Chapter 3
Sisters684Please respect copyright.PENANAdBk54Oy3S9
"Man this place is hot, steam is coming out everywhere," Silver said as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Despite Silver sighed, as she walked through the grass of their current location
"It seems like it could easily be a natural hot spring if someone did the work to set it up..." Katto made an off-hand mention
"If you two are done wasting time can you hurry up! I want to be there soon!" Richard yelled at the two demons as Katto shrugged.
Their location was Mayweather river. Apparently, they had to pass it to get to Seel.
"...Hey Katto...are you actually, you know." Richard said choking up, not wanting to say the assassin part.
"Well yes, I am you know...even though I don't know what you know is..."Katto replied, in a rather sarcastic tone.
Katto did not enjoy being asked dumb questions, especially ones he has already answered, though it does lead to rather entertaining conversations, at least from his standpoint.
"I think he wants to ask you if you are a killer," Floyd said as Katto scratched the back of his head.
"Well yeah, I was, no I'm still am it's a hobby," Katto smiled, knowing for well the last word of his sentence would cause confusion.
"A hobby?" Mai said.
"Well yes, just like people like to read or listen to music I like to kill things, no big deal,"
"Dammit Katto stop freaking them out and let's hurry up!" Silver said trying to change the subject.
"...Yeah, let's get moving."Floyd said.
The group continued through the broken sharp-rocked river, until a presence stop them, or rather everyone in the group knew what was coming
A giant tiger-like creature fell from the sky, its appearance was rather surprising, not because it was there, but the fact how it appeared in front of the group, you see it did not run up to the, but rather fell from the sky.
Its fur was a bright yellow, as black markings danced across its body, this was most likely a Klyt, at least that is what Silver thought from the description
"When the hell did Klyts learn how to fly?" Silver yelled, still confused on how such a beast entered the scene.
"There is someone behind them as well," Verm said, as his eyes cut towards the
The group then turned around and saw a small pink haired girl with two large bunny like ears poking out of her head. She was dressed in white and black what looked like some battle dress. She had a small spear in her hand and a little white tail.
"She's a part of the church... They've found us," Sara's said, her eyes narrowing, "and by the looks of it the ugliest member of them all..."
"S-shut up Sara!" The pink haired girl snapped, "at least I'm not an old lady pretending to be young,"
Sara's face went pale for a moment as Verm chuckled to himself.
"Oh my, it seems that secret is out, I am so sorry Sara that I wasn't able to keep it safe," Verm sighed as Sara bit her lip, her face turning a bright red.
"...So, how old are you?" Silver casually asked as Sara coughed, slowly moving the topic somewhere else.
"A-anyway, Tempo, you're here to take Parce back right?!" Sara pointed at the bunny eared girl.
It was apparent that she wasn't entirely human as Tempo looked over at Parce before her eyes slowly shifted to the ground. "I-I..." despite the outburst before it seemed the girl known as Tempo was suddenly silent as Silver grumbled.
"Hey! If you want to say something, spit it out no need to be wishy-washy." Silver said as she closed one of her eyes.
"I agree wasting time is such a kill joy," Katto replied.
"I need to; I need to talk to you, and I won't accept no for an answer!" Tempo yelled...or at least what she attempted as a shout considering how meek she is.
"Tempo, what do you want to talk about?" Parce asked is former attendant, as her heart skipped a beat.
"W-why did you leave so suddenly Parce? If you needed help convincing the rest of the church this isn't how you do it!" Tempo replied.
Parce remained silent for a moment as his eyes shifted to Verm, something was off about the entire situation. Silver had a nagging feeling that whatever Parce and Verm were doing, it probably didn't have the purest intentions.
"Tempo...please go back to the church," Parce voice was like honey as the pink haired girl quickly shook her head.
"No! That's not good enough! I wi-" Before Tempo could finish her statement, the earth started to shake.
"W-what?" Silver yelled, as the earth beneath her started to shatter
" Katto sighed.
"It's an earthquake!" Verm bit his lip, "the steam must be mixing in with the poison under the first layer of stone..." the explanation seemed to be good enough for everyone in the area.
At that moment purple mist started to spray from the ground like steam brings pushed up from the earth, it was evident that they were under something.
"What's that mist?" Floyd asked trying to get footing.
"It's the miasma," Mai said.
