Chapter 6671Please respect copyright.PENANASQJcmGnBxY
The Witch and the Beast.
Silver coughed as she removed a twig from here hair, it had nearly been two days since they had started looking through the forest as Silver sighed, "Ugh this is the worst...camping sucks!"
Zoki rolled her eyes as she broke another branch between her fingers, "you're the one that wanted to do this so badly. I wanted to either stay in the research facility or go to the port,"
Silver ignored that as she scratched her head, "damn it! We still haven't found Tempo! Are you sure she's here?" Silver asked.
"Yes I'm positive-" Zoki stopped herself as she held her breath
"Damn it! Why won't you listen to me!" A loud voice boomed through the trees.
"Well, it looks like we found our target," Zoki smiled.
"Now we can rescue Tempo!" Silver smiled.
"Why do you care about her?" Zoki asked it was odd for a demon to do such a thing for each other let alone for a being of a lower world.
"Meh, I just feel like it's the right thing to do," Silver shrugged walking towards the sound of the voice.
"You are a horrible demon," Zoki sighed as the two traveled deeper into the unknown forest. The two of them pushed forward as the found a clearing in the woods, a familiar witch was talking to someone.
"This body is terrible, it so small!" A pinked haired girl in a white dress grumbled. She looked identical to Tempo except there was a distinct lack of ears, "and who the hell is this monster freak? " The girl then pointed to a strange creature lying on the ground. It looked like a were-beast, with giant bunny like ears and white fur covering its body. It was wearing the same clothes that Tempo was wearing before she was captured.
"Well, she's what that form is based on; however, I did not expect her to turn into something like that... The orange haired witch replied tapping her lip before shrugging.
"...That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!" The pink-haired girl replied.
"Damn it that doesn't matter, just hurry up and find the other The Six warriors, we need some more spares!" The red-haired witch shouted as the white dressed girl grumbled.
"Stop telling me what to do! I'll find the others when I am good and ready, and where is my staff?"
"Stop whining, here!" The red-haired witch then lifted her hand, and a staff appeared."
"This isn't as good as my staff., but I suppose it will do, now what about this beast?" The white dress girl then turned towards the creature,
"You can kill her if you want,"
"Wait!" Silver yelled running out of the brush as both witches turned to face the demon.
"You!" The witch bit her lip, "doesn't someone as important as you have something better to do?"
"Yeah me," Silver's eyes narrowed as she slowly took a step forward
"I see, that girl used a similar magic to hide her true form..." Zoki said coming from the brush.
"Magic? You mean what demons and holy ones use when they go to a human world?" Silver asked.
"Yes, it appears that is Tempo's pure form laying there, she was most likely using a large portion of the mana to look as human as possible. Now that a small part of it was taken to make that fake body it seemed that she could no longer hold a human appearance," Zoki explained.
"Who are you calling a fake! That's it I'll make you suffer before I ki-" The fake Tempo was then cut off by a tug on her dress.
"Don't get uppity brat I'm taking you back to the Church Knights." The red-headed witch then glared at the small girl as the fake scoffed
"We will meet again I can promise you that much," and with a flash of light, the two disappeared.
Silver then ran towards Tempo, who looked like she hadn't eaten in days, she examined her body. Her nose was that of a rabbit's; her ears were far longer as Silver took a look at Tempo's hands. Instead of five fingers, there was only four.
"Wow, she even grew paw pads, and her feet and legs changed must have been a powerful spell to hide all of this,"
"Well, it looks like she was given the bare minimum of food and water to survive," Zoki said, examining Zoki further. Silver then picked up the small rabbit beast and placed her on her back.
"We will take her to Parce,"
"That would be easy, but thought your ship left two day's ago...with Parce on it," Zoki pointed out as Silver bit her thumb,
"Ah, crap you're right...I guess we will have to look after her until we meet up with him," Silver sighed.
"Well, what are we going to do?" Zoki asked.
"I guess we're going to take a boat to Hamma; I think that is where the boat was going anyway!" Silver replied.
