(Song Used: Savage - Whethan)
It was roughly around 4-to-5 weeks before graduation when another new student came; another Alpha Wolf. His name was Zachary Parks, and his homeroom was with Light and Dark. Straight away Light could see that something was up with this kid. He was a year younger than them and he did have the looks, - smooth black hair that stopped right above his neck, bright yet pale purple eyes and tan, unblemished skin - but his personality didn’t seem to match up. Got me singing in the pouring rain
Zachary, - or Zach, as the group decided to label him - was bubbly and really friendly, but he was extremely attached to Light. Not only would the elder catch him staring unashamedly at her, but she would often get defended by him when the threat wasn’t even real. Two days passed and she decided to confront him in private. “Hey..Zach..!” She called out awkwardly; the boy immediately turned at the sound of her voice, rushing over.Got me wrapped around her finger
”Hi Light! Finally ready to say you love me??” He burst out excitedly. The Beta took a surprised step back, “Woah woah..hold on! Is that why you’ve been acting like this?” She asked accusingly, she hadn’t meant for it to come out that harshly and as a result Zachary frowned. “Well..yeah! I mean, you’re my Senpai and I wanted to make you feel comfortable and I just-“ I'm perfect in the palm of your hand
Senpai..!Like a metaphor of make-believe
”You’re..a Yandere.” The girl muttered softly, cutting him off. The Yandere’s smile faded even more, it wasn’t even a frown at this point, just a bitter scowl. “How did you find out my love?” He growled lowly, assuming that there was another competitor he had to deal with, “My best friends are Yanderes, so is her boyfriend. But anyhow, please Zach. Don’t do this. I’m not looking for a relationship right now.” She explained clearly and carefully. However as she started to walk away the Alpha grabbed her hand. But somebody wouldn't pinch me
”No! You’ll be mine! You ARE mine! MY SENPAI-“ And on that note, Light’s body worked faster than her mind as the whole of her swung around and slapped him hard across the face, the latter’s neck cracking at the sudden action. He let go of Light’s hand. “Mark my words. You will be mine.” Zachary threatened lowly before running off somewhere. Light sighed, what was even so special about her? That would be the end of this dream
Later that day, she went to meet her friends at their lockers. When she arrived, everyone was either visibly upset, or visibly confused. Light headed over to them; stomping her shoes on the cold tiles below them to stop her from slipping and falling when Azusa pushed her. “Hey! What’s wrong with you??” She nearly shouted, but kept her voice lowered so that they wouldn’t attract attention. “Me?? What’s wrong with you?! Abusing Zach for no reason?!” Azusa shouted back, not caring about the few whispers and murmurs they received.
Light facepalmed. “Well I’m sorry!” She remarked sarcastically, “It’s not MY fault he decided to go all Yandere on me!” At this comment, everyone froze. A brief moment of near unbearable tension passed before Yuma spoke up, “How would he even be a Yandere?? He’s so innocent and pure hearted!” Is this guy serious?! Light thought to herself, “Are you stupid?? That’s what a YANDERE is!!” it was at this moment that Zachary came up to them crying. Just something about you turns me to a savage
”Oh great! Here we go again!” Light groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose as everyone went to go check on him. “Zach what happened??” Dark asked, placing her small hands on his shoulders and massaging little soothing circles into them. To Light’s annoyance, he pointed towards her, “She hit me again! Look!” And lo and behold, there was a fresh blue and black bruise forming. The Omega frowned, her brows furrowing in confusion; but she chose to hide it. For now at least. If I'ma be honest I can't help but stay
”Come on! That’s probably just makeup or something!” Light defended, motioning for Cleo to try and smear it off. The Sigma tried, but as her thumb pressed into the bruise, it was discovered to be real, - and painful - “Ow! Please don’t do that! It’s real.” The Wolf pleaded with large eyes. The group looked between each other, deciding what to do. “Light. I think you should go.” Yuma concluded sadly, “Dark, stay with Laito for now.” “WHAT??” Both girls shouted, there’s no way they would be separated like that! Even if Light was so-said : ‘dangerous’! The younger shook his head, “Dark. You have to. I command you.” Yuma demanded, shifting into a more Alpha-like persona to get her to listen to him. Dark’s ears flattened. “Fine!” She shouted and stormed off. Yeah, I'm losing my balance
Light followed suit, not even bothering to turn around as the group comforted the crying Alpha. At the dorms, Light headed in, not even bothering to check if anyone was in there before slamming the door loudly, scaring Dark in the process. “Jesus! Warn me next time.” She laughed warmly, trying to lighten the mood best she could. “Dark, do you honestly think I straight up punched Zachary?” Light asked her best friend. The Omega froze, seemingly collecting her thoughts before turning to face her. “I don’t know, it’s just that-“ “Dark!!” Laito’s voice rang out from behind the closed door. “Sorry Light, I gotta go!” And off she scurried.