"...Shit!" Silver then ran up and pushed, Tempo out of the way, the mist then completely covered the girl as she let out a cough.
"Umm..." Silver then stopped when she realized that it didn't have any effect on her.
She was a demon after all, and Miasma had little effect on such creatures, what could be deadly for humans might be little more than a passing breeze
"Oh no! I have been hit with poisonous gas in a manner that it will cause me to collapse, now I will fall to the ground..." Silver then fell to the floor after her amazing acting skills were shown.
Katto only put his hand over his face after hearing such a performance; one may question, whether it was out of sheer awe, or out of how idiotic it was, or maybe a little of both.
"This stuff..." Richard covered his mouth as Mai responded
"If you don't inhale a significant amount over an extended period, you'll be okay. Let's just get out of-"
Mai couldn't finish her statement as the ground started to sink and crack even further. Boiling water was directly underneath them, not even noticing the toxic gas that was slowly starting to fill the area.
"Shit," Richard cursed.
Katto glanced over the Silver, who just nodded. His finger twitched as he took out his knife, Silver placed her hands on the ground. It was risky, but it was something that had to be done as Silver's face turned red slightly as she lifted the ground underneath them as Katto drew what appeared to be a glyph with his knife in the air.
Silver took a deep breath as she dug her nails into the ground before jump slightly, pulling the ground up slightly. Katto then casually swung his knife, dispelling the poisonous gas that was surrounding them
"I-It disappeared," Floyd said in amazement
"I erased the miasma, but that won't stop more from seeping up if we have time to talk we have time to run," Katto said.
"That is...interesting," Verm looked over to Katto and Silver for a moment almost in a trance.
"Worry about that later. We need to get out of here." Floyd replied.
"My friend!" Tempo then ran to the unconscious Klyt stomping on Silver's foot in the process; it most likely got caught in the poisonous miasma.
Even a small child could break a bone if they stomped hard enough, and be certain, the little girl did stomp.
"Well damn if this the thanks I get for helping then I hate to see a punishment,"" Silver thought to herself.
"Speaking of stepping on..." Verm then looked at Tempo. "What should we do with her?" Verm asked as Silver sighed holding her foot.
"Just let her go..." Silver said.
"Do you think it's that simple?" Mai replied.
"Yeah I do, unless you want to make it complicated, because I am willing to fight about it."Silver smiled.
"Please, Verm just let her be..." Parce then looked at the pink haired girl who was treating her Klyt friend.
"Very well." Verm sighed.
"Do you think we should move her?" Floyd asked.
"No...with her awake and all I don't think that's a magnificent idea," Silver stated.
The group then started to walk towards the exit as Silver gave one last glance at the pink haired girl.
"If I may have a moment?" Verm asked the group, as they broke formation.
Of course, this annoyed a certain red head of the group, as Silver merely shrugged at the request, she wasn't in any rush to get anywhere, actual she was wondering what she was going to do about getting home.
"...Oh, come on. We're almost to Seel. What do you want here?" Richard said in an annoyed fashion, as Parce only looked at Verm
He knew exactly what the necromancer was going to ask as.
"It's something about Katto and Silver," Parce asked as both Silver and Katto remained silent.
"Why yes, I never actually seen such skills before, they did not appear to be traditional magic. Honestly, if I knew you two were this strong, I might have kept a better eye on you..."
Katto then sighed as he whispered something in Silver's ear, "this is getting risky. Maybe we should ditch them while we still can," he wasn't particularly convincing, but Silver couldn't deny it as an option.
She thought she had a pretty good grasp of the world, and it might have been time to start slowly to split off from the group.
"You're probably right, as much fun as it is to hang around humans something is going wrong here with the demon race..."
"We could also just kill them," Katto shrugged as Silver grumbled.
"No not everyone is a death-obsessed as you, now let's ge-" Silver stopped herself as if her entire body was stricken with fear. Katto only chuckled, he knew who was coming, and yet he couldn't help but laugh.
"...What's wrong?" Verm asked, his eyes narrowing.
They weren't prepared for another ambush, at least not one with human opponents, and Verm was willing to increase their pace if it meant getting out of another battle.
"Please...not her...anything but her..." Silver started to shake, as if she saw a ghost or a holy one, whatever it was, it really couldn't be good for anyone in the area, or anyone that appreciates life.
