A car drives by my house, as I stand across the street with Kaylin by my side.
"What was that?" She said pointing at the car.
"That's a car. Remember, I said we don't ride horses, we drive cars."
My house looked different, something has changed. My car sat off to the side, it looked like it hadn't been driven in a long time. The windows were dirty and leaves were caked on it. There was a for sale sign in the yard and it looked like nobody was home. I grabbed Kaylin's hand, as she was looking around.
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I punched in the code to the house and unlocked the front door. The living room was crowded with boxes, the cupboards were open and the kitchen was bare. I closed and locked the door behind Kaylin. She was looking around at everything.
"It seems they are moving?" I said.
"Who? I don't see anyone moving around." I chuckled at Kaylin.
"No, I mean it looks like my family is going to go to a different house."
"This is your house?" She asked.
"Yes, but it seems no one is home." Just as I said that, I heard little footsteps running around upstairs. Quickly I went up the stairs, Kaylin followed close behind. When I got to the top, the girl's bedroom door was closed. I could hear some quiet chatter behind the door, so I did my normal knock on the door. I could hear some rustling behind the door. Slowly the door opened and my oldest peeked her head out the door.
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"Hey Nadia, it's me daddy." She screamed and slammed the door.
"No, you're not real!! You died they said!" She yelled.
"Nadia, it's ok. You're having one of those fits again." I heard Alana say to her sister.
I knocked again. Kaylin was standing right behind me. She was quiet, I'm sure confused.
The door opened slowly again, this time it was Alana. She looked at me with a confused look and cocked her head to the side.
"Hey baby, it's me daddy! I have missed you so much."
She started crying and shaking her head. She opened the door and slowly walked toward me.
"You're not real, I'm just imagining you here. Right?" She had tears flowing down her face. Nadia peeked around the corner with her mouth wide open and tears trickling down.
Just so that they knew it was me, I reached out and grabbed Alana and held her close, kissing her forehead. Her little body shook in my arms.
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"Daddy, you're alive! You're alive!?" She just held me for a while. My oldest daughter started to really cry and came to hug me too. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started to cry too. We just held each other.
"Sorry it took me so long girls. It has been a serious adventure to get here." They wiped there eyes and smiled really big.
"Daddy, your really here and alive!" Alana said.
"Yes I am. I have alot to tell you, but what is happening here?" I said pointing to the boxes.
"We are moving to Mr. Dan's house." Nadia said.
"Wait, my boss Dan?" I asked.
Nadia and Alana shook their heads, then looked at Kaylin for the first time.
"Who is this daddy?" Alana asked.
"Girls, this is my good friend Kaylin. I will tell you girls more, but first, do you want to go on a road trip?" Kaylin waved and said hi.
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"We can, but we have to be back before ten tonight. Mom and Dan are going to come home and make sure we are in bed."
"Wait, where are they now?" I asked.
"They are at a restaurant and told us to be good and don't hurt ourselves." Nadia said.
"So they just left you here?" I was shocked, what was Karen doing with Dan anyways? And how long was this going on?
"Yep. They do this alot, ever since you...died?"
"Wait, I'm supposed to be dead?"
They shook their heads.
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I got up from holding them and went to my old room. Looking through the drawers, I found some of my old things like the keys to my car, and an old wallet with an expired driver's license, a few credit cards, and Karen's diary. Stuffing them into my pockets I got an old jacket. When I walked out of the room the girls were talking with Kaylin and laughing. Kaylin seemed to be getting along with them. Looking at Kaylin, she was still in her war gear, minus the weapons.
Quickly, I went into the closet and grabbed one of my favorite dresses and shoes. I was feeling a strong sense of bitterness toward Karen and decided to treat Kaylin, who really cares about me, as the woman of my life. I grabbed the watch I bought Karen, and put it in my pocket.
"Kaylin. Sorry but can you please wear this, so that you fit in more like my world."
"What are these going to protect me against? They are so thin and doesn't seem to protect me at all." She asked innocently.
"These are what a woman in my world would wear." I said.
"Yeah, those are daddies favorite clothes for mommy. He use to love it when she wore it." Said Nadia.