"Very well...but what about her, she went to such length to hide her form, I don't think we can just carry her around like an average girl," Zoki asked.
"Don't worry about Tempo...I have the perfect disguise for her," Silver then smiled, as the duo walked back towards the harbor.
It only took a few hours for them to wait for the ship, within the two days that Silver and Zoki were looking for Tempo most of the harbor had been repaired from the attack. The so-called disguise that Silver had was a rather simple but effective one after all.
The trip itself was only a few hours as they finally arrived at Hamma the city of sand.
"We made it!" Silver said hopping off the boat; she was carrying a large brown bag slung over her shoulder as she looked around the area. It was filled with shops and sand; it reminded her of some other shopping districts from her home world.
"Man, everyone is wearing scarfs and stuff, I might buy a few myself!"
Zoki grumbled as she finally got off of the ship herself, she was fanning her face as she muttered,"Damn it's hot; I might need to change clothing," wearing a dark jacket in the desert was apparently poor for one's health
"...So how much money do you have? Is it enough for an inn?" Silver asked as Zoki rolled her eyes
"Yes I have more than enough money because unlike you I prepare for trips," Zoki replied.
"Not my fault my mom just throws me anywhere, now let's get to the inn, I want to get out of this heat." Silver said dragging her bag.
"You sure you should be dragging her- er I mean your bag like that?" Zoki asked.
"No, worry's she- I mean the stuff is out cold now let's go."
The duo found the cheapest in possible, and they entered the room. The wood from the ceiling was slowly coming down, and the floors looked like they were about to collapse, the beds seemed more like springs with sheets over them than actual mattress
"Time to unpack!" Silver then lifted the heavy brown bag turned its upside as a familiar pink haired girl flopped on the bed.
"...Is she dead?" Zoki asked.
"Not sure..." Silver then shook Tempo, who just stayed unconscious.
"Hmm, I don't think she's dead, she's still breathing, I wonder why she's covered in bruises?" Silver asked, poking Tempo's cheek.
"Well considering how much stuff you knocked her into during the trip and on our walk here it's no surprise," Zoki added.
"No matter nothing a little water won't fix!" Silver then took out a bottle of blue water and forced it down Tempo's throat, the bunny-like girl then coughed.
"I don't think that's the best way to treat an unconscious person," Zoki sighed.
"Nonsense! And look she's coming to!" Silver smiled.
Tempo arm twitched as she coughed up some water... She then blinked for a moment and looked around, she was in a small room with two beds, she then stared at the two people looking at her.
"Wh-what happened...I remember the lab, and my friends... and lightning, my friends what happened to my friends! And why are you here!" Tempo yelled as she jumped up off of the floor.
"Calm down please if you mak-" Silver was cut off.
"NO! where are my friends why am I here?" Tempo was most likely talking about her monsters as she looked at her hand then at her entire body. "W-what? N-no, I'm not supposed to look like this...not here,"
"Pl-please stop!" Silver took a step towards the girl as Tempo took a step back.
"Don't touch me!" Tempo lifted her hand and brought it down onto the bed; the bed folded in on itself. In a single motion, Tempo snapped the bed in two.
"I am going t-mgamgagmgae" Zoki put her hand over Tempo's mouth to stop her from yelling, trying to restrain her. Tempo arm twitched as she elbowed Zoki right in the side as the demon woman coughed.
"Damn it, if someone walked in right now it would look like we are kidnapping her!" Silver said.
"You don't say! you've met her before, calm her down!" Zoki yelled still restraining the struggling Tempo.
"Tempo were kidnapped by someone, and we rescued you, but we couldn't get you back to Parce in time, so we lost him, don't worry about your friends they're monsters after all," Silver smiled.
At that point, Tempo stopped struggling but from the look of her eye's Silver could tell she wasn't completely satisfied.
"We are trying to catch up to Parce now, if you stick with us then I promise you will get to your friends. We are currently in Hamma we are going to take a boat to Vratbert, so please don't make this hard for us." Silver then looked at Zoki giving her a signal to let Tempo go.
