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October 18
I'm running for my life, my bare feet pounding against the hard packed forest floor. I don't know what coming but I know it's big, I can hear its paws hitting the earth behind me, every time it touches the ground it's like thunder, even the air vibrates with it. My breathing is ragged, I can't breathe in fast enough and I'm slowing down. I know I can't keep this up forever. I can't stop though; I know if I do, I won't make it. This forest feels like it goes on forever, it's familiar but I know I've never been here before. It's getting closer, I can feel its hot breath on my back, I run harder , all of a sudden I am jerked off my feet and go sprawling in the dust, I look over my shoulder . The thing that's been chasing me is a large Black wolf! The back of my shirt lodged firmly between its teeth. I lash out at it kicking, and manage to free myself, I scramble to my feet and take off running once more. What does it want with me, why is she chasing me? I can't help but wonder to myself. Trees fly past left and right, I sprint through a small creek and realize that I can't hear anything behind me anymore, I must have finally lost it. I rest my back against a tree, my chest heaving as I try to catch my breath. This can't be real. I hear the crack of twigs breaking, glancing around I peek around the tree, and standing there is the wolf, she looks even larger now, her gray eyes lock onto mine, she stares for a minute like she's trying to communicate with me but getting frustrated that I can't seem to understand, and then growls ferociously at me, hackles raised, she crouches down, jaws frothing, and lunges at me, all I can focus on is her razor sharp teeth. Screaming as death comes for me..298Please respect copyright.PENANAPqcv2LQcGI
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I lurch up in my bed shrieking and clutching my chest, heart pounding. I breathe deeply waiting for my heart to settle, "It was just a dream," I mutter at myself, angry for being so unsettled by a simple nightmare. I'd been having different versions of the same dream every night for a week now. The closer to my birthday it gets the more often I've been having them, I use to dream about that same black wolf when I was younger too, and she use to just watch me, but this past week it's like she's becoming frantic, chasing me, staring, looking at me like she's searching for something inside me, and always ending with the wolf springing at me jaws wide. I don't really know how I know that the wolf is female, but I just feel it. I know she is.298Please respect copyright.PENANAg5ZqbH7U3H
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It makes me feel ridiculous every time I wake up covered in sweat panting, heart racing, like I'm having a heart attack. I've never even been in the forest or seen a wolf. I'm not very likely to be eaten by one. I laugh at myself and feel a little better about the whole stupid thing. After untangling my blankets from my legs, I look over at my alarm clock, 6 am. I'm not a morning person but I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep. I drag myself out of bed, rifle through my dresser for a new pair of underwear, my preferred boy shorts, grab a pair of jeans and a random black t-shirt out of the closet, and my bra off the doorknob.298Please respect copyright.PENANAgt9Vdsv9rQ
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Stepping out of my room I run right into Amelia, the woman that's been "taking care of me" since I was about 4 years old. Amelia Bryant is basically the worst foster mom to ever exist, I've been living in her house for as long as I can remember, and she has hated me for every single second of it. "Morning Amelia, busy night?" I asked her sarcastically; every night is a busy night for her. She likes to drink herself stupid and go home with some random guy, always crawling back home just in time for her to fall in bed as the sun comes up. Amelia just grunts at me in response, and knocks into me as she walks by, sending me sprawling on the floor. She looks back daring me to say something, but I won't. She continues walking down the hall and to her own room. I only have to deal with this for one more day, I'm out of here in the morning. I feel bad for the other kids here though, before I graduated early last year, I always made sure to make the younger kids' breakfast and made sure they all got to school on time, I don't have time for that much anymore since I started working, and I won't really be able to do anything for them at all after I leave for good. Amelia sure won't take care of them, she won't even be out of bed by the time most of them have to leave for the day.
After her door shuts, I head on to the bathroom, first things first today is a shower. Turning the shower on as hot as it will go I remove my shorts and tank top, then turn the water temperature down just a bit and step into the shower, it's just hot enough to sting as it hits my skin but I know I'll get use to it soon enough. I tip my head back under the stream of water and wet my hair, enjoying the way the water feels running through my long brown hair and down my back. After a few minutes I shampoo my hair and rinse it, then put conditioner in and while I let that sit I wash my body, thinking about how Amelia always says I'm the runt no one wanted. She's always mocking me for how small I am, telling me my figure is boyish. But she's also never seen me naked and my wardrobe really does nothing for my figure, I have wide hips and a flat stomach but still soft, and decently large breasts (I happen to think anyway), last year I had to start buying DD bras. She's right about small though, I'm only 5 feet tall. But who cares what that bitch thinks anyway, I finish washing my body and rinse my hair. Turning the shower off I reach for the towel hanging outside the shower and begin to dry myself off, grabbing another out of the cabinet and wrapping up my hair to dry.
