Obran approached the burrow by stealth but didn't see anyone or any sign that someone had been there. Unlocking his traps he climbed down his gremlin burrow—his sweet home; it was his favorite place in the world but he didn't have time to enjoy it. He grabbed some clothes, his chain armor vest and weapons, along with his own legionnaire satchel as well as his compass and clock. He also grabbed Erkin's and Tomas' notebooks and drafting tools, set additional traps, then grabbed some weeds and vegetables from his garden before heading back to the wagon. Sad, he almost wanted to cry when he turned and gave his home one last look.
On the main road, Tori, Mara, Erkin and were waiting inside the wagon, while Zico and Tomas sat up front to lead the team of horses.
"Everything okay?" Zico said.
"Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary," Obran said as he handed Erkin and Tomas their notebooks. He climbed into the carriage and told Zico to continue north on the main road.
"Obran, I flew up and took a look around but I didn't see anyone suspicious following us," Mara said.
"Did you see the centurions?" Obran said.
"They passed us but said they'd wait ahead; they want us to ride ahead of them," Tori said.
It makes sense, Obran thought. They would make sure no one from Roma was following them.
"We'll catch up and pass them in no time," Zico said.
"Okay," Obran said.
They rode quietly for a few hours after passing the centurions on the northern road. Soon everyone but Obran, Zico, and Mara dozed off; it had been a long night and everyone was a bit hungover. Still, Obran took turns peering in front and behind the wagon while Mara, who always said she didn't need much sleep said she only felt comfortable sleeping on top of Zico. She would occasionally fly out and take a look around from high above.
On the main road, they passed the forests near Roma and then into the open plains, typical of the Italian countryside. In the distance Obran could see some Roman farms and estates. Since the road was mostly clear of traffic Obran moved up front with Zico and Tomas but made sure to wear his cloak and hood.
"We won't make it to Remus today," Obran said. "We should make camp at some point. I don't want to stay in an inn since we'd stand out as a group. But lead on as far as we can while there's sunlight."
"Okay," Zico said.
Remus was Roma's closest neighbor and sister city, both were founded in the same year and it was about a day and a half ride from the capital. It was largely a trading town and had been occupied by the Carthaginians during the war.
"Do you know anyone in Remus," Obran asked Zico and Tomas.
"No...I didn't visit the city when I came south," Tomas said.
"Mara and I stopped in Remus for a day on our way to Roma. Several gnome trading guilds operate there. My family name could get us some help if we run into any financial problems," Zico said.
"But didn't you say your family disowned you?" Obran said.
"Yeah, but that was mostly a private family matter. My family didn't want the world to know about me and Mara and I don't flaunt our marriage or family name; that's why we haven't made any gnome friends in Roma."
"I don't know why. Once they meet me every gnome is entranced," Mara said. She'd been sitting near Tori, and now flew to Zico's shoulder.
"Of course, dear," Zico said.
"Everyone except your dumb parents," Mara added. "But I bet you all in a few years you're gonna see a lot of nobles married to fae."
"Aren't there lot's of stories and legends about such marriages? Are any of those really true Mara?" Obran asked.
"Yes Obran, but they usually involve other creatures turning into fae or fae turning into humans or elves, or even dwarves...gross," Mara said.
"Is that really possible?" Obran said.
"I think so, with powerful enough magic and true love of course," Mara said. "It's said in the fae lands anyone married or in love with a fae will eventually become a fae. Some fae wanted that for me and Zico but I would never change him even if I could. I love him just the way he is."
"I love you too, sweetie," Zico said.
"I'd like to study how such a change is possible," Tomas said. He sounded groggy.
"Would that happen to a gremlin too?" Obran said.
"Well...I suppose so. I don't see why not but who would you run off to the fae lands with?" Mara said; she gave Obran a sly smile.
Obran looked in the back of the carriage but Tori and Erkin were fast asleep. They had all been up nearly the whole night after all. Obran was used to it from night marches in the army but he could tell everyone else was a bit exhausted.
"I'd be more likely to marry a fae than a human princess," Obran said. "Besides, Tori will leave Roma and return to Carthagio soon enough."
Obran guessed they knew about his feelings for Tori; it had probably been written all over his face during the last few weeks.
"But what will happen to Tori if Roma invades Carthagio?" Zico said.
"In the past she'd be enslaved, probably to a wealthy Roman senator or general since she is a princess and very beautiful, but that would be after being paraded in front of the Romans," Tomas said.
"That's why I didn't go to last year's triumph," Obran said. "I didn't want to see the captured Carthaginians forces or see their eventual fate."
"So now what would happen to her?" Mara said.
They all looked back at Tori.
"Don't worry she's sleeping and my dust will give her nothing but pleasant dreams," Mara said.
"Okay...well I'm not sure," Obran said. "Hopefully prince Gaius or the King will help her and her family, but that is if they are still in charge. All sorts of things can happen during a war."
"I could always take her to the fae lands, at least until she's safe," Mara said.
"Really? You could do that?" Obran said.
"Honey, you didn't even take me there," Zico said.
"Your life wasn't in danger," Mara said.
"Hmm...but I don't think Tori would want to hide no matter what happens," Obran said.
"Yeah, maybe you're right but I told Tori to keep the idea in mind," Mara said. 259Please respect copyright.PENANA1184WsWN6F