Obran, Erkin, Tomas, and Zico walked silently in the forest. This time Obran didn't take chances and came prepared. He wore his dark cloak and brought his own short blade. He even gave Zico, Erkin, and Tomas daggers, but really it was just to make them feel safe since he knew no one besides him would stand a chance against a soldier let alone a dark elf. She killed two dark elves by herself. How did that happen? The forest was quiet. He was pretty sure the dark elves wouldn't come back so soon. If Tori had already talked to the king, the dark elves would be too busy trying to explain themselves to try another attack.331Please respect copyright.PENANA92Z1JdoiUS
As they walked Mara zoomed down from the sky like a falcon on a dive. Wow, I didn't know she could fly so fast, Obran thought.
"I didn't see anyone from here until the road. But I can't be totally sure because they could be hiding behind cover," Mara said.
"Thanks Mara," Obran said.
"Yeah thanks," both Erkin and Tomas muttered too.
"Honey, please stay close now," Zico said.
"Okay," she said a bit reluctantly and sat on Zico's shoulder. Mara had insisted on scouting and Obran even brought her a small kitchen knife in case there was trouble. Which, surprisingly, she was strong enough to carry.
"Obran, Tori could hide in the fairy lands. I could take her there for a short time," Mara said.
"Dear, are you serious?" Zico said.
"I don't think it will get to that, Mara. Tori is in the safest place she could be right now," Obran said.
Obran didn't think it was a good idea. From the stories he read and heard—if they were to be believed—hardly anyone who entered the fae lands ever returned.
"What do you all know about dark elves?" Obran said.
Obran always liked to know as much as he could before he faced any danger and he was with a pretty smart group.
"Just what I learned back home as a kid," Zico said.
"Tell me everything," Obran said. Maybe gnomes had some secret knowledge.
"Well, they are rumored to live in sprawling underground cities that are as large as dwarven halls. They never associate or mix with other races, only enslaving or killing them, and that they believe they are the only pure and therefore supreme race. They don't have kings or queens, just great houses—clans—that are constantly feuding and backstabbing each other. They forsook their cousins the wood elves, and oh yeah, that they worship some evil god that looks like an insect," Zico said.
"When their soldiers stayed near Placentia I sometimes sensed their dark magic, just that," Mara said. "Wood elves have visited the fae lands but never a dark elf."
"Anyone else—anything at the university?" Obran said to Tomas and Erkin.
"Just that they are very smart and clever and keep all their knowledge a secret. I don't know anything about their magic—we don't study that," Tomas said. "Maybe we should."
"Yeah, that's it," Erkin said. "But by the way one looked at me I know they can hate."
It was all Obran knew too—besides the fact that a single legion of dark elves had fought on their side during the war and later founded a colony on Sardinia, an island west of Roma that was annexed during the war. That was their price—an independent colony on the island. Obran knew that everyone had fought for something during the war: gnomes had helped finance the war in return for rights to trade and live anywhere, as well as the steep interest on their loans. Gremlins were given their freedom and guaranteed safety, and some veterans like Obran were given land in the gremlin forest. Dwarves were promised help to retake the mountain halls in the northern alps from the orcs. And everyone in Italia gained citizenship as well as the end of slavery for all.
They made it to the main road without incident. Could we still get out of this? It was Monday morning so there was now a steady stream of traders and visitors headed to the city.
"We should split up before we go into the city. You all go on ahead in two groups," Obran said.
Obran still hoped whoever tried to kidnap Tori didn't know about his brother, Tomas, Zico, or Mara. But he sensed they knew all about his past. Assassin, the elf said assassin, he thought. Obran might be a hunted gremlin now and he didn't want anyone else involved if that was indeed the case.
"Are you going to be okay? What will you do?" Erkin said.
The others all looked at him with worry.
"I'll go to work," Obran said.
Obran washed dishes all day and didn't talk to anyone in the kitchen; he just followed orders and kept a low profile; he kept his blade hidden under his white tunic uniform which made working a bit harder. His main concern besides Tori were his new friends and most importantly his brother Erkin. None of them were soldiers so he wanted as much space between him and them as possible. He wouldn't meet Erkin or Tomas for lunch or visit Zico and Mara at the market.
Obran snuck out around noon but didn't see Tori outside the university. On the way back he saw Tomas and Erkin eating alone; they both just nodded slightly and appeared relaxed and carefree.
