The river lapped at the bank, as fish swam downstream. The horses trotted to a stop as Kaylin dismounted and let hers drink from the river and rest. I followed behind and sat down on the grass. The journey was long and hard in the night, rushing through the cold sand dunes lit up by moonlight.
"How far are we from the orc tribe?" I asked finding a comfortable spot to lay down.
"About three days journey, from here the lands are patrolled by many. For we are in the northern territory."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked getting out some bread and splitting it with her.
"The northern territory is the ruling class of Arcadia. Led by Lia the high elven empire. There are five major societies here. They all work in unity as a nation. We are safe as long as we keep the peace."
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She looked nervous suddenly.
"Except when we get to Lok'Tar. They will shun me and deliver me to death for trespassing their lands as an exile."
"When we get there, I will do whatever I can to help."
"Luke you don't understand, they will treat you better then me, because your a stranger. But I am an orc and am bound by orchish tradition."
"Well, we have some time to come up with something."
She sighed, got up and started to pack.
"I thought we were going to rest?"
"We need to find a place to rest. A place with shade, and then we can build a temporary shelter."
"I'll follow you." I said mounting my horse.
We went downstream of the river. We traveled for a ways at a quick pace, until the base of the mountain came into view. A light forest surrounded the base giving us plenty of shelter.
"Here we will sleep, then hunt, rest for the remainder of the day and travel at night. We will reach Lok'Tar by tomorrow night."
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I agreed as I started to gather vines and wood. We quickly made a shelter and got our things together. Our rest was quick and refreshing.
The daylight passed through our shelter, I woke up to the horses becoming restless. Stretching, I can see Kaylin was still passed out. The sun was setting, as I stepped out of the shelter. Leading the horses to water, I felt as if I was being watched. Looking around I didn't see or hear anything. After I tied up the horses, and got back to the shelter, I heard several steps behind me. Quickly, I turned around ready to defend myself.
"Halt! What is your business here?" A huge green orc with a large spear stood and demanded me. His voice was booming with a very deep tone. On both sides of him, stood a slightly smaller orc warrior dressed in armor.
" name is Luke and we are traveling to Lok'Tar to hopefully get some supplies as we have traveled across a desert."
"Who else is with you?"
"Uh, my friend, she is asleep in the shelter. Please don't hurt us we are not hostile." I wanted to make sure they knew we weren't a threat, plus I didn't want to reveal that I am with the chief's daughter, from the bad orc tribe who got exiled. Yeah this is bad....really bad.
He motioned for two of his men to search the shelter.
"Huh? Oh no." I heard Kaylin say.
When they brought her out, the big orc smirked and grunted.
"Wow the exile. This should be interesting. We have to take you two to Chief Lumar. Under orders of the Chief and the northern territory we are holding you and your things for the Chief's trial. But rest assure for you exiled one, that tradition will require your life...Load them up!"
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They gathered our shelter, supplies, and tethered our horses to theirs. We traveled through the mountains and into a large valley by the head of a river, going into a sea. I could see the large tribe. It had huge buildings and not merely huts. They had a crudeness to them, but seemed very well built. There wasn't any lights but, it was well lit with tall torches lining the wide walkways. Coming into the center of the town, large crowds of orcs and some humans and other beings that looked human, gathered to watch us parade toward the largest center building.
Entering the large building, pillars with elephant tusks and carvings towered over the archway. We entered a large room with a tall and wide throne. It looked to be made out of wood covered in silver and gold, carved to a relic like design with red signs on them. A large orc with a bone crown sat on the throne, his massive size filled the throne. His fist was larger than my head. To his left, sat smaller orcs with long purple and silver trimmed robes with intricate designs and bead necklaces.
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We were brought to the center of the room, when the large orc slammed a huge scythe with red ribbons streaming under the head of a jagged blade. At the thunder of his scythe the group of robed orcs sat down.
"The trial has begun! All who wish to witness, please find a seat." His voice thundered and echoed through the large chamber.
Many of the spectators from outside came in the room and filled chairs behind us and on balconies.
"Counsel, state the purpose of this trial." He boomed again.