"What in the hell is wrong with you!" Richard yelled in an annoyed fashion, not understanding the severity of the topic or situation.
"Not that bitch..." Silver then started to freak out walking around in circles, clenching her head as if it were going to pop at any moment.
"Who's she talking about?" Floyd asked, fearing the worse possible outcome.
Katto smiled, "Only one person can make Silver act like this."
He seemed to be enjoying, Silver's pain, and who wouldn't be.
"Oh come on little sister don't be like that!" A voice boomed, from a seemingly unknown location, as if it was coming form the depths of hell itself,"
"Who's there!" Mai replied, preparing to attack, even if she didn't know where her enemies were.
"Come on now, not everyone you can't see is hostile. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people!" With that, a flash of blue came from out of a tree and hit Silver right in the face. It was an amazing kick, one for the ages,
"Damn you, Shǎn you bitch!" Silver yelled before rubbing her cheek.
"Oh come on now, that's not any way to greet you, big sister!" A woman that looked about nineteen replied.
She was wearing a blue T-shirt and black sweat pants; she had long silver hair and blue eyes.
"Don't be like that? After everything you did, you're asking me not to be like that!" Silver screamed, it took everything in her body not to smack her sibling.
"Who are you?" Mai asked.
"You look kind of gloomy why not relax? If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it by now..." Shan replied, with a smile of course
"You know, that's not the kind of thing you say to get someone to relax..." Floyd added a well-known fact as Mai merely blinked.
"She called me gloomy..." Mai said to herself.
"If you must know my name is Shǎndiàn Kagayaku, but please just call me Shan." The woman smiled, stating her rather long and annoying name, one must question why demons saw fit to give their children such names, either they were painfully complicated, or extremely short, and that isn't even going into middle names.
"I assume you're Silver's sister?" Verm asked, using common sense to figure out such a simple problem.
"Wow you're pretty smart, I guess it's the glasses,"Shan smiled.
"Shut up, and get out of here!" Silver yelled such venom that had never been seen before; it was evident the two shared a small sibling rivalry, either that or Silver didn't enjoy Shan's games when they were younger, especially not the one called.
"I sense some hostility here." Floyd was saying the understatement of the century.
"Yeah I know, it's sad, my sister refuse to let go of grudges it just breaks my heart..." Shan shed a single tear from her eye; surely her heart was shattering into many little fragments.
"Don't play that shit, you know full well all the things you did to me!" Silver stated, recalling memories of deep and horrid things that her sister had done to her.
"Can you list them, my memory is a bit fuzzy," Shan smiled, a rather silly smile at that.
"First, you broke my bike with your car two years ago! Then you made me fail my test by giving me the wrong notes...on purpose! Then when I came home from school that day you left a note on the fridge stating you were in my room having sex with my boyfriend, just to go to my room and find out what you wrote was true!" Silver yelled, taking a breath, some may think she was making such things up, but she wasn't, not even the improper grammar.
"Hey, the last one wasn't my fault! I left a note! Plus if you would put out I wouldn't have stolen him, being a 1657-year-old virgin must be suffering," Shan then laughed.
Silver face then lost all color; she could not speak at that moment, she was simply in shock, that her sister would say such a thing to everyone, she knew they probably wouldn't believe she was over a thousand years old, but that wasn't what Silver was worried about,
"...So Shan, what are you doing here?" Katto asked.
"Well I'm just heading to the border, I'm doing secret stuff so don't ask!" Shan said
"Really? That's where we're headed as well." Mai answered as Silver eye twitched.
Silver wanted to block such a thought from her mind, but she wondered, she wondered what Shan would do with such a chance to screw her over completely, it was rather terrifying.
"Great, I guess I will hang with you guy's a bit!" Shan smiled.
"N-no!" Silver snapping out of her daze to yell her soul out, it was the kind of scream that would make toddlers cry.684Please respect copyright.PENANASvVMsZcYZJ
"Gah! Can we just hurry up and get to Seel!" Richard, being as impatient as ever, as well as not knowing the magnitude of the decision that was made.
"Okay, let's go!" Shan said pointing forward, Silver glared at her sister, but the entire thing was still strange. Maybe the world was a favorite vacation spot for demons; that was the only reason Silver could understand why they were all there.