"Where were you gremlin two?" the headmistress asked when he returned to the kitchen.
"Uhm, just a quick bathroom break. We gremlins need to wash often," Obran said. It was a lie but he knew humans had many notions about gremlins.
"I can only imagine. Keep that green skin clean, no one wants to see any pus filled boils. But be fast about it, now back to work," she yelled.
"Yes ma'am," Obran said, thinking at least he had an excuse to check outside often.
After work he walked near the inner keep, checking all the entrances—any way in or out. He lingered more than he should have but he wanted to see if anyone was following him but no one caught his eye and he didn't see any elves enter or leave the inner keep. In the evening he went back to the forest, taking a roundabout route, always wearing his hooded cloak up. He spent the night in the tree, keeping guard with his crossbow, but again he didn't see anyone.
Sitting in a tree all night. What did you get yourself into for a human girl. Still, I miss her.
The next morning he passed by the market to check on Zico and Mara but kept a safe distance, making sure to speak and look interested in other stalls who didn't seem to enjoy his presence. But Zico and Mara seemed okay and that was all that mattered, a lot of humans were drinking and eating at their stall and that made Obran happy.
That was his routine for the next few days and it was only on the day before the ball that he finally saw Tori outside the university. She wore a cloak and had her hair in a ponytail. Obran also noticed a couple of men dressed in cloaks nearby—her minders. They were armed but they were also trying to keep a low profile. Tori beckoned him to follow him and after a few turns she finally stopped near a park by the forum. Her minders waited a short distance away and Obran suspected a couple of other men lingering in the park might be soldiers as well.
"Are you okay? Is everyone okay?" Tori said.
"Yes, they're fine. I haven't seen any more elves or anyone suspicious following us," Obran said. "Are you okay?"
She looked as pretty as he always remembered; her green eyes shined like always.
"I'm fine. I'm sorry I couldn't come see you earlier but just coming here took some convincing," Tori said.
"What did you find out?" Obran said.
"The King was very upset when I told him what happened. He told one of his consuls—Collatinus—his most trusted advisor, to investigate and find out what happened. The King then summoned the elven assembly that is here for the celebrations. General Barrabus is here with more than a dozen elves. He's the leader of all the dark elves who fought for Roma in the war. I was there and told him what happened but I didn't mention you or anyone else, just that I was out on a ride. Barrabus acted surprised and told the King the two elves must have been outlaws from another clan, who were most likely trying to collect a ransom," Tori said.
"Did the King believe him? Do you?" Obran said.
Obran had never seen general Barrabus but knew he commanded the fanatical loyalty of his dark elven legion.
"I don't know; he's hard to read, all his people are, but I doubt it," Tori said.
"Someone told them you were going to be there, either that, or they have been following you, perhaps for a while, and I can't be sure but I feel they knew about me, that I fought in the war," Obran said.
"Most gremlins in the forest fought in the war. You can't be sure they knew you, and I only told the King and prince Gaius about you all," Tori said.
"About all of us?" Obran said.
"Yes, I'm sorry. It was before the elves attacked us...I'm sorry," Tori said. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure the elves are being heavily watched now."
"Okay," Obran said.
Damn, Obran thought. His friends and his brother still might be in danger, at least til the elves were gone or the King and his consul got to the bottom of it all and that is if the King or someone close to him wasn't involved too.
"I won't be able to come visit you again or go out into the city, at least not for a while, but the King told me this morning that he wants to meet you. That all of you all should still come to the ball tomorrow," Tori said.
"Yes, I think he wants to ask you something. I don't know what but I got that feeling," Tori said.
What could it be? Obran thought.
"If I've been summoned I have to come; we all do," Obran said.
"Good. Come to the main gate of the inner keep at dusk and bring everyone else. I'll be waiting to make sure you all get in."
"Okay," Obran said.
Tori gave him some silver; at first he refused but she insisted he at least give it to the others. "Use it to finish up the costumes; make sure you are all dressed well and be careful."
"Okay, we'll do our best," Obran said.
"I know you will. I'll see you soon, goodbye," she said.331Please respect copyright.PENANAAVD6DagOQL
Tori kissed him on the cheek before leaving. 331Please respect copyright.PENANApvcTny7BoY