Starting when they were little, Bakugo Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya had always been close. They spent all their time together.
The two boys met when they were three. Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo had decided to take their son to the store with them instead of one parent staying, like how they usually did. Katsuki was crying and fussing, not wanting to leave home and be around all these new people and faces. But, It all stopped when he saw another person his age, across the aisle.
Inko Midoriya. A single mother, working two jobs, the most supportive woman in all of Japan. Inko was juggling many things on her own after the man who was going to be her husband, walked out. When he found out she was pregnant with his child, he packed his bags and left. Not giving her any support, financial, physical, mental, or emotional. After what happened, Inko vowed she would give her son enough love for herself and the boy who walked out on them.
Currently, Inko was trying to drag her three-year-old son down the store aisles quickly to get him back home and herself to work on time. It was later in the night now so she would be able to get the food, make dinner, put Izuku down to bed, and go to her night job. While she was inspecting different ingredients, she had let go of Izuku’s hand to compare the products. Inko went to grasp back onto Izuku’s hand, but he wasn’t there. Inko frantically looked to her side to see Izuku walking down the aisle. He was only a feet yards away from her by now.
Inko put the food product in the basket she was holding, rushing over to her little son to grab his hand. Izuku looked up at her when she grabbed his hand, only to look back at the other boy down the aisle. He was sitting in a child’s seat on a rolling cart, staring at the greenette. Izuku tried to continue walking towards the boy when his mother’s hand pulled him back. Izuku put a hand out towards the boy with a sad pout. The blonde boy just frowned, making grabby hand motions. They stared at each other until Izuku was pulled around a corner.
Ten minutes later Inko had everything she would need for the rest of the week and made her way towards the conveyor belt and cashier stand. The blonde boy from earlier was at the stand next to him and Izuku smiled excitedly. He started waving rapidly towards the boy, trying to get his attention.
Katsuki was looking around annoyed, sort of hoping to see the broccoli boy from earlier. He noticed rapid motions from the corner of his eye and turned his head to inspect. To his pleasurable surprise, the broccoli boy was right there! He was the one doing the fast motions! Katsuki’s agitated face let up and his frown turned into a proud smile. What he was proud for? He didn’t know. Maybe it was because the other boy was trying to get his attention.
Katsuki tried climbing out of the child seat in the cart but he couldn’t get that damn buckle off of him. He was trying to unbuckle himself, grunting a little. Masaru took attention to this.
“Hey little bud, what are ya’ doing there?” Masaru spoke quizzically, placing his hand on his son’s struggling hands.
Katsuki just grunted, pointing to the buckle. He was never really a fan of speaking if he didn’t need to.
“Do you want to walk around for a minute?” Masaru asked, ready to help him out.
Katsuki nodded and suddenly he was free on the ground. He immediately started walking towards the green-haired boy.
When Izuku saw the blonde on the floor, coming towards him, he smiled brightly, walking towards him as well.
They met each other in the middle and Katsuki stared Izuku down for a moment, evaluating him. While Izuku looked at him questionably. When Katsuki was finished he smiled somewhat cockily.
“I’m Bakugo Katsuki and I’m gonna be the number 1 hero.” Katsuki introduced himself, placing a hand on his hip.
Izuku giggled cutely, smiling his bright smile. He pointed to himself, “I’m M-Midoriya Iz-Izuk-u and I wanna be just like All Might!” Izuku smiled nervously, he still had a little bit of trouble pronouncing certain things.
Katsuki grunted in acknowledgment. “You look like a nerd.” He pointed out randomly and bluntly.
“A-ah? That’s not very nice Kat- Kasu- Katc-” Izuku paused for a moment and then tried to say his name again. “Katcs- Kacchan!” Izuku smiled happily.
Katsuki crinkled his face, “That’s not my name, nerd.” He didn’t necessarily dislike it though.
“W-well… I know but I can’t really pro-pronounce it yet.” Izuku lowered his head slightly, frowning.
Katsuki did not like his frown.
“Whatever, nerd. I’ll let it slide for now I guess.” Katsuki replied, looking away. He would never do that for some extra, ever. If an extra couldn’t even say his name, they weren’t worth his time.
So why now?
“Yay! Thank you Kacchan!” Izuku’s smile was blinding now.
“Tch whatever…”
“Izuku??” Inko said worriedly, looking for her son. “Oh there you are! You can’t just walk away while I’m waiting in line, Izuku!” She was talking more out of worry than anger and Izuku knew that… But he still ended up crying.
“I-I… I’m sorry mama! I didnt mean to worry you…” Izuku sobbed.
The blonde boy did not like that at all. For some reason that made him mad. He was mad this lady came out of nowhere and made the nerd cry. So, that’s why Katsuki ended up in front of Izuku, angry face displayed, and legs and arms spread out as if to protect him. He glared at the nice-looking lady and turned around to comfort the boy.
“Hey nerd, you’re not going to be just like All Might if you’re crying all the time, doofus. So quit it out alright?” Katsuki spoke, holding the crying boy’s shoulders to get him to pay attention to him.
And only him.
Izuku nodded, wiping his eyes. “Th-Thank you, Kacchan. Can I…” Izuku trailed off, looking like he wanted to ask something.
“What?” Katsuki asked, making eye contact.
“U-uhmm…” Izuku twiddled his fingers and looked down.
“Nerd, I can’t answer if I don’t know the question.” Katsuki said, tilting his head a little bit.
“I wanted to ask… ifIcouldmaybepleasehugyouplease?” Izuku asked quickly, jumbling his words with his head down.
Katsuki snorted with a smirk. “Nope.”
Izuku looked a little hurt when he looked up at Katsuki, putting his head back down and nodding slowly. “O-okay, kacchan…” Tears slowly gathering again.
“Tch.. Stupid crybaby.” Katsuki moved Izuku towards his body, throwing his hands behind his back and resting them on his waist.
“Eep! Kacchan, I thought-”
“Shut up, stupid nerd.” Katsuki held him tighter.
Izuku nodded quickly, enjoying the hug.