Waving at two heads peaking over the backyard fence, Nadia and Alana had tears rolling down their faces. (It had been a hard four months since I seen dad. Then suddenly he shows up for a day) thought Nadia. They were happy he came back, especially with Kaylin his new friend. But sad to see him go, they didn't even know when he would return.
"Who are you waving at?" Said Karen walking up to the window.
"He just left, didn't he?" Said Dan with a sneer.
"Yes, he's gone. But I know he will be back."
Dan huffed as he walked back into the house. Karen guided the girls to the living room.
"So Luke...your dad told us he came here. Did he tell you anything about where he has been? It's very important, because he could be dangerous and try to hurt us."
Alana and Nadia looked at each other.
"Mom, don't be silly, daddy just made it back. He wanted to make sure we we're ok and said he will come back soon. He isn't planning on hurting anyone." Said Nadia, Alana agreed and continued.
"Yeah, besides you're the one that hurt him. Especially with Dan, but he will be ok."
Karen got angry and clinched her jaw.
"That bastard! I can't wait to sell this place and move...ugh!" She stormed off.
Dan was much more calculating, and decisive.
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"Don't worry about her, she's just being emotional right now. So we are gonna take good care of you. When we move into my house you will be protected, no one will be able to hurt you there." He reassured them.
The girls looked at Dan who had a crooked smile. They shrugged their shoulders and went upstairs.
Dan smacked a box and went upstairs to find Karen. In the master bedroom Karen was putting a bag together.
"You got everything dear?" Dan asked watching her search through the closet.
"He took his favorite dress, shoes, and I can't find my watch. Some of my underwear is missing too." She said running her hands through her hair.
"Is he a cross dresser, you think?" He asked.
"No, he had someone with him. Wait?!" She went across the hall and knocked on the girls door. Nadia opened the door a little.
"Yes?" She said.
"When dad came home, was there a woman with him?" Karen asked.
Nadia looked down, and reluctantly answered.
"Yes, she was very nice." She said, Alana trailed right behind her.
"She helped daddy get back home. She is so nice." Alana said.
Karen got upset and tried to ask more about this mysterious woman, but the girls didn't give her a straight answer.
"Karen? Is everything alright?" Asked Dan from the room.
"He had a woman with him. And the girls won't tell me who she is." She yelled back at him.
Dan poked his head out the door.
"When we finalize the divorce, it won't matter who she is. We will finally have what we want."
Karen was upset but went back to the room to finish packing.
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Going back out to the hall, Karen yelled at the girl's door. The girls were opening their new laptop. Just as it booted up, Karen yelled from the hallway, "Girls let's go! We are heading back to our new home."
They shut the laptop and packed it in their bag, each one carried a back pack full of things their dad bought them earlier. They also tucked the beads into their bags.
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The trip to Dan's was across the bay onto an island. His house wasn't as big, but it was alot nicer on the inside. Quickly the girls unloaded, said good night to their mom, and ran to their room. Locking their door they shut off the lights and turned on the laptop again. A window popped up on the desktop with a nice picture of a forest. It had a message that said:
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Hello Girls,
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Welcome to your new Arcadia laptop. I wanted you to be a part of this wonderful place. I will come back to visit soon. But until then enjoy this present.
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P.S. Kaylin says hi : )
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The girls were happy. On the desktop was a program that said "Arcadia". They went to open it, but it was password protected. They got out their password from their phones. After the program loaded, it had a menu with a forest background. The menu showed:
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They laughed and clicked on the games. But an error screen opened with a sad face and a message saying, "Sorry girls, I haven't built that yet. But I am working on it."
There really wasn't anything on the other choices yet either. Finally, they clicked the help button. Another set of instructions opened.
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Here is where you girls get to help daddy. If you see anything weird with mommy, Dan, or if people come to the house you think might be bad, write it down in the diary. You can also take pictures and videos. That way I can keep you safe and figure out what is going on. Also if you want to write, take, pictures, and videos of things you think are cool, do that too. Kaylin and me will enjoy it alot. I will take pictures too. Enjoy your new laptop. Again sorry about the games.
