Feng Jiu woke up with a start. She felt like she just had a whole night of drinking session. She rubbed her temples and she sat up her bed. She groaned. She felt thirsty and hot. Very hot. She wondered with eyes still closed how come the den became so hot so suddenly. Even in the summer season, the den never reached to a point that it is very hot. She took off her outer robe and flung it to wherever it fell. Then the 2nd outer robe and a third. But it's not enough. She still feels hot. She was sweating all over. She opened her eyes and she can't stand the heat anymore. She called on Migu to bring her a cold drinking water and to her surprise it was her mother and grandmother who came in.
"Mother? Grandma? What are you doing here? " she asked.
She saw her grandma and mother look at her worriedly and she doesn't understand why.
"Is everything alright? " she asked. Feng Jiu sat at the edge of the bed but she felt tired and burning inside.
"Jiu-er, how do you feel? " it was her grandmother who asked.
"What's happening grandma? It's so hot. I never felt this hot inside the den. Is something happening outside?" she asked worriedly.
Feng Jiu saw her mother shook her head and her grandma frowned. She realized something was amiss. Then her memories came back when Dijun revealed to her that she's in heat. Feng Jiu abruptly raised her head and she alternately look at her mother and grandmother and said,
"How... How long was I out?"
"Almost 3 days Xiao Jiu. " it was her mother who answered her.
Feng Jiu's eyes widened. She can feel it. Her heat is eating her up. She's looking for something to ease the heat inside and she don't know what it is.
"Mother, grandma,... Is there any cure for this? At any moment I can't control my self anymore and... I'm afraid what I will do just to ease this heat inside me. " Feng Jiu said pitifully that her mother and grandmother attended to her. Her mother hugged her and her grandmother caressed her head and back. Then her grandmother excused herself and went outside. Feng Jiu can only close her eyes and hug her mother back. Her breathing became labored and she knew, she'll lose all common sense at any moment. She can hear the call of her foxself and it only wants one thing... To mate.
The empress arrived in the meeting hall of the den. She saw the worried faces of her husband Bai Zhi Dijun, her 2nd and fourth son, Zhe Yan and unexpectedly Dong Hua Dijun is also waiting which surprised all of them when they arrived. Thankfully Dijun acted first and gave their youngest a sleeping spell or it will be a battle ground in Qingqiu.
"How is Xiaojiu? " it was Bai Yi who asked.
"Her heat is starting to peak. She can't go on like this and we'll just sedate or put her to sleep again. This is a very natural cycle for us foxes. It can't be helped." the empress explained on the rest of the male in the den. Then Bai Zhi spoke,
"But wife, remember that Xiaojiu isn't an ordinary fox, she's a ninetailed fox queen. We can contain her scent but not her mating instinct. Remember what happened to Qian-qian last time? Zhen-zhen brought her to the northern icy lands and made her soak for weeks in icy pools just to control her heat. But the unexpected happened. She escaped and many men fought with us and lose their minds just to mate with her. In Xiaojius case, it'll be much harder. "
The Bai men sighed in unison. They don't have an easy days regarding with the Bai born females.
"It's too late to bring her out now. I'm sure her scent will reach outside of Qingqiu and I don't think Migu's strong ward can hold the men off. "499Please respect copyright.PENANA0dAGpSkeSQ
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It was Bai Zhen who spoke.
Then the queen look at Zhe Yan and approached him. She looks pitiful and although they had a past, he still can't stand her begging on him. Zhe Yan can only sigh then said,
"Fumi, I'm not from your clan and remember I asked your permission before to let me study further the ninetailed fox heat but remember what you said, that it's inappropriate. I don't have a medicine concocted for going into heat. As what you've said, this is a natural instinct. We have powers but we don't have that kind of power to stop what's already been embedded in our DNA. We can't play god almighty here. "
The people in the den sighed again. Their hands are tied in this situation. But Zhe Yan the crafty phoenix has an idea. He smiled and secretly look at the tense and quiet Dong Hua on the side. The king of pretense. Zhe Yan thought.
"However, I have an idea. You don't need to agree with me though."
The men perked up with what Zhe Yan said and Zhe Yan saw the right brow of Dong Hua twitched. He internally smiled. Zhe Yan will test his theory for this.
"Well... To solve this problem is easy. Now that Xiaojiu is in heat, naturally she's going to start and look for a mate who she thinks that can satisfy her bodily needs. So it is high time you... " Zhe Yan pointed at Bai Yi and then at Bai Zhi and continued speaking.
"... Look for potential mates for her. Of course it's killing two birds with one stone. Find a solution to her heat problem and you can have a future Qingqiu son-in-law. Or even fox pups."
Bai Yi stood and reacted violently and said in his loud booming voice that echoed in the den.
"Your suggestion is ridiculous Zhe Yan! We can't let that happen!"
"Bai Yi... Bai Yi... What do you want to do now that your daughter is crazily enslaved by her instinct? Let her run amok and wait until Qingqiu will turn into a crazy filled lust minded men? That would be fun to watch. " Bai Yi can only close his eyes and release a loud groan of helplessness.
"Zhe Yan is right. We need someone who can help Xiaojiu but... We need someone who can protect her and control her inner fox." It was Bai Zhi who said.
