The morning was brisk loading the girl's bags into the car. Karen waved goodbye as we drove back to the house.
"Good morning everyone, so here's the plan. When we get to the house, Chris I need you to setup an AI to handle customer service requests, and launch our program for the company." I said
"Got it." Chris affirmed.
"Then, I will setup a room for the portal, we will establish a permanent spot later. And Kaylin, I need you to help get the girls ready to travel. Show them their new Arcadia outfits." Concentrating on the road, I exited off the freeway and into our neighborhood.
"Girls, you're gonna love these outfits. It's real armor too." Kaylin said, as the girls cheerfully clapped their hands.
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Parking in the driveway, we unloaded and everyone began to work. As for the portal, I set it up in the master bedroom closet. It was fairly large about as large as a bathroom. Chris was launching the program, and setting up the new AI he had been building since we were at Brain Tech.
"This is Alisha, I built her after my wife while I was at Brain Tech. She is nice but, gets to the point. So she can take calls, answer emails, and setup appointments." Chris informed me.
"But, what about dealing with complaints or bad customers?" I asked.
"She defers to her nice, 'I'm sorry, we can you help if you send a formal complaint to the following email' of course that's just so we can deal with it later." Chris said, finishing the last coding.
Hitting launch, the algorithm starts showing an active scan bar. Checking the search engine, Arcadia Inc. Is the first thing that pops up looking for computer issues, and physical security requests.
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Kaylin and the girls were talking in the Living room area. Chris and I leave the master bedroom, which is now our main office, and join the ladies.
"Everyone ready?" I asked.
"What do you think daddy?" Alana asked me spinning around, showing me her warrior outfit.
"Wow you look like a real warrior." I said as Nadia and Alana started pretending to fight some bad guys.
We locked the doors, made sure everything was in place. Meeting up in the master bedroom, I pulled out the wooden glyph carving. Setting it on a table with the spellbook opened to the portal page, I focused my magic on the glyph.
Soon the glyph lit up with a faint red glow. Pushing more of my magic, the glyph shined brighter. Chris' mouth opened wide with his eyes fixed on the glyph.
Standing back a little, I waved my hands as sparks flew. Slowly a portal opened just behind the table. The portal was against the wall, it opened wide covering the majority of the wall. Dropping my hands the portal stayed open.
"Ok, Kaylin you go first with the girls. We will be walking into the center of Giovia." Kaylin grabbed the girls hands and stepped through the portal.
"Ok Chris, you're up. Just walk through it like you're going through a door." Chris swallowed.
"Are you sure man, like I ain't gonna get hurt?" He asked nervously.
"No you just saw Kaylin and the girls go through. I have to be last to get everything before I close it." I said.
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Chris hesitantly walked forward and stuck his hand through the portal. Seeing nothing happened, he shrugged his shoulders and walked through. Following behind, I gathered the spellbook, and glyph carving. Hurrying I went to Giovia just as the portal popped close. Standing by the center plaza fountain, Chris was wide eyed and mouth opened starring at everything. Kaylin was pointing at things and explaining it to the girls. Some Lizardmen, Elves, a few large orcs, dwarves, and ogres walked about the market place and plaza. I'm sure Chris was blown away.
"You alright Chris?" I said placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Is this for real? Where are we right now?" Chris said watching all the different kinds of people walking around.
"This is the village of Giovia. And we are in the land of Arcadia." I told him.
"Are we in some kinda movie or something? I'm dreaming right now. You put me to sleep with your hypnosis trick at the house." Chris reasoned.
"No buddy, this is real. But I don't know if we are on earth or not. I still don't know that yet."
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Looking at the study hall, I could see normal traffic going in and out.
"Come on, I got to introduce you to some people." I waved at Chris and Kaylin to follow me into the study hall. Some things had changed, it seemed that the library portion had been shifted. A part of the main hall was sectioned off and separated by a wall with a good sized door. Going into the Sorcerer's study, Neroon was sitting in the open space next to the chairs with Yuki. They had their eyes closed and was meditating.
"Please have a seat, we are almost done." Neroon said, not breaking his focus.
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Chris was looking around at the comfy room. Getting up, Neroon and Yuki walked to greet us. Yuki was rather tall, he had charred arms with what looked like claws for fingers. He was mostly human looking, except his arms and the left side of his face looked like faint charred skin. His left eye was mostly red. Not the kind of red like irritated, but red like a lizard. Yuki gave Chris a head nod. Chris avoided his gaze and sat down.
