"Dijun... please let's stop now. I wanted to rest please. " Feng Jiu begged Dijun but Dijun is relentless.
"You're asking for it Xiaobai. Just one more round then we'll stop. " Dijun replied.
Feng Jiu groaned. She's getting tired. It's been a week already and Dijun and her has been doing different things repeatedly. Feng Jiu thought that they're going to do the deed but no, Dijun just soaked her to a freezing cold bath every single day. The animal inside her is sooooo disappointed of what Dijun did. But Dijun knows better.
And she's so disappointed too but at the same time grateful that Dijun didn't take advantage of her weakness. She really thought that he's going to do some spiritual body study with her but he proved her wrong. He really is Dong Hua Dijun. The master of everything.
"Why are we even doing this Dijun? Wouldn't be mating easier than soaking me in this icy pool all day everyday?" she said exasperatedly.
Dijun sighed and eyed her then said,
"You're a queen of Qingqiu and in heat. Since, this is your first time going into heat, you need to control your inner self first." he replied then drank his tea.
Feng Jiu groaned. She splashed the water on the pool in irritation. She knows she's acting like a bratt right now but she just doesn't understand why Dijun isn't doing something physical with her. Then a thought came in her and she gasped. Her eyes widened and she looked at Dijun who was looking at her with that i-am-bored-look on his face.
"Don't you find me attractive Dijun? Is that why you will not mate with me?" she said with hurt laced on her voice.
Dijun released a sigh and he looked at Xiaobai. He couldn't believe he's hearing this from her. So, Dijun stood and approached Xiaobai. He gave a meter of distance towards her. Right now, he doesn't trust himself and his self restraint around her. Dijun squat down and look at the pale face of Xiaobai. He can see hurt in her eyes. He didn't know where did Xiaobai get this kind of thought.
"Xiaobai, do you know how much I would like to mate with you? Don't you realize that you're saying this now because it's your instinct and innerself dictating you to do this? I don't want you or I to mate now and then, regret later. Do you want that?"
Feng Jiu's eyes watered. She wants to cry from frustration and embarassment. Dijun is right. She wouldn't be happy later after her heat would stop. She also doesn't want to regret doing it.
"I'm not like any other men out there Xiaobai. You need to consider also what I feel. Do you think I don't have serious intentions towards you that I will just agree and mate with you that easily? No Xiaobai. No matter how tempted and I'm so near in doing it with you, I still want you to mate with me with sensible and sound of mind. That's how much I respect and care for you."
Feng Jiu raised her head and stared at the serious face of Dijun and she bit her lower lip then said,
"So...it's not because I'm not attractive enough?"
Dijun released an exasperated sigh and then he looked at Feng Jiu.
"Where in the realms did you get that idea?" he replied.
"I heard from my married friends that men will lose interest once they saw another attractive woman." Feng Jiu pouted when she replied back at Dijun then Feng Jiu hugged her knees.
Dijun just stared at the young queen. He wanted to laugh at the irony of what she said.
"Then tell your friends that the reason they didn't ascend yet is because they focussed too much in the shallowness of what they see. You're a queen but I have a suggestion, it's up to you if you'll apply it to your people or not. But let your people learn to meditate and read important scriptures like Qingjing Jing or the Canon of Purity and Tranquility. They'll be enlightened after. I assure you. " a lengthy reply from Dijun.
Feng Jiu wants to laugh. She realized that Dijun is through and through half monk. He already mastered those hard Daoist scriptures that she hates. She smiled back at Dijun and said,
"You do realize that earthly immortals cultivate differently than the heavenly immortals right?" then she giggled.
Dijun smiled. He's happy that he made her smile.
"And back to your issue with attractiveness. Xiaobai, you said it yourself that I must feel honored since I'll be spending my weeks with the second beauty of all the realms right?" Dijun said and it earned a chuckle from Feng Jiu and she nodded.
"Come on Xiaobai. You can rest now. Do you need my help to get you out of that icy pool? " he asked.
Feng Jiu smiled and nodded. Then Feng Jiu saw Dijun getting an oversized purple robe.
"That's not mine Dijun... "
Dijun cut her off then he said,
"It's mine Xiaobai. Just take my robe."
