Chapter 3.
After breakfast Obran and Erkin left their burrow and walked together to Roma—the capital of the kingdom. They're gremlin hole was located about an hour's walk from the capital, in a small, bog like forest. The land was not highly valued by human so it was given to gremlin veterans at the end of the previous war with Carthagio.
"You know we haven't walked around together in ages," Erkin said.
"You're always in the city and I'm busy in my garden, besides there's hardly anyone to see now, only a few gremlins left," Obran said.
They passed some deserted gremlin holes. Most gremlins had left the forest and taken to life in Roma or other nearby cities. Others had returned to the gremlin lands in the north and others just preferred to come out at night.
"I can't blame them. I wouldn't spend my life in a hole," Erkin said.
"Our home is more than just a hole, Erkin."
"I didn't mean it like that. I mean getting some fresh air, walking around, seeing what's out there in the world: cities, forests, mountains, the sea. It's our kingdom too now," Erkin said.
"It's not all great, believe me. Besides, I enjoy cooking and working in my garden. It's plenty of work and it keeps my mind off other things," Obran said.
"Well studying keeps my mind busy," Erkin said. "Anyway, I'm just glad you're coming with me today. I think you'll like the university."
"Hmm..." Obran said.
Erkin had spoken often about the university: How it was founded after the war when the King had forced several guilds to one campus and mandated they allow the most gifted students— even freemen and non-humans—a chance to study there too.
After walking about forty five minutes they finally reached the main road. Immediately, Obran was surprised by the heavy traffic headed to the capital. The road was jammed with wagons and carts, all full of food and other goods and supplies. It was mostly human traders but there were some gnomes and dwarves as well. He even caught a glimpse of a halfling and a fairy flying high above. But there were also quite a few unsavory types: beggars, tinkers, and maybe mercenaries. Is it like this everyday? Erkin had said it was a time of growth and renaissance throughout the kingdom and that all roads were said to lead to Roma.
"Is it always this busy and crowded on the road?" Obran said.
"Yeah and everyday it gets worse," Erkin said.
"Be careful, okay," Obran said.
The last time Obran had been to the capital had been to collect his final military pay and the deed to his plot in the forest; there had also been a census too. So Obran hadn't been around such large crowds in a while and now felt a bit vulnerable. He suddenly wished he'd brought his gladius sword and armor. Thankfully no one took to much interest in them.
"It's going to be a busy month," Erkin said as they walked through the crowds. "There are a bunch of festivals to celebrate the anniversary of the end of the war and of course the King's birthday, oh, and elections too."
"Of course. How could I forget?" Obran said sarcastically.
Roma soon spread out in front of them. As they approached the grand city he quickly noticed the walls had been fortified, made higher, with more room for armaments and soldiers. Inside the walls he could see the outlines of the palace as well as the forum, colosseum, and the circus maximus. Outside there were also new tenements, shanties, and vendor stalls. Too crowded for me, or is it? I don't know. It seems a bit exciting.
Soon they joined the line entering the main gate, which was a large arched doorway with towers at each side. Above the arch were new friezes commemorating victory in the last war against Carthagio. Legionnaires were ushering everyone inside, sometimes glancing inside carts, sometimes asking questions of the visitors. It was a long line but it moved quickly: Roman efficiency. When Obran and Erkin finally reached the gate a guard lowered his spear in front of them.
"You two, what's your business here?" the guard said.
The young guard glared at Obran and Erkin. He wore a red tunic and a short blade and dagger on his waist, along with the helmet and segmented armor of a legionnaire. Obran held back a chuckle; back in the army Obran would have outranked him and the guard barely looked of age. New recruit, Obran thought.
"I'm going to the university," Erkin said. "I'm a student there."
Ekrin showed his university badge; it had his name and the insignia of the craftsman and engineering department. The guard examined the badge while other humans continued to come in and out mostly without question but Obran noticed a few dwarves and gnomes also got extra attention from the guards.
"Are you really study engineering at the university? Are you sure you didn't steal this?" the guard said.
"No sir, it's mine; I'm in my second semester now," Ekrin said.
"A little goblin student? Why do I find that hard to believe," the guard said.
Another nearby guard chuckled.
