(Song Used: Say My Name by Bebe Rexha)
The next day, Dark headed to her classes as normal, walking through the crowded halls with Light and Cleo while they chatted about how annoying the test they were about to take will be. It was about an hour away, but they decided to head into campus early so they could study. Heck, Dark even dressed up well just for the sake of her luck; but alas, it looked as if things were already going wrong for her.
I've been dressing up for youBy their lockers, - the whole gang personally asked for their lockers to be together - stood Laito, Yuma, Azusa and the infamous Lillian Gray. As usual, she was basically leeching onto Yuma, who honestly didn’t seem too bothered by this fact. Sighing, Light and Cleo looked in her direction, sharing frowns and disgusted looks with their short friend.
Then you leave me in this room, this room”I just can’t understand why she can’t take a hint.” Dark groaned, walking over a bit faster, the two following close behind as they caught up with her. “Hey Lai!” She greeted, a fake smile lacing her lips, she waved to her two close friends as well, who returned the gesture. Her boyfriend smiled warmly at her, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Hello cutie, dressed up today are we?”
Pour a glass and bite my tongueThe Omega nodded slowly, deliberately biting her lip and staring straight at Lillian. “Mhm! It’s so the luck is on my side today!” She watched as Azusa gave her a questioning look; only to toss his head back and nearly shout out in frustration, “I FORGOT ABOUT THE TEST!!” He scowled, a small black cloud almost forming over his head and striking lightning. The group laughed, and the Neko turned her attention to her Puppy friend. You say I'm the only one
”It’s fine, we’ve got about an hour to kill. Want me to teach you?” She replied softly, promptly ignoring the sharp hiss that came from the Bunny’s - Lillian’s - direction. Nodding enthusiastically, Azusa agreed, hugging the smaller Omega close to his chest before walking with her to the library. Within the group now only stood Laito, Yuma, Lillian, Cleo and Light respectively. Laito eyed Light, sprouting a thought into her head so he could speak silently: If it's true, then why you running, you running?
’What was that about?’ Light didn’t bat an eyelash, still continuing her conversation between Yuma and Cleo as she quietly replied back, ‘She felt jealous of Lillian. So she’s getting revenge now.’ Ah. So that explains her clinginess, Laito pondered to himself before realising Lillian was trying to talk to him. Biting back a laugh, the Delta ignored her, pretending to be in his own little world while she stomped and huffed and headed away.
If his little Omega wanted to have fun...who was he to stop her? If you're really being honest
About a week of rushing off to help Azu with studies, Dark moved onto the next phase of her plan: Yuma. Spotting he was alone, - save for the idiotic Sigma that hung around him - she stalked over to him, grabbing his wrist and tugging it gently so she got his attention. “Oh, hey Dark! What’s up?” The Wolf grinned, his fangs shiny and poking out in his toothy smile. Dark paid no attention at all to Lillian, but kept a smug little smile on her face as she asked the Beta, right in front of her, “Can I borrow your jacket? I’m cold...” If you really want this (ooh-woah-oah)
Yuma tilted his head, knowing it was insanely hot outside, and seeing this gesture made Lillian snigger with Dark’s stupid request. However, the shortest didn’t stop there; she looked up at him with faux innocence, eyes growing big and round as if begging without words. It melted the Beta’s heart as he untied his hoodie from his waist, wrapping the empty arms around the Omega’s neck and shoulders. “Here, take it for next class.” He nodded an affirmative, patting the top of her head for good measure. Why you acting like a stranger
Dark preened inwardly at her success, purring contently at the headpats. Yuma, noticing this, asked her softly, “Do you like headpats?” Beaming, the Neko nodded and Yuma continued what he was doing for a few more moments before stopping and returning to his boring conversation with Lillian. This also continued for the next two weeks, Dark almost constantly borrowing Yuma’s stuff unless he really did need it for something. What's with your behavior? (Ooh-woah-oah)
And every single time she made sure it was in front of Lillian Gray.