"Yeah, but mommy said she hated these clothes and that daddy doesn't have any taste." Alana commented.
I know the girls don't mean to hurt me, but these words hit me hard.
"If you wouldn't mind, please." I asked Kaylin.
She started taking her shirt off. When I stopped her.
"Wait, wait...in the bathroom." I said pointing toward the bathroom.
"It's dark in there, how will I see?" She asked, looking confused. The girls giggled as I turned on the light and Kaylin flinched.
"Remeber the lights I told you about, that they are like candles?" She was starring at the light bulb and the light switch trying to understand it. So I flicked the light on and off a few times for her, then she tried it. She flipped it on and off. Shrugging her shoulders she closed the door behind her.
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"Daddy, she's funny. Where did you meet her at?" Nadia asked.
"Uh, it's a long story girls. I'll tell you in the car, ok?"
"Ok daddy." They said.
"Go get your shoes on so we can go."
Quickly they ran into their room.
Kaylin opened the door and looked at me.
"Luke can you come here and help me? I don't know how to wear this right."
I got a little nervous knowing that I was going to have to dress Kaylin. Closing the door behind me, she had the dress inside out, and she had her arm stuck through the neck hole, her other arm in the arm hole. I tried not to laugh and stare at her too hard.
"It's ok, I understand this is your first time dressing like this, but I'll help you."
Without saying much I pulled the dress off of her. She had just her panties on, but no bra. I tried not to stare at her nearly perfect body.
"Uh, I'll be right back. You need a few more clothes."
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Slowly I left, and walked to the bedroom. The girls were standing by the bathroom. "Everything ok dad?" Alana asked.
"Yes ma'am, just trying to help Kaylin with her dress."
"We can help her." Nadia said.
"No! Don't! I can help her honey...sorry I'll explain in the car. I promise."
They raised their eyebrows.
"We are girls daddy, boys don't know how to dress girls you know." Said Alana.
"Be done in a second girls."
Quickly, I grabbed some panties and a bra, and rushed bask inside. Kaylin was looking at herself in the mirror when I came in. I had to look away because of the way she was standing. I began to blush.
"Hey Luke, I saw you." That made me blush harder.
"S-sorry Kaylin. I d-didn't mean to."
"I'm just messing with you." She chuckled.
"Um...here is a bra for your chest. And these are for..."
"You know we have underwear too. Remember I tried to be a human. I just haven't worn a dress like this. Just show me which hole is for my head. I can figure out the rest."
She snapped on the bra and adjuster herself, while I looked away. I then showed her the direction of the dress and left the bathroom for her to finish. I felt like a teenager again.
"Daddy you're really red and sweaty." The girls said.
"Thanks girls. I was really embarassed." I said wiping my head.
Shortly after, the bathroom door opened and I was stunned. She was slightly shorter than Karen but was definitely more curvy. That bra barely held her.
"Well girls what do you think?" Kaylin asked.
"You look way better than mommy. I think daddy might turn red again."
I nervously laughed as I did.
"Oh wait. Here this would be much better on you."
I dug out the watch and slipped it on her wrist. The girls gave her the thumbs up.
"Wait, we can help with the next part Kaylin."
"Sure girls what do you got for me?" Kaylin asked.
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The girls ran off and grabbed their hair brushes and some hair pins. They all went into the bathroom as I walked downstairs. The house was pretty much gutted. The clock on the wall said 10:00 am. We still have alot of the day left.
Picking up a picture, it was of Dan and Karen holding each other. Looking at it, I noticed the watch she had on was the one I bought her. She never wore it around me. Analyzing it closer they were in a restaurant. There was a waitress behind them serving a table. This was our...my favorite restaurant. That lady quit working there a month before I got my promotion.
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Wait a minute how long has she been having an affair on me? Was this why our relationship was so rocky the whole last year. You know I had alot more work at the office and came home late most nights. I didn't see my wife till late usually. Dan went home at five every night. So he was getting with Karen while I was at the office. And where was all the stuff she was buying. She was running up my cards, but with nothing to show.
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I threw the picture and cracked it on the counter. That's fine Karen, keep your Dan. I died to you a long time ago. I don't care about her no more. It's about my girls now...and Kaylin. Pondering what to do, suddenly I got an idea. If I came here today with Neroon's help, then surely we can do this again. But this time I'm doing things the right way.
