(Song used: Guys Don’t Like Me - It Boys!)
-Laito’s P.O.V-
Adjusting my round glasses, I stared at Dark, she was so cute, even when she showed off her grumpy side. She pouted her lips and I smiled, she wasn’t looking at me. No. She was looking at her ‘boyfriend’. (yeah, Dark has another boyfriend called Evan, don’t worry, he’ll be dead by the end of this 😂) I just can’t wrap my tail around it. He can’t even treat her right for God’s sake!! She’s so sweet-hearted and kind and adorable and ohhh I could just go on about her!
A-a-almost instantlyJust as the thought of her precious yet fragile soul being all mine, her eyes locked onto me. Ah, shoot! She noticed I was staring....wait...is she coming over here...??? Oh God, just act normal. “Hey Lai! How’re you?” “Y-You know my name?!” DUDE. OF COURSE SHE KNOWS YOUR NAME. YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE SAME CLASS! To my surprise, she just laughed, “Yeah! I’ve heard about you...” she winked, and I swear I could’ve died happy.
And I can guarantee that she”BABE! COME HERE RIGHT NOW.”
Dark looked about as sorry as I did, and apologised before heading of to that jerk. Evan Lo was a pretty big guy, and an Alpha too. What my quiet, gentle Dark sees within that huge brute I will never know. She probably likes someone smart and peaceful...like me. She should like me! Not him! She’s mine and he doesn’t even deserve her! As my ears tuned back into the real world from my little day dream I realised I heard screaming. Light?
Has heard about me through her girlfriend“GET AWAY FROM HER YOU JERK!”
What? My eyes were the second thing to sink back into reality as I noticed the tall Beta standing in front of her best friend, right arm stretched out and protecting as the self-proclaimed boyfriend’s chest rose and dropped in quick intervals. “..Light..don’t..” Dark’s feeble voice was what kicked me into action as I ran up to the three of them and stayed in between Dark and Light. Not to mention that her boyfriend hates me
”GET AWAY FROM HER YOU NERD!” Evan guffawed, his wolf ears tense and facing towards me. His tail was fluffed too, but the rest was none of my concern as I reached out and carefully cradled the shaking Neko in my arms. “Shhh..it’s okay...he’s not gonna hurt you anymo—“ “YOURE THE REASON I HURT HER! SHE NEEDED TO BE TAUGHT WHO SHE BELONGED TO!” I felt my eye twitch, fist clenching and unclenching, but I held back, standing up and brought Dark up with me.
I hadn’t even noticed she stopped shaking until she lashed back out at him, “YOU KNOW WHAT EVAN? IM DONE. WE’RE OVER. FORGET IT AND LEAVE US ALONE!” for a moment, even Light stared at her bestfriend in shock, my love doesn’t shout? Or at least she tries not to. But she did. And it was all this jerk’s fault! He put her through so much pain when I could’ve loved her properly and treated her right! She should be with me! She should be mine! It's not your fault, you can't compete
-Third Person P.O.V-
The four of the hybrids went quiet, the tension thick in the warm musky summer air. “Didn’t you hear me?” Dark asked again, her voice deadly calm now, “LEAVE.” it wasn’t a choice. Her horns shot out from behind her cat-like ears and wound like spirals above them; black, matte wings sprouted from her back like a leather shield and her once pastel pink eyes deepened into blood red. Out of fear the Alpha ran off, and Dark stood for another minute, breathing heavily and snarling as the world around her faded to black, and she collapsed. Are we through with this, cause I do insist
Some time had passed and the Neko-Demon hybrid woke up in her room. Was it just a dream? She wondered, feeling down from her forehead to her legs, hissing at each bruise she came across. Concluding that it was reality, she swung her legs over the bed and got up, walking out into their kitchen where Light and Laito were chatting. “Guys..?” She asked quietly, unsure; relief flooding her posture when Laito ran up and hugged her tightly, “Oh thank God you’re okay!” He beamed. Nothing happened here this time
Purring gently she nodded, cuddling further into his grip. Light looked at them from a dining chair in amusement, “Well dude, you surely got him gone for good this time.” She snickered, thinking back to how her usually timid and passive friend just destroyed an Alpha’s ego. Dark laughed lightly, still weak from suddenly changing into her Demon form. “Hope it stays that way. I never want to see him again.” She mused aloud, pulling away from Laito a bit before putting a hand on his cheek, stroking it fondly.