Another three days passed of Zachary accusing Light of harming him or even just giving him glares - which Light was guilty of - with bruises and even bloodied wounds to prove it. During these days, Dark slept with Laito in his bed; the gang not letting her stay in the same dorm room as her Beta childhood friend. Dark didn’t believe Zachary’s story. It didn’t seem right since the timings in which he said Light had apparently abused him were too near to her class times; and knowing her best friend, she would’ve gotten to class maybe 20 minutes earlier to save time. That night, she laid in bed thinking about why someone would want to target her like that. I do what I need to
Then she remembered Light’s accusation.So pardon my manners
”A Yandere??” She mumbled, sitting upright in realisation. “Babe..?” Laito yawned, gently pulling at her arm with sleepiness. The girl shook her lover, “Lai! Lai! Wake up wake up! It’s important.” “Nooo...!!!” The boy grumbled, turning on his side away from her. Dark frowned for a short minute and continued shaking him more aggressively until he finally woke, sitting up. “What?” “I think Light is right.” Laito shook his head, “What??” He asked with more concern. There's just something about you turns me to a savage
”Think about it. Zachary comes to school, and instantly he’s all over Light. The first time Light actually fought back she calls him a Yandere and even defends that statement. Then out of nowhere he started accusing Light with timings that wouldn’t even make sense since she heads to class 20 minutes earlier.” Her boyfriend sat quietly, processing and also waking up at the same time. Finally, he nodded, “Yeah..I think you’re right actually. “ he agreed, “But what’re we gonna do to prove it?” “I’ve got an idea.”
The next afternoon, classes had finished for everyone and it was free time. Dark, Laito and Light had discussed the plan before hand, and they managed to convince Cleo to come with them as a witness too. Dark nodded at the three of them, “Alright Light, let’s see if you’re telling the truth. Which I hope you are.” She smiled, and her best friend nodded. “As soon as I call one of you, someone start recording what you hear, alright?” A chorus of ‘yes’ answered her and she went off to find Zach. Well pardon my manners
Conveniently, she found him within one of the halls, looking devoid of any emotion. Picking a caller she called them and tucked the phone back into her back pocket. “Hi Zach!” She called cheerily, hoping that her voice would filter through clearly. The boy eyed her, not lifting his head as he spoke, “You’re Light’s bestfriend right?” “Yeah I am, why..?” She asked, and suddenly ducked at the incoming swipe that would’ve hit her neck if she hadnt. “YOU are the reason my Senpai suspected something! YOU and that...Cleo!” His voice was different now, cold and biting instead of what joyful carol he showed them in public. But something about you turns me to a savage
Dark had to keep him talking. “What do you mean? Suspect what?” She baited, a small smug smile curving her lips as he took the bait greedily, “THAT IM A YANDERE!” Well. That surely came out clear, she thought with satisfaction. “You’re a Yandere??” Just for good measure, she mused and jumped a little bit to avoid an incoming kick. “Tch. So what if I am?” The girl decided to taunt him more. “But like- are you though??” “WHY YOU LITTLE-“ and then started the chase.
Even being a Demon wouldn’t protect her from an Alpha that much, so Dark chose flight. She reached behind her, pulling out her phone and cutting her call as she ran back to where they began; Zachary hot on her tail. Just as she was running out of energy she ran straight into Cleo with a soft ‘Oof’ sound. Once Zachary had seen where she ran to, he backed off; disappearing into the crowds surrounding them.
Cleo hugged her friend tightly, “Dark are you okay?? I know you couldn’t really run but like-“ Dark pulled away from the hug and squinted at her, causing her to laugh, “I’m joking, are you okay though?? For real.” Laito made a concerned hum of acknowledgement to that statement, Dark nodded, “I’m fine, is the recording clear enough??” she questioned. Watching Light smile and play it through, the words crystal clear and as loud as a boom box when they blasted it at full volume. I can feel magic in the air
”Great!” She chirped, voice still a little breathless from running so suddenly. Abruptly, Light cleared her throat and said they should probably go and let Yuma and Azusa listen to it as soon as possible. Cell’s face paled. “We best head to them right now. If Zach is in fact smart enough he would’ve targeted you now too Dark.” She reasoned, getting a nod of agreement from the group.
~Promise this ain't a drive by
By the time they had found the duo, Zachary was already there waiting for them. Both boys stood in front of the now mysteriously wounded Alpha, arms crossed and eyebrows raised in an angry thought. “Dark I can’t believe you! An Omega!” Azusa claimed, his voice dropping and raising in pitch throughout. “I didn’t do anything, like you said Azu : ‘Omega’ ??” The girl retaliated, adding air quotes on the title. I'm tryna sweep you up and keep you there
The Puppy frowned, “But you can fight..” he argued, disbelief and frustration washing away slowly. “I can. But you both have known me for so long, since when-“ The Cat began, reaching between them to yank at Zachary’s shirt collar, “- would I ever want to fight willingly?” The Alpha growled lowly, a fierce snarl emitting from him. She looked away from his eyes up at Yuma. “You seriously think I did this? Tell the truth Yuma.”