Feng Jiu made sure that the water reached her chin before she tried taking Dijun's robe. Dijun turned away from her while handing her his robe and Feng Jiu is thankful for his consideration and thoughtfulness. Feng Jiu wrapped the thick and oversized purple robe around her but because of soaking too much on the icy pool, her knees buckled and she nearly fell on the stone cold floor good thing Dijun caught her.
Feng Jiu released a nervouse laugh then she said,
"I apologize for that Dijun. I cant feel my legs at the moment. "
Feng Jiu saw Dijun stared at her then in his quiet voice he replied,
"No need to apologize Xiaobai. I guess, it's my fault for pushing you too hard."
Then to her surprise, Dijun carried her in his arms which made her feel embarrassed. Dong Hua Dijun just carried her like his bride. She thought. She wanted to giggle but stopped herself by biting her inner cheek.
Dijun stared at the beautiful immaculate face of the young queen. He also saw color returning in her pale face and lips. While he carried her in his arms, he's contemplating of his actions. He know he's pushing her too hard but he only thought of her welfare. He knows that ninetailed foxes go into heat once a year but it'll take weeks to tame that heat inside. He doesn't want the queen to be reliant and helpless when her heat comes every year. He wants her to master and control that instinct and animal inside her. He sighed. No wonder Ye Hua looked stressed everytime his wife, the other female Bai goes into heat. The other Bai is sure a handful and Dijun wantd to applaud how calm and collected the young crowned prince.
Dijun squat down and lay the queen on the bedside and he looked at her. The queen sat and wrapped his robe securely around her. He wanted to smile of how careful she is not to let him see any parts if her body to him. Dijun felt that familiar ache and he cleared his throat. He stopped his train of thought going there. He looked at the queen and he said,
"Are your legs still numb? "
Dijun saw the queen nodded then he just stared at her and nodded his head in understanding. He sat on the floor and took hold of her long smooth legs and put them on his lap and then Dijun started massaging her legs. He applied just a bit of his strength so that the blood to flow on her legs and he just concentrated on what his hands are doing.
Feng Jiu was surprised. Dijun took a hold of her legs and he put them on his lap and massaged her legs. Her heart beat fast in her chest. She didn't expect Dijun can be so... Sweet. If this isn't sweet then what? She thought. She doesn't know why she don't have the strength to stop Dijun's advances when in fact, she might have an allergic reaction to the opposite sex but Dijun is an exemption to that. Then Feng Jiu heared Dijun said,
"Can you feel your legs now? "
"A little bit Dijun." she replied and she saw Dijun nodded his head in understanding. Dijun silently continued massaging her legs and she just stared at his face. His eyes only concentrated on where his hands land and Feng Jiu wondered how can Dijun resist her this much. Out of the blue, she suddenly asked Dijun.
"Dijun can I ask you a question?"
Dijun didn't look at her and still continued massaging her legs and he replied with his Hmmm. Feng Jiu took it as a sign to ask him.
"How can you resist the temptation so easily?"
Dijun stopped and look at her. Then smirked and massaged her legs again and said,
"Is this still about attraction Xiaobai?"
"No no no. I'm just curious. How can you do it when most failed? " she replied.
"It's not as if I didn't struggled Xiaobai. I too have my own fare share of failures but when you lived, experience and see a lot, you'll understand why I am the way I am right now Xiaobai." he said.
"Have... Have you ever liked a woman before?" she asked again.
This time Dijun did stop and just stared at her face and then replied,
"You know how I existed right? I just appeared out of nowhere. I don't have a mother and father to begin with so... Liking another person is strange especially thousand of years ago when war is still so prevalent. I don't have the time to like a woman when even my existence in this world is being questioned by the people around me. You see, my face and this hair is why people don't really take me seriously. I fought hard to be where I am right now and I am not as lucky as you... being born in a royal family."
Feng Jiu's eyes widened when she realized what he meant.
"You mean... I'm the first woman you've ever liked? " she asked in disbelief.