”You give me strength, thank you Laito-kun.” These guys, they don't like me,
A pale blush ran across Laito’s face as he nodded sharply at her, “It-it’s no problem!” He smiled, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. Dark grinned, thinking the action was adorable, but she didn’t say anything, as it would be weird since they just met. Light coughed, dragging both of them out of their trance. “Hey Kitten-Lovers, I’m gonna go get food, you want to come?” Out of habit, Dark snapped back into her usual attitude, hand instantly jerking out to grab Laito’s, “Come on, let’s go!” These guys don't like me
The rest of the day went well, the trio getting closer as well as introducing Laito to the rest of the gang. At the end of the day, the Delta headed home and laid on his bed, sighing happily as his roommate–Kanato–walked in. (That’s who his roommate was in the other one don’t judge me 😂) “What’s up ye’ lovesick teenager?” He chuckled, leaning on the doorframe, Laito sat up, squinting at him with mock annoyance, “Says you! You’re as much of a Yandere as I am.” He responded. Cause their girlfriends...
Kanato shrugged, coming into the room and plopping down next to Laito on the covers, “Dude, you’re the Yandere, I’m a Kuudere. I don’t really care that much. Anyways, forget that, who’s the lucky guy?” He teased, poking into the other’s slender stomach. Laito laughed, retreating from the assault and punched him lightly on the shoulder, “Shut up dude! It’s a girl.” He corrected between fits of giggles, this got Kanato even more interested.
After a good 10 minutes of back and forth pestering, Laito caved in, “Fine fine, jeez, it’s Dark ok?” He said with hands up. Kanato eyed him carefully. “Are..are you sure?” Laito nodded, a questioning glance hovering in the air, Kanato reeled back, changing his approach, “Nono it’s not like that...” he paused, thinking of a nicer way to put it, “...she’s dangerous, I don’t know if she’s a Yandere too, but she’s a good mastermind.” He finished, but that just made Laito glow with even more pride and joy for choosing her. These guys, they don't like me,
”I don’t care, I love her. And I will get her.” These guys don't like me
”Alright then, suit yourself. You might want to get started on her ex then, heard you were the reason they broke up.” Kanato offered, a dark smile on his lips when Laito nodded swiftly, “Serves him right for hurting my non-biological sister.” He growled, “Give him what he deserves.” And with that, Laito left the dorm, gloves on his hands and a mask over the lower half of his face.Cause their girlfriends do
Dark’s ex wasn’t difficult to find, nor to get alone in a certain area at night, the sleazy Alpha was always out around bars and the like, since he was a senior. Laito snuck up behind the building, the heavy odour of over 70% alcohol penetrating his mask and going into his nose while the heavy blaring beats boomed in his ear drums. Time ticked by and soon the Wolf walked out and passed the alleyway where Laito was waiting, clearly drunk on whatever else was in those drinks.
When he was a step close enough, Laito lunged out, grabbing the back of his collar and yanked him back into the alley before anyone noticed. Thankfully, the guy was so drunk out of his mind that he literally couldn’t think straight, staring unfocused at the Neko’s half-hidden identity. “He..hey...! Hic! I’ve seen you be...foreeee-hic!” Laito rolled his eyes, head already starting to hurt as he took out a box knife from his pocket and thrust it into his chest, his free-hand grabbing the victim’s hand and forcing it to grab the knife with whatever strength he had left.
The guy didn’t shout or call for help; either because he was in shock of what just happened, or the fact that he high and drunk at the same time, Laito didn’t really care. It worked out in his favourite as he continued drilling the knife into the man’s heart, only stopping when his eyes rolled back into their sockets and blood was both oozing and being coughed out in thick red ropes and droplets. Debating silently for a moment, Laito left the knife stuck in him before positioning the body. Stop
”That’s what you get for being a jerk to my Darling.” He smiled wickedly, a bit of blood splattered messily on his chin upwards. Leaving the body there, Laito headed back to the dorms where he washed off and got ready for bed. He wanted to gloat to Kanato that the job was done, but the Alpha was nowhere in sight, so Laito just went to bed. Let me explain the situation
The next morning, the students had no classes. A newspaper headline read: “STUDENT COMMITS SUICIDE NEXT TO PUB.”. The group of friends, including Laito and Dark gathered around it, some with shocked faces, some with disinterested faces, and some with confused ones. Dark was one of the confused ones. “Is..is that Evan?” She asked aloud, watching everyone turn to her, “Yeah!” Shane nodded, followed by Azusa and Yuma. Light stared at the paper nonchalantly, skimming through the article, “It says that he just stabbed himself out of nowhere! Maybe he really did regret what he did to you Dark.” She laughed softly. Everybody hatin' for the same reason
Kanato looked at Laito, who was slyly grinning to himself the whole time, “Nice one.” He whispered, before his arm was being tugged by Cleo–his girlfriend–. “I hope he’s in a better place now..” She mumbled sadly, clinging onto Kanato’s side and looking at Dark. The girl just shook her head, “I honestly could care less where he is now, but I guess he’s in a better place if he regretted what he did so much.” She agreed, eyeing a fresh bruise on her arm from the day before. Attempted to mingle, she said she was single
Laito frowned, how could this precious soul be dangerous?! He refused to believe it. Reaching out, he held Dark’s arm, making sure to avoid any bruises as he tugged on it, “Come on, let’s go get icecream since it’s our day off!” he offered, trying to change the topic as well as lighten the mood. It worked as his little cat purred at the idea and rubbed her cheek on his shoulder sub-consciously. And I'm just a nice guy
<That night>
“You like him. Don’t you.”