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The girls laughed then closed the laptop. Alana was scrolling through her phone when the front door opened and shut. Nadia jumped up and peeked through the window. Dan was talking to some guy holding a folder out front. Nadia snapped a couple pictures with her phone.
"Who is that guy?" Alana said.
"I don't know, why would he come so late at night?" Stated Nadia.
Alana opened the laptop and started writing.
"Tell me what you see." Alana told Nadia.
"Dan is talking with the guy....wait he just gave Dan a folder...they are shaking hands...Ok the truck just left."
Dan walked back into the house, the girls laid down after finishing their diary and tucked the laptop away. The door creaked open, Dan peaked his head inside to see if they were sleeping. Both girls pretended to be asleep. Dan smirked then shut the door. Nadia opened her eyes and was listening to Dan walk down the hall. When she heard another door close, she got out of bed and crept to the door. The hallway was quiet and Dan's bedroom light flicked off.
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Waving at her sister, the girls silently went down stairs, phone in hand. Slowly they crept down the hall and into the living room. On the coffee table was a folder with a weird symbol on it. Quickly, the girls took a few pictures. Alana opened the folder, while Nadia took pictures. They got halfway through the folder when a door opened.
They ran into the downstairs bathroom with the door slightly open to see. Dan walked into the living room, then past the bathroom. A fridge door was opened and it sounded like he poured a glass of something. Walking past the bathroom he scooped up the file and went upstairs. The girls waited until they heard the door close again, before going back into their room. They downloaded the images and wrote in the diary again.
"Daddy is going to be so happy." Said Alana.
"Yeah, I just hope he comes back soon." Nadia said laying back down. Alana agreed getting comfortable.
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Luke stretched out his hand, as a ball of water formed and lifted up from the fountain he stood next to. Some people watched around the fountain as Neroon guided him.
"Now think about where do you want it to go." Said Neroon.
Suddenly the water flew up and smashed into the top of the water spraying some of the children watching. People laughed and clapped. Without warning, Luke using his hands split the water coming out of the fountain to fall directly into the bottom of the fountain. Kids watched as Luke continued manipulating the water. Finally lifting up his hands, all the water came out of the fountain and spread above like a cloud of water and rained back into it. Children cheered, Luke laughed, and Neroon nodded his head turning Luke toward the field just outside the city, by the sea.
"You are learning well, but now we have to focus on more then just doing elemental magic. You have to learn to control the difference between elemental and ancient magic."
"That's hard because it activates when I get emotional." Luke said placing his hands in his pockets.
"Yes but, elemental is merely magic you can perform with your mind. Which means you need to learn to channel your emotions in one thing and mentally focus on another."
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Picking up a branch Neroon set it down on a dirt patch. Then he set a rock off to the side.
"Now the branch will be your elemental, you need to set it on fire... but pick up the rock and throw it into the sea."
Setting the branch on fire was simple. But picking up the rock proved difficult. As he lifted the rock the fire went out.
"Light the branch and don't focus on it. Put you concentration in the rock."
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The fire ignited again as the rock shook. Slowly the rock lifted as the fire flickered. Kaylin walked up from behind. Sensing her presence, the rock flew far into the sea and the fire consumed the branch, then went up in smoke.
"I see this will take some work. Your emotions got elevated for a second there." Said Neroon bowing to Kaylin.
"You almost had it, you were close." She said to Luke.
"Yeah, until my emotions got the best of me. Something must have gotten me excited." He said smiling.
"Don't look at me." She said as Luke picked her up and spun her around.
"Are you almost ready to return back?" Luke asked her.
"Oh I can't wait, I got some things for the girls I think they will like." Kaylin held up two kid sized, female orc fighter outfits. She bought them some special traditional ceremonial beads too.
"Oh wow, they're gonna love them." Luke said,
Neroon interrupted politely.
"Excuse me, but it's time for supper. I'll be going to prepare it now." He said walking away.
