Qingti picked up Feng Jiu infront of the Bai Estate. He brought Feng Jiu to an exclusive restaurant at the top floor of an overlooking building. As one of the few people who are born in their circle of rich families, the people who wanted to dine must present the exclusivity card in which Ye Qingti have. Feng Jiu is thankful for Qingti's understanding nature. Qingti brought her in a secluded and very private restaurant which is away from the public scrutiny.
Qingti is the perfect gentleman. He knows what his friend is going through and he is happy to be of help to ease some of the emotional burden she is carrying. They ordered a simple mojito with a serving of enchiladas while talking.
"So is it true?" Qingti took a sip of his drink and eyed the ever beautiful Feng Jiu.
Feng Jiu lowered down her eyes, sipped her mojito and nodded in reply at Qingti's question. Then she looked up and stared at Qingti. She smiled at him sadly.
Qingti eyed the sad Feng Jiu. They've been close friends since they went to the same school back in Italy. He knew Feng Jiu isn't an easy girl or a simple minded one and he was actually shocked when he read the news tabloid that she is going out with someone. Qingti has harbored a more than a friend feelings for Feng Jiu but haven't had the courage to reveal it to her. For now he relished the friendship they have and he knew, that is only what Feng Jiu can offer towards him... Friendship.
"I know you are not a quitter sweet thing, so why have you given up so easily? It's not as if they're engaged. They are just rumors. " Qingti reasoned out to her.
Feng Jiu frowned and looked at Qingti.
"I am your friend Qingti not Dong Hua or that woman. Why are you defending them? " she said with a little hurt laced on her voice and then pouted.
Qingti smiled at the pouting Feng Jiu and pinched her right cheek which earned an irritating gaze from Feng Jiu. He lowered his hand and started to eat the enchiladas then said,
"Yes I am not friends with either of the two but I am a sensible person sweet thing. As what you've told me in the car, you broke it up with him over the phone. How about talking it in person?"
Feng Jiu gnawed her lower lip. She hates to admit it but Qingti has a point. She just looked at her enchiladas and to her surprise, Qingti offered her a spoonful of enchilada. She eyed him and then she opened her mouth to accept the spoon being fed by Qingti. She smiled at him and nodded then said,
"The enchiladas here are good Qingti. This is a good choice of restaurant and location."
The restaurant lounge where they are dining is located at the rooftop of the hotel overlooking at the cityscape.
Qingti nodded and smiled in agreement. For now, he'll not force Feng Jiu to talk about her love life or anything. He knew the heart break is still fresh and he better be the guy who cheer her up and stay by her side for now.
Meanwhile Ji Heng sat beside Dong Hua who is busy with the documents to be signed by Su group, her company. She really visited Dong Hua's office to ask him out to lunch. Dong Hua refused at first but she said,
"What are you hurrying up Dong Hua? I can stay here for days you know. " she sultrily said and eyed the dashing Dong Hua.
Dong Hua on the other hand, raised his head and looked at the improperly dressed Su Ji Heng. He mentally sighed. Dong Hua's patience is wearing thin and he wants to personally drag the woman out of his building but since they are at Ji Heng's mercy, he better hold his impatience in and suck every curse he knew inside his head. To summarize it up, he is so miserable.
His head ache never disappeared and he can only sleep an hour or two because he wants to finish and review the deal and go back to Xiaobai. He will do everything like begging infront of Xiaobai just to make Xiaobai forgive him. He doesn't care if he will look pathetic as long as Bai Feng Jiu will take him back.
So just to make Ji Heng quiet down and to stop her from pestering and ruining his day, he helplessly agreed to go out with her to lunch. He saw that Ji Heng had that I won smile and he frowned. Such a shallow and scheming woman. Dong Hua thought. Ji Heng told him she'll wait outside his office and Dong Hua called Zhong Lin.
Zhong Lin eyed the tired looking and impatient boss. He realized that Su Ji Heng's existence is not healthy to his boss psychological being. What he had observed is that, from a quiet and good natured person his boss turned into a very unreasonable and hot headed person since the heiress Su Ji Heng came a week ago. Zhong Lin mentally sighed. Even the other company employees could see the drastic change of their boss and they're not liking it. The employees of the company doesn't like how the heiress Su Ji Heng act especially inside the company premises.
Zhong Lin overheard one of the male employess said that Ji Heng acted as if she is already married to their boss Dong Hua Dijun. Some female employees also reported to the HR head that Ji Heng likes to pick on female employess and tell them petty things like she doesn't like the color of the lipstick, the hair color looks awful or the perfume smells so bad that it hurts her nose. Zhong Lin can also feel a head ache brewing over the horizon. Instead of reporting this things to his boss, Zhong Lin opted to report this issue to Siming who can help alleviate the employees situation.