Eventually, the aforementioned girl was getting rather ticked off. Her plan was now failing miserably because of the stupid Neko and she was going to show her who’s boss. Besides, what’s a puny little cat like her going to do to a strong and significantly much taller bunny like her? She needed time though...If you love me, let me hear you
Within the next few weeks, close to a month, there was totally no sign of Lillian at all. The group was relieved, falling back into the regular routine they had before she had crashed the party. Dark walked up to her boyfriend, hugging and holding onto him while she hummed quietly. “Jealous Hm?” Laito muttered just loud enough for her to hear, his tone playful and light. Say my name, say my name
Dark made a sound of confirmation and snuggled closer, taking Laito’s hand and putting it on her head, in between her ears. Taking the hint, he began to stroke her hair, small slides up and down in smooth motions before the door to the library - where they were alone together - burst open in a fury. “Dark.” Light panted, looking around for her bestfriend, her eyes landed on the smaller, mood lighting up. “Light?” The Omega asked, sitting up from her resting position on the Delta’s lap. I am dying to believe you
”Lillian is back.” I feel alone in your arms
Oh my god.. Dark thought before pushing herself up off the ground and heading over to her bestfriend by the doorway after placing a goodbye kiss on Laito’s forehead. “What happened this time?” She asked annoyed, mood completely ruined. “The usual, but now she’s even targeting Cleo for some reason.” That caused Dark’s ears to perk up. “Cleo? What for, she didn’t even do anything.” I feel you breaking my heart
”She’s been pestering her day and night about how bad you are apparently.” Light explained slowly, letting her childhood buddy process what she wanted to do. “Oh yeah? Like what.” “Like how touchy you got with Yuma and how you always had to be the one to help Azu. She thinks you’re some sort of player.” Dark snorted, watching her bestfriend smile and her eyes twinkle at the comment, “Little does she know..” “Yeah. So you going to take care of her?” Say my name, say my name
”You bet I am.” If you love me, let me hear you
First things first, Dark asked Cleo what happened exactly and what she had told her. Cleo spilled everything truthfully, and apologised for not being able to do anything about it, to which Dark smiled softly, genuinely feeling upset that this imbecilic rabbit hurt her friend. She patted the Owl’s head, giggling a little when she saw the brown feather flick back and forth as if it were ticklish.
”It’s Fine Cleo, I know you didn’t do anything, it’s not your fault.”
Moving on, it was time for Dark to get her plan fully into action. She had mentioned to Light what she wanted to do had the plan of getting the guys’ attention failed. She just needed really good timing...Don't believe a word you said
The hallways were pretty much empty during this hour, with only the group and Dark hanging around to get up to their own antics. The fact alone that they were all there meant Lillian probably stayed back too. Time to get the show started then... “Hey Light, you remember the timing things right?” Dark asked the Beta as they walked down the halls; searching. Still I let you in my bed, my bed (yeah)
”Yep. Do you want Cleo to know what’s going on too?” Dark nodded, still feeling a bit upset for letting her friend go through that. Well, hopefully this makes up for it. “Okayyy, alright, I see her taking her books from her locker, go! Go!” Light whisper-shouted, gently pushing her friend to go up and do what she needed to do. Got too many different sides
Plastering a smile on her face, the hybrid walked up to Lillian. “Hi Lilly!” She chirped, barely flinching at the slam of the metal against metal locker door as the taller furiously twisted the lock again to close it, books tucked into her right arm. “What do you want?” She hissed, glaring daggers at the latter. “I just wanted to say hi! And ask what’re you doing here so late.” Dark responded in cue, pretending to be interested as she stood on her tiptoes, looking at the titles of the stacked books.Got designer in your eyes
Lillian was starting to fume now; not only was she SO annoying, but she’s even invading her personal space! What is wrong with her?! She mouthed an ‘uh-huh’ and moved to walk away, but Dark was persistent. “Can I join you? I also like these books! In fact I take the classes and I-“
“OH MY GOD CAN YOU SHUT UP?!” Something has to change tonight, tonight, tonight
Show time.
