Sitting across from Neroon, I was listening to his instructions. Except he was talking from within my head.
"Let me know if you can hear me," he said.
Concentrating on my magic, I began to speak in my mind.
"Yes, I heard you just fine. How about me, can you hear me?"
Neroon responded out loud.
"Yes, I heard you just fine." He smiled at me.
"How does telepathy work exactly?" I asked.
"Simply put, only those with the ability, can start and stop the conversation. But whoever you are talking to, can respond back to you. And it can only go so far, which brings me to my next lesson."
I wanted to try it out. I knew Kaylin was out in town getting supplies for our quest. Concentrating, I projected my magic to Kaylin.
"Hey, hope your day is good. I love you by the way."
Neroon was getting something to drink, when I heard her voice in my head.
"Luke? Is that you?"
"Yeah, it's me. I just learned how to do this and wanted to see if it worked."
"Aww, thanks. So, can I talk to you anywhere now?" She asked.
"No, I have to open it up first. Then we can talk. But I can only reach so far with this. Enjoy your day, I gotta get back to study. Bye, I love you."
I turned off my magic to her, then focused on Neroon's next lesson.
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"Next, we will go over how to cast the portal spell." Neroon said sitting down and opening the spell book. Flipping to the portal spell, he began to teach.
"The most important part of this spell, is making sure you have the connection to the destination. The glyph carving, is an enchantment to hold the portal, so that it doesn't shift to another destination. To do this, you have to carve the glyph into something. Then push your magic into the glyph. This will harness the magic for the portal to bind to."
He took a piece of wood with an old glyph carved into it, and placed it on the table.
"Go ahead, put some magic into it."
Opening my magic, I hovered my hand over the carving. Pushing, my magic flowed into the carving. The glyph began to glow and some heat generated from it.
"Ok now, this is good only for a short time. But now you read the words of the spell. And the magic portal is unlocked by the ancient magic in you."
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Kaylin walked in, as I began reading the words. Sparks flew in the air, and I felt my power surge as my emotions flared. I remembered the cabin, and frowed my eyebrows. Focusing on Chris' apartment, I continued the spell.
A firey portal slowly opened as I finished the spell. Opening my hands toward the portal, the circle widened. Kaylin clapped her hands.
"Now before you try to go in!" Neroon had to practically yell, because of the volume of the flames swirling around the portal.
"You have to take the spell book with you, and you will need another carving to return." He warned as I stood by the opening.
"Not yet Luke. Wait until we have everything first." Kaylin said, grabbing my arm.
On the other side was an old couple looking at the portal.
"Close it, before they walk through!" Warned Neroon.
Shutting off my magic, the portal quickly popped close with a sizzle. That really didn't seem to hard.
"The last lesson for now, is teleportation. This can only be done to a point you see. You can teleport up to eight people at a time. If you can see where you want to go, you use your magic and more or less tell it to go there. Then you instantly will disappear and reappear at that place."
Looking down the hall to our bed chamber, I moved Kaylin and I together. Turning on my magic, we popped instantly right next to each other outside our door. Taking the occasion, Kaylin hugged and kissed me. Looking back at the couch, I teleported by myself sitting down.
"Hey!" Kaylin said. Suddenly she plopped down on the couch next to me.
"That's better." She laughed.
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Neroon got up from the couch to wash out his cup.
"Neroon, you know so much about ancient magic. Why don't you use it?"
He exhaled deeply, wiped out his cup, then leaned on the counter.
"Luke, this is going to surprise you."
"It's ok, if you don't really have ancient magic."
"No Luke it's not that, I have corrupted magic."
I was honestly shocked. Searching for the words to say, he finished his thoughts.
"When my son fled after his desire for more power, I chased after him. Using my magic, I tracked him down. He wanted to fight me, so we engaged in battle. I was superior to his magic, for the corruption had already weakened his. He gained the upper hand by using my emotions, he got into my head and began to accuse me of being a horrible father, that doesn't love his son."
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He paused, it seemed he was getting angry again. After a moment, he continued.
"I retaliated in anger to hurt him. My intent was to destroy him. So I used lighting and struck him down a cliff."
"You became corrupt for that?"
