6Y7Ag
Greenery stood up tyding up everything.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAqqG6jvsoez
" Greenery , you only took two bites?" Mr Smith pointed out.
665Please respect copyright.PENANAdli2UCIOiE
" I am not hungry father, have a good night."
665Please respect copyright.PENANAlyH2RUFuVa
Mr Smith watched as his daughter walked up the steps. He did not know what to do, what an epic failure he was. He ran his hands cthrough his hair.
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What had he done?