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"Come let's get Orund and have a discussion." Neroon motioned to the main hall. We followed into the hall and up to the new door. Knocking a few times, Orund answered wearing a leather apron. "Good day, Luke. Glad you made it back safely." He said, Orund was a stocky short dwarf with a large beard. His hands were wide but stubby. He ushered us in to his hot and mugy blacksmith shop.
"Almost finished with my new axe." He said pulling a glowing axe from a hot furnace.
"Orund, can you meet us in the hall in a bit?" Neroon asked.
"Be right there." He said getting his hammer ready.
We found a large table in the hall and sat around. Chris didn't say much, but just watched. Introducing themselves to Chris, Neroon explained that the guild had a message for me and wanted to see us when we can. After a brief chat, I learned that Yuki had established his martial arts, and Orund was working on weapons for warriors and a special sword for Tucnin.
Gathering together we entered the guild and asked to speak to the guild master. The strong and tall man we talked to before came from a back room and stood behind the counter.
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"Luke, we have received word from Lia. The Queen wishes to speak to you of the corruption and your discovery. She also wanted to talk with your team. We have arranged an escort to Lia Empire. When would you like to set out?" His booming voice seemed to reverberate through the guild.
"We can get started as soon as the caravan is ready." I stated.
"We will be ready soon. Please report back by the afternoon." He said before dismissing himself.
Back at the study hall, we prepared our things for the journey. Meeting at the Guild the team, besides Chris and the girls, consisted of Kaylin, Orund, Tucnin, Yuki, and myself.
A small caravan of warriors were waiting on us when we arrived. The guild master stood outside with his arms crossed, as we walked up.
"Ready for the journey?" He asked looking over our team.
"Yes sir. Ready as we'll ever be." Noding towards my team.
"There have been reports of bandits raiding caravans towards the northern mountains through the pass by the Kingdom of Lalon. So we need to be on guard." The guild master said mounting his horse. He had a few warriors armed with stout armor and various weapons a few claymore, swords, polearms, and about three archers.
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There was a cart provided for us, to which we mounted. The girls sat between Kaylin and I, while Chris sat beside Yuki and Orund. He didn't particularly like Tucnin. He probably just wasn't use to seeing a lizardman yet. He was pretty quite most of the time.
The caravan set out for the Lia Empire heading north along the coastline. The girls were amazed at the beautiful scenery of lush forests, tall snow capped mountains and the various mystical creatures along the way. Orund seemed to be helping Chris by explaining the history of Arcadia. Before long Chris and Orund seemed to be well acquainted, as if they had been friends for a long time.
"Beware! We are entering the pass of Lalon!" Informed the Guild master. A large castle was miles in the distance. It sat in a large plain just off the coast. It seemed to be plain and not stylish, as was it's towers and typical wooden drawbridge.
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The cart jolted to a stop almost throwing everyone on top of each other. Looking around we were surrounded by a great number of what looked to be bandits. Recognizing the main one with scars on his face as he towered over a few of his bandits. His pipe tucked in his mouth, he puffed out some smoke.
"Well look at this precious cargo. If it isn't our former prisoners that escaped. You know murdering my men is gonna cost you." He said with smoke pouring out of his teeth rotten Grin.
He smelled Kaylin's hair and then ran his hand across the heads of my girls. Lightning struck his hand, blowing the pipe out of his mouth as my hand sizzled from the charge.
He jerks his hand back, picks up his pipe and motions for his men.
The bandits without hesitation spring into action swords slashing. The guild master and his men or overwhelmed by the numbers. One by one the guild warriors plummet to the ground lifeless. Standing to our feet, the team scrambled for our weapons and countered incoming blows. Kaylin stood by the girls, deflecting incoming threats. Orund hands Chris a small sword and yells, "Just Dodge and slash like your life depends on it." Chris narrowly dodged an attack and slammed his fist into the guys jaw, staggering him back. Orund impaled Chris' attacker and nodded at Chris.