"It's a pathway Luke. Returning home, I set my home ablaze. Watching it burn, bitterness set in. The pain, the anger, the grief. I choose to harbor that and use my magic to kill him, if I ever saw him again...when I tried to use elemental magic again, I couldn't. My aura was lost, yet I have ancient magic still. But instead, I have learned to live without. Now I am left with the pain, but I have let go of the bitterness. For fear of getting worse, I gave myself to study and teaching others the importance of magic and it's laws."
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"This is how I came to Giovia. The emperor of Lia allowed me to reside here. He gave me a study hall, where I have trained mages and sorcerers to use elemental magic. You are the first since my son, that I have had the pleasure of teaching ancient magic to again."
I could see the pain, it was in his magic, which I sensed.
"Can you recover from the corruption?" Kaylin asked.
"Yes, but I would have to see my son. And like Luke, let it out by telling my son I forgive him." I could see him resist his emotions, but I knew it had to be tough.
"You must get ready for your journey. I'm going to compose myself in meditation."
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Slowly he walked to his chamber, and quietly shut himself in. Picking up the spell book, I tucked it into my bag and headed for the door. Kaylin followed behind.
"Where are we going?" She asked, sheathing her battle axe.
"To prepare to battle corruption, my love."
"Oh yes. I'm ready for a good fight." We held hands as we walked into the town plaza.
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Finding a woodworker I asked if they could make two glyph carvings into a bowl of wood. They agreed, I didn't have much for coins but I paid them a few coins. I hadn't really walked around town much. I stayed in the study most of the time, I wanted to practice my magic though. Grabbing Kaylins hand, I looked at the bank of the sea. We telported to the beach, I picked a flower in the distance, cast sprinkles of water on it and had it float into Kaylin's hand.
"Thank you." She said smiling at the flower. Looking toward town, I caught a glimpse of Tucnin. Grabbing Kaylin, I teleported to the plaza. Looking around, I saw him heading to the guild. Teleporting to the guild, Tucnin came walking up to the front door.
"Did you think about what I said?" Tucnin jumped back and drew his sword.
"Hey! Don't startle me like that. I might have accidentally cut you." Tucnin said putting up his sword.
"And yes, I was coming to sign up. You're still going?"
"Yes, actually. We can sign up together."
"Sure that will work."
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The guild master explained, that there was some activity in the south eastern region out side Warrington. Reports of humans going missing in the mountains and some being corrupted. The reward was 40,000 silver for a lead in the mountains. This was due to the danger of the quest. We quickly signed up and was given a map of Arcadia. It was bigger then I thought, and there were alot of places we had yet to explore.
"So when do you guys want to head out?" I asked.
"I say we pack tonight, and ride out tomorrow. It shouldn't take but a few days of travel." Kaylin said.
"We have to be back in a week, remember we have to go back for the girls and finalize everything with Chris." I reminded her.
"Do you have a better way?" Tucnin asked shrugging his bulky shoulders.
"Yes, we can teleport our way across. I need to practice anyways." Everyone nodded their head.
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We gathered a few things for the trip, like food, water flasks, and items for potions. Back in the study, Neroon was up again studying.
"How are you feeling sir?" I asked.
"Alot better, it has been sometime since I have spoken of my son. I can tell my heart is healing."
"I appreciate all your help. Thank you for teaching me how to use what I have been given."
"You are starting your journey?" He asked looking at our bags.
"Yes sir. We head out tomorrow."
"Here take this, and remember to always help whenever you can." He handed me a ring, it had a slight glow to it.
"You will know what to do with it, when you need it the most. Good luck, and Kaylin?"
"Yes sir." She responded.
"Look out for him. He will need you more than he knows."
She smiled at me agreeing with Neroon.
We headed in for the night to prepare for tomorrow.
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The morning came quickly, our bags were ready. Neroon gave us some food to go. Meeting Tucnin out front, we discussed the route to travel. We were going to go south past the outskirts of the Mirkwood forest, to avoid dark elves. Next we were going to cut across the Samarkk desert into Ekrund mountain. In the mountains is where we were going to search for the suspicious activity.
The scenery was beautiful as we traveled. We decided to travel by horse. I wanted to practice magic, but just in case we decided it was best to wait. We knew it was going to be a rough adventure.
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Mirkwood forest seemed eerie. I could sense some low level magic in the woods.
"Stay alert, I sense magic."
