(Song Used : My Family - The Addams Family)
The next day, Dark walked down the halls alone, her roommate having to get a couple books from the campus library before heading back to study. A little farther from where she was heading, she noticed Cleo frowning over something, books held to her chest and bottom lip jutting out in a sour pout. “Cleo!” The Neko called, rushing over to her Owl bestfriend, “Hey Dark!” The Sigma responded when she was close enough.I go to war with my family (raah, raah)
”You okay? Look upset.” “Ah..sorry Dark, here, read this.” She motioned, picking her phone out of her pocket, unlocking it and handing it to her. The first thing the Omega noticed was that the name on the upper part of the screen read : ‘Kanato’ and frowned, “You guys fought?” She asked carefully. Cleo was a Yandere too, that wasn’t to say Dark was afraid of her, just..her mood swings were a bit difficult to deal with.Ups and downs (up)
The girl in question huffed, she didn’t seem sad, just irritated about something. “Not exactly, just read through first.” Dark nodded, her small fingers swiping through the long chat before realisation hit her. “You guys broke up.” “Yep. And he doesn’t even care!” Cleo groaned, short arms flailing in annoyance. Dark let out a light chuckle, “Yeah, you dated a Kuudere, of all types!” “No it’s not that.” Okay, now she was upset. “Okay okay, I’m just joking.”Wrong or right, this family (yeah, hey)
”Do you want to tell the group or should I?” Dark offered, seeing how her bestfriend was genuinely pretty upset with the ordeal. “I’ll tell them. It’s easier that way.” With a nod, the two headed to their classes. Later that day, Cleo sent a text out to the group:
‘C: Can you guys meet Dark and I at the cafe nearby campus?’ They think that we crazy (crazy)
One by one, replies came in with affirmatives, and soon, the group were all seated at a six person table, listening to Cleo reading out the messages. “I told him that since he was getting pretty distant, we should just end it if it would make him happier, and he simply replied: ‘Whatever.’ I mean-! What even. And then later I was telling him how rude he was being; mind you I already told him I was a Yandere. And he responds with: ‘You’re crazy! You and your “family”.’ “ They say that we crazy, can't handle it (crazy, yeah)
With the sentence, everyone froze.
“Oh I see how it is.” Light exclaimed menacingly, letting all eyes fall on her. “First he treated Dark like this, and she wanted to be his friend still; now he wants to hurt Cleo? No. Not happening.” Sounds of agreement bounced back and forth along the table. Dark sighed, gently stroking Laito’s arm as his now clenched fist grew white knuckled at the thought of someone hurting his Senpai. “It’s fine Love, I’m okay now.” “So? What’s the plan then?” Yuma asked, “None of us are strong enough to defeat a pure Alpha, and even if we were, I’d rather not risk being expelled.” My back on the wall (back)
”Let’s just ignore him for now then. Let him come to us, then we have an alibi as to why we beat him up.” Light countered, letting the group nod and come to the conclusion that it would be a good course of action to take. “Right now, I want everyone to delete any sort of contact you have with him.” Another group nod. One at a time, a phone was thrown into the centre of the six of them, letting Light scan through and confirm there was absolutely no more trace of him. Who I'ma call? My family (brrr)
”Can we go now? Yuma and I have a soccer game to play.” Azusa whined, yanking his phone back from the Beta. The eldest nodded, “Yeah yeah. Go shoo shoo!” She laughed, flapping her palms at them in said movement. “Love are you busy?” Dark asked her Delta, who nodded grumpily, “Yes..extra classes because I didn’t do a couple stupid worksheets.” The Omega rolled her eyes lovingly, “What did I tell you~” she teased, “Just joking, finish up fast okay?” The other Neko nodded, cheeks flushing at the kiss his girlfriend left on his cheek.We different (woo)
