Chapter 8694Please respect copyright.PENANAhCfw4Ny2BF
Abandoned Factory
"You do realize that an abandoned factory is not a sewer right?" Silver said to Katto.694Please respect copyright.PENANAawoJA3xOhZ
The industrial building looked like it was about to collapse, oil and dirtied water dripped from the ceiling as well leaks from the floor. There was barely any light beside the faint light of broken monitors.694Please respect copyright.PENANANTJZ4rdZ2z
"Abandoned factories, sewers what's the difference," Katto smiled shrugging as Zoki groaned694Please respect copyright.PENANAS12twK24SG
"There is a huge difference! This place smells of oil," Zoki replied,
"Well, we are a bit underground, so I don't think this place can get much air or light," Tempo added.
The four walked through the facility; it was far larger than expected as they traveled through the lower levels. Streams of dirty liquid became visible; it seemed sewage did indeed travel through the building and outside.
Tempo nose twitched as she gagged a little, "Oh, I wish my nose wasn't so sensitive,"
"Hmm, I guess it makes sense, after trecking through the desert we probably going to need a long shower," Zoki pointed out causing Tempo to groan even louder.
"Don't mention that; I got a bunch of sand in my fur..."
"Oh man, this is so interesting, but isn't those your friends Silver?" Katto pointed a little ways down the tunnel, as Silver eye twitched as her eyes narrowed.
Katto was indeed correct, it was her 'friends' or at least it was Richard and the others. "Huh it is them..." it was strange. While she knew they were most likely in Vratbert, she had no idea why they would be taking a secret passage out of the city,"
"He-" Silver went to raise her hand as Zoki quickly grabbed her friend and pulled her and Tempo to the side.
"H-hey what was that all about?" Silver frowned as Zoki grumbled before pressing her finger to her lips.
"Don't just go out there and say something like that, don't you think it is a bit odd that a prince of a nation and his travel group is going through a secret passage out of the capital? Isn't that the very definition of shady?"
Silver remained silent for a moment before crossing her arms; she peaked out over the side of the wall; they were slightly elevated above Richard's group, everyone was accounted for, Mai, Floyd, Verm, Sara, everyone but Parce who was missing for some reason.
"I mean, yeah, it is shady, but we hung around with them long enough. They aren't bad people..."
Zoki only shook her head, "no Silver, you knew them for how long? Two or three days? You don't know anything about those humans, it is best to be cautious when doing this," Zoki pointed out as Tempo looked down at the group.
"I don't care about them; Parce isn't with them, so they are worthless..." Tempo frowned as Silver gave a nervous laugh before crossing her arms.
"Hmm, me and Katto will greet them, why don't you and Tempo stay back for a moment, I'll even ask about Parce for you Tempo..."
It seemed that there was no objections to the decision as both Silver and Katto jumped down landing right in front of Richard in the others. The group flinched slightly as they gripped their weapons, their posture's only easing up when they recognized who it was.
"Oh, it's you..." Richard was rather dismissive as Silver scoffed slightly.
"Nice to see all of you too, walking all the way from Hamma to here wasn't easy you know..." Silver eyes narrowed as Floyd laughed
"So you managed to get all the way to Hamma, not bad," Floyd responded as Mai tapped her lip, scanning Katto, it seemed she was more interested in asking questions than anything else.
"May I ask where Zoki is and why Katto is with you, or the fact that you are here in this location that is supposed to be hidden from the public eye?"
"Ugh, we're wasting time here, a much fun I am having can we hurry up and get going!" Richard yelled.
"Um, since I'm here, do you mind telling me where Parce might have gone?" Silver mentioned off hand as Verm remained silent for a moment before adjusting his glasses.
"He was taken back by the church, we were able to open up communications between the two kingdoms, however, so, in the end, it doesn't matter," Verm wasn't too concerned as Sara scoffed.
"You say that, but I'm his guardian, things turning out like this is the worst..." Sara whined as Silver sighed.
If he was back at the church than at least Tempo probably would have calmed down at the very least. "Well, I guess that is good enough for me, we were heading to Vratbert, so..." before Silver could reply her nose twitched as an even more horrid stench filled the air.
