Chapter 7
That Night
"What do you mean we can't get a drink!" Silver yelled, her fist slammed against the wooden table as Zoki merely shrugged,
"What do you expect, I'm not paying for you two to get drunk," Zoki said taking a bite out of a sandwich she ordered. It was a small and crowded bar; conversations were starting and stopping as Tempo pulled her hood down even further.
She then looked around; she wasn't use to being around so many people in such a comfortable area. Tempo was usually by herself, either filling out papers from her missions or simply thinking about Parce or her job.
"Hey relax a little!" Silver smiled at the girl, "What do you want to eat? Anything's fine considering Zoki's paying!" Silver laughed as Zoki glared at the silver haired demon.
"Yes yes laugh at me...why am I even your friend,"
"Because of my amazing personality?" Silver responded.
"...I'm sorry, but this is so, weird?" Tempo couldn't find a word for it.
"Weird?" Silver tilted her head as Tempo buried her face into her hands, it seemed that she was trying to think about something.
"Not only that...aren't we enemy's?" Tempo added.
"Eh, don't think too hard about it, I'm friends with plenty of people that tried to kill me," Silver said.
"That just means you're too relaxed," Zoki said as she took a sip of her drink
"Not relaxed, just friendly," Silver said.
At that moment the door to the bar door flew open as a man ran in, he was drenched in water as he held his chest his nearly collapsing on the ground.
"The Ships at the port has been destroyed!" The man yelled as all three girls glanced at one another.
"Do you expect us to believe that someone destroyed every single ship," the Bartender laughed as the man quickly shook his head.
"I'm not lying! There were these black beasts-"
"Do you know who was controlling them?!" Tempo shouted, trying her best not to let the small cloth she called a hood fly off
"No," the man replied.
Tempo was about to get out of her seat and check before she felt Silver's hand touch her shoulder
"Listen, I don't know much about what happened, but those shadow monsters were the same as the ones I saw leaving the port early right? That means you weren't the one that attacked the Naval port," Silver said, recalling the shadowy beast that was leaving the scene a few days ago. She knew something was off about it either way
"Well, in any case, we will be stuck here for a while," Zoki said, "this area is rather isolated from the rest of the world. The only place left Minfor, which is a fishing town. However that is currently under quarantine due to a recent outbreak,"
Tempo frowned as she buried her head into the desk. Silver could obviously see that she wanted to see Parce again.
"Don't worry...we will think of something," Silver replied.
The three walked out of the bar as the moon shined down on them, all three of them sighed as Zoki pulled out a small pocket watch from her coat before scratching her cheek, "it still pretty early,"
"I guess we have to go around town and try to find an alternate way," Silver replied as Zoki grumbled
"It's not that simple,"
Silver pouted for a moment before crossing her arms slightly, "maybe, maybe not you never unless you try! Now Tempo hop on my back," Silver urged the small bunny girl to do just that as Tempo shook her head quickly putting both of her hands up.
"I'm good...I can walk." Tempo replied.
"Suit yourself," Silver shrugged.
"If we are going to do this, then we should probably check the harbor first, perhaps they still might have a functioning ship?" Zoki pointed out; it made sense after all.
"Yeah, maybe if we're lucky one of them survived the attack," Tempo ears nearly poked out of her hood as the three walked through the town and towards the harbor. Tempo gaze then slowly shifted back to both Zoki and Silver.
"Um, you guys mentioned that you know someone who could summon that dark beast? Do you know his name?"
Zoki sighed, it wasn't the best idea to talk about holy one and demon matters around lesser creatures, but she was sure she was capable of phrasing it in such a way not to give away their identity. "He is an that works for an organization I know; his name is most likely Kage. He is an expert on magicrarft, allowing him to take his magic and form physical creations,"
"Oh, I see, I haven't seen anyone do that with their magic before. We can make objects like spears or swords, but nothing that ever completely replicated a monster,"
"Hmm, strange, I wonder if he is working with the Holy Knights and targeting Parce,"
"Wait...Holy Knights, targeting Parce? What are you talking about?" Tempo frowned as Silver scratched her cheek for a moment as Zoki glared at her friend. It was getting more difficult to keep things from the natural inhabitants of the world.
"Uh, don't worry about it, if it comes up again I'll tell you the rest..."
The girls finally made it to the harbor which was crowded. The local guards stopping anyone from getting near the wreckage, a few of the ships were still burning and floating in the sea as angry chants echoed through the crowd.
"Well it seems that guy was telling the truth, there is nothing here for us..." Zoki pointed out
"Oh, it seems that you ladies need some help," despite the shouts of the crowd being loud Silver shivered for a moment. The voice didn't say anything else, but both Zoki and Silver knew who was speaking.
