" Greenery is it?" The middle aged head mistress asked looking up from the load of papers on her desk.
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" Yes ma'am." She said back politely.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAZffKJLQx4G
" The only reason I accepted you in my school was because your father saved my life when we were in high school besides that I would not even allow you through my gates. You have a bad reputation young lady and I promise you if I hear just one complaint about you I will kick you out without a second thought. Am I understood?"
653Please respect copyright.PENANAwWmn9TTFMQ
Greenery nodded her head feeling the tears threaten to spill, the harsh words of the blue eyed women having kicked to the core. She had not imagined how harsh everyone would be. It seemed she was a bad stain in her town that everyone wanted to rid off and even though Lockwood was a neighbouring town it seemed they were even worse considering that who shall not be named was their beloved Prince Charming.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAQGmes8dQml
" Here are your books," The headmistress said as she shook her head.
653Please respect copyright.PENANANUqaV1mQyp
" You don't know the mess you are putting me in." The head mistress said contemplating on taking back her kind offer.
653Please respect copyright.PENANA5DVI5d5tk4
" Here is your map, timetable and locker combination" She gave Greenery who took everything with her shaking hands trying not to burst into tears.
653Please respect copyright.PENANApmCpV2rhtT
" Now get out before I change my mind."
Greenery quickly stood up mumbling a thank you as she fumbled to the door dropping this and that now and again only to pick it up. She closed the door behind her closing her eyes as she took a deep breath. A few girls passed glaring at her probably wondering why she had a bald head. Shaking the pain away she took a deep breath and made her way out of the luxurious school offices. She walked out into the parking lot and turned a corner only to hit a wall sending her to the floor. The world seemed to spin off its axes for a few seconds. Shaking her head everything came to focus again as she leaned to all her spread out books which she picked up one after another and suddenly a pair of hands were helping her with the books.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAWGFu6HQaN4
" Ohh no please, you don't have to, I will pick them up." She said not looking up.
653Please respect copyright.PENANArpOar1gw97
"No, it's totally my fault."
653Please respect copyright.PENANAUET5NVg58i
Her heart stopped and everything went spinning again. She could recognise that voice in her sleep. Suddenly she could also pick up that woodsy scent sending her on panic mood as tears flooded her eyes making everything blurry. Was the world playing tricks on her cause it could not be. Her hands violently shook as everything she held went sliding to the floor followed by her tears. Curious and hoping she was wrong she looked up only to gasp. A pool of brown- reddish irises stared at her soulless eyes as they both gasped freezing in the moment. It seemed everything went on slow motion as Greenery could hear herself pull a harsh breath, her heart beating at her throat as the face that had haunted her for so long stared back at her , so handsome it was lethal, threatening her own mental stability with that black sleek hair.
653Please respect copyright.PENANARCMfurM3mc
Who could save her when the devil was up to his evil ways? Who could look out for her when her own shot of heroine just injected itself into her bloodstream poisoning every single cell of her body with each heart beat? How was it fair that she would be condemned when she could not even control it herself? How could she breath when he was just there staring at her? Any last shred of hope she had went breaking into a thousand pieces as memories came flashing through her eyes having her heart clench with so much pain.
653Please respect copyright.PENANANIsDdhDlvi
For her sake Greenery did what she couldn't do a year ago; she stood up sprinting away from the boy that stole her heart only to destroy her world without even saying a single word. Her feet went sprinting down the corner bumping into people now and again, everything suddenly blurry with tears steaming down her face. She went out the gate running all the the way to town which was a couple hundred metres away. With no other option she went on running through town to the bus stop where she hoped on the first bus she saw which led out to Salsalt.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAm35WvC0xSP
" I can't do this." She whispered to herself, face buried in her hands as the sobs wrecked her body.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAFqFKi1IS2O
She could feel the wall she had built long ago crumble to ashes, all her control coming undone just from one encounter.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAdwPM231tJW
Greenery could imagine the hell mess she looked, nothing could beat ignoring the curious looks she got from the passengers along with whispers. As time went on someone figured who she was, gasping at the realisation, the word spread like wild fire. Before the seventeen year old knew it an old woman stood just besides her seat clutching her purse to her chest.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAlRMgDRqf1S
" What a shame you are, a disgrace." The words came from the unbelieving grey haired lady.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAHLr2b1D8hu
Greenery could not take it anymore, she thought her chest would explode in frustration. A surge pulsed through her entire body making her shake with rage so much so her own tears choked her as more tears spilled. Her hands curled into fist on her lap.
" I have paid for my wrong doings!" The young girl said firmly yet with a low voice.