"It's the dark elves, they're watching us. We need to stay close." Kaylin warned.
The sun was setting, and I knew it didn't look good for us at night here. Looking into the woods, it was nearly impossible to see. Honestly, I began to panic. I didn't know what was in those woods and all the scary movies I've seen, were reminding me that this was a bad idea. We hugged the bank on the outskirts of the treeline. Kaylin suggested we stay this way, it will gives up more visibility.
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I heard an arrow whiz through the air, instinctively I covered us in a magic dome. The arrow ricocheted off the dome. A few more followed after. Holding my magic for a little bit, it seemed the arrows stopped. Putting back my shield, another whizzed through the air stabbing my shoulder. My anger rose up quickly, and I slung a huge fireball at the woods. Part of the woods caught on fire, but a wave of water washed over the fire as a tall dark figure in a cloak stepped from the shadows.
Tucnin dismounted his horse quickly, grabbed the arrow and ripped it from my shoulder. There was immense pain that erupted from my shoulder, and a chunk of flesh went with it. Before I could really yell, Tucnin placed his hand on my shoulder. My shoulder heated up really hot, but then it felt better. Pulling his hand back, there was no trace of the wound.
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Archers stepped from the woods and lobbed a barrage of arrows through the air. My magic came alive, as I grabbed the arrows and tossed them into the ocean. Before I could make another move, Kaylin yelled out, "Luke, get the mage. We got the archers. Rrraaahh!" She said dashing to the archers who drew their swords. Right behind her, Tucnin was claws open and sworn drawn.
My focus shifted to the man in a cloak, as he swirled his hands threw the air, lightning sparked across the sky. Teleporting to the opposite side of the mage, a bolt of lightning struck where I was. I spread water through the air and turned it into icy projectiles. They stabbed through the mages cloak as he rolled away from me. A dark ball of energy blasted my side, throwing me to the ground, burning my exposed skin. I coughed as my chest tightened.
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Two archers lunged at Kaylin, she dove to the ground slicing through the leg of one and tripping the other. She lept on top of the one that tripped, and drove her axe through his head. An arrow clipped her shoulder, while another dark figure dashed to her right. Slamming their sword into the ground, the ground splits open under Kaylin's feet. Kaylin falls down, and the swordsman swings his sword on top of her. She rolls to the left and trips him. Grabbing her dagger, she stabs the man in in the face. She yanks it to the left, snapping his neck.
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A claw ripped through the side of a dark elf, while Tucnin impaled the other coming at him with their sworn drawn. Rolling toward another one, he leapt at him. The dark elf side stepped and cut off Tucnin's tail. Wailing in pain, Tucnin slams face first into the ground sliding to a stop. His tail throbs starting to grow back. The dark elf made at him quickly. Another archer notches an arrow aiming at Tucnin's head.
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The mage blasts me with another purple fireball. The burning was stronger and my breathing became difficult. I felt like my energy was being drained and sickness was taking over me. The mage lobbed another fireball, wielding my magic, I block the next attack. Looking past the mage, I see Tucnin on the ground as a dark elf is preparing to shoot and arrow into his head. Another dark elf slams his sword on the ground, the ground splits and is traveling toward Tucnin.
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Instantly I teleport and grab Tuscnin. As the earthquake reaches us, I teleport to Kaylin. Dropping off Tucnin, my chest tightens and my breathing gets really short. The dark elves turn around facing us on the shore. There were three left, the mage close to the woodline, and the other two standing and quickly coming toward us. Looking at the mage, I pull out my sword and dagger.
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Throwing a large fireball followed by lightning, the mage conjures a large dark purple fireball. Teleporting behind him, I impale him with my sword and jam the knife through his head. Disappearing, the mage falls to the ground. The other two dark elves turned to face the mage when the fireball and lighting strike them. They erupt into flames and the lightening strikes them dead.
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Tucnin was on his feet and healed, Kaylin stood ready. Many more dark elves came from the woods, this is when I decided we need to get out of here. Grabbing Tucnin and Kaylin I teleport us to the horses. Looking down the coastline, I teleported all of us to the farthest point. Then again until we were clear past the woods. We popped up in an open field, leaving the woods behind us. There wasn't much around here except a few trees and mostly grass.
