It was well past twelve when Suzzie dropped her off again. She felt filthy with the smell of burnt oil and spices clinging to her. Her legs seemed as if they would give out anytime and suddenly she could remember how the last thing she ate was her breakfast in the morning.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAZZT2raouuk
The walk through the dirt road took more time than usual as her legs threatened to buckle any time soon. There was nothing more she wanted than slipping in her bed and never coming out. It had been the first day of work and school yet it seemed as if she had done it a thousand times and more. Sighing she went on taking it slow while looking at the bright beautiful moon making its way across the sky. It was so peaceful making Greenery wish the peace would last forever.
655Please respect copyright.PENANA3Z00ZJQQCV
The house came into view and what halted her in her steps was the Mustang parked at her drive way. A chill went down her spine thinking that the house was dark and empty with no one to help her if this was a burglar or something but what kind of bugler would drive a Mustang? She made her way through the gate leaving it open so it would be easy to run through if it came to that.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAylf8jryRow
Greenery could see the outline of a person as they had their phone on in the dark car. The door suddenly opened as she neared causing her to jump up. Firstly, she made out the dark wavy hair. The person was male, 6' feel tall with a muscular built body. She could made out the defined jaw, perfectly chiseled chin.
655Please respect copyright.PENANApfbWqSmkOi
She took a step back shaking her head. This could not be. She wanted to bolt and never look back but her feet kept her nailed down heart drumming.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAby0FZeq2d7
" Hi," his voice was husky and deep. It felt like she would melt none the less she stayed strong.
655Please respect copyright.PENANALL0cBcAsrN
" Sorry to scare you but there was no one home so I just waited around for someone to show up." He continued.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAEzvSNUT7NF
Greenery wanted to say something but the cat had caught her tongue and she was left fighting the lump deep in her throat.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAyqiQZgXhRL
" Umh, I brought your books." He said grabbing a bag which she presumed carried the books and he put it on the car hood.
655Please respect copyright.PENANA3BKnJZS12g
" Thanks," She was finally able to answer her voice shaking while she thought she would pee on herself.
655Please respect copyright.PENANA1q2tLxwgpC
" Did you walk all the way here?" He asked politely. If only he knew what he did to her. Tears went streaming down her face for as he brought her so much joy he also brought her all those memories that left her broken and shuttered.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAs1k7S9wGeo
He stared at her, really looking not sure what to say or do. They had so much to clear up, so much to put past them but where did they start. Who was really to blame? Who was really at fault. Sabasian could not help the guilt that clawed at him. He wished he could have dealt with the matter better, wished he could have talked to her but would it have helped? Looking at her now she seemed more dead than alive. She looked broken and scared, somehow he wanted to grab her into his arms telling her that it would be okay but would it? He had seen the video of the kids torturing her, it was trending all over social media #avengeSabasianBlack #creepisback.
655Please respect copyright.PENANArHwuSnTSo3
A hand ran past his hair as he thought how all this was wrong, she did not deserve hate but needed to be shown support and love. The young man found himself out of words. There was nothing he could do to take it all away and just being here seemed to make her worse so he took the bag walking up to her placing it in her hands walking back into her car leaving the girl shaking like a leaf where she stood.
655Please respect copyright.PENANASnTy7oSJrL
Greenery watched the car back away from her driveway. She stood there watching it as it made its way down until it disappeared from her line of sight. It took her ten minutes to calm down and make her way to the door opening it, walking and closing it while locking it.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAENro5RJbz4
The weight on her arm did not go unnoticed. Her brain made it a point to acknowledge that she was carrying Sabasian Black's back pack . As much as she tried to push the thought back but it kept popping up again.