“What’re you talking about?” Dark asked her bestfriend, the Inu raised a brow, her electric blue eyes sensing the open lie that she was playing at. Dark stopped, looking at her roommate again. “Fine, yeah, I do. What’s up?” “You just met him! And your eyes are doing that thing again.” She commented, circling her own eyes to emphasise that point, “What thing?” Dark asked genuinely this time. “Y’know, your Yandere thing! When you have those little blank looks in your pupils.” She responded, unsure of how to describe it.
”Oh.” Dark noted, realisation settling in, “Yeah, ‘Oh.’ don’t do anything stupid.” “When have I ever—“ Light looked at her, as if daring her to say anything else, “Fine. Nothing stupid, but can I at least try to get rid of potential rivals? I won’t kill them, you know I can’t.” The Beta seemed to ponder the thought for a moment before nodding, “I guess that’s fine.” She concluded, laughing at her friend’s excited expression. It's not your fault, you can't compete
Light and Dark have been best friends since they were toddlers, (no, they haven’t but let’s roll with it 😂) so naturally, Light had noticed Dark’s oddity with her eyes going blank when she sees someone she likes. It only happened twice so far and the only other person that knows about it is Kanato. Dark doesn’t talk about it, mostly because she doesn’t understand why it happens herself. She also doesn’t realise it happens most of the time. I am through with this, but if you insist
Laito doesn’t have that special giveaway, instead, he has the ability to read minds. It seems difficult to avoid, but one can easily put up a wall to block him out if they had the willpower to do so. Unfortunately, some don’t, and Laito is allowed to penetrate their thoughts anytime he likes, sometimes without leaving a trace that he was there at all. He did try it on Dark a couple times to find out her likes and dislikes, but she didn’t seem to notice, or she never brought it up to him. Then next the next time she's mine
The morning after, Kanato walked into their shared bathroom to find Laito washing off his gloves and mask, the deep red colour dispersing through the water, turning it a translucent reddish-brown. “Fun time?” He asked, not really caring since he knew his roommate for a good few years, “Very” Laito responded, not turning to face him. “How was your night with Cleo?” He smirked, tilting his head back to eye his friend’s offended glare.
”I told you to stop reading my mind for the sake of anything holy!” These guys, they don't like me,
“Sorry sorry, force of habit.” These guys don't like me
”Anyways, what’s your plan then? Swoon her into falling in love with you like some Prince Charming? Like that’s going to work.” Kanato cackled, thinking the fairy-tale idea was outrageous.Cause their girlfriends...
”No! I’m just—actually I don’t know.” Laito sighed, wringing out the left over water before hanging his disguise up to dry. He turned around fully to face the Parrot, “Maybe I’ll get closer to her and see how it goes from there. I don’t harm anyone I don’t need to, you know that.”
Kanato dropped his head and raised it again slowly, “Sounds fair, there is this one guy who’s being extra creepy to her though, might wanna deal with him first.” The taller suggested, remembering...These guys, they don't like me,
Laito closed his eyes, leaning back onto the sink with his back to it as he hung his head back in thought, “...Who is it?” “Angelo.” Laito’s eyes shot open as he watched his teammates face for any form of deceit. These guys don't like me
”I’m not joking dude, that guy has really been freaking her out, check this out.” The Parrot answered the unspoken question, taking out his phone and scrolling through his messages with Dark: Cause their girlfriends do
’Bro he keeps staring at me...’
Their girlfriends do
’He literally just asked me to go out for drinks later, even though I just saw him earlier today.’ Do do do, do do do do, do do do648Please respect copyright.PENANAiklW8v7F44
Their girlfriends...
The Neko’s eyes widened, green eyes shining turquoise from the harsh light of the phone screen. “Woah..” “Yeah.” “Do you..do you talk to her a lot?” He asked carefully, stepping back slowly as Kanato pocketed his phone, “I do, yeah, but it means nothing, trust me.” Laito spared him a nod, and began to think.