"Wait! Neroon, I'll come too. I have something I want Luke to try. It'll be a surprise." She said catching up with him. Luke was left at the sea side.
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Luke tried another branch and rock, but struggled to lift the rock again. Letting them both go, he sat down on a log nearby. A lizardman walked into the field and sat next to Luke.
He had a raspy voice when he talked, but spoke to Luke.
"I struggled with something like this before. It took me awhile to learn it."
"You can do magic?" Luke asked looking at the large Lizardman. Luke was kinda shocked when he first saw him.
"The first time you've seen a lizardman? It's fine, I've had worse reactions." He chuckled before continuing.
"I can do a type of magic, but healing magic. Plus I am a swordsman. So in a sense, I've had to learn to fight and heal someone at the same time."
"Wait you can heal people?" Luke asked.
"Yes, it is a different kind of magic, much like what a Shaman does. The name is Tucnin." Tucnin said.
"You're from Giovia?" Asked Luke.
"No, I'm originally from Craton, a Kingdom west of here just past Lia Empire. But I do stay in Giovia currently."
"I have to go eat supper, but will you be around tomorrow, I would like to talk with you some more." Luke said standing up.
"Yes, I will be here. Do you train with Master Neroon?" Asked Tucnin standing as well.
"Yes, I am his student."
Tucnin bowed with his hands together.
"It is an honor to train with Master Neroon, he is a good wise sorcerer. Will you train here again tomorrow?" Tucnin asked.
"Most likely, I am adamant about learning his lessons."
Tucnin nodded. "I will see you tomorrow then." Tucnin walked away as Luke headed to the study.
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The smell of food filled the hall before making it to the great oak door. Inside, Neroon and Kaylin were busy with a rather large meal. Kaylin stopped cooking and greeted Luke with a passionate hug.
"We are almost done, please go wash up." Neroon instructed.
Sitting down at the table we quietly ate. Luke and Kaylin were like a newly wed couple, feeding each other. Then Luke remembered Tucnin.
"Neroon, I met a lizardman today who wanted to help me focus on control. His name is Tucnin."
Neroon thought for a moment.
"Tucnin? What did he say?"
"He said he can do healing, and so has learned to heal and fight at the same time. So I invited him to the seaside tomorrow." Said Luke finishing his meal, as Kaylin gathered the plates.
"Ah yes, Shaman's are also magic users in a sense. But they are connected to the spirit realm and can manipulate spirits. They have a much stronger focus on souls. It is the primary reason they can heal. It seems feasible he would know how to execrise control with many factors. Working with spiritual magic takes a great deal of focus, and to do it while attending to something else is common for them." Neroon explained.
"Great! Oh and by the way after tomorrow, can I visit my world again?"
Neroon nodded as he opened the ancient spell book. He flipped to the portal page and began to teach Luke the portal spell. Explaining the importance of the glyph carvings and how to make them.
"As for my progress, what will we work on tomorrow?" Luke asked.
"I will test your control. And, I will show you the power of telepathy and how to detect other magic users." Said Neroon turning the page to glyphs.
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Giving more instructions about glyphs, Kaylin returned to the bed chamber and prepared for bed. She had finished gathering the last items for their trip. A smaller dagger for her thigh and some orc hair pins. She laid out an outfit Luke bought her in San Diego. After taking a comforting bath, she dressed in the outfit. When Luke came through the door, he was shocked to see her dressed in a beautiful mini skirt and a blouse that displayed her ample chest. She put an elegant hair pin in her hair. She was reading a book when he walked up to her.
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Holding her waist, he pulled her close to him as they embraced. She laid her head on his shoulders. Luke was significantly taller then her, She was a little over five foot. She was very short for an orc, and he stood at just under six foot.
"Why do you look more like a human?" Asked Luke.
"My Father is not as big as Chief Lumar. And my mother was a very small fragile woman who was shorter than me. She was captured and forced to be my father's slave. He abused her for many years. After I was born, the abuse continued. Until she was killed by a group of orcs who abused her to death." She said with tears in her eyes.
