Agrippa stepped into the room, sword in hand but Gaius quickly motioned him to lower his blade.
“Sir? Are you sure everything is okay?” Gaius said as he gave Obran and Mara a measuring look.
“Yes Gripps, everything is fine,” Gaius said. “This is Obran and sorry, I don’t know your name,” Gaius said.
“Samara Morgana Kender Fae, your highness and my husband better be okay,” Samara said, looking at both Gaius and Agrippa.
Gaius nodded to Agrippa.
“Husband? Uhm, yes, the Etruscan boy is fine,” Agrippa said.
“Not him, the gnome, Zico Kender,” Samara said.
“They are both unharmed,” Gaius interrupted. “I promised Tori no harm would come to any of her friends.”
“Mara, please go downstairs and check on them and tell them we are coming down soon,” Obran said.
Gaius didn’t object and Mara flew out the room and down the stairs. Soon they all walked after her to the common area where Mara was already busy planting kisses all over Zico’s face. Tomas sat next to them trying not to look uncomfortable. They weren’t tied up and didn’t appear harmed in any way.
“Is everyone else okay?” Tomas said, no doubt curious about Erkin.
“Yes, Mara saw them and they are fine, right Mara?” Obran said.
Obran didn’t mention Katrina or Erkin by name. Why bother? Gaius didn’t need to know more than what he needed to help Tori. Mara didn’t respond and continued to kiss Zico while whispering in his ear, both too distracted to listen.
“Mara!?” Obran said.
Mara turned and sat on Zico’s shoulder.
“Oh yes, I told them to stay put but I just saw them around the corner,” Mara said.
Obran looked out the window and saw Erkin and Katrina at the end of the dark alley, staff and dagger in respective hand. Jeez, what have I created, Obran thought.
“Tomas, can you go talk to them, tell them everything is okay and to come join us,” Obran said, motioning to the darkness outside.
‘“Are you sure it is safe, Obran?” Tomas said as he eyed Gaius and Agrippa.
“Yes, it’s okay for now; go outside to the corner, you can't miss them,” Obran said.
“Okay,” Tomas said.
“Thanks,” Obran said.
"Gripps, where's your cousin?" Gaius said.
"I told him to check outside after I saw the fae," Agrippa said.
“Then go outside and tell your cousin to stand down as well,” Gaius said.
Agrippa nodded and walked out the door after Tomas.
"He and Agrippa were supposed to keep an eye out for you. Clearly they failed that job,” Gaius said.
“Next time tell them to look up,” Obran said.
They all sat at the largest table: Tori, Obran, Zico and Mara, along with Gaius. Tori went behind the bar, mixed some wine and water and started to pour some for everyone; Zico quickly got up and helped her.
“So did you get rid of everyone in the inn, your highness?” Obran asked.
“I told the owner we’d need privacy. I don’t think he guessed anything too untoward was happening, not that you two were easy to find. My compliments on that, Obran,” Gaius said.
“I guess we weren't as successful as we’d hoped,” Tori said.
“Just be glad I found you first and not the praetorians,” Gaius said. “So what was your plan to get Elissa home? Cross the mountains to Placentia then head southwest?”
“Yes, we are gonna meet with Armenus in Genoa,” Obran said.
“He left Roma a week ago, rushing after he heard the fighting had intensified in the north,” Gaius said. “He's probably way north by now. But I got the sense he was going to join the fighting.”
As if on cue Erkin, Katrina, and Tomas walked into the door, but before any introductions could be made Agrippa ran back in.
“Sir, there might be a problem,” Agrippa said.
“What is it, Gripps?” Gaius said.
Agrippa looked at the rest of them but Gaius nodded at him to continue.
“Sir, I couldn’t find Cyrus and he tried to get a horse and when he couldn't get into the stable he ran off. That's what the owner said; he's in the stable right now; Sir, I think Cyrus may have gone to legion camp,” Agrippa said.
“Gripps, you told me your cousin could be trusted,” Gaius said.
“Sir. I know sir, I thought he was trustworthy too. Sir, I apologize,” Gripps said. “My cousin Cyrus did seem anxious once we found the princess but I thought nothing of it. Sir, I suggest we make haste whatever it is you decide.”
“Well isn’t it obvious,” Gaius said.
The legion camp was about twenty minutes away on foot so they had to hurry before Cyrus could come back with a bunch of praetorians. No one liked the outcome but when emotions cooled it was settled. Obran, Tori, Gaius, and Agrippa would head west and pass directly through The Pisae Forest—in spite of the potential dangers there since the praetorians would probably not follow them into the dark forest. What else could Obran do? The northern road through the mountains as well as the road south and east were soon to be compromised. Drusus and his praetorians could also lock down the city and have his men search for Tori and Obran house to house. They had to get out of the city as quickly as possible. Gaius said his brother and the praetorian were determined to find Tori and if they were discovered they’d surely get sent back to Roma in chains no matter what Gaius said. But if they went straight through the forest and then through the mountains they could make it to Genoa in a few days. So after a quick heated discussion, Obran and Tori prepared to leave. For the rest of them, Tomas said he knew some places to lay low and Katrina said she could hide in the abbey since no one but the dead elves were aware of her connection to them. They would all continue north following the wagon train. If the praetorians now knew Tomas and Zico were in Arretium too it was best no one stayed and Obran would make sure to leave enough clues to make sure they were the only ones followed.
“I want to go with you and Tori to Genoa,” Erkin said.
“Bro, you know I wouldn’t leave you if it was not the best decision,” Obran said.
“I want to go with you too, Tori,” Mara said.
“Samara…” Tori said.
“My darling, please listen to them,” Zico said.
Tori and Obran were insistent that they could never separate Mara from her husband. Mara was not happy but hugged Tori tightly telling her they would all meet again. Similarly, Obran told Erkin that since they had three war horses it would be best that he and Tori go with Gaius and Agrippa and make haste to Genoa. Obran promised his brother he’d meet him as soon as he could, not mentioning that Tori might want him to go to Carthagio. Why talk about it since he wasn’t sure what he would do or what she really wanted.
Zico helped pack their provisions, telling Obran he packed the last bit of elven bread—Obran understood. In less than fifteen minutes they were ready to part ways, everyone embracing each other and a few tears shed by everyone. As Obran climbed on the horse with Tori she whispered, “I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others but aren’t you afraid to go through The Pisae Forest?”
The horse galloped and they rode to the southern entrance behind Gaius and Agrippa.
“A month ago I would have said I had never seen anything resembling real magic but after meeting Mara and going to the fae lands and seeing what those dark elves could do I can honestly say I don’t know what to feel,” Obran said.
“Obran, I've seen dark magic before and I am afraid,” Tori said.258Please respect copyright.PENANAJKmzHSdZJx