“If he really is creeping her out, she wouldn’t really care, so it should be pretty easy to get rid of him...” I stepped into the club and she fell in love, oh yeah
”No, he’s smart, or smart enough at least. You have to find another way than just killing him on the spot.” I stepped into the club and she fell in love, oh yeah
”Dude chill! I think he likes you the way you are.” Light offered, watching her friend stomp her way back and forth through the living room. “No! It’s not that! He like—he did this weird smiley thing at me! I don’t know!” Getting frustrated with the repeated clacks on the wood, the Beta stood up and grabbed the Omega’s shoulders, “Dude. Stop it. He thinks you’re fine, and he was just smiling at you for God’s Sake.” I stepped into the club and she fell in love, oh yeah
Dark frowned, fluffy ears flattening on her hair and tail swishing with impatience. “Fine. Then what about his childhood friend??” Light facepalmed, dragging her hand down with her face until it snapped back like a rubber band. I stepped into the club and she...
”Dude, you literally just said it – childhood FRIEND – why do you even care?!” Dark squinted her answer. “Riiiiiiight. Sorry.”
A huff of annoyance slipped past her lips before she could stop it. The elder raised an eyebrow and spoke again, slower this time, “Dark. You promise you wouldn’t do anything harsh—“ “—Unless the situation calls for it, I know. Whatever. Who is she anyways?” “Jéan Malden” Light responded, scrolling through her phone for a picture. She held it down in front of her best friend’s face, “Here. This is her.”
”Oh? She’s pretty.” Dark mused, the compliment genuine. To her, it didn’t really matter if her senpai thought they were pretty or not; it only mattered if he actually liked them. For goodness sake Dark herself wasn’t heterosexual, so in her opinion she had no say in it. She watched Light shrug and chuckled quietly, “Not your type?” These guys, they don't like me,
”Nahh..anyways, how’re you gonna get rid of her?” The Beta smiled, she liked listening to the smaller’s gruesome explanations on how she would slice the lips off her victims and sew it shut before sewing it back onto their face–just for the fun of it–, and how the blood would slowly trickle out going from a thick waterfall to quiet, tiny droplets every few minutes or so. She didn’t encourage the violence, but she enjoyed hearing the monologuing. These guys don't like me
Dark shook her head. She didn’t like violence in that form. Talking so freely about it was just part of her nature as a Yandere, let alone the fact she was training to be a writer. She did admire her roommate’s weird obsession with horror and gory topics though, it made them an oddly matching and entertaining pair.
~Cause their girlfriends...
“Hey, Jéan right?” The coloured-skinned girl whipped her head around to look at Dark with wide eyes before nodding, “Uhm..yeah! You’re Dark right, Dark Hashi.” Now it was Dark’s turn to look surprised, she didn’t know that she was popular, let alone with someone who she never even took notice of in the halls. Nevertheless, she nodded with a smile.
”Yeah! Sorry to scare you like that, I just wanted to know what class you had next, Light isn’t free today so I thought maybe make a new friend....and you’re also really pretty.” She giggled, tossing her head back slightly with a faint dust of pastel pink on her cheeks; it was a force of habit for her to react so cheerily to hide her real nature. These guys, they don't like me,
Luckily, Jéan didn’t seem to notice anything off and just grinned back at her with excitement flashing in her chocolate eyes, “Oh! Of course we can be friends, and thanks, you’re really cute too.” She winked, giving the Omega finger guns. The two ended up having the same class afterwards too, and so they headed to it together; lunch break rolled around and Dark bid her new friend goodbye, heading back to her dorm. These guys don't like me
”How’d it go?” Light asked as she entered the door, “Good, she’s actually really funny.” Dark gave her friend a quirk on each corner of her lips and went over to help take her books, “Jeez..what’re you doing with the library of books?” She exhaled heavily, lugging the short stack of encyclopaedias to the table. “Studying for Mr.M’s class...–wait, what’s that? It’s sticking out of the second book.” Cause their girlfriends...
Dark shot her friend a confused eye and turned to the direction she pointed at. True enough, a small paper triangle was sticking out of the closed book, waiting to be discovered. Dark walked over, pulling the exposed corner out and flipped it around twice in between her and Light. “It’s a note I think.” Dark spoke, “I can see writing...oh god.”
Light frowned, noticing it too.These guys, they don't like me,
It wasn’t just any writing. These guys don't like me
It was Angelo’s handwriting. Cause their girlfriends...
”Dude what’re you doing?” Kanato asked the younger, eyeing his roommate pace back and forth through his room. His footsteps were heavy, waking the Kuudere up from what little sleep he got usually.
”It’s Angelo. He messaged ME.” These guys, they don't like me,
Both Alpha and Delta froze.These guys don't like me
Angelo didn’t even have Laito’s number to begin with. So how did he get it? Cause their girlfriends do
Actually–scrap that thought.
Their girlfriends do
It didn’t really matter to Laito how he got it.Do do do, do do do do, do do do648Please respect copyright.PENANAlLwXQMWfmv
Their girlfriends do
It was why he chose to message him, of all people.