(This chapter will be a tiiiny but of what I’m assuming will be Dark and Light’s backstory, but it may change)
[Song used: Everything Black - Unlike Pluto]
-Third Person P.O.V-
Books and papers floated about the room in black, shadowy orbs. The had no real path, just occasionally bumping into each other and orbiting around the petite meditating girl in the centre. Dark inhaled and exhaled slowly, her breaths coming in shallow pants as she forced herself to focus and still the circular balls that bounced about in the air in her room.I blackout the moon
As she opened her eyes, what was once a pale, flowery pink darkened into two completely black sockets. She raised her hand, gently swishing it about, moving the enclosed books around until she was about to bring one closer to her. Suddenly a loud shout of her name caused her hand to stutter, the black sphere glitching as well with her loss of focus, but quickly built back up again. She continued to pull it closer to her, slowly..slowly...until the call for her came again.I wait for you to come around
And again. You got me dancing in the dark
And again...(Dancing in the dark)
She groaned, dropping everything onto the floor in a messy scatter of random pages and books around as the black spheres vanished with her focus. She pouted, still sitting cross legged on the floor as she waited for two more calls. They were the exact same pitch, volume and speed, and Dark knew it had to be her bestfriend down the hall somewhere. I've closed my eyes
She stomped out in irritation, small feet pattering in the wooden floor as she headed out of her room, shouting out a response to her roommate, “Okay okay! I’m coming! Turn the stupid time loop off.” Out in their dining room, the Omega looked at her bestfriend smirking at her, squeezing against the small ball of light she held in her palm until it shattered into nothingness as well. “About time.” She said smugly. But I won't sleep tonight
The latter rolled her eyes, using signs they had picked up throughout their friendship to indicate her question: ‘What do you want?’ The receiver stepped aside, revealing Laito, who stood still behind her. Dark flushed, but pretended as if she were nonchalant and asked, verbally this time, “Oh hi Lai-Kun! What’s up?” The boy held up the newspaper, the title that Dark and Light had worked on in big bolded letters.
Dark tilted her head in mock confusion, “You came to ask us about today’s newspaper?” He shook his head, coming closer so he could whisper just loud enough for the two friends to listen in, “I’m here to ask you something Dark.” Dark paled even more if possible, pulled out her phone, texting a friend. Out of nowhere, Shin appeared in their room, his height easily out doing Light’s as he held out his hand for Dark to take and teleport away.Should come with me
But Light was faster. I'll take you to the dark side
”Oh no you don’t-“ she stated as a bolt of light shot out and encased Dark’s ankle with a near-white glowing chain and anklet. She shooed their teleporting friend away and just raised a brow as Dark groaned and frowned. “Why would you do that??” She complained, but Light was having none of it. “You tried pulling this trick before, now just answer the kid and let’s get this over with.” She turned to Laito, “Now, what do you want to know?” Me and you
Laito was shocked, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to ask first, but settled on the first question: “What are you?” Dark sighed, processing her answer before replying, “I’m a Demon-Cat hybrid, Light is an Angel-Wolf hybrid.” The other Neko nodded, continuing his questionnaire, “What type of..you know..are you?” He didn’t really know what the right category of words would be, so he just put it as is. You and me
Dark wasn't comfortable answering it, but since she couldn’t go any further than what Light wanted due to the ankle brace on her foot, she turned to her bestfriend. “Dark is a Yandere.” She answered simply, raising her index finger to Laito before he could comment again. “She is a Yandere, but she prefers to keep people safe instead. She doesn’t like hurting anyone who doesn’t need to be hurt.” Do bad things in the night time
Laito nodded, shifting nervously from one foot to the other, the words slipping out before he could stop them, “So the rumours are true..” Dark nodded solemnly. “But..why’re you so adamant on not having people be hurt?” This time, Light looked at Dark, as if asking for permission before speaking. The girl in question nodded slowly, before sitting on the floor and closing her eyes, patiently waiting for Light to do the same.