"Is that why you let the girl go?" I asked rubbing her back.
"Yes, I was considered weak because of my emotions. But I am learning that emotions make you stronger, when you embrace what is right." She held on tighter.
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I started swaying with her from side to side and dancing around the room.
"What are you doing?" She asked sniffing.
"Dancing with you. It's what some couples do in my world when they are in love."
She smiled and followed him around the room. After sometime, they got ready for bed and fell fast asleep.
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Waking up in the middle of the night, it was quiet. My thoughts were racing about my girls. I needed to see them. It seems everything is going too good to be true. I got a cup of water and sat down reading some of the ancient spell book. I couldn't make out the words, but just studied the symbols. Tracing the symbols, I felt my magic awaken. Concentrating, I intensified it and continued to trace it. I could feel my magic grow. It felt like it was pulling me toward the kitchen. As if there was something in that direction.
I kept tracing the glyph, memorizing the pattern. I pushed harder on my magic as it flared up hotter. I could tell the room was getting brighter. Using the glyph pattern, I focused my energy into the glyph. The magic began to intensify more and I could feel myself floating. My hair was standing up and my clothes were loose. I felt the glyph, it was coming from the direction past the kitchen. I could tell it was far away, I heard Neroon step close to me. Opening my eyes, he stood beholding me.
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"You can feel it, can't you?" Closing my eyes, the glyph lit up in my mind. I saw it laying in a cave on a pedestal. The glyph was pulling me. I focused on the pull and used my magic to pick up the glyph. It Began to float in the air, I saw several guards with cloaks surround the glyph. I pushed my magic toward the glyph. In the cave it started to glow. Those with cloaks tried to grab it, but bolts of magic zapped their hands. I spun the glyph around to observe it. My heart felt hot. I had to let it go, my chest hurt and my head was feeling immense pressure.
Setting it back down, I pulled my magic back and slowly fell back to the couch. My magic went asleep as Neroon sat on the opposite end.
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"Where was it? And what did you see?" He asked. I could sense it even now. It was pulling me still.
"It's in a cave far from here in the direction of the kitchen. There are many guards with cloaks. They tried to grab it, but I zapped them away."
He grunted and grabbed some tea.
"You're advancing faster than many of my students. So I tell you this before you surpass me..." He handed me a cup of tea.
"Your control and choices are going to determine your destiny. The key is to protect and help, some would say serve. But if you use your magic to protect the needy and weak, and endeavor to help the helpless. Corruption will be your enemy and purity will be your companion. Get some sleep you will need it tomorrow."
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Neroon took my cup, washed them and then returned to his chamber. I did the same and held Kaylin. Kissing her head, she snuggled closer. I drifted into sleep. My heart was troubled but I was determined.
The next day we were met with Tucnin who was eager to help. The process was simple, he shared with me how to separate mind from body. Soon I was able to start a fire and pick up the rock. But instead of throwing it in the sea, I threw it toward the right of the sea. It landed on the shore facing the direction of the glyph. Neroon nodded and Tucnin shouted in victory.
Tucnin and I got along really well. He looked like a big strong crocodile with gray and red skin. He had a long tail, sharp claws, and wore a leather armor harness, with a short sword at his side. His sense of humor is pretty goofy.
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Going in to the main lobby of the study there was a poster fron the guild that declared:
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Attention Warriors
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The guild is calling the brave and heroic to investigate missing people and some corrupted. It seems to be spreading and there has been a reporting of some activity in the mirkwood forest. For those who are interested, please report to the guild master for instructions.
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The bounty per mission will be discussed with the guild master.
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Neroon tapped my shoulder.
"Sounds like an opportunity to grow."
He walked into the study hall as I stood with Tucnin.
"So what do you think?" I asked Tucnin.
"I don't fight anymore. Almost lost my life trying to save my family...that was slaughtered by the barbarians anyways."
I put my hand on his bulky scaled shoulder.
"Friend, if you want in, let me know. I gotta ask my girlfiend if she wants to go."