When my body is dry, I put on my bra and boy shorts then quickly dress in my jeans and t-shirt, I look at myself in the mirror studying my face, small straight nose, full bottom lip with a slightly smaller top lip, my mouth is small, making it look pouty, and blue grey eyes which are my favorite feature. I wonder how much I look like my parents, if I look more like my mom or my dad. The only thing I know about them is that my dad was born in Ireland and my mom is a 2nd generation Irish immigrant, her family came to the U.S and settled in Pennsylvania, I also know that my parents met when my mom's parents took her back to Ireland to visit family.298Please respect copyright.PENANAMgYXx1xCIx
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I had a letter from my parents that they wrote before they died, they had explained they were leaving my with friends of my mom to watch me while they went to Ireland to visit my dad's father, he the leader of some big Irish clan I guess, I never met him. Their letter explained that they would be gone for a week and that they would miss me terribly and I was to stay with their friends until they came back for me. Except they never did, they died on that trip and mom's friends let me stay for a while but I don't even really remember them. Amelia told me that after they heard about my parents death they dropped me off at a fire station and never looked back, and she's had me ever since.
Done dwelling on the past I run a brush through my hair and decide I'm just going to let it finish drying naturally since my hair always dries with nice soft waves. I leave the bathroom and head back down to my room to grab my hoodie, keys, and my wallet to shove in my pocket. I walk downstairs and leave the house locking the door behind me since none of my foster siblings are awake yet and Amelia went back to bed. I decide to walk to work today even though the sky is gray and overcast, looks like it might rain, but I don't feel like riding my bike this morning and I haven't quite saved up enough for a car yet, all my money has been going toward my new crappy small apartment that I'm supposed to sign paperwork for in the morning. 298Please respect copyright.PENANAdRrjXGgVKr
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I work at Randy's diner on the other side of town, luckily it's not a long walk, only about 30 minutes and I'm early today so I have time, maybe I'll even stop at the donut shop on the way. Walking quickly with my head down, (because sure enough, 10 minutes into my walk it started raining) I suddenly slam into something hard, an electric current shoots through my body, startled I look up and see a man so attractive I think my heart stopped for a second. I can feel my face heat up with a blush from embarrassment, and quickly look down again, he hasn't said anything yet which is weirding me out so I glance back up at him and stumble back, he staring at me intensely, like he's been searching for me his whole life, his gaze is intense and it's making me uncomfortable. "umm, are you okay?" I ask, he shakes his head a little and then smiles at me and just says, "see you later." Well okay then stranger. His weirdness is not my problem though so I mumble a quick apology for running into him, and step around him, jogging off quickly, I could still feel his eyes on me as I rounded the corner.
I arrived at work on time, and even had time to stop on the way and get my donut, who can resist hot sugary fried dough, it's everything good in one food. I called hello to my boss Randy and his daughter Victoria as I headed to the back to exchange my hoodie for the apron I had to wear here. Walking behind the counter I stand by Victoria, and she bumps her hip into mine, "How's it going Chica? Ready for your big day?"298Please respect copyright.PENANA62QiVyAUce
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"I'm ready to get out of Amelia's hell house of horrors for sure, you and Declan still coming over later to help me finish packing?"298Please respect copyright.PENANANSqLIG8uuD
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Victoria flashed a smile, "I'll be anywhere Declan's fine ass is going to be and you know it."298Please respect copyright.PENANAzO8vRa2HhD
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I grinned at her, "He broke up with his girlfriend you know."298Please respect copyright.PENANA8b9rAyoKo7
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"I call dibbs!" Victoria practically shouted in her excitement and her dad shot us a look in annoyance, we were starting to get customers. We both giggled and she bumped her hip into mine again before starting to work the counter and take orders, while I grabbed my notepad and headed out to take care of customers in the booths. After taking the orders of 4 different tables I was in the kitchen talking to the cook about some substations one of the tables wanted to make for their breakfast when the bell over the door chimed and Victoria yelled out that I had another customer. Heading out of the kitchen I wondered over to the last booth to take their order and stopped short when I recognized the guy I had bumped into on the way here. (Did this guy follow me? Surely not, that's too weird, just a coincidence.) "Hi there, what can I get you?" He just stared at me not saying anything, looking at me like I should recognize him and like he was frustrated that I didn't. 298Please respect copyright.PENANAYPAhPtIom4
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"How old are you?" He asked bluntly. 298Please respect copyright.PENANAeZGpujIMOb
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"Not that it's any of your business but I'll be 18 tomorrow, now what can I get you?" Hot he may be, but this guy was starting to get on my nerves. He just stared at me for another moment and then got up to leave, brushing past me and lingering for just a moment, I swear he sniffed me on his way by and whispered in my ear, "see you later." FREAKY. And why does he keep saying that?298Please respect copyright.PENANAjUidB8HXPT
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I got really busy after that, I'd have to remember to tell Victoria about that weird guy later, the rest of my shift past in a blur, and when it was over I caught a ride back to Amelia's house, Declan was waiting outside when we got there. 298Please respect copyright.PENANAHgXTeiHTLY
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"Hey Declan," Victoria said blushing at him slightly. "Hey Tor, hey Rowan" Declan replied coming over giving us both side hugs, "ready for your birthday Rowan? The big one eight, and your own place, pretty exciting stuff."298Please respect copyright.PENANAK0ZgPw3eyh
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"I guess," I shrugged it off, "I'm just ready to get out of the dragon's house, it'll be nice not to have to see her face firstthingevery day."298Please respect copyright.PENANALdknkLWWoz
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Victoria grabbed us both by the hand leading us toward the house, "let's get packing!"298Please respect copyright.PENANA92IpPQUXL1
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Authors note: If you like this story please let me know, this if my first time writing and I would like feed back, even if you don't like it