Even Katto flinched at the smell as something started to drip from the ceiling. "Hey, watch it!"
Silver pushed Mai out of the way as a large mass of oil and sludged fell from the ceiling; it twitched slightly before legs slowly extended out from under its form, four long legs firmly planted themselves onto the floor as a stringer rose. Five red glowing eyes appeared on the front of the creature.
"Damn! I wanted to kill at least one of you before I showed up," a familiar pink haired girl scoffed as she stood on the rafters above. It was the witch that assumed Tempo's human form as Sara groaned
"Great just who we needed to see..." Sara sighed, it was pretty obvious that they didn't know what hand transpired, and that wasn't Tempo.
"Oh shut it! Did you know how hard it was to gain control of this thing! Plus look how ugly it is! I hate being seen with it...I guess I'll kill it once it's done with you!" The white dressed Tempo smirked as she placed her hands together as the creature started to move/
"Well I guess a faker like you would have to resort to mind control," Silver smirked.
"Shut the hell up! I am not a faker your friend should be happy that someone as elegant as me is assuming her form, now shut up and die!" The witch then lifted her staff and started to cast a spell.
"Behold this holy light! " A small star of light appeared over Silver's head before it began to shoot small beams of light, the rays of light went in random directions breaking and burning through the metal all around
"Wow...I only had to take a step to the left!" Silver laughed.
"Damn it, Damn it, Damn it! Fine, I won't even attack you I'll just let this thing eat you!" The witch laughed as the giant spider prepared to attack.
"Wow Tempo, you went from depressing to a jerk!" Sara screamed as the witch's eye twitched
"...Thing, aim for the ugly girl," the creature followed its command as it gave a lazy swipe, however before the giant claw could reach it Sara was yanked back by an unseen force. As if strings were attached to her and she was pulled away.
The pink haired girl smiled as the giant spider spewed green acid from its body, Katto merely scoffed as he quickly cut the acid into pieces, somehow turning it into a fine mist.
The witch eye twitched for a moment before pouting, "how did you cut the acid you shouldn't be able to reduce a liquid!"
"Well, I'm glad she knows basic science." Silver smiled.
"Atta-" Before the witch could finish her demand a loud chant could be heard.
A large fire like spear appeared over the creature, piercing it into the ground, the mixture of oil and sludge started to make it smoke as a massive explosion followed kicking up smoke. The attack burned away the waste showing the monster's true form, a giant scorpion creature with armor.
"That voice..." Verm looked up to see a small rabbit-like creature in the air holding a spear. It was Tempo, the original Tempo as she took a deep breath, like a mallet she descended upon the monster causing the steel floor to crack slightly before jumping off of the creature.
"...Wait for a beastkin? Here?" Sara's eye twitched as Silver grumbled
"W-wait, I thought you were going to stay out of sight Tempo..." Silver asked as Zoki jumped down as well.
"I'm sorry, by the time I tried to stop her she already jumped..."
"How can you treat a monster like that, can't you tell it's in pain!" Tempo yelled at the witch who merely grumbled.
"Who cares! As long as I get my goals accomplished, I can do what I want, but I don't think this thing can continue..." The witch then pointed her staff at the monster, and it vanished in a flash of light.
"I'll send it back for now...I have to leave now anyway, you better be glad," The witch then held up her staff and vanished.
"Wow that was so weird I don't think we even have to talk about it...I mean let's just ignore everything that happened," Silver as Richard and the others gave her a glare694Please respect copyright.PENANAa4gPUxTKNb
"...That's not going to cut it," Floyd replied.
"What happened to Tempo, and why is a Beastkin here? A rather ugly one at that," Sara made a snide remark as Tempo glared at her before remaining silent.
"...I would like to know the details of what happened up to this point as well,"
"U-um well you see." Silver was looking at Katto and Zoki trying to find a good excuse, but the only signal she got was make something up.
"A witch did it!" Silver smiled as both Zoki and Katto only shook their head causing Verm to grumble.
"Normally I wouldn't mind you keeping secrets but..."
"Fine then, let me explain..."