So far, the story has been a little boring, I know. No real action or adventure or drama, but just wait. Things are about to get a little more interesting. It was also the first time I met those two girls I was telling you about. You know, the one's I go on the quest with and become best friends with also. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, we still have some things to happen before we get there. Actually a lot of things, but that's besides the point. Anyways, enough me talking, let's dive right in.
Today was the first free day we've had at camp since I've came here, so I decided to go for a walk. I slip on my combat boots and pick up my trusty dagger and slip it in. No it's not gonna hurt me, I've done this before. Besides, you never know when you might need one. I yell at my half-brothers and sisters that I'm going for a walk, so they don't wait up on me for dinner. They are all really nice, just really introverted, which collides with my extroverted type personality. I slip out and headed out into the forest.
I wandered around for a while until I noticed something, big, green, and scaly by Zeus' Fist, with someone being cornered. She started fighting it with a sword, but I knew that wasn't going to work, since it looked like a hydra. I took my dagger from my boot and threw it at it's side. She took this moment of confusion for the hydra to roll out of their grabbing my dagger with her.
"Thanks," she said handing back the dagger. I smiled and said, " Yup," popping the 'p'. She was a girl with brown-ish hair that had parts with green and pink. She was dressed in a total like grunge outfit and was carrying a sword.
"The name's Lilac, daughter of Nyx," I said.
"I'm Ash, daughter of Ares," she replied. During this whole little conversation, we hadn't noticed that the hydra had recovered a little bit and was coming toward us. Before I could process what was happening, Ash jumped in front of me and chopped off two of its heads.
"NO," I yelled, but it was too late. Two heads were growing back at each stump and now there were 9 heads instead of 7!
"That wasn't smart. This is a hydra and every time you chop off one head, two grow back to replace it. Btw, it also has poisonous breath." I told her while she glanced at me wearily.
"Yeah, whatever, that's nice. Now if you told me how to kill it that would be great," she said, now looking annoyed.
"Fire. As soon as you chop a head off, you need to burn the stump of where it was at."
"You're lucky I refilled my greek fire," she said referring to the green bottles on her belt. " You distract, I behead, you then put the fire on him while he's distracted by me." I nod and take the bottles from her.
I move a little in the other direction of it and whistle at it. It looks over at me and starts charging at me. I dodge out of the way and jump onto its back. Yeah, cause I'm just that good (A/N: Okay I was really tempted to spell cause with a 'z' referring to when Rocky told Riker that he wasn't cool since he didn't spell it with a z. Only r5 family members would understand, but idk I just felt the need to put that in here.) He tried to look at me, but he couldn't. Ash took this time to chop off some heads. She swung at it and successfully took off three heads. I poured the greek fire on each of the stumps so no heads would grow back. Unfortunately, it wasn't stunned like the last time we cut off its head. It whipped the remaining heads back at Ash and shot a puff of poisonous, green breath at her. Luckily, she rolled out of the way and dodged it. While she rolling out of the way, she chopped off the two heads that had grown onto that stump and I set fire to it. 5 down, 4 left to go. She quickly ran over and took off another two and I set fire to the stump and jumped off its back.
The creature looked confused for a second, but quickly regained its composure. It charged at Ash and as soon as she was about to chop off another head, a flaming arrow flew past us. Sadly, the hydra moved out of the way just in time and hit the tree. The girl who shot the arrow and I ran up to Ash.
"We're out of greek fire. How are we gonna kill it now?"
The random girl spoke after me, "Sorry about that, I rarely ever miss, but it looked like you needed some help. I'm Hannah."
Hannah was a girl with red hair and this sort of hipster feel that came off her and her clothing.
Ash glared at her, "We were perfectly fine, thank you very much."
"Be nice. Thanks for trying to help. I'm Lilac, daughter of Nyx. That's Ash, daughter of Ares. Nice to meet you," I smiled at her.
"I'm a daughter of Apollo. Nice to me-" she was cut of by a loud growling sound. We turned and saw that the hydra was charging at us. Ash and I got out of the way, but Hannah was knocked down by it. Ash darts over and slices off one of the heads.
"Lilac, go get some fire!"
I run over to the tree that received Hannah's arrow. I see a branch that has some fire on tip an arms length up. I reach up and grab it off the tree. I quickly run over to where Ash is standing and give the fire to her. She places it on the stump and no heads grow back. I grab my dagger from my boot and chop off two more heads and she places fire there. By the time there was only one head left, Hannah is now up and running over to help us. She helps us try to hold it down while I take off the last head. Ash puts the fire to the stump and the hydra dies. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Man, that was hard," I say and they nod, out of breath as well. I look up and see that it was starting to get dark.
"We should get going guys. It's getting dark," Ash said, almost reading my thoughts. We gathered whatever had dropped in the 'fight' and went on our way. We started heading back, but since it was getting dark, we couldn't really see the path. It was getting later and I don't think we were anywhere close to camp.
"Uh... guys. Where the heck are we," asked Hannah seeming nervous.
"Hmm, well if I knew we wouldn't be wandering this stupid forest," exclaimed Ash looking pissed at Hannah.
"Both of you, shut up. We need to think. How are we going to get out of this forest," I asked stopping at a fork in the road. We all looked around, seeing if there was something that we could remember from walking in. I saw the faint glow of a fire coming from the left of us. I squinted, and saw that it was a campfire.
"Guys look! A campfire," I said and started running towards it, hoping that they would follow. I heard footsteps soon fall behind me and we were in full sprint to the campfire. When we finally reach the fire, we see that everyone is just piling in. Phew...