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"Daddy?! Are you ready to turn red again? This time you might be a tomato."
Coming down the stairs, Kaylin had an elegance that I haven't seen before. She was always this tough, but caring woman. Sometimes I forget she's an orc. Her hair came down her shoulders and accented her look. She had a white skirt on with her cleavage showing, mainly cause her bra was too small to contain her curvy figure. But she was stunning. She smiled at me and her eyes seemed to glow as I looked at her for the second time as a beautiful woman.
"I see you didn't turn red this time. So you must be alright around me now?" She said holding out her hand. Without thinking, I held up her hand and kissed it.
"Ewww daddy." Said the girls.
"Sorry girls."
"He didn't turn red girls, I think he likes the hair. Thank you." Kaylin said smiling at me. Her eyes were purple. I have never noticed before. They were very alluring and were pulling me to her. But I shook my head when she spoke to me.
"Luke, are you going to stare at me all day or are we going to go somewhere in your car?" She asked smirking and walking to the front door.
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"Daddy, Kaylin says she hasn't ever been in a car on her world. Let's show her your car." Said Alana.
"Ok, uh...yeah she's right, in her world they ride horses. So let's show her what a car is."
We left the house and locked it. My car unlocked getting close to it. The girls got in the back and buckled their seat belts. Kaylin looked at the inside of the car, at first not knowing what to do.
"You sit in the chair and get in one leg at a time. Just like the carts." She got in clumsily and plopped down in the seat.
"Carts? Daddy what are those?" Asked Nadia.
"Uh, one second girls." I said starting up the car. Kaylin had her mouth wide open looking at all the lights and feeling the a/c kick on.
"Amazing, huh?" I asked Kaylin.
"This is so...amazing. What are all these things?" She asked, but before I could tell her, the girls started to show and tell her everthing.
Content with the girls showing Kaylin, I pulled up the outlet mall in the navigation.
"Kaylin, you need to buckle your seat belt. Help her out girls." The girls explained to her how it works and soon she was buckled in. Before I took off, I looked at Kaylin who was smiling like a kid.
"Ready to go?" I asked her.
"Yes, I'm ready. How does it work?"
I simply pulled forward and she gasped in shock. This was going to be fun.
I planned on driving to the outlet mall to spoil the girls and by them everything they wanted, and of course to treat Kaylin. As we drove, the girls were explaining everything to Kaylin as she asked them a bunch of questions. You know, I could get used to this.
"Hey girls are you hungry?"
"Yeah! Can we get some chicken fingers?" Asked Alana.
"I didn't think chickens had fingers?" Said Kaylin.
"So you really aren't from this world?" Said Nadia.
Knowing what the girls normally get, I ordered for everyone. While waiting in line Kaylin started explaining Arcadia to them. Now the girls had tons of questions. Getting our food, we drove across the street to the outlet mall. I explained to Kaylin the food, she seemed to really enjoy it.
"This chicken is amazing." She said. The girls laughed.
"Kaylin, your going to be saying that alot." Said Alana.
After eating, we headed to the stores. The girls loaded me down with a bunch of clothes and shoes. I bought Kaylin some outfits. She really liked the hair pieces. The girls picked out a really nice one for her. Nadia and Alana got along so well, it really brought out the woman in Kaylin. We ate ice cream together, that was of course with alot of laughs. Kaylin enjoyed the mall.
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I purchased a prepaid phone and dialed Karen's number. It rang for awhile, then went to voice-mail. I called again until she picked up.
"Hello, who's this?"
"Hello Karen, it's me Luke." I said feeling the bitterness rise up.
"Luke? Is that you? That's not possible." She said with panic in her voice.
"Listen, it has taken me a long time to get back. Long story short, I was lost in the woods and was hurt falling off a cliff. I had to recover in a town on the otherside. I didn't have any way to get back, so I traveled a long ways." I explained without saying that it was all in a whole different world.
"But we thought you were dead...and I moved on...and we..."
"Look, I made it home...I know about you and Dan's affair. The girls said you two are at a restaurant. That's fine, you can file for a divorce, and sell the house. I just want half of the sell, I have to start my life over. By the way, how did my car get back here?"