"We're gremlins, not goblins." Obran said, now staring at the guard.
"I've seen him before," a third guard interrupted. "He really studies here, just let him by."
The young soldier looked annoyed but raised his pilum spear and allowed Erkin to pass.
"I hope you can build as well as you all destroy," the young guard said. "Wait, and this one?"
The guard lowered his spear in front of Obran. Obran stared at the guard but did not speak.
"He's my brother," Erkin said. "He's here to apply for work. He's a cook and a veteran."
The young guard and Obran stared off while others now looked on with interest. Gremlin veterans were always a curiosity. Obran had no weapons but he knew he could use his claws and teeth if he needed to. But, the guard soon backed off and lifted his spear.
"Okay. Just remember we don't tolerate any thieving or drunkenness here," the guard said.
"Yes sir," Erkin said.
Obran felt his brother pull him forward and they passed the gate, entering into the sprawling metropolis.
"Is it always like that?" Obran asked.
"No, not really. I think it's because a lot of new races are coming for the festivities and the elections and there's been a lot of new soldiers too."
"Maybe I should have worn my uniform," Obran said.
Suddenly Obran heard the sound of horses galloping towards the gate from behind them. Obran turned around and saw two cavalry officers were quickly approaching. They wore the eagle crests and armor of equestrian officers—centurions.
"Make way, make way, all of you make way," yelled the same guard who had stopped Obran and Erkin. He used his spear to shove several people aside. Everyone quickly got out of the way but an older woman carrying a basket of apples fell over, spilling her fruit all over the road. Obran was about to help her up when behind the two officers on a third horse he saw Victoria, the same girl from that morning. Victoria stopped at the gate when she saw the older woman on her knees picking up her apples. The the centurions stopped as well.
"You don't have to push people aside; we are happy to wait our turn." she said to the young guard.
"Yes, my lady," the guard said.
"And that goes for you two as well," Victoria said to the officers accompanying her., "There's no reason to approach the gate like a cavalry charge."
"Yes, my lady...of course." "My lady," the centurions both echoed.
A small crowd had now gathered, watching as Victoria got off the horse and helped the older woman get up; the gate guards quickly picked up her fruit as well; the older woman thanked Victoria repeatedly curtseying and telling her she was okay. Obran just stared and did not dare approach or say a word to Victoria. But as she got back on her horse she saw him and smiled, before quickly galloping off in the direction of the inner sanctum. The whole crowd continued to stare as she rode away, resuming only when she was out of sight. Obran heard a few people mutter: "She is so beautiful", "So kind and sweet", "Better than any patrician."
"Move along, all of you, the show is over," a guard said.
Obran and Erkin proceeded into the city along with the rest of the crowd.
"Erkin, that's the girl I saw today," Obran whispered. "The one who snuck up on me."
"She snuck up on you!?" Erkin said, his ears popping up.
"We'll, she caught me off guard. I was singing."
"Singing? Before or after you saw her?" Erkin said.
"I was collecting weeds. That's when I like to sing," Obran said.
"Well I'm glad you're happy enough to sing. I just hope you didn't scare her away with your voice," Erkin said.
"Yeah, yeah, I didn't get a chance to study music like you," Obran said.
"But, maybe it's better you didn't talk to her. You might have gotten us kicked out of the forest."
"What are you talking about?" Obran said.
"She's a princess," Erkin said.
"What?" Obran said.
"She's from Carthagio. She just arrived from overseas."
"From Carthagio? Are you serious?" Obran said.
Obran couldn't believe it. Roma had just fought its last war with Carthagio: a war that had lasted for years. The two kingdoms had signed a treaty that ended the conflict but Obran couldn't understand why a princess of Carthagio would be in Roma. Ah...perhaps she is a hostage?
"How do you know all this?" Obran said.
"I heard all about it at the university," Erkin said. "Humans love to chatter and gossip like buzzards."
"You should share all this information with me too," Obran said.
"But I thought you didn't care about the humans?"
"Hmm..." Obran said.
The princess had long disappeared into the inner sanctum but Obran kept staring at the castle, wondering if Victoria would ever come to the gremlin forest again.
"Erkin, have you ever been to the castle?" Obran said.
Erkin's ears shot up again.