Today was the day Katsuki was suspended from school. Izuku had stayed the night at his house that night and woke up feeling sad, he had to go to school alone.
Katsuki hadn’t woken up yet and Izuku was thinking. He hated lying… but what if he said he was sick so he could stay home and stay with Kacchan? But Kacchan hates liars. And if Kacchan finds out he lied… he’d hate him... He can’t do that again. Not again.
At this point, Izuku was unknowingly crying. He didn’t want katsuki to hate him again. Katsuki was waking up by now and saw Izuku crying in a ball on the corner of the futon. He had his knees to his chest and his head in his lap.
“Nerd?” Katsuki called out groggily. Usually, he woke up before Izuku. Katsuki shuffled over to Izuku, full alert once he noticed the boy was crying.
“I don’t wanna go to school today Kacchan…” Izuku said, answering the unspoken question.
“Why not, dummy?” Katsuki questioned. Izuku put his head up to look at Katsuki.
“Kacchan’s not going to be there and all the meanies will be.” Izuku explained sadly. “I wanna stay with Kacchan…”
“Tch… stupid nerd.” Katsuki pulled Izuku into his lap and started playing with his hair. “You gotta go to school today, idiot. I’ll be there tomorrow. If anyone even looks you, you tell me and I’ll deal with them all right?” Katsuki warned, trying to calm the other boy down.
“O-Okay Kacchan…” Izuku replied sorrowfully with his head down.
Katsuki huffed and continued to play with Izuku’s hair. He made little explosions the massage the younger boy’s head without hurting him. Izuku giggled happily at the sensation and moved to look up at Katsuki.
“I love you, Kacchan.” Izuku smiled.
“A-Ah?! Y-you can’t just s-say that you stupid nerd!” Katsuki frowned, though Izuku still smiled.
“But it’s true! I love you, Kacchan.”
Katsuki grumbled slightly. “I… I love you too, stupid deku.”
Izuku tilted his head, he was confused. “Deku?” He asked.
“Yeah. Your name can be read as Deku and your useless.” Katsuki grinned.
“W-Wahh, Kacchan! That’s so mean!!” Izuku pouted and Katsuki smirked.
“Well, your so useless you can’t protect yourself, so I have to protect you so no one hurts you.” Katsuki pointed out proudly.
Izuku looks at him shyly, “Promise you’ll always protect me?” He asks nervously.
“Hell yeah!” Katsuki grinned making Izuku smile.
“You have to go to school today Izuku.” Mitsuki told him, trying to pry the small boy from her blond son.
“I don’t want to!” Izuku sobbed. “I don’t want to leave Kacchan!”
“I don’t want you to leave either…” Katsuki mumbled under his breath. “Deku!” Getting Izuku’s watery attention, he holds his shoulders and looks him in the eye. “You broke our promise.” Katsuki pointed out again.
Mitsuki had gone out of the room for a moment to grab something.
“H-Huh? I know Kacchan… But I’m going to make it up to you!! I thought you knew that…?”320Please respect copyright.PENANA8yLECjgO6l
Izuku asked, confused.
“I do. To make it up to me you have to always listen to what I say, got it?” Katsuki grinned.
“Of course Kacchan, I already listen to you all the time.” Izuku gave him a watery smile.
“So now I say you have to go to school today and stop crying about it. I don’t like it when you cry.” Katsuki declared.
“O-okay Kacchan… But I’m gonna miss you…” Izuku sniffled.
“Me too nerd, but I’ll come over later, okay? So let the hag take you to school and let me know if anyone hurts you. Got it?” Katsuki urged.
“Got it Kacchan! I’ll make you proud!” Izuku smiled, hugging Katsuki tightly.
“You better, Deku.” Katsuki smiled back, hugging the boy just as tight. “Now go.”
“I love you Kacchan!”
Izuku smiled as he walked to the doorway. He turned around waiting for Katsuki to say it back.
“I love you too, dummy.” Katsuki called back.
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Izuku turned around and happily walked out, telling Mitsuki he was ready to go. Mitsuki was always so amazed when either boy could be having a tantrum and then the other could calm him down.