"...Fine I will trust you." Tempo said as she sat on the bed. "Do you guys have a mirror?" Tempo asked as Silver glanced over to Zoki, who grumbled again.
"I swear, you're never prepared for anything," Zoki then shoved her hand into her large jacket before pulling out a tiny mirror. Tempo grabbed the mirror before examining her body for a moment.
"Ah, the spell wore off," Tempo's ears drooped, she pretty much confirmed that it was a spell.
"You're clearly not human, so if you don't mind me asking..." Silver scratched the back of her head as Tempo nodded.
"I am a Beastkin...we at least half of one, we aren't very popular with humans, so we keep to ourselves. We mostly stay secluded places away from the rest of them. Honestly, I'm pretty sure we aren't even allowed in some areas," Tempo stated as Zoki groaned.
"Could you redo the spell?" Zoki asked as Tempo shook her head.
"I can't...not here, would need help. Not only that, if I go out looking like this I'm sure someone is going to throw something at me..."
Silver held her breath for a moment; it was quite shocking, it seemed that it was perfectly acceptable to treat Tempo's species like garbage, at least that is what Silver was getting from the conversation.
"Um, don't worry about it, we will find you a large hood or coat to hide your features," Silver smiled before coughing oddly. "Well now that that's over do you need anything?" Silver smiled.
"...I'm hungry,"Tempo replied.
"Well, you heard the girl! Get us some food!" Silver yelled at Zoki.
"Damn it I am not your servant!" Zoki yelled.
"Oh I see, I guess you enjoy looking at little girls starve to death..."Silver said shaking her head.
"Fine!" Zoki then left the room.
"And you should rest a bit; you haven't been given the proper care that you need,"
"...Why are you so kind to me?" Tempo asked, getting back in bed
"Sheesh! Does everyone need a reason to do something nice?" Silver smiled.
"I guess not, but only Parce and family has ever been this nice to me," Tempo replied.
"By family, you mean the Klyts?" Silver said.
An awkward silence filled the room
"Listen... I'm sorry about what happened," Silver averting her gaze from the little girl.
"I got the food," Zoki said barging into the room holding bags of food. "Apparently, they were selling some cheap stuff that is going bad today at the front desk," Zoki added.
Silver was tempted to complain about how gross it was, but she was just relieved that the awkward conversation was coming to an end.
"Well start eating, it's nothing special but it's enough, there is also water if you are thirsty," Zoki said.
The three then began to eat...there was an unsettling silence in the Air before Zoki broke it.
"So... what do we do next?" Zoki asked.
"Well, I guess we wait until the next boat back to Vratbert," Silver replied.
"Too bad that won't be until tomorrow," Zoki added
"That means I have to wait even longer..." Tempo replied.
"We can go out in the city later if Tempo feels better," Silver smiled.
"I guess it would be nice, I might have a jacket she could wear," Zoki added.
"Oh before I forget!" Silver then stuck her hand in the bag she was carrying and handed Tempo her spear.
"...Thank you," Tempo replied holding her spear.
"Hey, Tempo I've been meaning to ask you this, how old are you?"Silver asked.
"I'm not sure, but I think I'm sixteen," Tempo said.
"There is no way that can be right," Zoki said.
"Yeah, if you convert my age to human years're the same age as me!" Silver said in shock as Tempo tilted her head.
"Human years? Ah, does that mean you're not human either?" Tempo's voice raised as if she was excited as Silver tapped her lip for a moment. From the corner of her eye, she could see Zoki giving her a harsh glare.671Please respect copyright.PENANAt2aYfX6yv0
"Well, you se-"671Please respect copyright.PENANAME480YvxSX
"She is just stupid; she looks human, right? That means she's human," Zoki stated bluntly as Tempo frowned
"Oh..." Tempo said looking down.
"Anyway, what should we do until dark?" Zoki asked.
"We could tell knock knock jokes!" Silver joked.
"Knock knock jokes?" Tempo said in a confused tone.
"This is going to be a long wait," Zoki sighed.