Patting Tucnin on the back, I walked into the study. Tucnin walked out of the main lobby.
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"Yes, I'm going with you. I have been itching for an adventure." Kaylin said packing her bag.
"Well that was easy...so when do you...."
"After we visit the girls. I must see those little ones. Luke, I love you to death. But I miss those girls. I really got attached to them."
"I agree we need to see them before we go." I said packing my bag. I picked up the sword she made me. It was made of the hardest steel in Arcadia, the intricate design must have been orchish. Then I noticed at the bottom, she engraved a small heart. Smiling, I decided to ask.
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"Kaylin, I don't know when the right time will be for this, so I'm just gonna go for it." She looked at me with a confused look.
"Will you marry me?"
She covered her mouth in shock. Her eyes filled with tears.
"Luke...I never thought in my life anyone would ever care for me. And then you show me the most love I have ever experienced. Yes of course." We hugged for awhile and finished packing up. Neroon had cooked a small meal. We ate and discussed the visit for tomorrow and the guild quest.
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The night passed and we slept great. By the morning we were ready and Kaylin had the girls bag ready. Neroon started the spell, the connection was easier and no memories this time.
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Standing across the street, my car was still sitting in the same spot, but the for sale sign said "sold". The door was locked and the code didn't work. Thankfully I had my keys. Getting in the car, I called the girls phone.
"Nadia, it's daddy."
I could here her scream and laugh. Then she told Alana.
"You're on speaker daddy." I put my phone in the car Bluetooth.
"Say hi to Kaylin."
"Hi Kaylin! We missed you."
"Hey girls, I missed you so much. I have some gifts for you."
"We are so glad you're back, and daddy you have to build a game for us." Alana demanded.
"So, where are you girls at now?"
"We live at Dan's. Here's the address."
A text with the address popped up.
"Ok I'll be there in a bit. We love you."
"Bye daddy we love you too."
"Bye girls." Said Kaylin as they hung up.
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Next I called Karen.
"Hello Karen, it's Luke. I'm in town for a day and wanted to take the girls out."
"So this is how it is? You just randomly show up and demand the kids. And I'm just supposed to let you?!"
I shook my head, Kaylin balled her fist. I put my hand on her thigh to calm her down.
"For now yes. I'm still working on a stable job and a place to live. I have enough to make it for now. It's tough being declared dead."
She exhaled on the phone.
"I'll be there, when will you pick them up?"
The navigation said thirty minutes.
"Give me thirty minutes."
She agreed and hung up the phone.
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Kaylin asked a bunch of questions about what she saw on the way there. The girls were so happy to see us. We hugged, waved bye to Karen. She seemed upset and as if she missed me. But that was her loss, I grabbed Kaylin's hand and walked the girls back to the car. I had alot to accomplish on this trip, so I didn't really take them out to alot of fun places.
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We went to a coffee shop, I ordered Kaylin's first coffee, some snacks and drinks for the girls. I quickly checked my bank accounts, credit cards, and car information. I had alot of money, nearly a million dollars, my car bill was behind and about to be repossessed. I made some phone calls and explained the situation. They reversed the status, then I paid the car off. Taking care of the rest of my bills, I setup a business loan to start a new programming company with an open ended contract for expansion. Next was the Dan talk.
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The phone rang a while before he picked up.
"Hello Dan, it's Luke."
"Hey Luke! How have you been?"
I knew the line was tapped. I could hear a slight echo.
"Thanks for the money from the house. Did you get the other things we discussed?" I said making sure not to say it out right.
"Yes, but the problem is I can't deliver a server to you with no address. I have to know where you're at first?" I could tell it wasn't him just trying to deliver the server.
"I'll give you an address soon. I got to get a place to stay first. I have been living with someone else for now."
"Oh yeah, well I can deliver it there if you want."
Ignoring his comment.
"Can I text you the address, when I have it?" I said.
"Sure. I'll be waiting for you."
