Obran slowly awoke, feeling a sense of calm and peace he hadn't felt since before the war as if all his troubles and worries were from a different lifetime. What dreams they were, he thought as their memory quickly faded from his mind. I was with Tori. But in his dreams it was like he wasn't himself and neither was she. Was I flying?
Obran felt the soft grass beneath him and wanted to go back to sleep, back to his dreams. But he saw Erkin and Zico sitting up, both next to him. He slowly leaned up. Where's Tori? Obran didn't panic, instead feeling serene, as the memories of his dreams still stirred in his mind.
"Where's Tori?" Obran asked.
"She went with Mara to a nearby waterfall. My wife said the waters there would help her recover," Zico said.
"She seemed fine, bro," Erkin said. "How do you feel?"
"Uhm...I feel fine," Obran said.
He sat up and took in his surrounding. They were still near the lake; he didn't see the sun but it appeared to be near twilight. Tomas was nearby studying the fauna while Katrina watched the sheep, horses, and her dog, who were all fast asleep.
"Is everyone okay?" Obran said.
"Yeah everyone is fine," Erkin said.
"Do you know what happened? What happened to the shaman?" Obran said.
"She was gone when we all woke up," Erkin said. "Mara said she saved Tori but that she'll need to rest for a couple of days to fully recuperate."
"Did Mara say why we all passed out?" Obran said.
"No, just that the shaman did what she did to help us and to keep the fae safe too," Erkin said.
"Obran, I think it was a way to help clear our minds and hearts of any malevolence," Zico said. "Mara said it never hurts anyone."
"I hope so..." Obran said.
But Obran was angry. Why didn't Mara say anything before they arrived in the fae lands? Obran liked to plan every encounter in advance and know his enemies tactics and abilities. Now he hoped coming to the fae lands was not a mistake. No, I shouldn't worry to much, Obran thought. Since the fae could have killed them or expelled them all while they slept.
Obran got up and walked to the shore of the lake; he could see the island on the lake since the veil and fog had mostly dissipated. On the island there was something that looked like a village: the fae homes grew directly into the trees, complete with doors and windows. Other smaller homes were made of large colorful mushrooms. Small paths connected everything. Flowers, herbs, and plants bloomed in small gardens, and birds and squirrels ran about freely but they didn't seem to be any livestock. Mara had said faeries were strict vegetarians only eating fruits, grains, and vegetables though they did enjoy milk, cheese, and honey.
A few fae on the island noticed him and stared at him back curiously. Obran waved but the fae did not wave back; they just seemed to pleasantly go about their day. The rest of them soon joined him at the shore.
"Do you think they are okay with us being here? Especially after what happened with Tori," Tomas said.
"Mara said it was okay, for a short while anyway," Zico said. "But that none of you should try to cross the lake."
"Could you go?" Obran asked.
"Uhm...yeah...I think. The fae should honor our marriage," Zico said.
"Cool," Erkin said.
"They do look curious about us," Tomas said. "Maybe they want to learn about us too, and exchange information."
"But only my wife knows their language," Zico said.
"Maybe some might know our language too," Tomas said.
Erkin took out his sketchpad. He'd brought it from the carriage.
"I could draw them pictures too," Erkin said.
Mara said he could draw anything and that he and Tomas could take samples too but that she doubted any would last long back in the real world.
"Oh-uh...some are coming over," Obran said.
"Just stay calm, Obran," ZIco said. "Everyone just stay cool."
Several fae were flying towards them. Like Mara, they were all over a foot tall but these were dressed in clothes made of leaves and foliage. The females in short dresses with flowers and decorations laced in their hair, and the men in plain tunics. They didn't speak but flew all around them, focusing mostly on Katrina. Well she is pretty like them, Obran thought. One male fae placed a flower on Katrian's hair. Another, a female fae, placed a flower on Toma and Erkin's clothes by their collars. They skipped Zico and Obran, and just glanced curiously at all the sleeping animals. The fae soon flew away as quickly as they arrived.
"You all look like you could join the fairy people," Zico chided.
Katrina, Erkin and Tomas touched and smelled the flowers they were given. Even from a distance Obran could smell their sweet, fresh scent.
"Do you feel like you could fly, Tomas?" Erkin asked.
"Uhm...no...but they shouldn't be able to fly either, not at their size. Do you think they are born with wings or do those come later, through magic? Do you know that no humanoid species that we know of have additional appendages beyond arms or legs."
Tomas sounded jittery and excited.
"I don't know but make sure to get as much information as you can. The biology department will love our observations," Erkin said, rapidly sketching the flower he'd been given.
"Yes without a doubt, for sure," Tomas said.
"I hope they bring us food too," Zico said. "Anyone else hungry?"
The three of them sounded buzzed on fairy dust. Their pupils even looked bigger than normal. Obran wondered if this place and all the fae dust had affected them? Am I affected too?
"Okay, everyone calm down," Obran said.