Dijun only smiled back at her and continued massaging her legs but to Feng Jiu, it's like a confession from him. Her heart hammered in her chest. He likes me... He really likes me.467Please respect copyright.PENANAg2cR3tJkD6
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She thought excitedly while her eyes never left the handsome face of Dijun.467Please respect copyright.PENANAgVBezvKQjG
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Her excitement and happiness made her hugged Dijun and Dijun could only froze on what she did.
Dijun froze. He was surprised when she suddenly hugged him. He is thinking what made her this happy. He has been very vocal and persistent in showing her that he likes her so he's thinking that maybe, she really just believe him that he likes her now? He's not sure but he didn't move when he became suddenly aware of her naked chest on his chest. Dijun's adams apple bobbed up and down. He closed his eyes. The queen is not aware of what she's doing. He thought. Then, he felt her pressing herself more to him and this time, he really needs to pull back. He's going to need that freezing cold pool next. The queen is really a test for his restraint and self control.
Dijun pulled back, holding the queen on both arms and he maintained his gaze on her face. The temptation is strong that his eyes is going to wander downwards but he is resisting the urge to do it. He chanted a Daoist prayer about self restraint all over and over his head but the innocent look on the queens face mixed with her sexy-alluring look is not helping at all. He closed his eyes and released a frustrating breathe. Dijun decided to stand and turn around. His back is facing the queen and he said, 467Please respect copyright.PENANAQZlP2YsOzB
"Rest now Xiaobai. I know you're tired. I'll see you tomorrow... " and he left and slowly closed the door hurriedly.
Feng Jiu stared at the closed door. Wondering why Dijun is tense and in a hurry. She forgot to tell Dijun that he brought her in his room and not in hers. Feng Jiu looked down at herself and realized that the robe is agape. Now she knows why Dijun is tense and in a hurry. She smiled naughtily then bit her lower lip. He's affected but he got strong self restraint. I'm soooo impressed Dijun. I'm so impressed. She thought. Feng Jiu decided to leave Dijun's room and go to her's which is just the opposite room of his. She tiptoed and ran then she hurriedly opened the door and went inside fast. Feng Jiu leaned on the closed door and widely smiled. She thinks she can sleep peacefully without her heat bothering her.
Dijun on the otherhand is feeling hot and bothered. Even though he's soaking in the icy cold pool, he can still feel that ache inside. Dijun and the queen has been on that game and exchange of sexual innuendos that left him or her bothered and hanging. They've been at it for a week and a half now and Dijun is thinking that if people from the sky kingdom or worse, Lian Song will know this is happening, a scandal and gossip will reach and spread in all the realms. The queen will be in deep trouble.
He sighed, closed his eyes and lay his palm on his face. He don't feel the cold instead he felt yearning. The scent of the ninetailed fox in heat is so strong and potent that he needs time for himself thirty minutes every hour of everyday just to control himself. Dijun tried remembering when was the last time he had been this tired the past thousands of years and he hadn't come up with any. Only you Xiaobai... Only with you. He thought smiling. Dijun decided to meditate again. At this point, there is nothing he can do but just to meditate.
Taichen Goong
Siming, Lian Song and Zhong Lin are in discussion since yesterday. The three have been debating on whatever happened to Dong Hua Dijun and he left Taichen Goong with just an I'll be back. Don't bother reply.
"Are those only his reply Zhong Lin? He didn't say where he is going?" Lian Song pressed Zhong Lin but Zhong Lin just look at the third heavenly prince and replied,
"That's the only thing he said as far as I can remember your highness."
"Why is he secretive this time? He never left Taichen Goong this long without saying a word right? This isn't him." Lian Song said.
Siming is quite and just listened to the exchange of his third prince Lian Song and Zhong Lin then Siming looked at his new protege Ye Qingti. In a week and a half that Ye Qingti is with him, Siming now realized why Dijun chose the immortal to be part in Taichen Goong. Dijun has never chosen anyone from the past of thousands of years not until the recent choosing. The immortal is quite intelligent and has the ability to cultivate easily and is very well disciplined. Siming wondered if the immortal is also like this when he was still a mortal. Siming decided to join in the exchage between third prince Lian Song and Zhong Lin.
"Have you tried writing a missive?"467Please respect copyright.PENANAWBL5jVjbqz
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Siming asked and he saw Zhong Lin nodded.