The eldest looked up at Laito, patting the floor next to her. “Come on. Dark will show you and I will tell you the story.” Nodding, he took his place and watched with close attention as the room around them seemed to fade away into a chamber of sorts. Should come with me
”A while back, when we were both about just toddlers, our parents tossed us out for being different. They brought us to an experimental lab meant to ‘cure’ hybrids.” The Wolf began, and Dark moved her hands in a clockwise circle, the black silhouettes of two figures appearing before them. “There were bad people there, more sadistic than I am, and they continued to test new products on us, either by injection or forced consumption.” And we can kill the lights, hit the lights
The lights in the room dimmed and the room shifted once again into a forest, where the two shadowy figures were running, like wisps in a magical forest. “Somehow, one day, we managed to escape, and ran into the forest where the lab was located. We had no idea what was going to happen if they found us again, but neither Dark nor I were willing to find out.” The air around them was thick, fog drifting through and fro the area, and then it panned to the two friends sitting on the grassy floor facing each other. With a blackout, blackout
It was at this point, Laito realises the real Dark was crying, tears falling out of closed eyes and dripping to the floor. He reached out to touch her face, but Light swatted his hand away. “Don’t. She will harm you accidentally.” He nodded, hand returning to his crossed legs. “We spent a few nights together, getting closer, but also trying to figure out what was so wrong with us. Until one night..” Hit the lights with a
The atmosphere around them changed again, with them still in the forest, but Light and Dark arguing about something. The words were muffled, and the real Dark seemed to shake a bit more; yet she pushed on, changing the movements of the characters until they both shot out a spear of their own power. It was difficult to tell, but Light’s spear was a significantly lighter grey than Dark’s, and when the spears hit each other, a faint swirl morphed upwards into a Yin-Yang sign. Blackout, blackout, woo
”We were the foretold prophecy, you may know it, or you may not. The Yin-Yang appears in two individuals who they decide deserve it and let them carry on their legacy.” A soft smile dancing on her lips as Laito nodded dumbly, watching his Senpai drop the illusion, and open her eyes. They were watery, and now the coral pink irises had specs of black swirled in with them. The same went for Light, who’s electric blue eyes had specs of pale yellow mixed in with them.
Unsure of how to really react, the boy asked sheepishly, “But why’re you both...what you are? It looks as though you were the opposite?” He wasn’t sure himself, didn’t understand what he was asking, but Dark caught onto his confusion and replied, “The Yin, or what I’m representing is supposedly more feminine, smaller as well as calmer and quieter...the Yang on the other hand, or what Light is representing is more masculine, loud, intimidating and the like.” Black sky, black light
“Oh..” The youngest said, trying to filter and absorb everything he had just heard, “Now..if you don’t mind,” Dark said slowly, cautious, his shimmering green eyes shot up to her face, now dried and with no evidence of crying at all just now, “What are you?” “I’m a Yandere.” Black, everything black
Dark’s eyebrows shot up. Black heart
”Really?? Who’s your Senpai or Kouhai?” She shot out, not realising what she said until Light coughed and Laito started stuttering. Black Keys, black diamonds
”I-uh..well.” Black out, everything black
The repeated stuttering went on for about 5 minutes before Light rolled her eyes, exhaling tiredly and took her turn to shout out into the otherwise empty dormitory.Black, black, everything, everything
”Jesus dude! She likes you. You are her Kouhai!! And my friend. He likes you back. You are the Senpai stupid.” All black, everything, everything
Silence crashes down onto the three of them, and Dark slowly repeated what her bestfriend had said. All black, everything, everything
Laito did, too.All black, everything, everything, black
And then they both burst out laughing.
Children of the night
”Oh my god!!” She giggled wildly, smiling at him and savouring the smile she got back. But it's the only way of life564Please respect copyright.PENANAWbkIpswv6z
This black hole's pulling me inside
Laito laughed too, and reached out, taking her hand. “I know this really wasn’t expected but would you be my girlfriend Dark?” The latter’s eyes shone in excitement and joy as she nodded.Of this black heart, the black soul564Please respect copyright.PENANA2WZGCOobJm
Underneath this black, black sky
Two nights later, the two were sitting under a tree and talking, the midnight growing closer through the clear night sky. “Hey Dark?”