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Standing by Kaylin, I threw a fireball into the oncoming troop. They flew back in flames, crashing to the earth writhing in pain. Tucnin grabbed two bandits by the throat and smashed their heads together caving in the skulls. His sword got caught on his sheath as a bandit stabs his leg. The wound stung but Tucnin pummeled him with an elbow to the jaw, crunching his teeth and splattering blood on the ground. Taking the dagger from his leg, Tucnin thrusts through the bandits neck slumping him to the ground. A red glow emanates from the back of the cart where a handful of bandits surrounded Yuki.
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Yuki's arms were glowing bright hot red. The bandits prepared to charge when Yuki roared bellowing out flames from his mouth. All five attacked at once. Yuki blows a firey hole through the first attacker his guts littering the ground and spraying his buddies. Choking the bandit next him, the heat from his smoldering hand decapitated the bandit. His head rolled to the feet of the other three. Looking at Yuki tossing the body, the bandits run. Jumping through the air, Yuki lands on the back of one fleeing bandit crumbling him to the ground. A sword clangs off Yuki's shoulder with the wielding bandit in disbelief. Smiling at his lame attempt, Yuki grabs his sword in mid slash melting it. The bandits eyes go wide as Yuki tosses him into his fellow.
"Stop!" Cries Bruce Grin holding Alana with a dagger at her throat. Kaylin had been knocked to the ground holding Nadia, I was pulled from the cart and dragged into a crowd of bandits. The numbers were overwhelming. Orund dropped a lifeless bandit to the ground dislodging his axe from his chest.
"Nobody moves. We just want Luke." Bruce said pulling Alana out of the ccart. Alana was crying and scared.
"Fine, take me! Don't hurt her!" I said, my rage boiling inside.
"That's a good dad, don't you think." He said in Alana's ear. The bandits separated from the team, Yuki stopped glowing and the rest came together. It was bandits on one side and the caravan on the other. Only a few guild warriors stood. The Guild master sheathed his bloody sword.
"Luke! We will come for you. The queen will know of this." The guild master boomed.
"Ah ha, but the queen will not, once we deliver Luke for a our reward." Bruce said with a Grin, his rotten mouth on display. Alana sobbed and looked around for Kaylin and Nadia. Bruce continued, "we won't be traced. For our client has provided cover that you can't know. Once we leave their will be no trace. Go tell your queen that my client awaits your rescue. He is prepared for war."
"She will be informed, we will be ready for war, if the queen so desires." Said the guild master.
"Good now, come home Luke. Your master awaits you." Bruce said holding out a hand toward Luke, yet keeping the knife at Alana's throat.
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Luke hands his weapon to Chris and walks toward Bruce.
"Luke we are coming for you." Kaylin said as tears flowed down her cheeks.
"Daddy, no!" Nadia cried.
"Daddy he will kill you." Alana said.
I stepped into Bruce's hand, who hands me off to a cloaked man standing in the mist of the bandits. Sparks rapidly flicker behind the troop of bandits.
"Life is precious..." Bruce says as a large portal opens behind them.
"That's why you should savor every moment." Bandits quickly pull through the portal, as Bruce tosses Alana to the team cutting through her neck.
"Alana!!!" I yelled, the cloaked man and bandits shove me through the portal.
Yuki smashes the ground in a rage as the ground rips up to the portal. Before it reaches, the portal pops shut. Fire blows from Yuki as he yells into the air.
Tucnin had grabbed Alana immediately and covered her wound with his hand. Kaylin and Nadia cried watching Alana choking. Tucnin grits his teeth and focuses on Alana. The team surrounds Tucnin watching in horror as Alana struggles to live. The choking changed to gasps as Alana began crying. She hugged Tucnin who finished healing her wound. The team all took a deep breath in relief.
"Alana?" Nadia said coming to her side as they cried together. Kaylin takes the girls from Tucnin. Yuki helps up Tucnin and pats him on the shoulder.
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"We must go to the queen. Let us go." Said the guild master.
"What is your name, exactly?" Chris asked loading into the cart.
"Otto Sevita, guild master of the Faith of the Perished. And who are you?" Otto asked.
"Chris, I'm Luke's friend from San Diego." Chris said.
"He's from Luke's world." Kaylin clarified.
The caravan loaded and left the morbid scene of blood and bodies. Vultures and scavengers quickly cleaned up the area.
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The caravan passed through the plains with no more events. In two days they where in eyeshot of the beautiful empire of Lia. The sadness of Luke's absence stiffled the girls curiosity at the wondrous sight they beheld. Kaylin held them close as they entered the bustling city of elves. Elaborate buildings and carved works decorated the markets and structures. Many elves and some other races, mostly humans, walked and commuted.