A much smaller, astute, male orc stood.
"The exile has trespassed on Lok'Tar lands and has brought a partner who aided her trespass. Chief Lumar."
Apparently the big guy on the throne is the Chief.
"For the nature of this trial, I will go over the history. For this exile trial, many in Lok'Tar are witnessing for the first time, and our fellow citizens who have joined Lok'Tar since the alliance."
Kaylin's eyes were full of tears and I could see her shaking. I stepped closer to her, but a guard quickly stepped close with his axe drawn.
"Stop!" He thundered taking my breathe away for a moment.
"I haven't chained you, because you are not a threat here. However, if you did try to escape or incite some type of violence, you will be destroyed immediately. Put the beads on them!"
A large, but rather lanky orc with lots of beads and bracelets, came and put a beaded necklace on both of us.
"These are enchanted beads that suppress any magic you may posses."
The crowd seemed to relax as he continued.
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"The last exile trial held was during my father's reign, The great Chief Oaron. It was when my brother, the Chief of the Karuck Tribe, Chief Morbog, was exiled by my father for his ruthless ways.
My father wanted to bring the tradition of the orcs to a higher level and so began the alliance of the northern territory.
I have continued that goal by establishing a tribe that is open to those who wish to live among the orcs and learn of our ways. For centuries, orcs have scavenged and were forced to survive. They have been hunted, and accused of crimes that led to many painful wars. But now the war is for the good of the land. Orcs will no longer be seen as the enemy, but our survival extends to those who ally with us, to fight against the evil."
Many in the crowd cheered and clapped for this cause, which I was very impressed. It made me think about this and consider why we are on trial.
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"Now because of our alliance, we go by tradition and our alliance law. Tradition requires death to all exiles who trespassed, especially with intent to war. But alliance laws require a defense to the exiles who do not resist. The punishment by tradition for an exile is death. And for her assitant, pain will be inflicted and years of hard labor. When proven worthy, the human maybe released. This is because he is considered a stranger." He paused for a moment and looked at the counsel.
"The exile will be permitted to speak for as long as needed for her defense."
Turning to Kaylin, "Kaylin, daughter of Chief Morbog. You are permitted to speak."
Gasps could be heard in the crowd.
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She wipes her tears and tries to stop shaking. "I trespassed, because I am trying to help Luke. He fell through a portal near Drulle, and helped me out of harms way several times. He is my friend and I owe him for his kindness and am trying to help him return home. And that's all Chief Lumar."
Her voice cracked a few times, and she tried to keep her eyes fixed on the Chief, but struggled shaking. I have to try to help her, she is a good person and needs another chance.
"Very well." The chief says nodding at the counsel.
"Luke, you are permitted to speak." He waved at the floor for me.
Stepping forward, I cleared my throat.
"Chief Lumar, thank you for the chance to speak. I come from another world and came to this world through a portal. I have a family with children, I am trying to go back home to my family. But since I have been to Arcadia, Kaylin has given me a great deal of help. She risked her life to save mine. Even right now she wanted to help me, to the point of risking death by trespassing as an exile, knowing the consequences. Her nobility reflects that of your great tribe. And though she maybe an exile, her exile was done by a ruthless Chief who, was an exile himself.
I plead with you today Chief, that in light of this great tribe and its strong alliance that you consider her defense. For it was not to harm but to help, by putting her own life in danger. I would say, that she is more fit to be a citizen of Lok'Tar then an exile. Tradition says that death is immediate to the exile who means war, yet she means no war.
One last thing, if your great counsel and you Chief Lumar, determine to execute the exile for trespassing, then I stand to say that you should execute me too for trespassing. For I have committed the same crime and therefore deserve the same punishment. Thank you for your time."
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Sweat dripped down my face as I stood. The crowd whispered throughout the chamber. Kaylin's eyes were wide and her mouth open in shock as tears rolled down her face. I just stood looking at the Chief and his counsel.
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"We will discuss your sentence. Let the chamber rest in place until a decision is made." The chief turned to the counsel as they whispered their decision.