After he had left, the three girls looked between each other; none of them had anymore classes or activities to tend to, so they decided on hanging out at Light and Dark’s dorm instead. Sitting on the couch with the TV as background sound, the trio chatted away. “Hey Dark?” Cleo asked in between the laughter, “Mhm?” “What happens if he comes up to you?” Light squinted, “Dark you better not-“ We stick out (stick out)
The shorter cut her off, “I’ll just pretend not to know him.” “-oh.” Light finished, ears twitching in surprise. “Really?” Cleo persisted, the sole brown feather on top her head flicking quickly in confusion, the youngest nodded, “Yeah. Family is family. If he hurt me I don’t care, but he hurt you-“ she mentioned, pointing a finger and adding emphasis, “-so I don’t care who he thinks he is. Alpha or not I don’t need to bow down to him.” Cleo nodded with satisfaction, giving her bestie a hug. Wig out (wig out)
”Thanks Dark.” Bug out (hey)
”No worries!” Pop out (ooh)
Soon, the tension deflated and the happy chatter grew back up again and lasted till Cleo had to head back to her dorm, with Dark and Light escorting her; even then the banter didn’t stop. At her door, the girls said their goodbyes, but Light stopped the Sigma before she headed in, “Cleo wait!” The Owl turned, tilting her head in puzzlement. “Dress up nice, let’s go out tomorrow since it’s Saturday.” “Oh. Okay!” The aforementioned nodded joyously and headed in.Hop out (go)
On their way back, Dark looked at the Yangire, “Light? Why’re we going out tomorrow?” Her bestfriend chuckled, “No point waiting if we don’t have any bait right?” “Ah. I understand now, I’ll text the group.” The Yandere nodded, writing the quick message before slipping her phone back into her pocket.
“You have to dress nice too.”
“Wait what??” Ball out (hey)
”I know for a fact he cares about you too Dark. If you want to do damage too, then you might as well look good doing it.” Light replied, not needing to look at the Cat to know that she was unwilling. Show out
”Dark. Come on.” She urged, and her expression broke into one of satisfaction when the latter exhaled, “Fine.”
Daytime had rolled round and the group was out in town. To Light’s irritation, Dark just tossed on a plain, dark blue circle skirt and a black sweater, but Cleo had actually listened and dressed up in a short sleeved burgundy tank top and black leggings. Dark tied her hair up in pigtails whereas Cleo has hers up in a simple ponytail with a scrunchie of matching burgundy. The girls chatted, waiting for the boys to arrive so they could venture around for the day. Why you lookin' at me like you startin' somethin'?
Out of the corner of her eye, Light could see Kanato standing with a group of students that were definitely much older. The group - including him - were only in their 20’s but the group he was hanging around was definitely in 30’s and up. A distasteful frown worked its way onto her mouth and she leaned forwards to her shorter friends. “Showtime.” She whispered, letting the two pairs of eyes land on the jerk before focusing on each other and nodding with determination. You should know it's not just me that you'd be wrongin'
The trio walked over to the shop next door to where the gang was hanging around and attempted to walk in, Dark in front. Almost as soon as the Alpha noticed, he turned around, trying to wrap an arm around the small Omega. “Heyyy Dark! How are you??” But the girl shoved him off roughly, listening proudly as all his ‘friends’ laughed at him, “Excuse me, who are you??” The Parrot frowned, “Wh-what?” “Who are you?” She asked more firmly, hearing the laughs grow harder. “It’s me! Kanato? Your bestfriend, see? I have your number, so we must know each other.” You wronged me so you better think twice
This time, Dark snorted, holding out her phone, “I’m sorry? I don’t seem to have yours. Why don’t you get out of my way so I can get into this shop?” They really didn’t need to go into the shop. Dark just wanted to have her fun. Stubbornly, the Alpha stood his ground, trying to frighten the little Omega by growling and puffing out his chest. The Cat wasn’t deterred, enjoying how even his friends - who were also all Alphas - went silent in the suspense. “No.” “No? Okay fine then, I’ll just go somewhere else.” She declared, turning on her heel and starting to walk off with Cleo and Light.
