---A Year and A Half Later---
Katsuki looked over to his right. There sat a green-headed first grader.
Izuku had made one other friend when they joined first grade together. It was a girl, and she was the only one who didn’t make fun of his quirklessness. The girl’s name was Raiden Yui. She was a dark purple-haired, gold-eyed girl. She had long hair and was able to use static electricity to shock people.
Katsuki was always angry when he saw them together. One time Izuku brought her to their lunch table and Katsuki made it very clear he didn’t want her there. He was always angry when Izuku’s attention wasn’t directed towards him, but especially when it was instead directed towards Raiden.
He was so possessive of Izuku, and others knew it. Whenever Izuku chose to play with Raiden instead of him, he would feel a stream of possession run through him. Katsuki actually growled at the poor girl when she came to ask if he wanted to play with her too.
Currently, Izuku and Raiden were talking to each other because they were desk buddies. Izuku and Katsuki were desk buddies and then the teacher moved Izuku with her because she was new. Now Katsuki didn’t have a buddy and he was glad. He didn’t want anyone other than Izuku. Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the girl as she giggled towards the green-haired boy.
Once the bell rang, Katsuki shot up out of his seat, latched onto Izuku’s arm, and quickly dragged him to the lunchroom. He looked back at Raiden’s sad expression and stuck his tongue out. The girl looked shocked and Katsuki smirked.
They made it to the lunchroom and Katsuki grabbed two lunches before moving over to the table, pushing Izuku into a seat, and sitting right beside him. Katsuki pushed one of the lunches over to Izuku with an annoyed expression. He switched their milk cartons because Izuku didn’t like plain milk, he liked strawberry milk. Once he was finished, he huffed, putting his arms across his chest and staring at his food angrily.
All the while, Izuku was staring, incredibly confused. Why was Kacchan so upset? And what was the rush to get out of class and to a table?
“Kacchan?” Izuku voiced meekly.
Katgsuki grunted, not looking at him.
“Uhm… did something happen…?” He was so confused.
“I don’t like that stupid zappy girl.” Katsuki announced gruffly.
Izuku’s eyebrows furrowed even more. What had she done to him?
“Why not Kacchan? Did she do something?” Izuku quizzed, eyebrows furrowed and a hand on his friend’s shoulder. Katsuki shook Izuku’s hand off of him and moved to face him.
“She keeps taking you away from me. I don’t like it.” Well, Katsuki was always pretty honest.
“Kacchan… I’m still right here? She’s not taking me away.” Katsuki shook his head, annoyed.
“Whatever… Your milk’s going to get warm.” He said coldly.
The rest of the day Katsuki was giving Izuku the cold shoulder. Though at the same time he was keeping Izuku away from his new friend-girl. Just because he was mad doesn’t mean Izuku get’s to hang out with whoever he wanted.
Izuku had continuously been trying to cheer his friend up. He kept apologizing even though he didn’t exactly know what he did wrong. Izuku had moved to try to talk to Raiden about it a few times but whenever he did, Katsuki would give him hope he was okay again.
At the end of the day, everyone was going home. Katsuki was sitting against the brick wall when Izuku and Raiden came out as a pair. They were talking and Raiden was giggling again. Katsuki sighed heavily and pushed himself off of the wall, walking towards the two.
“Kacchan! Are you not angry at me any more?” Izuku asked with big puppy dogs that he could never resist.
“Tch…” Katsuki glared at Raiden as he pushed Izuku into his chest, hugging him tightly. He smirked as the girl frowned and stood uncomfortably.
“I’m taking you home tonight.” Katsuki said finally.
Izuku bit his lip slightly, frowning softly. “U-Uhm… As much as I would love to, Kacchan… Yui was going to have a sleepover tonight.” Izuku said softly. He bowed his head slightly and his bangs were covering his eyes.
“No. You’re mine.” Goddammit, he meant to say he should come to his house instead.
“A-Ahh! Kacchan…” Izuku said, blushing the smallest bit.
Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes. “Tell zappy your busy tonight, I’m taking you home.” Katsuki grabbed his arm roughly, but not rough enough to hurt his friend. Izuku was startled, where did this behavior come from?
“Kacchan! I already told her I-” Izuku tried to protest but Katsuki cut him off.
“Shut it. I don’t give a crap what you ‘told’ her, I said no.” Katsuki growled, his expression daring Izuku to go against him.
Izuku bowed his head and nodded sadly. Katsuki brightened at the submissive behavior and patted his head quickly. He made a ‘shoo’ing motion to Izuku so he would tell his new friend he was busy.
“Go do whatever, the hag’s gonna be here in a minute.” Katsuki spoke casually as if he hadn’t acted super possessive just now.
“Alright, Kacchan.” Izuku responded quietly, faintly stomping towards his girl-friend.