653Please respect copyright.PENANADim0DBudfx
" Not enough, they should have locked you up for good." The old lady stated.
653Please respect copyright.PENANALT7DTrraPI
" Do not speak of what you do not know " Greenery choked with her our tears threatening to choke her to death.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAfFRriSOhbP
" All I know is, that boy is kind and sweet. Stay away from him!" The woman said harshly. Greenery swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded. She had no one to blame besides herself for this. She wiped her tears and looked away as the woman walked away but it seemed other people took courage from the older lady and made their way to her only to harbour over her seat and poke her. Greenery turned to the uninvited two ladies standing just before her.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAKRFxCaBnpP
" Stay away from Sabasian, are you here to finish what you started huh?" The girls were a bit older than Greenery but still her age mates. They looked lethal with their scrutinising looks but Greenery did not scare easily off late. The young lady had seen more scarier things than crazed teenagers who thought they owned the world.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAfYqSbn4jly
Feeling irritated Greenery pulled out her earphones and plugged them in listening to the local radio as she had no songs yet. She would rather be bored to death than listen to the girls who thought they had a right to interrogate her. As quick as the earphones were slipped on they were removed, pulled so hard she had to hold on tightly to her phone as the earphones were ripped out only to be thrown to the floor.
Greenery looked up to the two females rage coursing through her body.
653Please respect copyright.PENANATSfpvCXcNU
"Just stay away!" The girls said before fumbling away. Her fists clenched only to unclench. Every pair of eyes was on her now and lucky for her she noticed that it was her station as she stood up picking her earphones on her way to the door of the now halted bus. The doors opened for her to walk out and start her journey to her house which was located at the outskirts of town. After a long walk she joined the dirt road leading straight to her drive way. Greenery passed a few houses which belonged to the West family and the Bucklebird family. All these were large farms that had been passed on from generation to generation, so much history between the three families including the Smith's.
653Please respect copyright.PENANA871XV3gjt3
After a long walk Greenery could make out their steel old rusty gate. It suddenly dawned on her how there was no wild life anymore. Her father must have surely sold the livestock they had. Her steps came to an halt as she saw that their land had been cut significantly with the other part fenced around to keep everyone out. It dawned on her that that was no longer their land meaning her father had sold part of his land which had been passed from his great-great-great- grand father all the way down to him. The pain that struck Greenery had her running to the wooden door where the door swung closed after her.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAl8wYNW1MzX
" Father!" Her father had informed her that he had taken the weekend off to spend it with her before school started on Monday.
653Please respect copyright.PENANA0gOPvhTmz1
" Father!" She tried again.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAAwqdiBuyAo
" Greenery!" The call came from the kitchen so she ran there. She went past the corner into the kitchen to find her father in an apron chopping some vegetables from the garden. Greenery could not help but round the isles and catch her father in an hug.
653Please respect copyright.PENANA0n6jj7LFDf
" I am sorry father. This is all my fault." Tears trickled down her face.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAR2JNHj2B0G
" No it is not baby, we were already in debt even before the whole situation started."Mr Smith said trying to soothe his daughter.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAbrnPL0HIWz
"You are my only reason to live Greenery and if I have to sell part of my land for you to get the best treatment along with the best education I will do it in a blink of an eye." The father and daughter stayed in each other's embrace as they both got trapped in their own thoughts.
653Please respect copyright.PENANA3yuTlAljh0
" Thank you dad." Greenery was the one who spoke as they both let go.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAYTa0sSUnG8
" Anything for you baby." Her father said. Greenery turned and walked out the kitchen.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0jnTc6Drr
" A Martha called looking for you and she left her number for you to call her back. I wrote it on a piece of paper besides the phone."
653Please respect copyright.PENANAi6xKsWiUEL
Greenery froze where she was as her breath caught in her throat. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead as her boney chicken legs threatened to give out.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAzSKyhA9VQu
" Did you get that Greenery?" Her father's voice broke the spell causing her to take a breath.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAC89TXrCxmG
" Yes father. " She said back then slowly her feet led her to the living room where the phone was. Her eyes made out the paper and for sometime she just looked at it. After the longest time she picked it up with her shaking hands and turned walking up to her room. When she got there her legs led her to the bed where she sat taking the weight off her trembling legs. With shaky breathes she dialled the number and waited as the phone rang.
653Please respect copyright.PENANAytIlU5DcEM
" Detective Wess here, Hello?"
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" Hi detective Wess, this is Greenery I got your message." Greenery said back feeling as if the room was spinning with nothing to do but listen as the detective gave her the news.