"how could you hate me so much? " he asked
"you made it easy to " i replied
I stood there shivering in the cold, I've been standing here for almost 10 minutes now, I had to tell him because he needed to know it was his right. I mean how would I feel if I were in his shoes? But them again who knows what telling him would bring? I mean, he could reject me, throw me out...beat me up...ok now I know that I'm over exaggerating...beat me up?? Really?? Augh!!!! this is soo confusing...breath in....breath out... I stood there breathing for a couple of minutes gathering up as much confidence as I needed when I felt like my armor of confidence was thick enough, I knocked on the door and waited...
One minute....
Two minutes...
Three minutes...
Yes! No one's home....at least I tried, I was about to skip home in delight and shame when the door opened; there stood the love of my life, my future husband, the man of my...I was brought out of my deep thinking to see a smirking Denvil
"You see anything you like?" he asked with a smile
"Shut up" I whispered
I smiled up at him and he responded with a similar smile making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, at once I was confused as to why I was scared to tell him. He loved me and told me so himself .maybe this was what I needed for him to take me away from my stepdad, this was the stepping stone in my life.
"Hi Denvil"
"Hey hope"
"Umm may I come in?"
"oh sorry...of course...mi casa es su casa..."
I walked inside and noticed his dad watching football...I never got the purpose of that game, I mean twenty two grown as men chasing one stupid ball...are they that broke that they cant get a ball of their own??? But then again what do I know? I come from a little country where most games involved a stick and holes...
"Good evening Mr. Monroe" I said while giving him a small wave...
"oh hey hope, how are you doing honey"
"I'm good, thanks for asking"
"You here to see Den?"
"Yea, i missed him..." I said with a blush "we are going to his room to talk and hangout...so I will see you later"
"okay...just remember to not do anything I would...and be safe"
I felt a blush covering my face. Denvil seeing me blush chuckled.
"That wasn't funny... it was embarrassing"
"I thought it was funny. Besides he knows we've done it"
"what!!!?? How"
" I bet he heard your loud screams"
this caused me to blush even harder," Oh my God, I want to disappear right now". I said as I entered his room and sat on the bed while burying my face in my hands"
"Oh honey don't be embarrassed, it's only natural"
"Oh shut up"
"besides screaming meant I was doing something right"
"oh please stop talking, just stop talking..."
Letting out a deep heavy laugh he stated "ok ok, sheesh if you don't want me to talk about my sexual prowess in bed, I wouldn't... So not that I don't love your company but what brought by at this hour, you know that your step dad would freak if he found you missing"
"I know, but I had to talk to you. This is urgent. I found out yesterday and I had to tell you. I mean you have the right to know, even if you hate me for it..."
"wow wow wow, calm down honey what is it? What do I need to know?'
This was the moment of truth, but how to tell him something like this. I know he would be happy, he loved me and we had talked about having kids, but now??? With my mom gone and my step dad wanting me dead and my step sister making my life miserable? I mumbled to myself, I didn't even realize I was pacing until i felt him grab my shoulders, causing me to stumble a little and look at him with a mixture of fear and happiness.
"come on honey, nothing you say would make me hate you"
"you say that now"
"I promise...just trust me ok? And blurt it out."
"Ineedtotellyouthati'mpregnant" I said with a rush with my eye closed.
"Wait huh? What?"
"I'm pregnant?" it came out more like a question than a statement, slowly when it seemed like the silence was being dragged on I opened my eyes to see him as far away from me as possible. He looked to be in shock with his mouth and his eyes wide open staring at me. I knew this was a surprise but this wasn't the response I was expecting but then again he had every right to act like that, I mean look how I reacted and I'm the one carrying the child...for a second I thought of leaving him to his thoughts when he asked
"are you sure"
"Yea, I double checked"
"O MY GOD...wow, I mean wow... I'm going to be a father" he mumbled while sitting heavily on his bed.
"Are you happy about it?" I asked because I wanted to know, not scratch that, I needed to know.
"I don't know how I'm feeling, or what I'm feeling...its like all my emotions are in one giant ball...tangled up and I cant tell which one is which. I feel happy but I also feel weird, and aprrehentive and cautious and anxious...I mean my dad is expecting me to finish college and take over as CEO of his company but if I tell him you are pregnant then it means I would have to marry you as soon as possible and let you stay here while I finish college because you can't stay with your step-family"
"oh....ok...I mean happy is good, this was a bit sudden so why don't you just take some time to take it all in and tell your father about it while I go home and rest. I will see you in a couple of days right?" I told him, I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.
"umm ok, but wait...how do you feel about this?"
"like you, I don't know...but I know one thing for sure...I'm keeping it."
'ok...I will see you later..."
"yea. See you later Den...I love you"
"yea you too...good night
"goodnight Den..."
and with a heavy heart I walked out of his room... I heard Mr. Monroe say something as I walked out the front door but I didn't hear him, I was too busy wallowing in myself pity. How could I have been so stupid to hope that he would be ecstatic beyond compare, I know this isn't the right time to be doing this or for this to happen but he is to blame as much as me...but then again I feel like I'm the most dumbest person in the universe, I know of my predicament at home, why didn't I just insist that we wait until he was done with school or at least use protection at that time...just once when we forgot... I didn't set out to get pregnant; as a matter of fact I never wanted to have a baby as long as I was living with my step dad John. But what has happened has happened. I only hope Den makes up his mind before John finds out or else I'm dead.