"You need a dominant mate for her because she's a ninetailed fox queen. Don't expect that she's going to chose a lesser kind of male. She may even kill a man who will force her to mate with her and she'll realize that, that man is weaker than her. It'll be bloodshed I tell you. "
All of them turned when they heard the newly arrived Bai entered the den. It was Bai Qian who said this and she bowed at her father, mother 2nd and 4th brother, Zhe Yan and Dijun.
"Qian-Qian. What you said, you mean it? " it was the empress who asked this while holding her daughter's right shoulder. Bai Qian held her mother's hand and she smiled at her then said,
"Trust me in this. Look for the strongest male and let her choose. Xiaojiu will definitely choose the one who can match or exceed her strength. Ninetailed fox mating instinct is not like of an ordinary fox mating. It's a little bit complicated than that. " Bai Qian said a matter of factly.
"Then there is still hope then." It was Bai Zhi who said this.
"But the biggest question is, where can we find these strongest of the strongest of men when the time is short? " Bai Yi said. They realized that they solved a problem but then, came up with another. The people in the den sighed again but then Bai Qian released an unamused laugh and said,
"You men are so dense. Why are you going to look outside when we have the strongest of all the realms in the den right now. " Bai Qian said and then eyed Dong Hua Dijun who is still oblivious on the Bai discussion.
Everyone turned to Bai Qian and then they heared Bai Zhi groaned when realizing what Bai Qian meant. Zhe Yan wants to laugh and clap his hands towards Bai Qian. She's not that dense anymore. He thought.
"Who do you exactly mean Xiao Wu?" Bai Yi asked. Bai Qian wanted to roll her eyes but out of respect towards her brother she inhaled and said,
"You have the strongest in all the realm Er Gu. You have Dong Hua Dijun." Bai Qian said and sat at the empty chair.
Bai Qian heard everyone gasped in surprise except for Zhe Yan and her father. She saw her father and Zhe Yan looked at Dong Hua Dijun and her fourth brother, second brother and mother just look at Dijun speechless. They are afraid to utter something hence they may offend Dijun. Bai Qian smiled. She'll sit and watch how will her father and Zhe Yan convince Dijun to agree to mate with their Feng Jiu.
Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan looked at each other. Bai Zhi doesn't like the idea but time is running out. It will be strange that his friend will have to mate on his granddaughter...
"Bai Zhi just stop thinking about it. Time is running out for Xiao Jiu. " Zhe Yan reminded him and Bai Zhi can only nod.
"Dong Hua, you heared Qian-qian right? I want to know what you think?"
Bai Zhi and the rest waited for Dijun to finish drinking his tea with anticipation and then when Dijun put down his tea cup and raised his eyes to look at Bai Zhi, He said, 499Please respect copyright.PENANAVerIAbH9SN
"If I agree to do this, what will happen next?"
Everyone is silent. Ofcourse, ofcourse, Dijun is going to ask what will happen after. When no one answered, Dijun spoke again.
"I feel like I'm just the young queen's bed warmer right now. "
Bai Qian, the empress and Bai Yi gasped on what Dijun said.
"That's not what I meant Dong Hua." Bai Zhi said smiling awkwardly.
"Then what will happen after Bai Zhi? Are you going to call on me everytime your granddaughter is in heat? " Dijun said and the den got silent again.
"How about you tell us what you want Dong Hua? " Zhe Yan replied. Dijun looked at the teasing smile of the old phoenix but he didn't smiled back. Dijun is feeling annoyed at the moment.
"You need my help here right? It's not me who wants something right now. So am I going to wait here or what? " Dijun said and he's getting impatient at Bai Zhi's lack of fast decision.
"If you will agree Dijun, I will let my daughter marry you. That.. If only you agree. I know we're like pushing her towards your care right now but we don't really have so much choice at the moment so... Please Dijun. I will do everything if you can help my daughter." it was Bai Yi's soft pleading voice that made everyone silent.
Dijun released a long sigh. Then he looked at Bai Yi then back at Bai Zhi then said,
"Do you agree to what your son has said? "
"Yes Dong Hua. I know we are out of bounds and seems we are imposing it to you but I do really hope... For the sake of our thousands of years of friendship, you can agree to this even though you don't have any plans on marrying. We want you to be my granddaughters mate and also... Marry her...please... " Bai Zhi replied with shoulders slumped down defeatedly.
Dijun looked at everyone's faces and they are in the edge of desperation. He realized how the Bai family loved the young queen so much. You're lucky Xiaobai. Your grandfather is so prideful and you're the only person who can make him beg. Dijun thought quietly. In his cold facade, he sighed again and said,
"Alright. I agree. I'll be Bai Feng Jiu's mate and also... I'll marry her. "
Everyone in the den released a sigh of relief. Bai Qian and empress Fumi laighed happily. Bai Yi and Bai Zhen nodded back at Dijun and bowed politely and also giving him their thanks and Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan both smiled proudly and Bai Zhi said,
"Welcome to the Bai family... Grandson-in-law. "
Dijun still didn't smiled but deep inside, he is very happy. He can have Xiaobai with the blessing of her whole family and he can have her too soon than he expected. In his thoughts he's already excited in taming the queen... His queen in heat.