Kanato reached out and grabbed her wrist tightly, hand threatening to break the bone. It hurt like all anything, but Dark didn’t really react much; her past made her basically enjoy physical pain. She smiled, actually smiled as a warning pop in her joints echoed around the small shop lot. Cleo reached out to her in fear, but Light held her shoulder, “Don’t. She might hurt you too.” She mentioned softly, watching her childhood friend’s grin widen into mania as she pushed down and into the grip holding her hand—cracking it. You don't wanna mess with me
”DUDE!” One of the other Alphas shouted at the sickening crush, but fear lit in his eyes as he saw that Dark was still smiling. Her eyes held a sort of crazy that was impossible to replicate as she continued to jolt her hand up and down in the tightening grip, the skin around the area becoming loose and saggy. “KANATO STOP IT!” Another friend screamed but still no release. The Alpha stared at the insanity in Dark’s eyes, whether he was questioning what had happened or determined to break her Dark wasn’t sure.'Cause if you mess with me
A fireball flew in between them, finally making the Parrot release his grip at the sudden burn. “STAY. AWAY. FROM. MY SISTER!” Yuma growled, Wolf ears pointed at the Alpha as he pushed him forward roughly, standing in between both of them. He turned to Dark, gently gripping her shoulders and making her walk towards Azusa, who laid her broken wrist in one of his open palms and hovering over it with his other, casting a healing spell. Blue wisps cautiously carried the broken appendage and swirled around it slowly, healing it until Dark was able to move it again. You're messin' with my family (yeah, yeah, yeah)
She walked over to Laito, who was thinking about something. “Babe?” “Can I kill him?” Dark laughed, still a little crazy, “No Hun. Not yet.” Laito frowned, but knew he couldn’t do much else here since the fight was physical. Light called out to Yuma, who was still staring the Alpha down, “Yuma. Come.” Yuma growled again as a response, still not taking his eyes off his opponent. A bulb clicked over Cleo’s head as she smirked, heading over and making a very obvious display of hugging the Beta, staring up at him with wide eyes as she pleaded for him to calm down. He did, and the six of them headed further into town. You shouldn't mess with me
Kanato’s friends gathered round him, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??” “ARE YOU INSANE?” “THANK GOD THE OTHER KID HAD HEALING ABILITIES YOU IDIOT!” They all shouted at him, completely unaware of the hybrid Dark really was and thus coming to the conclusion that he was out of his mind. “She wasn’t crying was she?” Was all he said, monotonously, and the group pushed him, “So?? If I push you like this-“ Push. “Or like this-“ Push. “And you’re not crying is it funny huh?!” You don't wanna mess with me (no)
The pack leader stood in front of him, “Get out.” He snarled, fangs glinting under the harsh afternoon light. Kanato shrugged, a blank expression on his face as he didn’t budge again. “I SAID. LEAVE.” The bigger Alpha demanded, raising a leg and kicking him hard in the chest. “We may be delinquents, but we DO NOT hurt others FOR FUN.” He stated sternly. The other members nodding and giving rude ‘yeah!’s in reply.'Cause if you mess with me
”You don’t even know her..” You're messin' with my family (uh)
~Aye-aye-aye598Please respect copyright.PENANA5cc3AIxpZp
You might think that we all loco
”DARK DONT DO THAT NEXT TIME!” Yuma yowled, “Why?? It’s not like Azu couldn’t heal it!” The Cat countered, twisting her wrist to prove it, “Just because I can heal you doesn’t mean you can go around getting bones broken right?” At this, Dark went quiet, knowing that she couldn’t really respond with anything else to justify it. “Sorry..” “Its fine,” Laito mentioned, ruffling her hair, “we all go a little crazy sometimes.” Aye-aye-aye598Please respect copyright.PENANA5K91JIX6Ni
Don't mess with my family
”I wonder if his ‘friends’ still want him to be apart of their group? They were shouting and all too.” Cleo thought aloud, and Laito chuckled, “Ah...no. I’m pretty sure they kicked him out.” “How do you know?” Light squinted, face changing from suspicion to understanding when the boy tapped his temple. “I filled the group’s minds with our own memories of the violence that Kanato had costed us over the years.” “Did they know it was you?” Dark worried, pouting at him, “No, they don’t.” Laito reassured her, kissing her forehead chastely. But this family 'bout to go global
The Delta’s assumptions were right, he kept watch on the Alpha’s timings when coming back to the dorm. As expected they were significantly earlier compared to when he said he was going out clubbing with his group. The Alpha’s voice was heard less around the dorm-room as well, with him either slamming the doors or just locking himself in his room. Laito paid him no mind; so long Dark is okay, he didn’t care what happened with the Jerk-Alpha. We blowin' up
The following week, Laito decided to join Yuma, Azusa and the other guys for football practice. It wasn’t really his thing, but the girls were out in town and he had nothing better to do anyways. Dressing up in his gear he met the Beta and Omega outside their dorm, “Ready?” Azusa asked, looking the Delta up and down. The elder nodded, smoothing down his jersey and they were off.
