Rowan pov220Please respect copyright.PENANA61i7caM1ZM
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I keep thinking, despite everything, I'm happy no one else is here to see this. After Blane's wolf had caught me and started dragging me back to the cabin, we made it several yards with him pulling me along and me fighting to get away, I finally stopped fighting. For the time being at least. He didn't trust me not to run away. So now here I am trekking through the forest being carried over the shoulder of a very angry and very naked Blane. He is, apparently, under the impression that clothes are not required. Maybe he lives in some kind of nudist colony.220Please respect copyright.PENANAP569Hbx1Ss
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Maybe it's some kind of weird sex thing...220Please respect copyright.PENANAAXXPHbmtL1
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Every step he takes has me bouncing against his back, and I can't help but to look at the defined muscles, and admire the way it slopes gently toward his tight ass. This guy has muscles for days, I can feel the powerful muscles in his arms and shoulders. He hasn't faltered once and he's been carrying me for hours. I blush as my wolf admires his stamina and sends images to me about what he could do to us with all this stamina, although she has slightly different muscles in mind. Dear god, my wolf is a perv. I can feel my body heat up as my wolf sends image after image to me, I try my best to ignore her. She hasn't been even remotely helpful and now she wants to fuck our captor. 220Please respect copyright.PENANA0yZrbv5ueG
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"He's not our captor, he's our mate. We've been marked, and I hate to break it to you, but you're going to want him too, the more time you spend around him the stronger the bond will become. Eventually you will want to mark and mate him too." My wolf is sure of herself. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAEKKwLCOwWY
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I scoff at her, " Why would I ever want to be with the freak that stole me in the middle of the night, yeah he's attractive, but he bit me and then ran away with me like a psycho with no explanation, even know he's taking me again and still doesn't even talk to me."220Please respect copyright.PENANAEXXjHqQJ1n
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I can feel the annoyance she sends my way and can practically feel her huff in reply, "He didn't 'bite you,' he marked you, so other males know that you are taken, and to strengthen the bond between you, I can already sense more of a pull toward him, and if you weren't so stubbornly against it, you would notice it too." 220Please respect copyright.PENANAMp2givwZV2
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I don't understand any of this at all. I decide to store this information to think about later, she's wrong though, I'll never want him. I do however want him to put me down. "Umm", I cleared my throat quietly, " I can walk from here you know, and I promise I won't run away this time."220Please respect copyright.PENANA0Etyo26rAk
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He turns by body and slides me down his chest slightly so that he is cradling me to his front, I peek up at his face and he quirks a brow at me, "I don't know if I should trust any promises from you, this is already the second time I've had to chase you down, and as much as I enjoy a good game of chase, I'm tired of it and we have a long journey in the morning."220Please respect copyright.PENANAYXvJBryHGe
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It's not exactly like I asked him to kidnap me and then chase me down, I don't mention that to him though, " I promise, no more running, I'm too tired to make it very far anyway, only one runaway attempt per day, scouts honor." I hold up two fingers and keep my expression as serious as possible. 220Please respect copyright.PENANA00uHJ0dQIe
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He stares at me for a moment and then laughs out loud, "Fine but if you start falling behind I'll have to carry you again, we still have about an hour more of walking before we rea"ch the cabin," he arches a brow at me, "think you can make it?"220Please respect copyright.PENANAtj971cwApP
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"I can make it just fine, thank you. I'm not completely helpless, you know."220Please respect copyright.PENANAUKrlDatIBA
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An hour later...220Please respect copyright.PENANA7QMDbEFf6e
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I can see the cabin, my legs are shaking and honestly I don't know if I can get my feet to move the last few feet to the door. I'm practically crawling as it is, if I take one more step I'm sure I'll collapse. I refuse to let Blane carry me though, it's not like I'm out of shape, I jog every day. Today has been exhausting and I had already been walking for hours before Blane found me. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAJCsPaDeFqU
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Forcing myself to move I finally made it into the cabin, Blane right behind me, shutting the door as I collapsed face down on the bed, breathing hard. I heard him let out a chuckle behind me, I didn't have the energy to do anything other than raise my hand and flip him the bird. That just made him laugh harder, I huffed out a breath, ignoring him and turning over to go to sleep. I could hear him rummaging around,getting dressed and I assume making preparations for when we had to head out in a few hours. I couldn't believe I was letting him take me even further away. He hadn't told me where we were going, and I still don't even know where we are now. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAMdswEfJiER
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My eyes were growing heavier and I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt the bed dip down as Blane crawled in beside me. My eyes snapped open as I rolled over and glared at him, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"220Please respect copyright.PENANAii7clZmi3C
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"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to sleep, I would think it's pretty obvious." He looked annoyed. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAuMoubyQUKE
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"We can't sleep in the same bed, I barely even know you, and I'm not doing any weird sex stuff."220Please respect copyright.PENANAYbqJdKWUv2
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He started laughing, "I didn't know any 'weird sex stuff' was in the cards for tonight, I'm sleeping here because there's no where else to sleep, this is my bed, and because I need to rest for a few hours before we leave. I won't touch you okay? Just go to sleep Rowan."220Please respect copyright.PENANASAmB4ZGRH5
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I just stared at him for a moment, looking into his eyes and trying to decide if he was lying. I had never even kissed a boy before, and now I was in bed with one. "Fine, but you stay on that side and you better not touch me even a little bit."220Please respect copyright.PENANAk5GC0h21yH
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"Goodnight Rowan."220Please respect copyright.PENANAwwVjH1WOCp
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His tone made it clear that he was done talking, so I rolled over and moved as far over to the edge as I could get and tried to go to sleep. After half an hour Blane started snoring softly, I relaxed at the sound and fell asleep quickly.220Please respect copyright.PENANAtU8ClRN1RR
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I woke a few hours later feeling well rested and very warm, I couldn't remember the last time I had felt so well rested. As I stretched out my arms I realized that I was laying on something that was definitely not the bed. My eyes sprang open and I gasped, my head was on Blane's chest and I was practically straddling him with as far as my leg was around him. I looked up, I could feel the heat creep up my neck as my face turned bright red. Blane was looking at me with a very amused expression on his face, he was laying very still with his arms straight down by his sides. I pushed away from him and scrambled back over to my side of the bed quickly, until my back hit the wall and I couldn't get any further away.220Please respect copyright.PENANAzvEEOPsj1p
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I couldn't think of anything to say, I just stared at him completely mortified. I could tell he thought the whole thing was very funny. "I thought we weren't supposed to be touching, you were gonna stay on your side and I was going to stay on mine." He was definitely laughing at me. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAZAnIps73pk
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"You obviously pulled me over there while I was sleeping, Mr. 'I just want to rest', I knew you were up to something." I couldn't believe he was trying to put this on me, I definitely didn't crawl over to cuddle with him.220Please respect copyright.PENANAZLUnOW94S3
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" I hate to break it to you Rowan, but you came over here and wrapped yourself around me and started nuzzling into my neck, and I, being the gentleman that I am, didn't touch you at all, just like I promised. Maybe you should just accept that even if you choose to ignore it, the mate bond will keep bringing us together." He looked sad that I didn't accept this already. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAAb2t3jyg8N
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"I don't even know anything about mate bonds, yes, I feel attracted to you, but I don't even know you. I barely feel like I know myself anymore. The same night I turn into a wolf, there you are talking about being my mate and we are destined to be together, and I didn't even know what the fuck was happening. And instead of getting to figure all that out I get bitten and thrown into the back of a car. Excuse me for not wanting to fawn over you. Especially when you haven't even really taken the time to explain anything to me either." The day had barely started and I was already going crazy. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAVI3Dw6W56e
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220Please respect copyright.PENANAbqMONRvodG
"We don't have time for me to answereverything now, and Idon't evenknow anything about some of it, like why you didn't know about your wolf. All Werewolves can sense their wolf from a very young age. But we have a long drive ahead of us, and I'llanswer as much as I can on the way, right now I have to finish getting everything ready and then we have to go."220Please respect copyright.PENANA0kzTwfr2R6
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"Okay, fine." I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, at least I would finally get some answers to the millions of questions swirling around in my head. Blane got up and started grabbing a few things from around the cabin. He tossed some clothes at me on his way outside, giving me some privacy to get changed. I got dressed quickly and headed outside, Blane was waiting for me leaning against the door frame. He looked me over and started walking down the path to the car without a word, and I followed behind him.220Please respect copyright.PENANAcULKYhIWm3
