-A Few Months Later-356Please respect copyright.PENANAfYf0asCCIA
“Wow Kacchan!! That’s such a cool quirk!” Izuku yelled as Katsuki made small explosions in his hands.
“Hell yeah it is!” Katsuki yelled back.
After the store incident, Mitsuki and Inko had started talking, setting up play dates for their kids. They were close neighbors so it wasn’t too hard. Inko and Mitsuki had grown to become best friends, and so had Izuku and Katsuki.
In fact, Izuku and Katsuki were so close, they were never apart. They spent all their time together. If Katsuki would go somewhere, Izuku would be right behind him. If Izuku had to go to bed, Katsuki would share a futon with him. They would take bubble baths with each other and stay over at each other’s house. No matter what it was, they never wanted to be separated.
“Katsuki, ya’ damn brat! Watch your mouth!” Mitsuki yelled from the living room couch.
“Whatever hag,” Katsuki yelled back.
“Kacchan… You shouldnt call her that, it’s mean.” Izuku frowned.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the green-haired boy and then shrugged. Izuku just huffed out a sigh, knowing the blond wouldn’t listen.
“I hope I get my quirk soon.” Izuku said sadly, looking at his hands.
“Well when you do, it won’t be as cool as mine!” Katsuki made a couple of little explosions again, making Izuku giggle again.
“When I get my quirk we can grow up and be heroes together, Kacchan!”
“Hell yeah we will, you nerd.”
“Yeah, I promise.”
“I’ll protect you with everything I have Kacchan!”
“There’s no hope kid, just give it up.” The doctor sighed, fixing his goggles.
Izuku dropped his All Might figurine and started crying hysterically. Inko reached over and held his hand as a sign of comfort.
“What do you mean? He has no quirk?” Inko asked worriedly.
“No. He’s missing the extra bone in the pinky toe, that shows he would have a quirk. Only 20% of the population is quirkless, and your son is part of that 20%.” The doctor explained.
Katsuki was outside the door, waiting because he wasn’t allowed in the room.
Izuku jumped off his chair, rubbing his eyes and running towards the door. Inko thanked the doctor for his time, following her son. Once the door was open, Izuku ran to Katsuki and into his arms, crying hysterically.
“What the hell happened?” Katsuki asked, hugging the green-haired boy close.
“I-I… I… have no quirk Kacchan…” Izuku sobbed.
Katsuki pushed Izuku away from him slightly. “You mean your quirkless??” He asked angrily.
Izuku just nodded, crying harder. Inko was crying and being comforted by the Bakugos’.
“So we cant be hero’s together… You broke our promise!” Katsuki yelled.
Katsuki pushed him away, little explosions coming out of his hands. He walked over to his dad and started pulling him to the exit. He wanted to go home.
“K-Kacchan!” Izuku sobbed.
He reached his hand out towards Katsuki when the blond just looked back and stomped out of the building. Kacchan was angry at him, this was horrible.
The next Monday at preschool, the other kids knew he was quirkless. Izuku walked in with his head down. People stared and snickered at him. Others whispered around, still staring. He could feel all of their gazes on him. Katsuki hadn’t talked to him over the weekend. It was his first weekend in a year without his best friend. Or… who was his best friend.
Katsuki saw how all the students were whispering about Izuku, making him angry. He saw how they all pointed and laughed. He saw it but Izuku deserved it. He broke their promise. It didn’t make him any less angry.
One of the kids that sat next to him wasn’t a very good whisperer. He could hear exactly what the girl was saying.
“I bet he wouldn’t even be able to fight back if I tried to beat him up.”
“He won’t even make it to 1st grade.”
“He’s so useless, why even live if you don’t have a quirk?”
Katsuki was livid. The only one who could make fun of his nerd, was him. Katsuki gripped the safety scissors in his hand that he was using for their project. The girl just kept talking and Katsuki decided to do something about it. He was sure Izuku could hear what she was saying because he was at their table. He looked so sad.
“Shut up,” He growled towards the girl.