Well aware that he was being put on the spot, the Beta inhaled and exhaled harshly, “No. I don’t think so, I never did.” Zachary pulled back with a surprising amount of force, “Are you kidding? That girl is a menace! Look at how she scratched up my arm!” He fought, revealing three long and deep slashes in his forearm. Blood seeped through the wounds still; maroon, syrup-like liquid rapidly coagulating on inflamed flesh.I do what I need to
”She’s a savage!” So pardon my manners
Everyone was quiet after that. It wasn’t that being called a Savage was an offence in their group, it was just that everyone needed to think about their next move, like in a game of chess, where you’re one move away from a check mate but just want to torture the other player for a bit more. Yuma broke first. “No. I don’t think she did that.” He repeated leisurely, a small grin playing at his lips as he continued. There's just something about you turns me to a savage
”I don’t think she did that, because if she tried anything, you’d be dead by now.”
Dark’s head shot up from where she’d been hanging it low on her neck. “Yuma..?” The latter held up a hand to silence her for the time being, submissively, she nodded and quieted down, cocking her head to the side and waiting patiently. “What do you mean?” Zachary asked warily, his tail fluffing up from being on guard, Yuma took a step forward behind him, a bruising grip beginning to squeeze his shoulder. Well pardon my manners
”What I mean is...either she kills you first–” He whispered, the deep rumble hovering in the air around them, “–or we do.” And as if nothing happened, he backed away, letting Zachary turn around in a uneasy confusion. “Do any of you have any proof Dark didn’t do this?” Azusa asked in turn, the other Omega catching onto his best friend’s antics. “We do.” Laito answered, holding his hand out with his phone as he pressed the play button.But something about you turns me to a savage
”THAT IM A YANDERE!” Zachary’s staticky voice rang out between them. Savage
Dark giggled slightly, mimicking her own comment as she parroted out at the same time, “But like- are you though??” she smiled wide, watching Yuma and Azusa look at her with proud expressions. Zachary’s face grew beet red with shame and disgust. “Just because I’m a Yandere doesn’t mean she didn’t harm me!” He countered, but this time Light stepped forward, past Dark.
Her palm glowed a bright light, a white dagger forming in it as she clutched around the luminous weapon. “Ooo fancy~” Dark sang behind her, letting Light roll her eyes and grin with satisfaction. “Oh Zach, you really didn’t think you could get away with this did you?” She taunted, watching the boy’s ego shrink at the sight of his Senpai holding a weapon. Just something about you turns me to a savage
He took a step back, but the Beta and Omega behind him just grabbed onto his arms, holding him still as he sweated, eyes closing in fear. Light took another stride forward until she was up in his face. “You really thought-“ She laughed cynically, “-that someone wouldn’t find out...?!” And with that she slashed into the boys chest with the glowing knife. If I'ma be honest I can't help but stay
”...I’m sorry!” The other Wolf cried out, beads of blood already pearling in the long line of reddish brown. “Sorry doesn’t cut it. Pun intended.” She laughed, dragging another line...Yeah, I'm losing my balance
And another....
And another...I do what I need to
Until finally Light decided to take mercy, pointing the tip of the dagger on Zachary’s Adam apple, admiring how it bobbed as he swallowed frightfully. “Well, I had my fun and revenge. Goodnight!” She finished cheerily, placing her free hand that wasn’t holding the knife on the butt of it and slamming it forward. So pardon my manners
There was a crude crack of the boy’s trachea as the magical knife split it messily in half before the body sagged and the skin on the outside of the throat bunched up as half his neck hung loosely on whatever was left of it. Light braced herself as everyone behind her moved away as she yanked out the knife, causing splashes of blood to pour out and splatter onto her, luckily most of it missed as she too jumped back a bit. There's just something about you turns me to a savage
”Jeez..” she muttered, wishing away the knife in a swirl of lights and sparkle. The bloody pool however, remained, along with the disfigured body. Azusa and Yuma dropped the boy, wiping their hands on their pants before Yuma burnt a little bit of the boy’s shirt, wherever their hands had grabbed onto. Not in the mood for a proper cleanup, the six of them left back to Dark and Light’s dorm, where Dark began to move her stuff back in.
”Light we’re sorry.” The duo apologised, feeling stupid for not knowing their friend and seeing the signs quicker. “It’s fine, at least he’s gone.” Light laughed, relieved to be able to hang out with the group and not have anymore visits from a whiny little brat like Zachary. Dark laughed too, “Yeah, who would’ve thought? Another Yandere, are we really that common??” Well pardon my manners
”Well, considering you, Cleo and I are all Yanderes I’m assuming so Love.” Laito grinned, gently stroking his girlfriend’s hair lovingly. “To be honest, Dark seems more of a Yandeguire?” Cleo mentioned, causing Dark to stifle a snort. But something about you turns me to a savage
”Im not sure about that...yes I’m protective over you guys but I don’t really know if that counts for me to be called a Yandeguire.” She replied, turning to Light, “Light is a Yangire though, even with all the rubbish we put her through she still chooses to protect us.” Savage
”Damn right I do.”