Ears flattening with the act, the Neko whimpered, a fragile voice now coming out of her lips. “...what..?” “OH?! FINALLY YOU REALISED JUST HOW ANNOYING YOU ARE! YOU JUST CANT KEEP YOUR FILTHY LITTLE CAT HANDS OFF THE GUYS RIGHT?!” A soft fall of footsteps and shoe-squeaks alerted Dark that her time was running out, she needed to be a bit quicker.If you're really being honest
Still keeping her act up, she shook her head, body trembling slightly with fake fear. “I..I’m sorry I didn’t know-“ “OF COURSE YOU DIDNT KNOW! YOURE JUST A DUMB CAT! ALL CATS ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID ARENT THEY?! I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW YOU MADE IT INTO THIS UNI WITH A MIND LIKE YOURS!” If you really want this (ooh-woah-oah)
Almost...Why you acting like a stranger
Realising she hadn’t been speaking for a good amount of time Lillian shoved Dark hard onto the ground, the force making her slide backwards on her back. “Ow..why’d you do that??” Dark asked in concern, and genuine confusion as she moved to push herself up into a sitting position on the tiled floor, but alas, the Sigma was having none of it. “Hah! You’re so stupid, can’t even pick yourself up?!” Dark heard the footsteps stop. It’s time. She mustered up whatever emotions she could, eyes starting to prick and sting with tears as she just let them flow down. What's with your behavior? (Ooh-woah-oah)
Lillian cocked her head, looking down at the crying girl, “Awww is the stupid cat going to cry?? I told you.” She declared, raising her hand with the books, “Cats.” Swinging her right arm back, “Don’t.” She catapulted forward again, causing the books to start to fly out of her arm, “BELONG HERE!” Dark sniffed, her own arms raising in an X to brace herself for the blow of the thick, dictionary-like textbooks.
It was silent. If you love me, let me hear you
She hadn’t felt anything hitting her. That could only mean...Opening her eyes which were crusted with drying tears now, she saw Azusa in front of her, the Puppy holding a blue force field around them, protecting, protecting her. The plan worked. Dark amplified her trembling, shaking in even more fear now as she clung to the taller Omega. Azusa let out a breath he was holding, realising she was safe and dropped the shield. Say my name, say my name
One by one the group came out of their hiding, all staring daggers at Lillian - especially Laito -. I am dying to believe you
“Dark! Are you okay??” Azusa asked, snapping out of his angry daze and patting the girl up and down, putting his forehead against hers when he was finally satisfied that she wasn’t hurt. “I’m okay..thanks Azu.” Dark mumbled, still putting up her facade of terror. He nodded, brushing it off as nothing and told her to head over to Yuma cause she seemed cold. I feel alone in your arms
Having heard that, the boy in question opened his arms so Dark could hug him, he warmed his hands gently, making sure he didn’t accidentally flame her and warmed her up slowly. Meanwhile, it was Light’s turn to poke at the bunny, who was now in her own state of trembling with fear and realisation. “What’s that about cats being too dumb to attend this school?” She parroted back. I feel you breaking my heart
”I-I...uh.” Say my name, say my name
”Save it. You’ve been torturing me for a month about how bad Dark is and here you are throwing books at her?? You could’ve injured her! What is wrong with you.” Cleo retorted, not even waiting for a reply before she shot her down even more. If you love me, let me hear you
“N-No! I’m sorry I didn’t..I didn’t know what I was doing! It was just a fit of rage-“
”Fit of rage..?”Let me hear you
All eyes landed on Laito, who tilted his head as well, a murderous look in his eyes. “Ah I see, rage! Yes. You didn’t think it through am I right?” He nodded, a dangerous smile forming on his face as he noticed the girl nodding desperately and pleading with them. Dark looked at her boyfriend, squirming out of Yuma’s hold and sending him a questioning look. Yeah, woo, woo, woo
”Well...” Let me hear you
Suddenly, the girl clutched her head in what seemed to be pain. Eres candela
Fingers threatening to rip out flakes of live skin from her scalp and hairs straight from the roots she cried out, “MAKE IT STOP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT-“ and the rest was just screaming. Everyone but Laito stood still, wondering what was happening as dark red blood began to coat the girl’s fingers, nails making a squelching sound as they literally dug into her head and pulled out small chunks of meat. Let me hear you
Then she collapsed. Pa' mi única nena
It was silent again.