I walked over to Kaylin and the guard watched me. I wiped her tears and just hugged her close to me. I knew she needed someone to be with her. So I just held her.
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"I told you I'm not leaving you." She just cried as I held her. Many were looking at us and talking as the counsel continued.
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"Thank you Luke." She said in a low tone. I let her go and stood next to her as the Chief cleared his throat.
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"Order! The counsel will now give sentence."
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The same orc stood in the counsel and the whole chamber was dead silent.
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"As for the Lok'Tar Tribe and the alliance, the exile and her friend have been abolished..." Kaylin was about to fall, but I grabbed her hand and squeezed. The crowd gasped as the counsel continued.
"They have been abolished from exile and are permitted to travel, trade, and live in Lok'Tar if they so desire. We the counsel and Chief Lumar dismiss the court."
The crowd erupted in victory, Kaylin jumped into my arms, nearly knocking me over. I could hear large footsteps approach and the crowd hushed as Chief Lumar approached us.
"Please allow me to show you around." His large hand patted me on the back knocking me off balance.
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People watched us as we made our way outside and down the wide path. Strolling past a monument and some small brush, we walked toward the middle of the town.
Chief Lumar walked us through the village and showed us the market, blacksmith, the guild, and the large fountain.
"Luke, you have impressed me today. Our traditions are our foundation of being an orc. But today you have shined light on the problem with how others view our ways. This decision will shape how we view tradition and create a better way of living for orcs to come."
"Thank you Chief, really it was Kaylin who inspired me to break my tradition. She took me in and trained me in the ways of the orc to help me survive."
We then shared with him our journey and purpose.
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He thought about our mission for a minute.
"We will escort you to Giovia to ensure safe passage. We will discuss with the Giovia counsel your purpose to give you acces to the Sorcerer who will better assist you. But while you are here, please allow me to provide for you what you need. No need for payment, you have paid for it already in the eyes of the Lok'Tar citizens."
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I can truly say I was speechless. It was Kaylin who spoke this time.
"Chief Lumar, I am in debt to you for this and want to pay. I have spent seven years roaming Arcadia and to have the freedom with my kind again, is a debt I owe."
"I would say your debt is not with Lok'Tar, but rather with your friend. Luke has paid for your exile with his life. We honor his bravery and in gratitude to that we are supplying your needs as he sees fit."
I didn't realize this was that big of deal really. I was just trying to help. Kaylin thanked the Chief.
"The pleasure truly is mine. I must attend to my duties, but if you need anything. You have access to the chamber as honored guests. I look forward to seeing you in the future. Your caravan will be ready to travel by tomorrow morning. You can stay in the Chief's honored guest chamber for the night. You pay for nothing. If you return to Lok'Tar you will commerce as others, buying and trading. But for today it is free." He shook my hand patted Kaylin, on the shoulder and walked toward the chamber again.
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"Luke, I don't know what to say. I can't believe this is happening to me. You are a wonderful person and I have never been this emotional or happy in my life."
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"Kaylin, I once told a lady who worked with me. You need to relax. I like things to be relaxing."
She wiped tears from her eyes and grabbed my hand to go through the market. We gathered some weapons, she had a special sword made for me with my initials engraved in the blade. She got a custom short handed battle axe made.
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By the end of the day we made it to the guest chamber. It had one large bed and a couch. It seemed not like the rest of the orc style furniture but much higher classed. It was more elegant then I've seen in the white house.
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"This is high elf furniture. It is of royalty...hmmm, this must be from the alliance with Lia." She said.
I sat on the couch and it was the most comfortable I have ever felt.
"This is the best I have ever seen, even in my world."
"What is your world like?" She asked.
"Uh, it's alot to say and I can't relate it to anything I've seen here. We have technology and machines, and large tall buildings. It's only humans. Unfortunately most people are extremely selfish and lazy."
"I agree humans are very selfish and lazy....I mean most are." She blushed.
I have never seen her blush around me before. She sat next to me on the couch.
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"Luke thank you for everything. I couldn't have done this without you. I normally don't get emotional like this" I know where she is going with this, but I can't let her.
