See, I told you it would start to get interesting. I mean, battling a hydra is pretty cool, especially if you haven't even been at camp that long. So as you noticed, we made it back to camp in time for campfire, but something was weird. Not as many kids were coming and I'm about to tell you all about that, so hold your horses. Actually, I'm gonna stop talking about random crap no one cares about and tell the story.
Over the next couple of weeks Ash and I hung out a lot, she was really cool once you got past her sassy and sarcasm side, but you know, she's like that with everyone. You just gotta get used to it. Anyways, Hannah and I have talked a little bit, but not that much. I mean, she's nice and all, we just don't have that much in common. Whereas Ash and I, dude we have so much in common it's not even funny. Okay I just called whoever is reading this a dude, so I hope I didn't offend you. I just call everyone dude. It's like my thing. You know what I'm gonna shut up now. Before I forget to tell you, Ash and Hannah have been avoiding each other so it's really hard to hang out with one of them, but the other kinda just disappears. Anyways, we were just hanging out right now together since we had free time. We were in the woods and decided to stay on the edge of it since we didn't want a repeat of last time. I was throwing my dagger at the tree that was in front of us. We were randomly talking about how our cabin numbers lessening and the weird plague that was going around. It was weird one, it started with blood coming from the eyes and nose, but as it got worse, you started coughing up blood and in the end dying. It wasn't good and we were all in danger.
This plague was really taking a toll on me and I don't think I could take anyone else close dying. I already lost a set of twins that were siblings, seven friends, four girls, three guys, and another person I got close to when I first came to camp. His name was Landon and a son of Hermes. We were best friends, then the plague came. He was one of the first ones we lost. It was devastating for me. 673Please respect copyright.PENANAkzufS6kwCk
"LILAC," I hear someone yell from behind us. I turn around to see Julie running towards me.
"It's Meg. She's caught the plague," she says out of breath from running. Let me tell you all something, Meg is the youngest out of all of us in the Nyx cabin. She just turned 12 recently and is like an actual little sister to all of us. Especially me. Now normally, if I was told this news about someone from my cabin, I would just walk to the infirmary calmly and rationally, but with Meg. No. I grabbed my dagger from the tree and put it in my boot and broke out into a full sprint towards the infirmary, hoping that Julie would follow me.
As we arrive there, I see Meg being carried in on a stretcher. I slowly walk over to the door and see Hannah watching Meg be taken in. She follows her in, but soon returns. She has her sketch book and pencils in hand with a page open. Looks like she was in the middle of a drawing. Hannah stays at the infirmary even when it isn't her shift. She just likes helping out and keeping an eye on the patients. When she isn't helping out, you can find her sitting right on the front steps of it, drawing whatever she see's or pleases.
"Hannah!" I yell at her. We may not talk that much, but she is still a cool person.
"How's Meg looking," I ask her, knowing that they probably won't let me in until my shift which happens to be in a few minutes with Ash, Hannah. Their putting all of us who haven't gotten sick yet on rotation with the Apollo kids to help them out since there are so many coming in.
"She looks the best out of everyone in there. You guys brought her in just in time." she says. I let out a sigh of relief. I look down at my watch and realize it's time for my shift.
"Are you guys gonna head in or just stand there like idiots," I hear someone say behind us, but I automatically register it as Ash's. I turn around and look. What s surprise, it's Ash.
"Ash." I hear Hannah say and see her glaring at Ash.
"Devereaux." Ash says with the same amount of venom dripping from her voice and glaring back at her. You can feel the tension in between the two. Ugh people these days. Why can't everyone just get along?
"Okay ladies. Come on in for your shift," I hear Mary, one of the other Apollo kids say to us.
"Actually Mary, they need to come to the big house with us," I hear horse steps and footsteps come up from behind us. We all turn and see Chiron and Mr. D walking towards us. What?