"What?" Zico said.
"I'm calm," Erkin said.
"I'm fine too," Tomas said.
"Are you okay, Katrina?" Obran asked.
Katrina had the same glassy eyed look as the other; she sat and petted her dog and even kissed Corvus on his forehead.
"I'm...okay," Katrina said dully.
"Everyone, don't fall too in love with this place," Obran said. "I just hope those legends about fairies kidnapping babies and replacing them are just that—legends."
Obran knew he had to keep his wits and he was still worried about Tori; he was about to go find her when Mara flew out of the forest towards them.
"I hope this is good news," Obran thought.
"Is everything okay my love?" Zico asked.
"Yes, I think so," Mara said.
"Where is Tori? Is she alright?" Obran asked.
"Tori wants to be alone, Obran. I left her by the waterfall but she is okay," Obran said.
"You left her alone?" Obran said.
"That's what she wanted Obran," Mara said.
"Hmmm, okay, But can you tell me what happened? What did the shaman do to her, to all of us?" Obran said.
"I think Tori will talk to you about that when she is ready. Our healer—please don't call her a shaman—just helped everyone calm the wounds in your hearts, so they don't overwhelm you while we are here. But most of its effects won't last long after we leave. Our healer is sorry she knocked you all out but she had to make sure none of you were dangerous," Mara said.
"Fine, fine...I'm just glad Tori is okay," Obran said. "But what about us? Will they let us stay after what happened?"
"We can stay for three days," Mara said. "But we will all have to stay by the edge of the forest and on this side of the lake."
"Dear if you want to stay in the village it's okay," Zico said.
"No. I already told them my place is with my husband and my friends," Mara said. "But they said you can go to the island if you like."
"Hmm...let me think about that one, dear," Zico said.
"At least we don't have to sleep in the wagon or on our sleeping mats," Tomas said.
"I think this grass might be too soft for me," Katrina said.
Erkin laid down on the grass. The rest of them all looked sleepy too.
"I'll tell them to go easy on the fairy dust and flowers. Their effects are much stronger here," Mara said. " And don't worry dear they will bring us some food soon too."
Zico's stomach grumbled.
"I think I will go see Tori," Obran said.
"Obran, she said she wanted to be alone," Mara said.
Obran just stared at her.
"But...maybe you should go to her; I think she could use your company," Mara said.
"Be careful, bro," Erkin said.
"I will and please, all of you, stick together," Obran said.
"Don't worry everyone will be fine," Mara said. "Go to her already."
Obran walked through the trees where Mara had come from and soon heard the sound of the waterfall. He didn't know what time it was, and realized he'd not seen the sun or moon. Up above was just a hazy starless sky, with light seemingly coming from all sides of the horizons. Damn, I left my clock in the carriage. He entered a clearing. There he saw a small waterfall flowing into a small lake and river. Tori was sitting on a rock staring at the crashing water. Her shoes lay beside her and she bathed her feet in the river. The water was clear and looked perfect for bathing. As he watched, Tori got up and started to wade deeper into the lake, unbuttoning her dress.
"Tori, are you okay?" Obran said loudly, making sure his presence was known.
"Obran...hi...the water...it feels so good. I thought I might bathe in it..." Tori said.
Tori walked back to the lake bank and they sat both sat on a rock by the water. She, like the others, also seemed a bit drowsy and light headed.
"Do you feel ill? Do you want me to call Mara?" Obran said.
"No...I...feel better than I should...I think," Tori said. "I'm glad you came."
"Do you want to talk about anything," Obran said.
"Yeah...but I was scared to be there when you all woke up. I didn't know what to say. What all of you must think of me," Tori said.
"We were just worried about you," Obran said.
"I owe all of you an explanation and an apology," Tori said.
"You don't owe us anything," Obran said.
"Yes I do but please, just let me try to explain," Tori said.
"Okay," Obran said. "I'm all ears."
Obran's ears perked up and Tori smile. They sat silently for a few moments.
"Obran, when I first came here to Roma I did want him dead—the King. I wanted his sons dead too, for what they've done to my family. I loved my brothers very much and now all of them are dead and countless more of my people too. Other Romans wanted them dead too and some approached me secretly once they saw how the King took to me. I agreed to help them at first but then I met you and the others, and grew closer to Gaius too; he has a kind and honest heart, so in the end I chose not to help them. But I may have set something off or maybe I'm just being used to take the blame; I honestly don't know. I was going to tell the King and Gaius everything but then the elves attacked us; I was afraid they could hurt you and the others or could hurt me even in the castle as well. But you have to believe me Obran, I didn't poison the King yet it was all I could think about when we crossed over," Tori said.
"I do believe you," Obran said and he gently stroked her shoulder.
It was not the time for incriminations. Deep down Obran always had some doubts about their meeting and her motivations, even about the poisoning, but he didn't really care. It didn't matter what she'd done. He also knew he'd done worse in the war and if Tori had wanted to avenge her family and her kin who could blame her.