"Zhong Lin. I am going out and baby sit the irritating brat. All of these documents-"
Dong Hua showed Zhong Lin while he picked up his coat and he continued,
"- tell Lian Song to review it. I want the process of the deal to be perfect so that there will be no loopholes once the deal will be signed. I will not let the bratty heiress to do this to us... Ever again. "
Dong Hua tapped Zhong Lin's shoulders and Zhong Lin nodded back and called the driver to prepare the car for their boss and the heiress Su.
The employees who saw how Su Ji Heng tried her might in clinging to Dong Hua's arm and Dong Hua slowly and politely pried her arm off from his, made the employees smirk and shook their heads. Obviously the Su Heiress hasn't won the affections of their boss and they are more than happy and satisfied in knowing and seeing it in person.
When Dong Hua and Ji Heng are inside the car, Dong Hua made sure he is an arm's length away from the irritating Ji Heng. His driver asked where they are going and he told his driver to just follow where the Su heiress wants to go which his driver obediently followed. He closed his eyes and his head leaned on the car seat.
Then to his surprise, Ji Heng touched his left cheek and... His left knee. He abrubtly opened his eyes and offendedly eyed Ji Heng's hand on top of his knee. Then his gaze went up to her face. He saw her smiled at him, the kind of smile he had seen on many women who tried to make him feel sexually aroused. Dong Hua raised his right brow in question on what Ji Heng is doing. Ji Heng came closer to him and whispered on his ear,
"If you are tired, you can come in my hotel room. I'll make sure that you'll feel relaxed in the remaining of the afternoon hmm?"
Dong Hua closed his eyes. He slowly breathed in and out and counted to five. He opened his eyes and looked straight ahead then replied softly,
"I don't think that's a good idea Ms. Su. You see, I still have to review the papers and documents for you to be signed and it'll not be good to dally around while my employees are working their asses off. "
Then Dong Hua got Ji Heng's hand off his knee but Ji Heng is persistent and hold onto. Dong Hua sighed loudly. Still not looking in Ji Heng's direction Dong Hua said,
"It is not appropriate for you Ms. Su to touch my knee so please take your hand off. " there is a warning now on his voice. When Ji Heng didn't move her hand, Dong Hua clenched his hand in anger. The woman is proving to be difficult. He decided to look at her and Ji Heng finally relented and took her hand off his knee.
Ji Heng felt scared of Dong Hua for the very first time. She realized that she can't easily manipulate the guy into her bidding. She mulled over what to do. She decided to show to Dong Hua that she is sorry then she said,
"I apologize if I am getting out of my bounds Dijun. It's just that, I am just concerned over your welfare. I can see that you don't look good and you look very tired too. "
Whose fault is that again? Dong Hua thought. He just closed his eyes again and just ignored Ji Heng. He still have two agonizing hours to spend with the irritating brat and he needs more energy and patience for him to survive.
Ji Heng just smiled at herself. She always believes that as long as she's persistent, she can have Dong Hua.
A little more and they've arrived at their destination. Dong Hua got out of the car and didn't opened Ji Heng's car door. He just waited for her inside the hotel lobby. Ji Heng felt embarrassed but didn't mind it after.
They were led to the exclusive restaurant lounge at the top of the five star hotel where she is a member. Ji Heng smiled when she spotted Bai Feng Jiu with an unknown man being intimate with her. A friend of Ji Heng called and informed her that Bai Feng Jiu is here with a man and then she hatched a plan to make Dong Hua agree to accompany her so that he'll see the scenery unfolding infront of them. She smiled wickedly. Let the drama roll. Ji Heng thought and they sat on the right row opposite of Bai Feng Jiu's table. Ji Heng checked Dong Hua on her side and she saw him standing frozen beside her, eyes wide and she can see that his jaw bones move in anger. She mentally celebrated. Her scheme is definitely a success.
Dong Hua on the other hand didn't know what to feel seeing Bai Feng Jiu being cozy with another man. He clenched his teeth and fist in a surge of anger he felt. His Xiaobai is all smiles and flirty with the man infront of her. He frowned. Then he felt that Su Ji Heng tugged his arm and led him to sit 2 tables away from Xiaobai and the man. Ji Heng is asking him what to order but he didn't replied instead he just eyed the two. What irritates him more is that he can only see Xiaobai's back and he can definitely see the face of the man he wanted to punch.
Dong Hua is not a violent man but this time, he wants to unleash his anger, frustration and sadness that Xiaobai caused. Clearly she has moved on easily and it breaks his heart. Then the anger inside him was fanned more when he saw Xiaobai held the man's hand and the man touched and caressed Xiaobai's cheek.
That's it! He thought to himself. The last straw of his patience was severed and he stood not listening and minding Ji Heng's warnings. He felt Ji Heng's hand on his arm as if to stop him. He just gave her a pointed look and he roughly snatched his arm off her hold without saying anything.
He stormed off and took long purposeful strides towards Xiaobai and the mans table and thought,
No one is going to touch what is mine!
And in a sudden move, Dong Hua Dijun released all his pent up emotions and punched the man who dared to touch what he deemed his.