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Suddenly my breathing stops and my skin begins to crawl, like acid eating at my flesh. "Luke, wake up!" Kaylin yelled. My mind started drifting into a blackness. It felt like something was pulling me into a dark abyss, then my chest began to burn. The heat rose and spread throughout my body. Suddenly my breath returned and I gasped. My eyes opened to Tucnin and his glowing hands on my chest. My skin stopped crawling and I could feel my body return to normal.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You were poisoned, the dark mage used a poisonous dark energy." Tuscnin informed.
After a brief rest we gathered our things.
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We settled by a group of trees and decided to have someone watch for a little while, then switch until morning. I got the first shift, I was tired but I had alot of questions about how my magic worked. Like what would make me corrupt. Lighting a small fire, we all stayed warm and I began reading through the spellbook. The spells were the only words that were foreign, but there was words in English. Flipping through the pages, I came across a few good spells. An invisible spell, stealth spell, but then I came to a purifying spell. This one caught my attention.
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Reading more into it, purifying seemed to cleanse those affected by corruption. Only someone who had no corruption could purify another. It began to explain more of what corruption is. That it was a choice to use ancient magic for an evil purpose. That if done, corruption begins to form in the mind. It is also evident on the body. First it causes blisters and loss of touch. The desires for good begin to fade and a hunger for power manifests. Until they are purified, the corruption stays. If ancient magic is used, the corruption grows. If another choice is used with ancient magic for evil. The growth is faster and the corruption covers more of the body. The last stages are when the corruption has reached the heart. A person who has corruption in their heart can not be purified. They will be consumed by the corruption.
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It goes on to explain that using ancient magic as a support instead of attack is a way to avoid corruption. It listed things that are considered support:
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Telekinesis (Without killing someone on purpose)
Wish (outside of desires for greed, power, position)
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It explained that a wish can only be obtained when all five glyph stones are used together. After the wish, the stones are scattered. Continuing, it explained that the stones must be activated again within proximity of an ancient magic sorcerer. The proximity has to be within five hundred miles, but can be detected within one thousand miles. Only the direction of the glyph stone can be detected and not it's exact location.
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This is interesting. Kaylin had waken and tapped me on the shoulder, she gave me a warm hug.
"Hey, how you feeling?" She asked me.
"Good, I'm just studying about my magic."
"Oh, did you find a way to create things or move mountains." She giggled.
"No, but I have been thinking about our wedding. Where and when do you want to get married?"
"Well, the girls have to be there for sure. And honestly I want a traditional orc wedding. We can ask Chief Lumar. I'm sure he will approve."
"That sounds like a good idea. We can see if Karen will let me take the girls for like a week."
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Yawning, Kaylin layed my head in her lap. It wasn't long before I passed out. The sun peaked through the trees waking me up. Kaylin was pushed against me sound asleep. Tucnin was meditating by the shore facing toward us. He exhaled then opened his eyes.
"Oh hey! Good morning."
"Good morning."
Kaylin wakes up and stretches.
Packing up our things, we decided to go through the desert according to the map. It took most of the morning and into the afternoon to get through the desert.
Arriving at the base of the mountain, there were a number of campsites. Taking a look around, it seemed that most were empty. It was as if they were deserted for sometime. Strange to see so many campsites with no one in sight. Something fell a few camps away, it sounded like a few pots or pans.
"Aww man!" Said someone from that direction.
Kaylin nods toward that direction. We dismounted from our horses and walked to the tent.
"I told you it was hot, but nope didn't listen, did ya." A stout man with leather armor and a long ponytail said to another skinny man with short dark hair.
They were fumbling for some pots that fell and spilled food.
"Hello?" I said to them.
Quickly they armed themselves and were in a defense position.
"Stop right there!" The stout man yelled.
Holding up my hands, I said.
"Wait, we didn't come to attack. We just got here from Giovia, and are curious about what happened here."
They let down their guard, and sighed. The skinny man finished picking up the food.
"Sorry, we're just on edge. Plus we just spilled our last good meal."
Tucnin pulled out some meat we had.
"Here, have some food. We don't want you to starve way out here."
"Thanks, my name is Franco and this is Boris." Said the stout man pointing at the skinny man.
"Yeah, thank you."
"So what happened?" Kaylin asked them.