"But how can I face the others," Tori said.
"They are all just worried about you; they will understand, don't worry," Obran said.
"Thank you, Obran," Tori said. She held his hand too.
They sat quietly again...Obran reached down and felt the water with his fingers. It was so warm and inviting, not like the cold brook near his home.
"The water is lovely. Do you want to go for a swim?" Tori said as she waded back into the water.
"Yes, it is lovely but I can't swim, Tori," Obran said.
Obran had never bothered to learn to swim, and he'd never heard of gremlins serving in the navy since most were wary of water, just like they were wary of sunlight. He'd fished a few times but never waded past his knees.
"I can carry you on my shoulders but let me take off this dress," Tori said.
Before Obran could say anything she had her dress off, wearing only an undertunic.
"C'mon, don't be shy," Tori said.
Obran was a bit embarrassed and tried not to stare at her figure. He'd only ever seen Tori in long stolas or tunic dresses. He also didn't want to ride on her shoulders like a child. Obran had climbed on humans and elven shoulders in order to climb walls and ramparts, but never for a ride, not even when crossing raging waters during forced marches.
"I'll climb on your back but don't go too deep...please," Obran said.
"Just trust me," Tori said.
Obran took off his mail shirt and belt, as well as his leather gauntlets. He laid them on a rock and only wore his under tunic. Tori extended her bare knee and he climbed on her back, holding tight, careful not to scratch her with his claws.
"You know I can file your nails if you like," Tori said.
"Haha...paint them too?" Obran teased.
"In Carthage only women paint their nails but I heard in the east some men do as well and some even wear makeup."
"I've only worn camouflage," Obran said.
"I'm sure you looked scary or maybe just adorable," Tori said.
Tori waded slowly into the water up to her shoulders as Obran held on tightly. The water was warm and felt soothing.
"Back home I would swim in the ocean everyday, even sneaking out when I had to. We had a pool and a bath in the palace but nothing compares to the sea."
"Okay, when we reach the sea you can teach me to swim," Obran said.
"And what will you teach me?" Tori said.
"Hmm...I don't know."
Is this how humans flirt? He remembered how that one guard talked to Katrina.
"Uhm...I could teach you to cook, something really, really...uhm tasty," Obran said feeling silly.
Tori jumped up and down splashing some water on them both.
"We'll go for a swim under the water, okay," Tori said.
"What...are you sure?," Obran said.
"Yes. Take a deep breath and tap me if you need to come up," Tori said.
"Okay," Obran said and inhaled deeply.
Tori dove into the water and they were submerged in the warm crystalline water. All around him he could see colored fish: yellow and green, striped and spotted; there were also lots of underwater plants, and rocks that looked like petrified plants but were covered in moss. The fish swam towards them, without fear, and Tori even touched some of them but Obran didn't dare loosen his grip. Tori swam deeper and touched the lake floor where she grabbed some stones. Obran was a bit scared but trusted Tori's swimming abilities. How long can she hold her breath? Luckily, Tori soon swam to the surface and where she tread water.
"Are you okay?" Tori asked.
"Yeah...I'm fine. Thanks for letting me see all that," Obran said.
"Here, I can at least teach you how to tread water and stay afloat," Tori said.
Tori grabbed his hands and slipped him off her back. Obran swung him around to face her, and held her hands while she moved her legs back and forth.
"Look at my legs; watch how I move them to stay afloat," Tori said.
He tried to match her movements.
"Now I'll let go; move your arms back and forth too. Watch me," Tori said.
Tori let go of one of his hands and moved her left arm her back and forth.
"Are you ready?" Tori said.
"Uhm...I think so," Obran said.
She let go of his other hand. Obran felt a brief moment of panic when he felt nothing underneath him and no one supporting him but he quickly mimicked Tori's motions and managed to stay afloat and keep his head above the water.
"You're doing well. You learn things quickly," Tori said.
"Thanks," Obran said. "It's a gremlin talent."
"I hope you have more talents," Tori said. "You know with your long arms and legs you could be a great swimmer."
"Stop staring at me," Obran teased.
After treading water for a minute Tori grabbed his hand again and led him to the shore. They laid down on the grass, drying slowly in the twilight.
"Being here makes me feel like being a kid again," Tori said.
"Mara said we shouldn't stay here too long, that the longer we stay the harder it is to leave," Obran said.
"I dreamt I was flying before I woke up, flying through an endless forest. And I wasn't alone but I can't really remember with who..." Tori said.
"I had a similar dream," Obran said.
He suddenly remembered his dreams. That he had dreamed of flying besides Tori.
"Maybe everyone who comes here has that dream," Tori said.
"Or maybe it's the first step to becoming a fae," Obran said.
"Ha...okay, so let's stay and become fae and fly in the forest forever," Tori said.265Please respect copyright.PENANASfKjHkKPxU