When she didn’t stop talking, Katsuki opened his scissors and looked at them. He smirked and brought his hand down quickly and stabbed her in the leg. The girl screamed, looking at him in horror. The boy she was talking to had the same look.
“I told you to shut up.” Katsuki said lowly, smirking still as she continued to scream for the teacher.
“Katsuki!! What in the name of the lord are you doing with those?!” The teacher rushed over. “Why did you do this?” The teacher, Mr. Hawkings, asked as he pulled out the scissors and held a hand over the girl’s wound.
“She wouldn’t shut up.” Katsuki shrugged.
Mr, Hawking’s looked at him incredulously and looked back at the girl. “Katsuki go to the principal’s office. Now.”
“Tch, whatever old man.” Katsuki replied, getting out of his chair and walking out. Tiny footsteps were heard behind him but he didn’t look behind him. He knew who it was.
“Kacchan! W-Why did you do that?? Youre gonna get in big trouble.” Izuku had small tears in his eyes.
Katsuki looked over for a split second before looking back straight ahead. “Such a crybaby. She wouldn’t shut up.” He replied cooly, shrugging as he continued to walk, Izuku right at his side.
“W-What?! That’s not a good reason to hurt someone Kacchan!” Izuku yelled quietly.
“She kept calling you useless and annoying. Only I get to do that. It was annoying me.” Katsuki snarled as he thought about it again.
“Y-You… You are getting in trouble for… for me, Kacchan?” Izuku asked, tears still in his eyes.
“Duh, doofus.” Katsuki smirked.
“Kacchan!! Why did you do that? She was just being a meanie, now you’re going to get in trouble! I’m not even worth it anyway, maybe she was right…” Izuku started mumbling.
“What the hell you stupid nerd?” Katsuki growled as he stopped and turning to the greenette. “Don’t you dare say that you idiot. Only I get to make fun of you, you got it?? If someone is being mean to you, you tell me because only I’m allowed to be mean to you, shitty nerd.”
Izuku sniffled and smiled slightly. “Thank you, Kacchan. You’re my hero.”
“I’m still mad at you for breaking your promise.” Katsuki side-eyed him as he continued walking.
Izuku lowered his head, “I’m sorry Kacchan…”
“I know, dummy.” Katsuki grabbed onto Izuku’s hand, roughly tugging him close to his side. “You’ll make up for it.”
The preschool principal called Katuki’s parents and suspended him for a day. His parents were not happy and Went to take him home when they saw Katsuki holding Izuku again. Mitsuki smiled, happy her brat made up with his friend. Katsuki had been sulking all weekend without Izuku in his grasp.
“C’mon brat, we’re going home.” Mitsuki spoke.
Katsuki followed Mitsuki as she walked, Izuku still in his hold. Mitsuki had looked back to see Izuku and Katsuki happily talking and walking. She sighed and turned around, stopping.
“Izuku has to stay here at school Katsuki. You got suspended, not him.” Mitsuki said, crouching to get on their level.
Katsuki pouted and tears gathered in Izuku’s eyes.
“B-But… Auntie…” Izuku said sadly.
Katsuki looked at the crying boy, putting on a determined face while holding him closer.
“He’s coming home with us.” Katsuki said finally, a free hand on his hip while the other held Izuku.
“Katsuki,” Mitsuki sighed, “We can’t just take him home.”
“Yes we can.”
“No we can’t.”
“Yes we can!”
Masaru sighed, looking between his wife and son.
“Hunny, I’ll call Inko and ask if it’s okay to take Izuku out early, okay?” Masaru said softly, calming as always.
“Whatever I guess, this damn brat…” Mitsuki grumbled.
Masaru made the call and Inko said it was fine. She trusted the Bakugo family.
“Looks like he’s coming home with us.” Masaru spoke, stopping the fight between his wife and son.
Katsuki smirked triumphantly and Izuku smiled his bright smile.
“Thank you, thank you,” Izuku spoke, trying to bow but Katsuki stopped him, holding him firmly.