Should come with me
A sleepy hum acknowledged him, and he breathed in deeply before asking, “Why did your parents kick you out?” I'll take you to the dark side564Please respect copyright.PENANAl6RWj8zWMI
Me and you
The girl frowned, eyes growing watery again as she turned her head in his lap to look up at him. “My parents said they didn’t want a freak like me, so they kicked me out because I was different, I only realised I was a Yandere when I was with Light because we both saw someone I liked and I nearly killed them in front of her.” You and me564Please respect copyright.PENANAslHzmoEpl6
Do bad things in the night time
It was over sharing, but Dark didn’t really care, she just wanted all of this weight off her shoulders. Laito nodded sadly, petting her hair with calming strokes.
Should come with me
”I don’t think you’re a freak” And we can kill the lights, hit the lights564Please respect copyright.PENANA5sZlNqpYcu
With a blackout, blackout
Dark sniffled a small laugh before pecking him on the cheek with a chaste kiss, “Thanks Lai. I don’t think you’re a freak either, even though you killed Evan.” Hit the lights with a564Please respect copyright.PENANAH5HWXNwXDD
Blackout, blackout, woo
Laito looked at her surprised, “You knew it was me?” She nodded, “How??” She shrugged, “I don’t know, it just seemed too coincidental, like the day I broke up with him he dies at a bar fight? No way.” She chuckled warmly, reaching up to stroke his cheek.
Black sky, black light
“Like Light and probably Kanato said, I don’t harm people if they don’t harm others, but, I don’t mind if you want to. You have your own life and can choose what you want to do with it.” She mused contentedly. Black, everything black564Please respect copyright.PENANAUM2yOS5LQe
Black heart
”Oh you little-“ Laito smiled, the warmth in his heart radiating through his body as he pulled the small lady up into his lap and hugged her tightly.Black Keys, black diamonds564Please respect copyright.PENANAarN73WTWAE
Black out, everything black
Dark squirmed, trying to wiggle her way out of her boyfriend’s grip, to no avail. Black, black, everything, everything564Please respect copyright.PENANAkBmcvTajmd
All black, everything, everything
Pushing against him, she finally escaped and laughed, saying that they should head back soon. All black, everything, everything564Please respect copyright.PENANAhxG6f5JYpK
All black, everything, everything, black
They did, and Kanato and Light were happy to hear that they wouldn’t have to bother with hearing their lovesick speeches over and over again.
Should come with me
The weeks passed and Dark came around to telling Kanato and Laito how she shocked Angelo to death, with Kanato ruffling her hair with praise and Laito kissing her forehead.Me and you564Please respect copyright.PENANAeK2fCPx7gr
You and me
The next day, the group were shocked to hear that a new student was coming to their classes, she wasn’t from the area, venturing all the way from England, Dark assumed, with the name Lillian Gray.
Should come with me
She was no trouble at first, only playfully flirting with the guys of their gang, but once she started getting a little too touchy with Laito, Dark knew she had to do something about it. And we can kill the lights, hit the lights564Please respect copyright.PENANAiMrRlDKyJu
With a blackout, blackout
She had asked Laito about it too, why he didn’t retaliate or move away during the whole ordeal, but the boy stated that if he’d do that, she’d just come on stronger with her irritating pickup lines and ungodly sense of humour. Hit the lights with a564Please respect copyright.PENANABr684XDSlk
Blackout, blackout, woo
“That settles it then.” Dark said in the kitchen with Light, the smaller sat on top of the kitchen island, looking down and kicking her legs as her friend made them dinner.
Black sky, black light
”You sure you tried everything?” She asked for confirmation. Black, everything black564Please respect copyright.PENANA0AErgP14Qq
Black heart
Dark nodded quickly, desperately trying to push down her instincts. Black Keys, black diamonds564Please respect copyright.PENANA0JXp71Wie8
Black out, everything black
”Don’t worry, I probably won’t be getting my hands dirty this time anyways.” Black, black, everything, everything564Please respect copyright.PENANASsTaW1N2rA
All black, everything, everything
”Oh?” Light said, turning off the stove.All black, everything, everything564Please respect copyright.PENANAJMraBH0Eio
All black, everything, everything, black
”Enlighten me.”