Hi anyone that somehow stumbled upon this. I hope I don't bore you to death with this story of my little camp half-blood adventure with two girls that I never thought I would be friends, I probably wouldn't have met them if it wasn't for this camp an-. Right, let me introduce myself. The names Lilac. Lilac Curie Hadden, yet most people know me as Lilac Hadden. I don't like my middle name, so please don't use it otherwise I will. Find you. Anyways, this here is the story of how I went on the biggest adventure of my life.
It all started around two years ago, when I first found out that I was a demigod. I was 14 years old. Living in Miami, Florida with my dad, Joseph Hadden, or to most, Jo Hadden. Don't ask me where that nickname came from because I have no idea. My mom left when I was around 2 so I have no idea about her. I never asked my dad about her since I knew it was a sore subject for him. The day had started like any other day, I woke up, got dressed in my black leggings and dark purple tank top, with my signature plaid t-shirt. I had breakfast, met up with my friends, went to school, came home, and started doing my homework. Nothing felt different. Yet as I was struggling with my English homework with my dyslexia, something was off when my dad came into my room.
"Hey Lilac, there's someone I want you to meet in the living room," he said, peeking his head in the door.
"Coming!" I leave my stuff how it is and walk into the living room to see a middle aged women.
"Lilac, meet Katie, she has something to tell you," my dad said pointing at the lady.
"Lilac, I need you to grab your most valuable belongings and bring it in here. We need to leave, like now. Their coming"
"Who's coming? Where are we going? Dad what's going on?" I ask no one in particular.
"Lilac just listen to her. She'll explain everything on the way. Now go!"
I run into my room and take out my duffel bag. I take as much as I can fit including my camera, a couple t-shirts, shorts, and leggings, my beat up converse, and a couple of other things. I take the bag out to the living room and Katie hurries me out the door and into her car. We start driving out of our apartment complex and onto the road.
"What the heck is going on?"
"Your a demigod. Which means that's your mom was a greek god who married a mortal a.k.a your dad. That explains your dyslexia. Most demigods have that or adhd. In rare cases both. We don't know who your godly mother is, just that you'll be put in the Hermes cabin along with a bunch of other new kids."
"That explains everything except who is 'they'" I ask.
"Monsters. They want all these demigods and they sensed you here. That's why we were in hurry to leave," she explained.
"One last question. Where exactly are we going?"
"Camp Half-Blood. Near New York. A camp where half-bloods all over come to stay through the summer or all yearI. t's going to take a while so I would sit back and relax. It's going to be a long ride."
I don't know when I fell asleep, but before I know it, I'm shaken awake by Katie.
"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."
I get out of the car and see a bunch of kids roaming around the camp grounds. Taking archery lessons, riding pegasus, and a lot of other things. I grab my stuff from the car and take it over to the Hermes cabin. I start talking to other girls and people around the cabin. If you haven't noticed, I'm a very talkative person and love being friends with people.
At dinner, I was sitting with a bunch of other girls from the Hermes cabin and learning about them when everybody stops talking and looks at me. I see a kid walk up to me.
"Welcome to Nyx. I'm Julia, cabin leader. Bring your dinner over to our table and we can get all your stuff after dinner."
I sit with the Nyx kids for the rest of dinner. It is a somewhat small group of kids, but their all cool. There are 4 other girls and 2 boys.
After dinner I take my stuff and move into the Nyx cabin. I see that the color scheme of all the kids tends to be dark colors such as dark purple and blue with black. They all also tend to be more quiet then other kids and don't talk a lot with other kids from different cabins. Different, but cool.
I think I'm gonna like it here.