"Last thing Dan. I see you didn't give me anything from the company. Are you still going to give me a lump sum payment? I'm in between jobs and need something to get me by."
I heard him curse away from the phone.
"Sure thing buddy. I'll have it to you shortly."
"I'll tell you what. You send me the money, I send you the address. Deal?"
He spoke very sternly.
"Listen very closely Luke. This will be the last time I help you. I thought you were dead, but then you show back up and ruined it. If you ask for any more, let's just say I'll wipe your record so clean, it will look like you were never born."
I laughed at his stupidity.
"Your company was only good because you paid people to work for you. That's why you promoted me, or did you forget that I built the structure your little company stands on."
"Well Luke, it's funny how things have turned. I now have a new vice president who can program just as good, if not better. The money should be in your account within an hour. Send me the address and we won't have any problems."
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Abruptly he hung up the phone. I wonder who the vice president could be? Was that my next promotion? Ah, who cares it won't matter soon. Packing up what we had, we headed to the post office. I created two post office boxes. One for my business and the other for personal mail. All my personal mail I forwarded to my business p.o. box. Sending the personal p.o. box to Dan, I finalized the deal and said, "I'll be waiting for my payment."
The time was three in the afternoon. I found a small house with a garage closer to the north of San Diego. It was fairly cheap, I called the realtor and asked if we can view the house. Quickly we met the realtor.
"What do you think?" I asked the girls and Kaylin.
"We are definitely going to need some new paint, but I like it." Said Nadia. The girls liked it too, with that I rushed the realtor to close the deal as soon as possible.
"I'm sorry sir, the fastest I can close on the house is thirty days. But we can have it ready to move in, within three weeks."
Well that slows things down a bit.
"That will do. I'll be back to sign the papers in about that time." She looked confused when I said that.
"Is there a way we can get a hold of you? If we need anything we would have to be able to call you."
Thinking about it, I may not be able to have this option.
"Let's set an appointment, so that I can meet with you. I will be out of country and unable to use my phone or check email."
She agreed and we set a date in three weeks to close the house. The clock read 5:00pm, I have one last errand.
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The dial tone rang.
"Chris, hey it's Luke Cadell. I heard you got laid off?"
"Luke?! They said you were dead. What happened man?"
"Long story, but I was wondering if you needed a job?"
As I asked him a lady was being harassed in the parking lot by a couple of guys.
"Yeah, brain tech ruined my credentials. It's impossible for me to get work."
The argument got heated outside, I could tell the woman was in danger. Putting my earbuds in my ear, I walked outside. Kaylin reached for my hand but I kept walking. Chris was explaining to me the situation. As I walked up to the car, one man had the lady pinned down, the other man was going through her purse.
I tapped on the guy fumbling through the purse. He looked up in time to see my knee plow through his jaw. Picking him up I tossed him in the parking lot. The other guy lifted his fist to hit the women. I grabbed his fist with my magic, pulling his arm back, I reached for the woman and helped her up.
"Here you go ma'am." I said handing her the purse. Chris on the other line said, "what was that?"
"Go on Chris, sorry to interrupt." I said grabbing the man and body slamming him into the pavement next to his buddy. They were both out cold. I motioned for the woman to call the cops. She called the police as Chris finished up talking in my ear.
"So what is the name of your company?"
The lady hung up and asked me, "what do I owe you for your help?" Hmm, maybe this might be more of my line of work. Protecting the innocent and helping the needy.
"It's called Modern Arcadia." I told Chris, as the lady looked confused.
"We are here to protect the innocent, help the needy, and provide safety to the hopeless. Our job is to protect and help. If you want to make a payment it will go to Modern Arcadia."
The lady thanked me, and gave me twenty dollars.
"Did you rehearse that? I got chills bro, I'm in. when do I start?" Chris asked as I helped my girls and Kaylin back in the car.
"I haven't got it all together, yet. But I just made my first twenty bucks, if you want to meet me and I'll pay you to help me start it?"
"Yeah, can you come to my place? I don't have a car." Chris said excited.