Izuku was having a hard day at school. Students were making fun of him and pointing at him. One boy even made a paper airplane and threw it at his head! They were doing partner finger paint today and no one wanted to be his partner. When he would ask someone they would just scoff and laugh at him.
Katsuki wasn’t doing too hot either. He kept whining about missing ‘his Deku' and wouldn’t stop. Mitsuki would ask him things and they would always lead back to Izuku. Questions like what he wanted to eat for lunch would go to what Izuku would eat or how he missed lunch at school and wish he could have eaten with Izuku.
Katsuki was currently holding a green bunny stuffed animal that Izuku had picked out for him. He had waited to eat lunch until about 2 P.M. so he could have lunch with Izuku. He made his mom make Katsudon because he knew that was Izuku’s favorite food. With that time, he would have enough time to make lunch and bring it over to Izuku’s house when he got home so it would be nice and warm for him. It was a reward for listening to Katsuki when he asked him to, is how Katsuki saw it.
Eventually, it was the end of the school day for Izuku and he was so ready to go home and cuddle with Kacchan. Kids were so mean to him today, probably because Kacchan wasn’t there to stand up for him.
Mitsuki was picking him up today because Inko had to work late. As Izuku waited for Mitsuki to come to pick him up, the boy from earlier who threw a paper airplane at him had walked over to him. He had learned the boy’s name was Tsubasa from earlier in class. Tsubasa started snickering as he walked, his group of friends only a few feet away.
“Ahh, look. It’s “Kacchan’s” little quirkless puppy.” The boy grinned at his own joke.
“Please don’t call him that… That’s my nickname…” Izuku scolded timidly.
“What are you gonna do about it, huh? You just a useless dog that follow’s your ‘Kacchan’ around.” Tsubasa said as he pushed Izuku a little.
“Please stop…” Izuku pleaded meekly.
“Or you’ll do what? Go tell on me to your ‘Kacchan’?” Tsubasa teased, continuing to push him around.
Izuku tried to back away, out of his reach, but the other boy just followed. He didn’t want to start a fight and get into trouble. Soon enough, a car pulled up and honked. Izuku looked over to see Auntie Mitsuki’s car and tried to get away from the boy, but he wouldn’t let him.
Katsuki had decided to drive with his mom so he could surprise his Deku. But, he was the one surprised. When they pulled up there was a winged boy hovering around Izuku and pushing him around. Katsuki growled and got out of the car, telling his mom he would get Izuku. Mitsuki hummed and started texting someone on her phone, not paying attention.
Katsuki started walking towards the group, his quirk activating. He quietly walking behind the winged boy and pushed him to the ground. He let a bigger, harmful explosion out towards the boy’s back and then slammed his foot down where he used his quirk.
Hearing the boy whimper, he dug the soul of his shoe down harsher and then got off, walking over to a -now not crying- Izuku. He reached his hand out, letting the green-haired boy grab it, before dragging him to the car. Katsuki opened the car door for him and let him get in before getting in himself. He got Izuku and himself buckled then told his mom they were ready.
When Katsuki and Izuku got to the Midoriya household, Katsuki helped the other boy out of the car and dragged him excitedly inside the house. The Bakugo family and Midoriya each had and key for each other’s places, in case they needed them.
Katsuki brought Izuku to the kitchen, where their Katsudon lay, and took his backpack, throwing it in the boy’s room. Izuku was confused until he smelled the food. He let out an excited squeak, knowing they could eat Katsudon together. Katsuki heard the sound and smiled softly-- Or what could be called ‘softly’ for Katsuki.
Izuku and Katsuki sat down on their cushions at the table, said thank you for the food, and then dug in. Katsuki hadn’t had anything really but a granola bar today because he doesn’t eat breakfast and he was waiting for Izuku to eat lunch. But Izuku didn't need to know that. It would make him feel bad.
“Are you okay Kacchan? You saved me again!” Izuku smiled softly. He kind of wished his Kacchan didn’t have to hurt people to protect him but he always saves him. He’s his hero.
“Yeah I did nerd.” Katsuki smiled proudly.