The caravan stopped at a large palace with elegant towers and carvings. The guards greeted the caravan and escorted them into the palace.
On a large throne sat a very beautiful woman. Her ears showed that she was indeed elven. But her features along with her physique was that of a well endowed voluptuous woman.
She just finished with a group of prestigious looking people and ushered the caravan in.
"Your majesty, we have brought the Sorcerer's team." Otto informed the queen.
"The Sorcerer was captured by the bandits." She said cutting him off. Her voice was light but firm.
"Greetings, I am Queen Elora of the Lia Empire. Please continue."
Otto continued his explanation.
"There was also a druid among them who helped them escape by a portal."
She sat forward listening intently.
"A druid? This must be connected to the corruption. Other reports have shown similar figures, who were seen at the corrupted locations near Ekrund mountain." She said.
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Yuki stepped forward asking for permission to speak. She opened the floor for the team to speak freely. Yuki and Orund explained what happened at the mountain and their past experience being corrupted. Kaylin at the end explained Luke's actions of purging the corrupted and then his captivity.
"We need to find the Sorcerer Luke and rescue him. Koria! Assemble a small troop to assist finding the sorcerer."
"My queen, the bandit warned that they are prepared for war if we come to rescue Luke" Said Kaylin.
"What would you suggest?" She asked Kaylin.
"I believe I know where they went. But I will need his team to find him." Kaylin stated.
The queen acknowledged her.
"Koria, please provide the queens guest chambers for this team and the queens banquet for provision." She said to an astute elf carrying a scroll.
Kaylin and the team were shown very elegant rooms. A joining room for the girls was provided next to Kaylin's.
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The queen sent carriers out to notify the northern alliance to prepare for war. During the night, guards were doubled and patrolled in great numbers throughout Lia. Kaylin could hardly sleep, she tossed and turned. Her mind was troubled for Luke. Would he return corrupted? What was happening to him? He was the only friend, let alone love she had. Her past life in the tribe was rough with no peace. But Luke had brought her peace for once in her life. And now he just walked into danger to protect what he loves. A small tap at her side door rang through the warm room. The door opened as Nadia and Alana stuck out their heads.
"Kaylin?" Nadia asked.
"Yes, you can come in." Kaylin said.
They walked into the room and walked to her bedside.
"Will we find our daddy?" Alana asked.
"I will find him. I promise, he's all I have." The girls crawled in bed with her and they all went to sleep.
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The queen's banquet was full of different kinds of food for all races present. The team ate in silence. The room seemed busy but looked normal for traveler's eating before a trip.
"So what's the plan?" Chris said eating some really good pancakes.
"I think he went back to his....I mean your world." Kaylin said eating a traditional orc breakfast.
"Neroon would be the only one who can open a portal there." Said Yuki eating soy milk and deep fried dough sticks.
"Attention travelers, the queen wishes to join you before you leave." Koria from earlier announced. An entourage opens and prepares for the queen as she enters in, with a more casual dress that accents her curvy figure.
"Please carry on. I don't know what the future holds and so I came to bid you farewell. Do you know where you will be going? For my counsel has informed me of no possible locations. Our vast view has scanned no activity, other than the Ekrund Mountains." She informed the team.
"Yes, we will need to use a portal but to go back to his home world."
"Good, will you be needing an army to rescue Luke?" Asked the queen.
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"Yes, w-we will need alot of people to help." Chris cut off Kaylin.
"Chris why? We can handle this." Kaylin said frustrated.
"Because we need surveillance and guards. And we need workers to assist us. We are going up against some bad magic folks. I ain't risking another casualty like we almost had with Alana. I lost someone I loved once. I ain't doing it again." Kaylin closed her mouth and silently agreed.
"Very well. Koria, have two troops accompany Kaylin and her team. Until Luke has been rescued they are under her authority as commander." She commanded.
"Yes my queen." Koria said in a hushed voice.
"Is there anything else?" She asked.
The whole team looked at their new leader Kaylin, who replied.
"And a well guarded underground campsite just outside of Lok'Tar for our return, please."
The queen accepts their requests and sends Koria to accomplish it. She further informs them of what she knew.