"Perfect I'll be there, text me the address."
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Showing up to his apartment, he stood outside. He hugged me when I saw him. He was a stocky black guy with a scruffy beard. I could tell he was hurting. I'm not use to seeing him like this.
"So you are alive? And with a family. Wait where is Karen?...Where are my manners? Hello my name is Chris Jackson, I'm an old friend of Luke's." Kaylin shakes his hand with very firm grip.
"Wow, girl got a man shake." Chris said rubbing his hand walking us into his apartment. Kaylin laughed and the girls giggled.
Sitting down with Chris, I explained to him the plan to create a network security and physical security contract. He seemed very focused and gave suggestions as we talked.
"So, can you start coding a program that will get us started. I need you to check my emails for the company, I got a business loan already. We have about 400,000$ to work with. I have a server you will need to grab from the post office to start setting up the network. Get business cards and start working your magic."
Kaylin looked at Chris in shock.
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"No no, he doesn't have real magic. It's just a saying." I reassured Kaylin.
"I don't know man, I have been known to be magical with coding, but I got it. So basically the money don't start flowing until it's all built and running?" Chris said.
"Right. I gotta go out of country and will be back in three weeks. So that should be plenty of time. I'll have a house you can stay in at that time. Oh and I need you to watch my car. Can you do that?"
"Let me get this straight, you died right?" He said joking.
"Then you come back with all this wanna help folks and save the world. Did you have one of those, I saw the gates of heaven moments?" Kaylin had wide eyes and looked at me.
"He's just being funny." I told her.
We agreed on him working for my new company, when the girls pulled out their laptop.
"Daddy, we found some things that you might want to see." Said Nadia.
Opening up her program, we skimmed through the photos and diary. The symbol on the folder looked similar to the glyph of the ancient magic book.
"Chris, can you build them a simple game of a warrior princess fighting some bandits. While I transfer this data?"
Chris takes the laptop, while we sat at the dinning room table of his apartment. I setup my laptop for Chris and began transferring the data. Kaylin looks at some pictures of Chris with his ex-wife.
"Who is this woman?" Asked Kaylin.
"That's Natasha my late wife, she died in a car accident a few years ago."
"Oh, sorry for your loss." She said.
"Yeah, she was my love. I just haven't found that special someone who could take her place." Chris said.
"I don't think any one will. But there is someone else who can give you love too." Kaylin encouraged Chris.
"You know I never thought about it like that. Maybe it is time for some change." Chris finished building a simple game. The files were done transferring and we were done. The time was 8:30pm. It was getting late and I still had to drop my car back off to Chris.
We drove the girls back home and made sure they were ok. Saying our goodbyes, we left to Chris' place.
"By the time you guys get back, I think I'll have a basic structure for us." Chris said already coding a program.
"Great, remember to lay low. And use this credit card for stuff you need. If you max it out, then you're stuck. Oh and work on a secure network for the girls to log into, they will send you information for us to check out later."
"It's cool bruh, I have stretched my dollar for awhile. I'm just glad you're alive man. It's really good seeing you Luke. I'm gonna miss you." Chris said giving me a good hug.
"Kaylin, wish we could have talked more. But Luke's a real good dude. So I know he got a real good girl with him. Take care." He shook Kaylin's hand then sat back down to code. Walking outside the night was crisp as we held hands strolling the neighborhood.
"It's different here. Like it seems safer." Kaylin said.
"No, I wouldn't say more safe. Maybe more quiet about their crime."
We found a nice quiet place in a park. Going to the back of a set of bleachers, we looked around to see if anyone else was there. The coast seemed clear so we laid down. Kaylin fell asleep first and faded, I followed right after.
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Neroon greeted us back home. He gave me a quick update about my magic, that it seemed to be growing. Tomorrow he wanted to teach me telepathy and to start the portal.
"I'm exhausted," I told Kaylin as we laid down. She rolled on to my side and snuggled next to me before falling asleep. My mind drifted about the company, the guild, then I remembered Tucnin. I wonder where he is?