The sunrise glows brightly on Mitras, in one one of the many mansions within the city lays Evelyn in her bedroom fast asleep dreaming of blood and death, she tosses and turns in her sleep before shooting up awake soaked in sweat.
Evelyn breaths deeply and leans over to her bedside table to grab her class of water and takes a big gulp. She places the glass back down on the table the slowly rolls out of bed.
Within an hour she has showered and gotten dressed, wearing black trousers and a white blouse and tied her hair in her red bow that she always wears. She goes downstairs to be greeted by her mother and father, who are just getting ready to leave "Morning sweetie, you sleep well?" Marry asked Evelyn. Evelyn shakes her head giving a sad look "Not really...keep having odd dreams, I don't even remember what they are about" Evelyn says.
Both Albert and Marry exchange looks "Well I'm sure it will pass kiddo. I'm sure with a day or two you'll be sleeping like a rock" Albert says to Evelyn. Evelyn shrugs her head "Meh I'm not really bothered...I'm mostly bothered by the fact its been a week and I can't remember anything still, apart from basic life stuff" Evelyn mumbles.
Albert and Marry look at there daughter in sadness "Well the doctor said it could take did have a rather nasty fall Evelyn" she explains. Marry pats her daughter on the shoulder "Hey me and your father are most likely going to be out for a long time today why don't you go outside and have a look around, maybe buy some new things" she says happily. She hands her daughter a purse full off money before giving her a goodbye hug. Marry and Albert leave leaving Evelyn all by herself. Evelyn sighs as she watches her parents leave and ride off in a carriage, she looks at the purse of money before placing it in her trouser pocket. Evelyn puts on her shoes and grabs her coat to head out to see what the city has to offer.
As she walks down the main path watching as all the upper class citizens pass her by. She spends a lot of time just walking around getting to know the area and memorizing it. Nothing really catches her interest as she continues to walk aimlessly around, until she notices a small dark open archway. She walks over curiously as she peers in she notices some long stairs leading down to what seems like another city (Well look at that, didn't think this city had another city right under it) she thinks about turing around to continue her aimlessly walking but curiosity gets the better of her and she starts to descend the long stairs.
Evelyn finally reaches the bottom of the stairs passing two seemingly drunk guards that appear to be guarding the stairs. She notices the change in temperature and button's up her jacket. She starts to walk around, she notices almost immediately that the underground was rather a poor place as she walks by homeless people and sick people just at on the floor. She gets an uneasy feeling (I really shouldn't be here...I should turn around and go back towards the entrance) She stops and turns around to go back but hears a small cough coming from a small alcove. She looks towards the small alcove before looking back towards the exit. She was about to start walking back before she heard another cough coming from the alcove (Sounds like a sick child...but I should really head back...but whoever's coughing could die if I don't do anything to help) Evelyn bites her lip before taking a breath and heading into alcove.
Evelyn looks around for the sorce of the coughing and sees a small boy who looks about the same age as her curled up by the side wall. He looks almost ghostly as if he could fade away at any moment. He lets out some small coughs before looking up at Evelyn. Evelyn smiles kindly at the boy and kneels down to him "Hey there, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you or anything I promise. You need any help? Your not looking to good" Evelyn says. The small boy looks to the girl "I'm...hungry" he says softly putting his head down between his knees.
Evelyn nods gently and looks around for possible places to acquire food, she remembers passing a food stall on the way to her current location. She stands up swiftly "Umm okay...I'll be back, stay right here okay. I'll be back as quickly as possible!" She explains before heading off. Within ten minutes she returns with a bag off all kinds of foods, glad that the boy remained where she left him "Hey I'm back and brought many foods!" She beams. She kneels down besides the boy, who looks at Evelyn in confusion as he thought she would not return. Evelyn reaches into the bag of food and pulls out some sandwiches, she offers one to the boy with a kind smile "Here ya go" she says kindly. The boy takes the sandwich and fastly eats it, as if he hadn't eaten in days. Evelyn smiles and also eats a sandwich.
They continue to eat and share food in silence till they are both full. Evelyn smiles at the boy "I hope you're feeling better now" the boy nods and remains silent. Evelyn sighs a little "You don't talk much do you?" She asks. The boy shrugs a little and remains silent, Evelyn shakes her head slightly "Well you could at least tell me your name at least...I presume you have one of those right?" Evelyn sighs out. The boys looks twords Evelyn "It's...Levi" he says quietly. Evelyn eyes light up in surprise "Soo the boy can speak?" She giggles, she smiles towards Levi "'s a nice name. I'm Evelyn and its nice to meet you" she says.