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"Luke, I'm so sorry. We had your car repaired, because both our names were on the loan. So I was going to sell it. But I didn't..."
"Karen, save it! I don't care about you and Dan. Just file for divorce, I'm going to refinance the car in my name. Take whatever you want, I just need enough to get a place and start over. Ok?"
"Ok." She said with panic in her voice.
"Can I please talk to Dan?" I half asked, and demanded.
"Uh...yeah...one sec."
I could hear her fumbling with the phone and Karen saying something about....he's alive...
"Hey Luke...you ok? No hard feelings right?" Dan said nervously.
"Dan, you can have Karen, I don't care. Even if you got rid of my job, that's ok I can start over. There are two things I want, when you guys have the girls staying with you. You better take good care of them. Otherwise it won't look good for you, I still have alot of your files. The second thing is, I want half the money for my house...I need a server and a lump sum of money, we will call it even if you can do that. No harm, no foul. Do we have a deal?"
Dan cleared his throat and talked really quiet. "I'll get you those things, and take care of the girls. And I'll give you a large sum of money and right it off as charity. But if I catch you snooping around my company, let's just say they won't find you next time." His threat was strong, but I didn't budge, knowing my potential with magic and Kaylin by my side.
"Ok Dan, I'll settle for that. I have the girls for today and will return them home safe and sound before you're done for the day. Let's settle all of this before the divorce is finalized. Then we will part ways and go about our lives." I said not backing down from my position.
"It's a deal Luke, you have my word...well alright Luke! Glad you're alive and well. Talk to you soon or not." He said loudly before the phone hung up. The girls looked at me confused as I hung up the phone.
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"Where else do you girls want to go?"
By this time it was about four. They agreed on a nice park. When we got there, it was very empty as the girls ran to the swings and pulled Kaylin along. Soon they were swinging together and laughing. I helped push the girls for awhile.
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"Daddy you should push Kaylin, she could use your help too."
"Yeah, Dad can you push me too?" She smiled at me. I couldn't say no to Kaylin, I think she was enjoying the moment. I pushed her a few times as the girls winked at me.
It was about six when we walked in the park around the small trail they had.
"Now this feels like home to me." Kaylin said walking by my side. The girls ran ahead and around us.
"Is it because of the trees and the field?" I asked, honestly curious.
"You know, I didn't believe you when you talked about your world. I thought you were just some nice guy, who got lost in the woods at first."
The girls ran back and forth, I could tell they were happy.
"At first? Then what happened?" I asked.
"Well, then you risked your life being a weak man trying to save an exiled orc. But that wasn't what did it for me really."
"Let me guess it was when I teamed up with you against the bandits right? They didn't even see it coming..."
"No, it was when you stood up for me at the trial and said that you saw that I wanted to help people. That was when I realized you weren't like anyone I ever met before. Arcadia is a survival of the strongest. But you didn't know how to survive. You just cared about me. And I wasn't mad at you because you were loyal to your family."
I was honestly confused, because I thought for sure it was that.
"It was the reality that one day, I was going to lose you. And I still haven't accepted that. But for now while you are here. I feel like I'm home."
I didn't know what to say, I just breathed deeply. Slipping my hand in hers, I squeezed it real tight.
She turned to me holding my hand and for the first time, we had a long kiss. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could feel that burning sensation coming from deep inside of me. It filled up and I could feel it pour into Kaylin, who stayed connected to me and drew closer. I felt very warm and could tell that my magic was turned on and burning.
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"Daddy? You know your glowing?" Said Nadia.
"You look like a orange light bulb. Kaylin does too." I looked at Kaylin as we separated. Her eyes glowed a deep purple and she smiled at me.
"Thank you Luke." She said.
"You're welcome." We stood there for a moment starring at each other.
I felt the magic go back to sleep and Kaylin stopped glowing.
"Dad, what just happened to you guys?" Said Alana.
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"Well girls, this is what happened that day I left to go down the mountain."
We walked back to the packed out car and started driving home. On the way I explained how I got to Arcadia. Then Kaylin began explaining the rest while I unloaded the girls stuff. I set everything down in their room and went back outside. She was at the part of the bandits when I got back in. Getting back on the road, I headed to a computer store.