"Well, many of the others had left when we first got here. Some went up before we got here. But..." Franco started, but Boris cut him off.
"But, no one has come back. We have been here for two weeks. Everyone that went up the mountain to that cave up there..." He pointed to a cave a ways up the mountain.
"They just don't come back. Sometimes at night you will hear a scream, at least when people first went up. But now it's quiet."
"That's strange. I wonder what's in that cave?" Said Tucnin. I continued to listen as Franco continued.
"Well we don't want to find out. See we planned on leaving tonight, so we could get through the desert to head back to Giovia in a few days time."
Looking at the others, I flicked my head at the caves direction.
"Well we hope for safe travels, and thank you for the information." I said to them.
"Please take some more food for your journey." Kaylin said handing them a small bag of food.
We left them to pack their things as we discussed a plan.
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"I think it would be best to check it out. Whatever is up there might be all we need to inform the guild." I said.
"Yeah, but what if we are overwhelmed?" Asked Tucnin.
"Then we fight our way out. If we go we have to commit to it." Kaylin encouraged.
"Plus, after reading about my magic, I can always teleport us back to the camp."
We agreed to checking out the cave. Inspecting our gear, we set out to the cave. We had to leave the horses and only took what we needed. I couldn't see the cave very well from this distance, so we decided to hike to the cave.
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As we got closer the tempeture was dropping drastically. Cresting a large Boulder, I got a clear view of the caves mouth and saw a flat space we could get to. Grabbing Kaylin and Tucnin, I teleported us to the caves mouth. Looking around, there was on old campfire and a few swords laying around it. It looked like noone had been here for days.
Tucnin picked up a back pack, when we heard strange noises come deeper in the cave. It sounded like someone groaning. It was a low raspy tone, then it stopped. Looking at each other, we withdrew our weapons and cautiously walked into the cave. Igniting three fireballs, I willed them to hover around us. Going deeper, there was no sounds except the echo of our feet going into the cave.
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The walls were brown and gray. It was cold from the wind chill and the slight breeze that blew into the cave. The passage way was narrow and seemed to go a ways into the mouth of the cave. Still no activity as we reached a large cavern. There were stalactites and stalagmites all over, and occasionally drops of water fell from the roof. It seemed warmer in here then outside. Still no activity, then we heard some shuffling to our right. Turning to the right was a dark figure that heard our shuffle.
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It turned and came very quickly at us. It's speed was surprising. It leapt in the air, the light from my fiery orbs shown it was a young warrior with his hands outstretched. Tackling Kaylin to the ground he slashed at her, but clumsily missed. Two more came from the dark and charged us. They were very quick and clawed at me. Scratching my face, I kicked one in the chest making it slam into a wall. The other person cut Tucnin's arm. He countered with a hard punch to the bulky man, sending him to the floor. Quickly he recovered and kicked Tucnin to a wall.
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The one charged at me again. Looking more closely, he had dark gray skin and eyes that were pitch black. There was no white or pupil, it was like his whole eye was a pupil. As he got close I used his body weight and flipped him into a wall upside down. Hitting his head, he rolled back to his feet, bearing his teeth he ran after me. He looked like an elf but with fangs.
Tucnin exchanged blows with his. Kaylin was busy wrestling the big guy who kept trying to claw at her. They each had a glyph symbol on their head, behind their ear. Are these the corrupted? With my magic I grabbed and held him in the air. Looking at the others, I grabbed them too. Holding them in the air, Kaylin and Tucnin recovered and came by my side.
They thrashed about helplessy floating in the air.
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"What are you doing?" Tucnin asked.
"I think they are corrupted."
"Makes since, they seem brainless." Said Kaylin.
"Kaylin grabbed my spell book and turned to the purifying spell, then set it next to me."
She quickly thumbed through the pages. Finding the spell, she set it down.
Looking at the instructions, I concentrated my magic on the warriors floating in the air. Reciting the words a wave of light rolled over them.
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They stopped thrashing and closed their eyes. Setting them down, Tucnin and Kaylin stood around them and prepared to attack.
Finishing the spell a light washed over them again. Their skin tone changed and they coughed opening their eyes.
"Wh-where am I?" Said the big guy.
The other two slowly sat up and rubbed their heads.
Looking at us, they put up their hands up in surrender.