655Please respect copyright.PENANADy8GwLZ7yR
Walking into her room she carefully placed it in the bed followed with her own bag. Walking into her bathroom she took a shower ridding her of the food scent. After pulling on her sleeping shorts and top she went downstairs making her dinner of noddles with chicken strips , soya and spicy hot sauce. As quickly as she could she ate up washing the dishes after.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAZrYV7VCoc3
It was well past one when she climbed in bed closing her eyes. With everything going in her mind she tried to clear it so she could get some much needed sleep. It suddenly seemed as if her tiredness won over because soon she was off in a dreamless slumber.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAjuv9j5fWcY
The alarm had her fighting off her blankets groaning in frustration as it seemed as if she had just closed her eyes. Half expecting to find it still night she almost cried in frustration as the clock beeped 05:00 am . Groggily she got up making her bed then taking a shower after which she dressed for the day packing her books then making it down to make a full English breakfast along with her lunch since she would never in her life step foot again in that cafeteria. She ate her full trying to take more and more so she could gain her weight back. Her father was at work again, the only sigh that he had been here being the dirty plates of cereal in the sink. After washing all those dishes she made her way down the dirt road to the town where she took the bus to school getting there just in time as the bell rang. This time her first class was Bio which was learned in one of the labs on the forth floor. It did not take time for her to find the D40 lab where she took a seat at the front row which was sparsely populated.
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The teacher was already there sorting her things out. After a few minutes she cleared her voice capturing everyone's attention.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAnwbipUevqa
" Good morning everyone, my name is Mrs Woods and I will be taking you for Bio 501. I will not lie to you this will not be a walk in the park but you guys will make it through if you focus and give it your all. The future is in your hands and only you can decide what to do with it really. Who is our class rep this year?" She asked.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAdul4lSkayn
A girl stood up, she was short with her hair pulled back in a neat ponytail showing her heart face.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAC5ubGwNsis
" Please take the syllabus and distribute it around the class Red also please update that class group adding the new comers as assignments will be posted there. To the new students you are free to come for consultation at the times posted on my school web profile. I do not tolerate poor effort, I put my all in teaching and I expect the same in return. Also plagiarism is a serious offence that my lead to one being expelled so do not do it. Does anyone have questions?" Mrs Woods asked looking at the class.
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Everyone sat quiet where they were glued to their seats. It seemed as spoiled as these kids were they took their work seriously which I gave a thumbs up to.
655Please respect copyright.PENANApD4b9n44JR
The syllabus was distributed and I browsed through it seeing that it was the exact things I had learned last year before dropping out. The teacher browsed on what they had been doing the previous year just to remind them of the basics after that she touched on what they would be learning on this academic year just brushing through the basics.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAGxJ23TQ2uw
The bell rang cutting her off as the students jumped off rushing to their next class. I followed on packing my books and rushing out to c15 where there was an economics class. After two more classes it was lunch and Greenery sat at the park where there were a few students sitting about. From there she could see the collage just not far away. It was built the same way as the high school but a lot bigger since there were also hostels. The students were making their way around chatting, taking selfies some others sitting working on something together. It was a vibrant environment.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAj8eijraGN1
She ate her peanut butter and jelly sandwich drinking her grape juice in peace watching nature around her but suddenly a huge rowdy group made its way to her. They stood circling the table she sat in. At the middle was a girl standing tall in her Gucci shoes. It was quite obvious she was not in high school which made Greenery wonder what she was doing here.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAo2WopPT5kG
" So you the tramp that was after my Sabasian, you humiliated us and I wish they had killed you wherever you were. You do not belong here and I will make sure you regret the day you were born!" The girl stated loudly causing all the others to roar in cheers.
655Please respect copyright.PENANA8mJSbXiPZe
Greenery swallowed the lump in her throat.