Parking the car, Kaylin got to the part where we agreed to come to visit together. The girls asked alot of questions, but got the jest of everything.
"Ok girls, before I have to go back to Arcadia I am going to buy you a laptop so that you can keep things for me. I'm going to build it so no one can break into it but you girls."
They agreed.
"Kaylin, can you explain to them how much time we have and why? I'll be right back."
"Ok, will you be gone long?" She asked.
"No, I'll be right back." Then I headed across the parking lot. Inside I grabbed two of the best laptops I could find and the largest external hard drives. Making the purchase I found some guys trying to talk to Kaylin.
"Can I help you with something?" I said putting the bags in the car.
"Yeah punk, we're gonna take your girl and have a little fun with her."
"Really? That's not the first time I ever heard that."
"Watch this girls, I taught him how to do this." Kaylin told the girls inside the car.
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Going around the side of the car facing the group of guys, I could feel my magic wake up and my body burning.
"Oh look he's got a magic trick!" The guy with a goatee and a biker jacket said as he went to swing at me. Dodging out of the way, I grabbed his arm and snapped it in half breaking it at the elbow. He dropped to the ground in pain.
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"Anyone else?" I said feeling my magic intensify.
There were four guys by my car. The first two stepped up and lunged at me. Concentrating on the one, I stuck out my hand stopping the guy in his tracks and swiped my arm down slamming him into the pavement.
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"I didn't teach him that?!" Kaylin said with her eyes wide open.
"Come on guys, you came all this way to talk to my girls and then wanna start a fight? This is your lucky day."
The three other guys surrounded me one grabbed me from behind. The other two went to punch me in the gut. Kicking the guys knee out to my left, the magic surged through me and blew out his knee. The second guy went to punch me, but hit an orange field, crushing his hand. Head butting the guy behind me, he grabbed his face. Grabbing the guy in front of me, I hurled him into the other guy knocking them over. Straightening out my clothes, my magic died down. Casually, I walked back to the car, got in, and drove away. Leaving those guys behind we headed back to the house.
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"Dad that was so cool! You had that orange glow around you again, and then you didn't even touch the one guy you slammed on the ground." Said Nadia.
"I will say that I am pretty impressed. It seems your magic is working even in your world." Kaylin said.
"Neroon did say it is based on intent. So I wonder if it's driven by emotion?" I said.
"Well, whatever it is will definitely help in battles we face back in Arcadia." Said Kaylin.
"Oh yeah, so girls. Did kaylin explain how much time we have left?"
"Yes, that it's until you go to sleep. But when will you come back?" Asked Alana.
"I'm not sure girls, but if I can do it this time, then I just have to learn how to do this again. But it might be awhile."
"Like a long time?" Asked Nadia.
"We don't know girls but we will be back as soon as we can." Kaylin said...Wait she just said we.
"We?" I said.
"Yeah, we. I love these girls there's no way your coming back here without me." Kaylin said matter of factly.
"Yeah dad, no way." Said the girls together.
"Besides I think Kaylin loves you anyways." Nadia said.
"Yeah, she looks at you all the time. Plus she told us you are a good handsome man."
Kaylin blushed really hard.
"Oh did she now. And what else did she say?"
"Ok girls that's good thanks for the help." Kaylin said waving her hand.
"It's ok girls, I think I love her too. I mean she did only save my life like a few times. Plus have you seen her in this dress. I mean..."
Kaylin smiled at me and gave me a big hug.
"Really, is that how you really feel about me?" Kaylin asked.
"I'll tell you back at Arcadia." I said as she raised her eyebrow.
"You better. Or I might have to stuff your head in a tree." The girls laughed as I booted up the computer and started programming it for the girls. The clock said 9:30pm, it was close to the time. Finishing up the laptop, I locked it down and gave the girls the passwords. Because I bought them new phones, I encrypted their phones so they could have acces to their stuff.
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"So girls this is the hardest part, ok? But listen, you be strong. Listen to your mom. It's ok if they sell all my stuff. That's why I bought you a bunch of things. We will be back as soon as we can. I have alot to learn and will be back." They started crying and I knew they were going to have a hard time.