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When we reached the car he opened the door for me and waited for me to get in. He didn't close the door until I had buckled in, and then he gave me a nod and shut the door. I watched him walk around the front of the car to the driver side and slide in, his movements all seemed very graceful. Which was amusingly at odds with his body, he was all rippling muscle and wide shoulders, very firm. He looked over and caught me staring at him, he gave me a small smile, "Ready?"220Please respect copyright.PENANAjVPmhbB4cr
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I nodded, "ready as I'll ever be." I was ready to finally get some answers. I just hoped I could handle it. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAIIpffGkBxo
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Three and a half hours later we arrived in Ontario, Blane told me he had to meet someone in Hamilton before we headed to our final destination in the mountains surrounding Killarney National Park, where his pack lives. He pulled up outside a club, and parked the car, "stay here," he ordered as he got out and locked the doors behind him. I was curious about who he was meeting, but right now I had too much on my mind to worry about it too much. Blane had stayed true to his word, he had spent the entire drive so far explaining as much as he could about mate bonds and how wolves could sense their mates if they met after their first shift, which usually took place at the age of sixteen. Finding your mate was a big deal among wolves and most would begin searching for their mate as soon as they were able, and most of them spent years searching.220Please respect copyright.PENANAcZlKUtjP2r
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He was twenty four already and had been looking for his mate for years, he had been elated apparently to discover me, but then confused and frustrated when I didn't recognize him as my mate, and had panicked when I tried to leave him in the woods, and had decided to mark me so that he would always be able to find me. I hadn't known that him biting me had solidified our bond enough that he would always have a sense for me now. After learning more about what being mates actually went, I had agreed that I would stay with him in his pack lands, but that we would have to build an actual relationship and that we would take it slow. I would not mark him or complete the mate bond (with sex) until I was absolutely and unquestionably ready. He had agreed to all of those terms quickly, I would live in the pack house with him, but I would get my own room so I could have my own space, but in order to appease the possessive feelings of his wolf, my room would be right next to his, adjourning rooms. I had agreed under the condition that the door between our rooms remained locked. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAl2JfMGpG2m
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Blane finally came back out, unlocking the doors he got back in the care and smiled at me. "Ready to go home?"220Please respect copyright.PENANARwI5g9E4P5
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I was actually starting to look forward to seeing the place I was going to call home soon, I nodded at him and gave him a smile in return. He started the car and we were off. I stared out the window for a while just taking in the sights around us, I had never been to Canada before, and listening to the radio as it played quietly in the background. I was dead tired though and drifted off to sleep. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAdzW5HcQsSc
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Blane was shaking me awake, I sat up quickly looking around, it was dark out. I must have been asleep for several hours, "What's going on?"220Please respect copyright.PENANAPnSmYWZk0o
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Blane looked at me with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, "Welcome home Rowan."220Please respect copyright.PENANAhsWgmTETGg
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I looked around and gasped, it was beautiful here, we were pulling up to a gate that seemed to blend in with the landscape, there was a wall surrounding the entire thing, Blane had told me that they lived in a hidden town just for wolves, but all you could see over the wall was the backdrop of mountains. I was looking around excitedly as the gate opened, and we pulled through. It was an actual proper town, there were beautiful homes, and shopping centers, even restaurants, a movie theater, and a bowling alley. It looked even bigger than the town I came from. 220Please respect copyright.PENANAj3AdOxk61z
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"This is amazing Blane."220Please respect copyright.PENANAdCoE1Cmsq8
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"You really like it?" he was so nervous, it was kind of cute.220Please respect copyright.PENANAId9AIzA8as
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"Of course I do, it's so beautiful." I felt like I didn't have enough eyes to take in all the beautiful things around me, we finally reached the edge of town, and Blane pulled up to a huge house nestled right up against the forest at the base of the mountain and parked the car. He came over and helped me out of the car, holding my hand he gestured to the house, "Welcome to the Black Fang pack".