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"Kaylin, I appreciate you too, but I am your friend. I have a family that I have to go back too. And I think I'm closer to going back home now. It has been a good three months in Arcadia, but I don't know once I go back, if I will ever be able to come back here."
I know it was harsh, but I didn't want her to have any expectations that will get destroyed, when I do get to go back home. She got up and silently went to the bed. She curled up and layed there the rest of the night.
I felt like a huge jerk. But I had to tell her the reality of what is about to happen. I don't know how close I am but, if that sorcerer can open a portal home, I honestly don't know if I can actually come back. I wish I could come back. But I don't know.
The couch was extremely comfortable and though my heart was in pain, my body was exhausted from all the adventures and I found myself dreaming soon.
The dreams were of me reaching out my hand to my family on my left, but not able to touch them and then Kaylin and Arcadia on my right. As they fell away from me, I was suspended in the middle torn between the two. My heart was heavy and my eyes sore from tears. The pain wasn't in my body as I was consumed by the black abyss.
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A knock on the chamber door woke me up. Kaylin was quietly getting ready. She opened the door and talked with an orc guard in orchish language. She thanked him and closed the door. Kaylin walked to me and sat at the end of the couch as I sat up. My heart was heavy and I knew that I had feelings for Kaylin, but had to keep myself for my wife. I was missing Kaylin before she was gone. My eyes filled with tears sitting there. Kaylin briefed me on how we were going to travel. She looked at me, wiped her eyes and shook her head walking to the bed to grab her things.
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Silently, we left and met with the band of orcs who prepared a great cart with a single bench seat. Armed guards escorted us out of Lok'Tar, many of the villagers waved at us as we left. We waved back without a word. Kaylin stared at the scenery, she was free to be who she was, yet she sat there wiping her eyes. I couldn't say nothing to her, I know she felt some kinda of way for me. But I had to stay loyal. I felt like my dream was a reality as my heart split in two and the tears flowed. The scenery was beautiful and I loved every minute of it, but it hurt. Why do I feel this way? I didn't feel this way with Karen. But I had to be loyal, Karen and I had a rough few years, but I believed in loyalty.
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Looking at Kaylin as we crossed through a river she kept wiping her eyes. I had to do something...
"Kaylin, I'm sorry. I feel like a jerk. Please forgive me, I don't want to ever hurt you. You have been a wonderful friend to me. And I thank you for all your help."
She sniffled and wiped her eyes.
"Seven years I was lonely, no one ever cared for me. Until I met you, then you risked your life for me many times. I always knew one day you would leave and up until yesterday I had accepted that." She chocked up and cried a little.
"But your right, one day you will go back and it maybe soon. And the one friend I had in seven years, will leave and I'll be alone again. I just wanted to help like you do. I thought there was no one who cared. But now I know it doesn't last."
She wept for a while. I couldn't say anything, after some time she spoke again.
"Thank you for the freedom." She continued to silently cry.
I just sat there with my heavy heart. I know I'll never forget Kaylin. She is a special person to me.
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Many days passed, we traveled through mountains, skirted the edges of a great big city with large elegant buildings. But Kaylin sat in silence watching the world pass by. My sleep was always the same dream of two worlds and I was suspended in the middle. I was beyond heavy, I missed my girls mostly but I knew how I felt about Kaylin, but I couldn't let my guard down. I don't belong here, this isn't my home. Passing the last mountain range, we entered a valley. As we crossed into the valley, I felt a presence and it seemed like I was being watched. Within a day we made it to a large port city with many different types of people. We pulled up to a large building that looked like a tropical hut with large windows. People looked at our caravan but kept passing by.
The lead orc greeted a smaller man about my build with pointy ears and a cape attached to chrome looking armor. They looked in our direction and nodded. A couple of orc guards opened the cart door and helped unload our equipment.
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The lead orc came to me and shook my hand.
"Luke, thank you for your noble stand and for the betterment of our tribe. Please take care of Kaylin our kin." With that he held a fist to his chest and bowed his head to me. So I copied him.
The rest of the orc guards did the same. They packed up and traveled out of the town.