"I will help dad learn how to get us back here for you. And thank you for teaching me so much. I had alot of fun. So get ready for me when I come back." Kaylin said. It was 9:50pm. We had to go or get caught.
I took the beads from my back pack and put them on Nadia. Kaylin put hers on Alana. We kissed both the girls and gave them a big hug.
"I love you daddy, be safe." They said.
"We love you too girls." I said walking downstairs and out the back door. We quickly hopped the fence into a wooded area. Watching from the back fence, the girls waved at us. We waved back, when suddenly two adult figures walked up to the window and looked into the yard.
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We ducked behind the fence and made our way through the woods. Finding a nice spot, we cleared the area and laid down. Kaylin laid halfway on top of me, as I laid on my back with the back pack strapped to my Torso.
"So you really love me?" Asked Kaylin.
"I thought about it for awhile, after seeing what Karen did, I decided it didn't matter anymore. She had been with another man long before I came to Arcadia. Plus I knew how I felt about you when I stood by Chief Lumar's throne. So yes Kaylin, I love you."
She leaned over and kissed me for a long time. When we finally broke our kiss, we laid their looking at each other. My magic seemed to wake up again. It was a low heat.
"Can you control when it turns on or even what you do with it?" Kaylin asked.
"No, it seems like my magic wakes up when my emotions are strong."
"So you do love me." She said like a school girl.
"I told you already."
She just smiled and closed her eyes. After a few minutes, I felt her body fade away. My heart beat faster as I was alone in my world again. I missed her already. Quickly I tried to relax and closed my eyes. It took awhile, but soon I felt the pull. Suddenly, my memories flashed to the house with boxes, Kaylin at the mall, the girls on the swings, the fight at the store, then the hugs of the girls, lastly Kaylin's arms around my body.
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My eyes snapped open, I was sitting on the couch facing Neroon. Kaylin was hugging my body.
"Oh so I wasn't dreaming then?" I said hugging her back.
"No, I held you the whole time. One minute I was in the woods, the next I was on this couch."
Neroon cleared his throat and we let go of each other.
"I see you two have made some steps forward."
"Yeah, It was very warming." I said thinking of my magic.
"Did you use your magic while back home?" He asked.
"Yes, it happened when some guys tried to attack Kaylin and my daughters."
"I could tell, your conscience seemed to glow very bright and flashed at times. Which means you have learned to use it a little."
"I don't think it was a little. While he was fighting, he was able to stop one guy from advancing and slammed him on the ground. It seemed to enhance hits, and block others from hitting him." Kaylin reported.
"So it seems the ancient magic is working. Ancient magic is alive. Unlike elemental magic, ancient magic is manipulated by the user based on intent, desire, and emotion." Neroon went on.
"Every choice you make determines the direction the ancient magic takes you. For example, you are faced with a choice to do good or evil. When you choose good, that is the direction of purity. Which is the strongest magic. But if you choose evil, this is the way of corruption and this magic, although powerful, it will consume you into a magical demon. Corruption always ends in tragedy."
"So I just need to chose to do good and I'll be ok." I stated.
"Yes, however not all choices are that easy to understand. You may make a choice assuming it is right. But because it was with evil intention, that is a bad choice."
"So my first lesson is patience then." I said.
"You are a fast learner and a listening student."
Neroon gets up and cleans out the dishes. His home was very clean and comfortable. It didn't have much and neither was it crowded."I will show you your bed chamber. Would you prefer to stay in separate rooms?"
Kaylin and I looked at each other and smiled.
"No, its fine a single chamber would be good."
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Neroon chuckled as he led us down the hall to a large door. Inside the room was a large bed in the middle. A nice dresser with a mirror, a few candles lit and a bath tub in the corner.
"You can stay here while you train. And you ma'am can accompany him as well, you may learn a few things." He said to us.
"Thank you. We are glad to be here." Kaylin said.
"Good night, sleep well. We have alot to learn to tomorrow." With that he closed the door.