"I think it's because of that woman."467Please respect copyright.PENANAbqEvZ6SD19
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Zhong Lin replied.
Lian Song loudly closed his fan and went to Zhong Lin interested in hearing the story.
"Remember that woman star lord Siming, the one you escorted to the Jade Pond to wash of this immortal's remaining mortal dust." then Zhong Lin pointed at Ye Qingti. Lian Song eyed the immortal that's been with Siming the past days and realized this immortal is good looking.
"You... " Lian Song pointed at Ye Qingti and in which Ye Qingti said,
"Are you speaking to me your highness?" Qingti asked.
"Yes you. Do you know the woman whom Zhong Lin is talking about?" Lian Song asked.
Ye Qingti saw the serious looking face of the third heavenly prince. He doesn't want to offend the third heavenly prince by telling a lie and he doesn't want to gave away the name of the person who gave him a new life. Qingti looked at Siming in which Siming gave him a not-so-obvious-look of Don't you dare tell. Qingti is torn. He looked at the third heavenly prince then back at Siming. For the very first time in his 5,000 years of immortal life, he is put in a spot where his decision can make or break his reputation. Qingti breathed a sigh of relief when Zhong Lin spoke again.
"Oh I remember now you said her name once."
This time Siming stood and went beside Zhong Lin and said,
"Aren't you Dijun's and Taichen Goong head steward? You should observe secrecy and privacy Zhong Lin."
Zhong Lin felt embarrassed after Siming reminded him and then Siming faced the third heavenly prince and said,
"Let's just wait until Dijun has come back and ask these questions. Let's not worry with the woman but the whereabouts of Dijun instead okay?"
And Siming started to walk out of the hall. He doesn't want to think about Dijun and her highness together right now. He dreaded that there will be a day and time that these two will know their forgotten and tragic past and he is sure, the heartbreak and pain will only be double.
"Siming Shen-Jun, why didn't you tell the third heavenly prince about her..."
Siming stopped and faced Qingti and shhhhh him and said,
"If you do really care for HER, you better not mention that you have a deep past with her highness because his highness Lian Song is the biggest gossip in the nine heavens. You don't want HER to be in a scandalous position don't you?"
Qingti blinked his eyes and just nodded. Although its just been days that he's been with Siming, he thought of him as calm and level headed but Siming is opposite of what he is seeing today. Siming is panicky and nervous. Qingti wondered if there is something more to this than Siming is saying. Qingti remembered what her highness Feng Jiu told him. That when they are back in the mortal realm, Qingti always got in trouble because of his curiosity. He wondered if he brought that curiosity also here in the immortal realm. Qingti decided to investigate this further because he really felt that Siming is hiding more than what he's saying.
After his meditation and an hour and a half of soaking, Dijun is walking on the quite hall to his bedroom and he just realized that because he was hurrying to walk away from the queen, he left her in his room. Now, he is contemplating if he will go to his room or not.
He is facing now on his door. His hand is already on the door and hesitantly he pushed it open. What greeted him is the peaceful sleeping queen on his bed and draped all over her body is his oversized purple robe. Did she fell asleep and forgot to dress herself? He thought. Her back is facing him and he can feel the cool breeze of the night blowing inside his room. He's thankful that her scent is being blown away by the night breeze and it don't stay in his room for too long.
Dijun slowly sat on his bed and just stared at her back. He's contemplating on whether he'll carry her to her room or, he'll just let her sleep beside him. Dijun sighed and decided on the latter. He took of his boots and two outer robes and lie down on his side of the bed. He's thankful that he took the advice of Zhong Lin thousands of years ago to have a larger bed that could accommodate for two. But he looked at the queen huddled on his robe. His brows furrowed realizing that she must be cold so, Dijun took his blanket and put it on her. When he's satisfied, he lie down again and closed his eyes. Because of the long day of the tiring battle of his mind and emotions, Dijun fell asleep fast.