"Whoa, hey it's ok." Said Tucnin
"You guys ok?" Said Kaylin.
"Don't hurt us, please." Said the smaller stout one.
"Look, we're going to get you out of here ok?" I reassured them.
They nodded as we helped them to their feet. Walking toward the cave opening, I turned back to check the cave one last time. A dark figure moved across the cavern. It seemed to move slowly.
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Throwing a large fireball into the center of the cavern, I expanded it and brightened it to shine on the whole cave. It was a large cavern with many openings to deeper parts of the cave. A cloaked person ducked into a tunnel just out of sight. I couldn't see what they looked like, but I'm sure they watched me from a distance.
The others had got out to the mouth of the cave. I closed the fire orb and produced a shield around me as I walked back to the entrance.
Catching up to the others, we linked hands as I looked down at the campsite.
Appearing at the bottom of the mountain, we stood by the abandoned camps. Walking back to our horses, Tucnin and Kaylin got the horses ready to travel.
"We are going to get away from here, then when we are at a safe distance we will rest for the night." The sun was beginning to set, so we didn't have much time until dark.
They agreed as we gathered a few stranded horses throughout the camps.
Mounting up, we headed toward the desert.
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Traveling the base of the mountian, we came to a river. Pushing out downstream of the river, we made it to a lush part of the river with some trees and grass. Catching some small game, we started a fire and set up camp.
"What are your names?" I asked.
"My name is Elas Morlar, I'm from Lia." He was the one I fought with pointy ears.
"My name is Ordun Ironburn, I'm from the Ekrund dwarf kingdom."
"And my name is Yuki Botan, I am from the Dawnlands."
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Unfamiliar with any of these places, I just asked what happened to them. Elas spoke first, he cleared his throat.
"I was captured with my party, during the capture two of my party were killed. Our captors had on cloaks and very dark ashy skin. They took us at the cavern you found me in." He continued, but he was so hungry he focused more on his food.
Ordun spoke next.
"I was taken while fixing a part of my cave much farther in the mountain. One of the caverns we used to mine, had started to collapse from expansion someone attempted. They must have been watching me while I was building braces for the wall and ceilings. They didn't attack right away. I had just put the third brace in for the ceiling when something caught my eye.
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Afterward I didn't think anything of it. You get used to movement living in caves. Well, anyways a cloaked person grabbed me and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was strapped to a table in a cave I didn't recognize. There were many cloaked people surrounding me, and many other tables. They had an enchanted piece of wood with a glyph carving in it. It was glowing red, and as they started saying something in a different language, my head started hurting. I tried to resist, but I couldn't help it. Then my mind went blank, until I saw a bright light. Then I see you all standing getting ready to attack us."
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"And what about you?" I asked Yuki.
"I was in my home land and heard that the corruption had returned. I had lost my father and mother to the corruption when I was a child. When I came to fight, my party left me when the cloaked people came. I was overwhelmed and quickly my mind went blank. I woke up when you shined your light on me and my mind returned."
Thinking about this, I turned to my spellbook. Reading about the corruption, there was a spell that the corrupted can cast. Not many spells could be used, mostly the corrupted used telekinesis and telepathy. But their was a mind control spell. It said that a corrupted mage can cast this spell when a corrupted ancient magic user enchants a glyph carving to harness the ancient magic needed to complete the corruption spell. It's cure or undoing is to purify or kill the affected. It reminded me of a type of zombie apocalypse spell."
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"So it was a mind control spell, and those were mages. They are being empowered by someone" I thought outloud.
"This must be brought before the Emperor." Elas said, raising his index finger in the air.
"So what, are you just going to go in their and tell him..." Said Tucnin.
"No, he's right. If the corruption is being spread, then the emperor needs to know. This will help prevent others from falling into the corruption." Said Ordun.
"I think Neroon should know too." Kaylin said to me.
"You're right, if there's anyone who knows how this works. It would be Neroon." I said.
"So are we all going?" Asked Yuki.
"I don't have no one to go home to. So I would like to travel." Confirmed Odun.
"I want to see my people returned to the days before the corruption, so I will travel too." Said Yuki with honor.
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We all agreed to get back to Giovia first, and hopefully we can get some answers from Neroon. Then after informing the guild, head out to Lia Empire.