"Welcome to Giovia friends!" Said the pointy eared man.
"I am McKael, lead counsel of Giovia the city of refuge. I have been informed of your situation. We have dispatched the Sorcerer he awaits your arrival. Right this way please."
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We went into a large building where many different types of people talked, ate food, and shopped. It looked like a hotel plaza or a safari type of restaurant. If it wasn't for the peculiar carvings and architecture of the building, it could really pass for a building in San Diego.
We followed the man through a hallway and into an old wooden door. Inside was an old man in a robe. He had stubble on his face and a hard look to him. He was an average build with bright blue eyes. He didn't look any more than just like your average old white man.
"Thank you McKael. I will take care of everything from here. I have been expecting these guests."
McKael bowed himself and excused himself from the room.
The man motioned with his hand to a couch. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. My name is Neroon, the sorcerer of Giovia. What brings you here?"
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I looked at Kaylin, she just nodded at me.
"My name is Luke and this is Kaylin. I came because I fell through a portal a few months ago from my world and ended up here. With Kaylin's help, we have traveled to find a way for me to get back home."
The old man grunted and grabbed a cup sipping from it.
"It had a ring of fire around it and sucked you in, correct?"
"Yes exactly. And it happened, when I read these strange words from a book I found in the cabin I sheltered in."
" you were able to cast a portal spell from an ancient magic book and did it successfully." He said setting the cup down.
"Me, cast a spell?"
"Luke, there are many ways to explain this and quite honestly I would love to. But to put it plainly, it seems you have the ability to use magic and possibly harness the ability for ancient magic."
At the words of ancient magic, Kaylin leaned forward. She hadn't spoken in days.
"So he could have used ancient magic all along?!"
She says in shock.
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"Not exactly my dear. Your friend may potentially have the ability to, but he must be unlocked first. Then I have to test the ancient magic's response to him."
"So I have to be unlocked?" I asked confused.
He started smashing some herbs and was gathering items from cabinets around the room as he talked.
"Yes, so if you want, I can assist you to unlock your magic. But ultimately you're the one who unlocks it. I just guide the process."
"Yes, I want to. When can we start?"
"You have alot to learn Luke. Let patience be your first lesson. But yes we can"
He finished mixing a drink and handed me the cup.
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"Before you drink that, you have to clear your mind and heart. Intention is everything in magic. Do you have any sorrows right now? Because depression and sorrow lead to corruption, in magic that makes your magic dangerous."
I breathed really deep before answering.
"Yes, I have alot of sorrow right now."
"You have to let those out." He said a matter of factly.
"Like how?" I said with a lifted eyebrow.
"You have to say it out loud, to get it out. Especially for others to hear. It then releases from you and then you can be clear. This must be done to make sure your unlocked magic isn't corrupted, which will end in tragedy."
I looked at Kaylin knowing that what I was about to say would totally affect us.
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"This is going to be really hard, but...I miss my little girls and home, but not my wife as much. She has treated me like trash for the last few years. I was only loyal to her because that's what you do in a marriage..." I took a breathe and continued closing my eyes and spoke slowly. This part I said with all my heart to get it out.
"I really care about Kaylin and am hurt because I don't want to leave her. But I'm afraid that if I go back home, I'll never find a way back to Arcadia."
I was breathing hard and nervous, so I just kept my head down. But I could feel Kaylin starring at me.
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A few minutes went by and I considered what just happened. Kaylin was looking at me but didn't say anything.
"Ok, is that everything that was bothering you?"
"Yes sir, that's it." I said checking how I felt.
"Well then, drink the potion and wait until I tell you what to do."
I took the cup and drank it, but not to fast. It had a minty taste to it. While I drank it, Neroon started moving his hands in a circular motion. I felt a tug inside of my body like something in me was getting bigger.
Neroon continued with his circular motion, then extended his hands to me. And I felt like a bubble popped inside of me.
"Now take what seems like something popping inside of you, concentrate very hard on where that felt inside, grab it with your mind and pull it out like your going to take it out of your body."