In the middle of the night, Feng Jiu wanted to move and coz she felt she's being swaddled up. While eyes are still closed and her mind is still hazy with sleep, Feng Jiu pushed whatever it is that is in front of her but she heard a sleepy groan from a man. Her eyes abruptly opened and what she saw is a white clothing. She realized that her hands are still on the man's chest. She panicked but calmed down when she realized, it's only Dong Hua Dijun. She sighed in relief. She felt Dijun's arm over her hips hugging her close to him and Feng Jiu smiled. She burrowed her face on Dijun's hard and warm chest and she inhaled his scent. His sandalwood scent that calmed her down and she looked up and wants to see Dijun's face.
Feng Jiu moved so that she can see Dijun's face better and when she's satisfied with the position, she put her arm on Dijun's waist and hugged him tight. She never felt so at peace. She eyed Dijun's eyes, strong chiseled cheeks and jaw and his lips. She's so tempted to kiss him but Feng Jiu controlled her desire and instead, she used her thumb to trace the shape of his lips. When she was satisfied, she stopped but surprised when Dijin caught her hand and softly squeezed it.
"Aren't you tired Xiaobai?" he asked in his sleepy voice that made Feng Jiu's tummy do a back flip.
"I'm just going to sleep but you caught my hand. " she replied while looking at Dijun's face and eyes still closed.
"You woke me up with what you're doing." he replied accusingly with still closed eyes.
"I... Didn't mean it. It's just you have the nicest pair of lips in all the realm." she whispered.
This time Dijun opened his eyes and stared back at her. Dijun then stared at her lips in which she licked her lips. Feng Jiu saw Dijun's adams apple move and she bit her lower lip.
"Didn't I warned you before?" he said in a whisper and her brows furrowed in confusion.
"Warned me about what?" she asked.
"Stop biting your lips Xiaobai. It makes me want to bite them myself."
Feng Jiu is surprised and she did remember Dijun said that. She only smirked and said,
"Then why don't you?"
She saw Dijun smiled back at her then he replied,
"Challenging me again Xiaobai?"
Instead of answering, Feng Jiu pulled her hand that Dijun is still holding and she put her thumb on his lips and then she alternately look at his face and his lips and she replied,
"I'm not challenging you. I'm waiting if you can do it."
And Feng Jiu pressed her thumb on the lower lip of Dijun and again she licked her lips which earned a groan from him. She sultrily smiled at Dijun while pressing her thumb and massaged his lower lip.
"I'm waiting Dijun." she said.
"Call me by my name Xiaobai." Dijun replied.
"Not until you kiss me... Dijun." Feng Jiu replied while still eyeing the slowly frustrated Dijun.
"You're being a brat you know." he whispered and to her surprise, Dijun rolled her on her back and Dijun hovered on top of her. She looked at Dijun's face and he saw his jaw moved again. She wanted to smile knowing how Dijun is controlling himself. She looked at him and said,
"I thought you have a control over your self restraint?"
Dijun stared down at her face and replied in a whisper,
"Yes I have a control over my self restraint but it doesn't mean that I'll not indulge myself once in a while. "
Feng Jiu frowned. She didn't understand what Dijun said.
"You mean...?" she asked.
"This. You're asking for this Xiaobai."
Dijun lowered his head and gave Feng Jiu what she wants. Her lips opened to his and their tongues met. Dijun held her face while Feng Jiu held his head. The two shared a passionate kiss that they're trying to supress the whole week while Dijun is teaching the queen how to control her powerful heat. The two moaned and their excitement is building up.
Feng Jiu felt his hand at the side of her shoulder and she felt his hand pulling her cloth off her and he succesfully bared her smooth creamy white shoulder. Then Feng Jiu felt Dijun's lips cascaded from her lips to her jawline, to her neck and down to where his mark is located. Feng Jiu felt his lips and tongue on her mark and she moaned loudly.
"Is that enough for you Xiaobai?" he asked in his ragged voice. Dijun felt her hand on his head caressing softly.
"Yes. That's enough for me... Dong Hua." she replied in which Dijun raised his head and gazed down at her. She smiled at him and to her heart's contentment, Dijun leaned his forehead to hers and said,
"Then let's go back to sleep now Xiaobai. We'll still have the same activities tomorrow."
Feng Jiu happily nodded and she closed her eyes with her heart full and she's contented.