”Jesus Christ...” Light muttered, looking pitiless at the unconscious body on the floor and looking at Laito’s smug expression. “Sorry. It was in a fit of a rage, I didn’t know what I was doing.” He justified as blood continued to leak out through various points in the girl’s head, creating little streams and veiny lines that seeped into the cracks in the tiles. Desde Medellín hasta Londres
“Is she dead?” Cuando te llamo, la maldad responde
”No love, she isn’t, just unconscious right now. She should take this as a warning not to mess with us anymore. After all, what can we dumb cats do right?” He winked, causing Dark to flush and giggle hysterically too. No pregunta cuándo, sólo dónde
Privately, Laito leaned closer to Dark’s ear, whispering roughly, “I know what you were doing sweetheart. That’s smart of you.” Te dejas llevar, de lo prohibido eres adicta
The girl shivered at his tone, and looked up at Azu and Yuma with round eyes, “I’m-I’m sorry..I was just worried you’d pick her over me, that’s why I was so clingy..” she frowned, eyes dry. Una adicción que sabes controlar
Yuma stroked her head soothingly, “Heyy it’s ok! We never liked her anyways.” He looked over to Laito, “Want me to burn the evidence?” “If you can put it out again.” Cleo quipped from the other end of the group, a laugh in her voice as Yuma scoffed, “Of course I can!” Y te dejas llevar, lo más caliente en la pista
”Then do it. Burn it.” Azusa concluded, watching his friend twist his wrist, a ball of flames lifting itself in it and coming to life within his palm. “Alright.” He said to no one in particular as he flicked the flame over onto the still out-cold body of the girl, dousing her in small flames.Todo lo que tienes de muestra, ¿pa' qué lo dan?
Reds, Oranges and Yellows glowed brightly through the dark hall as sprinkle of ashes popped and fizzled in the roaring flame. Yuma nodded again, “That’s enough I suppose.” He looked to the elder, “Dark?” She nodded, encasing the whole burning mass in a black bubble before squeezing it completely shut and cutting off the oxygen so the fire died. Mordiendo mis labios verás
Cleo whined, “That’s not you putting it out! That was all Dark!” Yuma shrugged, “Didn’t say I couldn’t use help.” Que nadie más está en mi camino
”True.” Azusa agreed. Nada tiene por qué importar
Laito and Light laughed, Dark staying quiet and enjoying the confetti like black ashes falling into a small mountain of black and dark greys. Whatever was left of Lillian. She smiled, knowing that this time she won’t come back. Déjalo atrás, estás conmigo
”It suits her name you know.” Dark chuckled when Light and her were back in their dorms.
”What do you mean?” Que nadie más está en mi camino
”You know! Lillian Gray right? Well she was certainly Gray the last time I saw her.” Dark tossed her head back and laughed, smiling when Light did the same. Nada tiene por qué importar
”Fine Fine, Ill admit, that was fun to watch. I’ve never seen Azu run so fast.” Déjalo atrás, estás conmigo
”I’m happy he did.” Dark admitted, rubbing up and down her arm slowly, “If not I would’pve suffered a bad bruise or even a concussion, did you see how thick that book was! It’s like three dictionaries stacked into one!”
Light rolled her eyes and let out a low wolf whistle.If you love me, let me hear you
”Yeah yeah. Now go get ready for bed, let’s see what the newspaper says tomorrow.” Say my name, say my name
The girl nodded, hopping off the counter she was sitting on and lazily rolling her head on her shoulders, “Yes Mother~!” She laughed, but stopping before reaching her bedroom doorway.I am dying to believe you
”Light? Did you tell Laito about what I was going to do?” I feel alone in your arms
No response.I feel you breaking my heart
”Light!!” Say my name, say my name
”MOTHER KNOWS BEST!”If you love me, let me hear you
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