The walk was peaceful and the game was fun. The real problem had only begun when it was around sunset. All the other guys had left, leaving just Yuma, Azusa and Laito to finish off the game and fool around until the girls came back. With towels wrapped around their necks, the boys wiped off their sweat and began walking back to their dorms. “Do you think the girls are back?” Laito asked aloud, “Maybe, I think they’ll message us.” Yuma responded, receiving a pair of nods as acknowledgement.Yeah, yeah (aye aye)598Please respect copyright.PENANAXxsoQqCiTu
Yeah, yeah
However...something didn’t seem right when they reached Laito’s dorm. The lock wasn’t just ‘broken’ ; it was completely busted. At first, the Cat just stared at it, wondering what on Earth had happened. The two Dogs stood behind him, also perplexed by his basically useless lock. “Dude, did get broken into??” Azusa asked, eyes wide and concerned. “I..I don’t actually know, could you guys wait out here while I check? You know, just in case something flies out of nowhere and knocks me out.”
“Yeah! Don’t worry. Go in there and do what you need to do.” Giving a small thumbs up, Laito headed indoors, the thought of being broken into nagging at his mind. What he didn’t expect, was being slammed against the wall and a metal barrel being pushed against his temple. The plaster wall chipped away with white flakes of concrete and left over paint floating down in the air around them. Y si hay party hasta mañana celebramo' (celebramo, yeah)
He was pretty sure that the two outside heard him, but were probably waiting for the cue to come in. Slowly, with caution, he dropped his water bottle and towel, loosening his grip and raising his emptied hands to his ear-level. “You..you’re the reason she left me!!” Deep breath in...deep breath out. “YOU SHOULD JUST DIE!” The hand on his neck wasn’t applying pressure just yet, so Laito snagged himself against the hold, not hanging from his angle, but just at ease. Si te dicen que estamo' loco', loco' estamos (yeah, loco' estamos)
His lips broke out into a smug smile. Y en las buenas y en las malas nos quedamo' (nos quedamo')
“Oh? And what do you want to do with what’s MINE Kanato?” No traicionamo' (don't mess with my family)
“If she knows you’re in danger, she’ll do anything to protect you. Which means dating ME instead of YOU.” The Alpha taunted, pressing the gun harder into the younger’s temple. Laito continued smiling, grin only growing wider and wider with each word. “Oh? What is it then, do you think that she’s stupid or do you think I can’t protect myself?” The capturer laughed, “Oh yeah? You have a gun literally making you immobile, what damage could you possibly do?”
Abruptly, the boy tensed his body, pushing all his strength into his lower half before pulling up his legs to as high as they could go and kicking the boy straight in the stomach. A strangled ‘Oof’ was emitted and the gun fired, luckily, the momentum of the kick also caused Laito to crane his own neck forward, narrowly dodging the bullet. Once free and stably back on his feet, he looked past the boy clutching his stomach, ‘Stop recording here.’ He sent the thought into Azusa’s mind and smiled as he saw the Puppy grin back, dropping the phone and ending the video. Why you lookin' at me like you startin' somethin'?