I could sense where it was inside and felt like I had hands going inside my body. I focused on reaching to grab that bubble. I felt a water balloon type object and pulled it out. When I did, it felt like the balloon burst and covered me in hot liquid. All of the sudden Kaylin gasped and starred at me.
"What happened?" I could feel a burning sensation all around me, like I was soaked in hot liquid.
"You're glowing a dark orange Luke." Kaylin said.
"Hmmm, you have unlocked your magic but it is a special kind. It seems you are not a standard elemental magic. But rather a deeper magic."
"Is that a good thing?" I asked feeling the heat waves burning. I pushed a little internally and felt the heat whip out of me and intensify.
"Oh wow!" Said Kaylin.
"Ahhh this is good." Said Neroon.
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"Ok so now, pull it back and let it rest like going to sleep."
I laid it down and felt it get cooler as it went to sleep. Neroon grabbed my cup and washed it out.
"Now for the Ancient test."
"More?!" I said looking at my hands and arms.
"Yes, this is just the beginning. This is the student phase of magic. You now have to learn to control it and what kinds of magic you can use. But first we need to see how ancient magic reacts to you."
He sat back down with an old book similar to the one I read on the table back in the cabin. Flipping through some pages he stopped on a page with a sketch of a man standing next to his own image.
"This test is both an experiment and test."
"What do you mean?" Both Kaylin and I leaned forward in the chair.
"You have a long way to go, before you can create a portal back to your homeland, but I can only give you temporary access to it. Do you want to go visit your home?" He leaned forward until he was very close to me.
I sat back in awe that I will have a chance to go home for a little bit.
"Wait, how does this work?" I asked nervously.
"To cast this teleportation spell, it requires you to have been there before and it leaves a part of your consciousness here, while the rest of you teleports to your destination. But it can only be done for a day or until you fall asleep. Then you will wake back up here. You can't live without your mind, so that's why you come back. It takes ancient magic to do this. Therefore, if the spell works, it is because you have the ability to harness this magic and the ancient magic accepts you."
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"I want to go with him." Kaylin said quickly.
I looked at her in shock.
"Why do you want to go with me?" I asked.
"Because, I heard what you said about your world and want to see if it's true." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
"The only way this can be done, is you first have to be connected and there are only two ways possible for that."
I was curious now, I would love to show Kaylin my world and also if she can go, then maybe I can see her again when I can make a portal.
"The first way is to make love together. The two are one by natural means, swapping parts of themselves with each other and it creates a physical, emotional, and spiritual bond. This process is the only way this can be done."
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We both were silent, she dropped her head.
"Ok, and what's the other option?" I said.
"So we can make a temporary potion, but it requires body fluid from both of you. This will create a temporary bond of you two together. And until you sleep you can interact with things in the other world. The risk is, if you leave before she does, she will be trapped in your world and die. Her conscience will be severed from her body."
Without hesitation.
"I'm ready!" She said.
"Me too." I agreed.
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Neroon grabs some items and started mixing into two cups. He grabs a needle and holds my hand open. He pricks my finger and squeezes a drop of blood into each cup. He does the same to Kaylin. After mixing the drinks, he hands a cup to each of us.
"When you're ready drink the potion and wait for me to finish."
"Wait, can I bring something with me? And can I interact with other people there?" I asked.
"Yes you can, is the answer to both of your questions."
Looking around the room I tried to find a token or something I could bring. Then I remembered my necklace from the Lok'Tar Tribe. Touching it with my hand. They had given us Lok'Tar beads after the trial as a thank you. They weren't like the one that prevented magic in me.
"Ok, I'm ready. Are you ready?" I asked Kaylin.
"Yes I am."
As soon as we finished Neroon started waving his arms around and saying something. The room turned a shade of dark red and it got darker.
"Drink them now!" Neroon said.
As he kept going with the spell. My head began to spin, so I grabbed Kaylin's hand, she squeezed my hand in return. The room grew dim and flashes of memories of the cabin, my job, the accident, and the house flooded my mind. I felt like I was flying over the cliff again, as I drifted in the air of Neroons couch and then everything went blank and quiet.
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