" You woke up today, took a bath, wasted your petrol from wherever you came from just for me. You must be bored to death now weren't you? The college is this side." Greenery pointed towards it. " Your age mates are there why don't you join them huh." The girl's face turned red, she swore swear soon smoke would come out from her ears.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAVoTUCSokvr
" That's what I figured, no brains huh?." The wind whistled as the hand flew through the air connecting with her cheek. Greenery's face turned side way, the burn following soon after. Anger boiled inside her, it seemed all she saw was red lord knew she would bury this girl but somehow she calmed down reasoning with herself that if she attacked they would kick her out of school probably followed by arrest.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAG2s8ZsMDO9
" Do you know who I am? I will bury you tramp!" With that the girl turned walking away as the crowd still stood dazed.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAD5rpDYIZY4
What had just happened? Greenery packed up her things not paying mind to her burning cheek. She went looking for her next class finding it empty and just sitting there taking a deep breath trying to sort herself out. Fear gripped at her hard, she knew her mouth would put her in a lot of trouble. As much as she did not want to admit it but if that girl was rich enough she could get her expelled with no one wanting to hire her after that. She had to be smart and take all the abuse like a champ.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAxuDlUoDtUW
The bell rang with students filling the class most of them watching the posted the video of her being slapped. Somehow they had made a meme about it already. The laughter of the whole class shook her knees as they watched it over and over again.
655Please respect copyright.PENANA7Pu78f86eu
A tall man with grey hair walked in the class clearing his voice.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAm3SHWtnCBk
" Is this Eng 501 ?" The man in the black suit asked while he stood by the door.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAYpI63lQX9M
" Yes Sir!" Red, the class rep spoke up loud standing to show herself.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAti3sXZvyFC
" Mr Cole is still in vacation, he will be back next week but not to worry he has posted some group work for you. Look at your assignments in your personal school page." Just like that the man left.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAAr17xUHE2H
Greenery logged in looking for any new assignments posted. There was one from a Mr Cole Sonivan.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAKbY06sn9t0
Assignment 1
Due Monday 09:00
Done in groups not exceeding 5 people
655Please respect copyright.PENANAvfHOHvE9sS
Type a ten page essay on the one of the different African tribes from the 18th century especially on the Southern part of Africa.
655Please respect copyright.PENANARrGJUhcguP
concentrate on one tribe
how they were formed
How they attained land
655Please respect copyright.PENANAbaxUJpMtjp
Allocation of marks:
Style and grammar x 20 points
Content x 60 points
Layout and reference x 20 points
655Please respect copyright.PENANAatImUL65UN
Plagiarism will lead to zero marks.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAwIIROHy6JH
She took a deep breath this being too much work none the less she stood up seeing that most people had sat in groups already. Most of them in fours. She walked out to the nearest group where Red seemed to be group leader.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAti2QAFQwRQ
" Can I please join your group?" Greenery asked.
655Please respect copyright.PENANA9CGbJaN7cH
" Sorry newbie but no." It was Red herself speaking on behalf of the group. Nodding I went on to the next .
655Please respect copyright.PENANAIpYAci9wqj
" Can I please join your group?" She asked but they just ignored her so she pulled a chair and sat.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAKzIqXYngoo
They brainstormed while the group leader wrote down group names.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAhdfwalEAW6
" Sorry you forgot my name." She said noticing that the group leader had forgot her name. Just like before they ignored her talking among themselves making it obvious she was not part of the group. Slowly she stood up making her was to the next group to be hit with a folded paper written 'Die' as a response.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAv86pJBLIOH
After the first period she sat by herself all the groups having rejected her. There was no other option than to write the paper by herself. She logged into the library looking for books on the African tribes. She picked them, ordering them so they would not be picked up by someone else while she was in class.
655Please respect copyright.PENANAizgCm4Mrk3
When the bell rang she went to the next class followed by the study period which she went to the library checking out all her books only to go back to class and read through the first one which had about five hundred pages.
655Please respect copyright.PENANATAzkPOR2jh
The school bell rang when she had just finished the 54th page. It was quite interesting learning about all those different cultures that seemed so simple . Life had been simple back then, no teenage drama, just surviving in the wild. This tribe she had been reading about was the Nguni tribe. It was the story of betrayal where the next heir of the king had been betrayed by his younger brother stealing his throne. Being left handed was looked down upon at that time, it was a great disrespect to use your left hand. Dlamini had wanted the throne so he had took his older brother burning his right had so he could no longer use it. They had passed the throne to Dlamini as his older brother Mavuso was now left handed.
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Greenery could not help but feel saddened by such betrayal and how they had let Dlamini get away with it. She felt for the older prince and that was how she decided how she would write about the Nguni tribe