”Thanks Azu, I owe you.” The youngest waved a hand in dismal, “Nah, all good here.” he smiled. Nodding, Laito bent over to pick up the towel he dropped onto the floor, using it to pick up Kanato’s gun and examine it. “Only 3 bullets?” That’s only half of what should be in there; he mused to himself, and looked around. Broken shards of glass surrounded a few picture frames, the pictures in them also ripped because of the impact. You should know it's not just me that you'd be wrongin'
Flicking through the revolver’s magazine, he aimed it at the boy who was still struggling to get up. Pressing the barrel to the top of his head, holding it there. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you right here?” He mocked, knowing there was not even one remotely decent reason let alone a good one. The Alpha knelt quietly, too stubborn and prideful to even try to defend himself. Laito sighed dramatically, “Oh..well.” he muttered as he clicked off the safety. You wronged me so you better think twice
BANG!You shouldn't mess with me
BANG!You don't wanna mess with me
BANG!'Cause if you mess with me (don't mess with my family)
Blowing a stray curl upwards he dropped the gun onto the Alpha’s lifeless body, wiping his sweat with a backhand. Footfall rushed into the room, the girls followed by security. “What’s going on in here?! I heard a gun!” One of the officers demanded, stopping dead in his tracks as he took in the whole scene. “You three are coming with us.” It was only fair, they were all witnesses anyhow, so they went without complaint.
~You're messin' with my family (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Down at the station, the group was first questioned all together to see how steady their story was as a whole. Dark began it, and Laito finished it, both even commenting on how their wrist and throat hurt even though they barely felt a thing during the fights. Both people also presented testimonies which included both witnesses and a video where Kanato was physically abusive and even verbally abusive to either of them. You shouldn't mess with me
“Do you have anymore evidence to present?” The Detective questioned, “Something that may have perhaps triggered a suicide...as that is what you said happened.” He contemplated, raising an eyebrow as if resting them. Cleo raised a hand. “I do Sir.” She smirked, handing him her phone which held all the messages showing Kanato’s lack of empathy towards everything and his negative attitude towards the world. “Hm..I suppose this is enough. A teen suicide is unfortunately already rather common in these areas, and a lack of energy, positive emotions, feeling of numbness and-or sudden aggression can have leads to some sort of mental disability.” You don't wanna mess with me
”But how did he get the gun Detective?” Dark asked out of plain curiosity, “His biological father had left it for him in his will before passing apparently. How he snuck it onto school grounds I have no idea, perhaps your school should upgrade on security.” He noted and Dark nodded. “Perhaps indeed Sir.”
~'Cause if you mess with me
“BABE ARE YOU OKAY??” Dark cried out when they were alone. Since the cleanup, Laito was allowed to have the dorm to himself since it was only a few more weeks to graduation. Dark came over to check up on him while the rest went out to celebrate their new-found freedom. “Ah, hey Love! Yeah, I’m okay, don’t worry.” He smiled warmly, hugging her briefly and pulling her hand over to his couch so they could cuddle and watch movies. You're messin' with my family (uh)
”Okayyy, if you say so!~” She singsonged, pressing her head into his chest so she could hear his heartbeat thumping steadily.
Thump-thump.You're messin' with my family598Please respect copyright.PENANAUhewqWozOI
La familia
Thump-thump.Hey, oh oh (yeah, yeah, yeah)598Please respect copyright.PENANA1vOzllgYa9
Don't mess with my family (no)
Thump-thump. Aye-aye-aye (brrr)598Please respect copyright.PENANA4gxMEI0UuD
You might think that we all loco
”Hey Sweetheart?” Laito called out. Aye-aye-aye598Please respect copyright.PENANAqeTAZPMh6W
But this family 'bout to go global
“Yes Darling?”
“Did you call security on me?” They say that we rude (rude)
At this thought, Dark bolted upright in her seat, “No! Of course not!” She replied as-a-matter-of-factly. They say we got problems (problems)
”Ah okay, thanks.” But we say it's cool (we turning up)
”They just so happened to hear the bang at the same time as us when we got back on campus; a gun without a silencer is not only very stupid but also very loud.” She giggled. Family, family (family)598Please respect copyright.PENANAt1zXr1EtVv
I go to war with my family (raah)
”Yeah, it is indeed.”Ups and downs598Please respect copyright.PENANA32wEIS9lbU
Wrong or right, that's family (uh)
”I love you Lai~”
You might think that we all loco (don't mess with my family)
”I love you too Dark.” Aye-aye-aye598Please respect copyright.PENANAsbp2pjr5lV
But this family 'bout to go global