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"So where were we at in the woods again?" Said Kaylin biting her lip. "Um, we were actually laying down first. If I remember correctly." I said as she kicked the shoes off I gave her. She grabbed me with her strength and held me close to her, as she kissed me. We staggered back to the bed, throwing our clothes to the floor. My magic woke up as Kaylin and I started to passionately kiss. Blowing out all the candles, there was just the faint glow of our love making in the room. After we were done, the glow stopped and we held each other until we both went fast to sleep.
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Daylight woke me up. Getting ready, I focused my attention to learning. I have to grow, so that I can get back to the girls. Kaylin gets up and gets ready.
"What are your plans for today?" I asked her.
"After shopping with you and the girls, it made me realize that I have alot of learning to do. So I'm going to the market to start making our room more cozy for us both. Is there anything you want?"
I couldn't think of anything at the moment.
"No, I don't know what I want yet. But I do know that I will be studying hard today. I take it you have been to Giovia before?"
"Yes, a long time ago. But I was only interested in whatever business deals. So now, I'm going for a different reason." She loaded her battle axe, gave me a quick kiss goodbye and out the door she went.
Greeted by Neroon, he had several books out on a table and was shuffling through some scrolls.
"Oh good you're awake. Let me get you some breakfast." I looked around a little while he prepared something.
"Those are spell books and scrolls. It has been a long time since I had a student. The last one I had turned corrupt and left without a trace."
"Who was that, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked.
"Unfortunately, it was my son." He said without flinching at the thought.
"Your son? How did that happen?" I focused now on Neroon.
"Remember when I said, the decisions we make determine which direction the ancient magic will lead you."
I shook my head, but I don't think he saw me.
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"He wanted more, his greed for power drove him out. He became corrupt in search for more. Nothing satisfied him, he was very good with his control. But with the desire for power and the intent for others to praise him, he turned into a hungry man for greed. He wouldn't stop for anything, until he got what he wanted. Corruption plagued his mind and drove him to the wilderness. No one knows where he is now. But, if he isn't dead. He is still searching for more."
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Neroon seemed genuinely happy teaching me.
"Before we get started, is it possible to go back to my home world like that again?"
"Yes, you can go back as often as you like. The only problem is you have to make sure nothing interrupts me here and you need strength to maintain your conscience. And if Kaylin is traveling with you. The same goes for her. How often do you want to travel?" Neroon instructed.
"I would like to go once a week, if possible or every other weak. I have alot to build over there." I stated.
"Hmmm...then we need to get your magic stronger. Ancient magic responds to you. So if you can practice and learn to be strong and patient, then time isn't an issue."
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"It means, if your a good student. The ancient magic will help you advance quickly. You might even be able to open a portal sooner than later."
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He set down a plate of food that smelled great. When I ate it, I could feel my magic move inside of me. The flavor seemed to intensify. Neroon sat across from me sipping a cup.
"That is an herbal dish with enchanted mushrooms. This will help open up your magic, so that you can get use to having your magic active. Reading books is good, but practice is better." Said Neroon flipping through a spell book.
He turned the page to a picture that looked just like the page I saw in the cabin with the fire circle.
"Have you seen this before?" Said Neroon.
"Yes, that's the same page I read that opened the portal to here." I said chewing on the pancake like meal.
"This spell is not hard. But requires a safe environment due to the fire and heat. Once you go through it, it closes and you have to cast it again to come back." He taught me.
"So how do I know where to open it up at?" I asked.
"Did you see any carvings or relics in the place you opened up this portal?" Neroon said, flipping the page back to the symbol I touched in the cabin. Now that I think of it, the way my arm burned then, is they way my magic feels when active now.
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"Yes, they were carved on the table and glowing." I answered.
"This is because someone had enchanted the table, and used it as a way point to travel to Arcadia. Do you remember where you were, when you came through the portal to Arcadia?" He asked.
"Yes, it was in a forest outside of Drulle. But there was someone who tried to kill me. I was protected by a deer."
Neroon scratched his chin, got up and washed his cup.
"It seems the portal is guarded..." He was silent for a bit.
I scanned over the page and flipped it back to the portal page. I recognized some of the words I said in the cabin.
"Luke, you have to train. That way point can't be accessed by you, there is more going on then meets the eye. We will need to start as soon as you're done eating."