"It is apparent that Luke is an ancient magic sorcerer, like Neroon. But this corruption is a threat of reopening the dark abyss portal."
At the mention of the abyss portal, Yuki's arms begin to glow as he clinches his teeth.
"The danger isn't the portal, but that the corruption found at Ekrund, seems more violent by nature. We wanted to discover its origin to stop whomever may be planning this absurd abyss opening."
"So why us?" Asked Kaylin.
"Only an ancient sorcerer can cleanse the corruption. The guild quest was meant to draw out the ancient sorcerer. For it is why he bears ancient magic. Therefore he was compelled to save the hopeless, by his nature."
The team seemed baffled by her explanation, yet they accepted it as something beyond what they could understand.
"I will send for Chief Lamar to begin building the underground campsite as you requested. I am also sending our noble ranger, Ava Holana. She is our lead assassin. She will accompany you and assist with whatever is necessary." Ava walked over to the team with her bow and arrows strapped to her back.
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Chris was looking at her, she noticied him looking and just let him. She wasn't very tall but had long legs and long dark black hair. She was very shapely and didn't hide it. She didn't stand to be noticed, but didn't object when she was. The queen left the team to gather their things.
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The team set out to Giovia and traveled a days journey before stopping. Just past the mountain range of Lia, they stopped at a river. South of the kingdom of Lalon, the coast was mere miles from their campsite.
"We will be there tomorrow evening past sunset. But we should prepare to go through the portal immediately upon arrival." Kaylin informed the large caravan of eleven soldiers and the team.
Everyone bedded down for the night. Chris was putting together a makeshift bed when his picture of his late wife fell onto the ground. He hadn't noticed it, Ava scooped up the picture and observed it casually. Chris looking up from finishing his bed, seen her holding his picture.
"She is very beautiful." She said handing him the picture. Her voice was soft and harmless, she had a concerned look on her face. Her face seemed flawless, she had bright green eyes, full lips and olive toned skin. Her ears were typical for an elf, but her demeanor was that of a petite feminine woman. She seemed fragile but had an adventurous attitude.
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"Thank you. She was my wife." He said, tucking away the picture after taking a good look at it. She nodded and kept walking on her patrol. Chris scratched his head and got into his covers. A few guards roamed around the campsite, while the caravan slept. The day came too quickly as everyone set out for Giovia. The sun was setting when Giovia was within reach. Nightfall had consumed the sky, when they stopped outside the main hall. Neroon was waiting for them. A gentle breeze blew ruffling Neroons beard and robe.
"Kaylin, welcome back." Neroon welcomed the team.
"Thanks Neroon, but we need..."
"I already have everything ready for the portal. Just make sure everyone has what they need before you go." Neroon informed Kaylin.
A call went out to the caravan to assemble in the main hall.
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The hall was packed with people, mostly elves. Neroon stood with Kaylin and the team at the front. Orund had a bag of tools strapped to his person. The others did the same.
Neroon spoke loudly so all could hear.
"Please only take what you can carry on your person. If you can't carry it, it won't travel with you. I will summon the portal, once everyone has gone through, it will immediately close. You will have to find Luke in order to return. I can't open a portal for you from here. Does everyone understand?"
"Yes sir" said the elves.
With that Neroon turned to Kaylin.
"Ok, do you know where you will open the portal to?"
"Yes, at Luke's new house, in the backyard."
"So be it." Neroon said. He picked up the carved glyph and summoned his magic. The glyph filled with a purple light instead of red. Setting the carving down he summoned the portal. Sparks flew as a whirling flamed hole opened in the middle of the main hall. He increased its size until it reached almost the ceiling.
"Ready!" Yelled Neroon.
The portal got stronger and glowed a cool purple. Kaylin felt the cold difference between Luke's portal and Neroon's. It must be the corruption in Neroon. His magic wasn't all the way corrupt, but definitely tainted.
"Now!" In groups the caravan filed into the portal until Chris was the last to go through.
"Thanks Neroon." Chris said.
"Find Luke, he needs a friend like you." Neroon said.
Chris passed through the portal that closed right behind him. Neroon fell to the ground in pain, holding his sides. The corruption grew inside, and felt like ice coursing through his body. It turned his hands more pale and he gasped for air. Slowly he got up and stumbled into the Sorcerer's Keep. Passing out on the floor, Neroon laid unconscious cold and pale, alone.