"Okay, Katto we know you're here!" Silver yelled.
"Sheesh, here I was pretending to be all mysterious and whatnot, and you ruin my fun," Katto said walking out of a crowd.
Both Zoki and Katto glanced at one another as if both of them were trying to come up with an insult.
"Hurry up and speak you brainless killer," Zoki was able to get her insult out first as Katto shrugged and gave a small sigh,
"Yeah, yeah, nice to see you too Zoki," Katto gained a sly smile, "anyway I heard you ladies are having some traveling troubles..."
"Then I will get straight to the point...we need to find a way to Vratbert, but as you know the ship is wrecked," Silver said
"So you are wondering if I know an alternate route?" Katto replied as Zoki nodded.
"You catch on fast, but then again it's not that hard to figure out,"
"Well if you must know...I do know an alternate route, but I doubt fine young lady's like yourselves would be interested." Katto smiled.
"Try us," Silver replied as Katto only chuckled,
"How do you feel about going through a Sewer?" Katto asked.
"...I don't like this is going," Tempo intervened. "but, I have to make it back to Parce no matter what!"
Katto then looked down at Tempo, his brain working slowly as if he was trying to recognize the girl in front of him. " aren't human are you?"
Tempo froze for a moment, "Um...I,"
Katto continued to look at her, his expression being almost dull and lifeless before asking a simple question.
"Are you single?"
"Huh?" Tempo just looked at Katto for a moment as he shrugged.
"What? I'm tempted to ask you out if you don't mind. You are a demon aren't you?"
Zoki's eye twitched, just so casually Katto mentioned demons without even a shred of tact. Silver, on the other hand, had a large grin on her face as Tempo looked at Katto for a moment before quickly shaking her head, her face reddened.
"S-sorry, but I c-can't," it seemed that Tempo completely ignored the demon comment as she was shaking completely covering her face.
"That's disappointing, well, I know an old factory nearby the cliffs of this region. It directly leads to the sewers of Vratbert; I'll show you since I'm heading that direction anyway,"
"I see, then we shall head out tomorrow, we have not gotten the proper amount of rest, and it would be a poor choice to go out on a whim," Zoki stated as Katto laughed.
"Always the hard ass, oh well, I have something I need to take care of first anyway, I'll visit your room in the morning," with that Katto vanished back into the crowd leaving the three girls alone with their thoughts.
"Hmm, it's weird that he managed to beat us here, maybe he got on the first ship?" Silver stated as Zoki shrugged.
"Katto has always been a bit shady, right now we should head back to our room and prepare, we are going to have to cross a bit of the desert to get there, and we should probably get clothes to reflect that. Don't worry I'll go out in the morning to buy us the proper clothing," Zoki said that as she was starting to make her way back to the end causing both Tempo and Silver to grumble.
"Thanks, mom," Silver said under her breath as both Tempo, and she followed their friend.
They arrived back at their cramped room as Silver laid on one of the beds staring up at the ceiling, Zoki sat on the floor examining her weapon as Tempo only gazed out of the small window up at the full moon.
"I've meant to ask you this Tempo, but people keep talking about these Six Warriors that you are a part of, do you know about the one called Link?" Silver asked on a whim as Tempo tapped her lip for a moment before shaking her head.
"I don't know much about the other warriors outside that I work with them, most of them don't even know that I can take this form. They are my co-workers and me kind of try to keep job stuff out of my personal life,"
"Can't argue with that..." Zoki made an offhand comment as Tempo crossed her arms.
"But, I will say I don't think anyone has ever seen Link's face," Tempo stated, "hmm, it's weird, I wonder if he has some scar...why do you ask about him anyway?"
Silver shrugged, "I've met him for a bit, and he seemed a little odd, that's all," the demon then gave a small yawn before closing her eyes.776Please respect copyright.PENANAsL4Nw4wpdd
"Hey, you don't mind sleeping on the floor tonight do you Zoki?"
"In fact, I do..."
"Oh, I guess you're okay with letting Tempo sleep on the floor huh?" Silver eyes narrowed as Zoki grumbled.
"Whatever, I wasn't planning on going to sleep anytime soon anyway," Zoki sighed as she went back to work as Silver gaze shifted back to Tempo.
"You should rest, we are going to be crossing the desert tomorrow, and it probably won't be a short trip..." Silver said again as Tempo's face turned red.
"Y-you don't have to tell me that," Tempo stuttered, "I am a part of the Church Knights, I've been through there before..."
"Yeah, yeah, well I'm going to bed," Silver wrapped herself in her blankets and closed her eyes.