Levi continues to look at Evelyn in confusion as he thought she would leave after finishing the food " me?" He askes quietly. Evelyn puts her knees up to her chest and pursues her lips together "Hmm no particular reason, you just looked like you needed help and so I did" she explains. Levi tilts his head to side "Are angel?" He asks quietly and curious. Evelyn face bursts out into laughter, Levi continues to look at Evelyn. Evelyn eventually calms down "That's the first time I've laughed since I've been here, thanks you Levi I needed that!" She happily says. Levi continues to stare in confusion "Um...okay" he says. Evelyn smiles at Levi happily "Hey so you got any friends around here?" She asks. Levi shakes his head "I don't...have friends" he mumbles, Evelyn slightly nudges Levi "Well that's fine because me either but now we are each other's friends" she giggles. Levi smiles kindly towards Evelyn "I' that" Levi says looking somewhat happy for once.
They continue to talk for a bit longer before Evelyn realizes that she should be heading back home. Levi looks up at Evelyn as she stands up to leave "Will I see you again" Levi quietly asks Evelyn. Evelyn nods with a smile "Well yeah because we're friends now, I'll meet here again okay? I promise I'll be back" she says happily. Levi nods slightly "Okay...thank you Eva" he happily says. Evelyn giggles and waves goodbye before heading off back to the upper city.
Evelyn manages to make her way out of the underground and back into upper city. She notices the suns setting not realizing how long she'd been in the underground (I suppose without seeing the sky it's easy to loose track of the time) she walks off towards home in deep thought wondering if she will ever get her memories back. Feeling kinda lost without knowing the past nine years of her life. Also thinking that shouldn't tell her parents that she went into the underground city and plans on going back.
As the week went on Evelyn continued to meet Levi in underground in her free, bringing food and fresh water every visit. One day while she visited Levi in the underground in the usual spot they met, the two sat down together. Evelyn had a saddened look on her face as she had some bad news to tell Levi " it turns out I have to leave the city for a bit" she tells Levi. Levi's face saddens a small bit "Oh...I see. Will you be coming back?" He asks sounding sad. Evelyn nods her head gently "Yeah but I'll be gone for a week form tomorrow morning...but as soon as I get back I'll come find you okay!" She says with a small smile. Levi nods in response "Why are you going away?" He asks. Evelyn shrugs "Im not really sure my parents said they wanted me to have some lessons for a surprise thing...or something" she says confused about the whole thing herself. She stands up and sighs "I should really be off now, I have to pack a few things" she explains. Levi nods sadly "I wish you didn't have to leave..." he says. Evelyn rushes to give Levi a big hug that surprises him nearly pushing him over "I'll miss you too...don't worry I'll be back in a week" she says. She lets him go and rushes off home.
Evelyn gets sent away to a farm to take lessons in horse riding for a full week that she much enjoys. Meanwhile in the underground Kenny the Ripper went to see Kuchel, but found that she had been dead for some time. He found, and helped, her son Levi but introduced himself to Levi as a close friend of Kuchel's. Kenny took Levi out foor food and offered him a place to stay. Levi nodded and thanked Kenny for the help he offered him. Levi fell silent after finishing his food, it had been nine days since Evelyn left, he was starting to think she was not coming back. Kenny notices that something is bothering the small boy "Hey kid something wrong?" Kenny questions. Levi looks towards him "I was hoping to my friend today...but they didn't show up" he says plainly.
Meanwhile Evelyn searches the underground for her friend Levi. Worried something bad may have happened she asked around about him. After about an hour she got word of him and some older guy entering a bar. She thanked the man before heading to the bar to find them. She entered the bar the sell of cheap alcohol and smoke made her gag a bit as the sent hit her in face as she walked in (That's smell is ghastly...hope Levi's in here) she wonders around the place a bit. She spots Levi sat at a table with Kenny, she walks up behind Levi tapping him on the to get his attention. He swivels around and is greeted with a big hug from Evelyn "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you. I was really worried something had happened to you" Evelyn explained. Levi blinks a few times in a surprised response " came back?" He says quietly. Kenny watches the two curiously remaining silent. Evelyn looks towards Kenny with uneasy feelings "Umm hello mister...are you Levi's dad?" She asks nervously. Kenny shakes his head "Not me kid, I'm not the dad type...and don't go calling me mister ya hear. I am just helping the kid out, going to show him the ropes is all" he explains. Evelyn nods nervously and takes a sit next to Levi. After a few moments sitting in silence Evelyn clears her throat "So what exactly are you going to show Levi?" She asks Kenny nervously. Kenny grins " Well I figure holding a knife is a good start, knives are a good place to start" he says happily.
Evelyn gives Kenny a grim look "You want to teach him to murder people...that's kinda messed up..." she mumbles. Kenny laughs at her response "Your obviously not from down here are you kid, here its either kill or be killed. You must be from topside...sorry to break it to you kid but the world isn't all sunshine and roses" Kenny explains. Evelyn sighs (I know he's right but forcing kids to kill people is on a whole new level) at that moment Evelyn has horrifying images of blood and bodys everywhere and it quickly disappears like a far of memory. Evelyn stares blankly for a moment before snapping back to Kenny "Well if you want to teach Levi how to fight maybe you could show me a thing or two too" she says with determination in her voice. Kenny looks at her surprised at her response. He puts feet up on the table "Well sure kiddo if you think you can keep up" he says.
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End Of Chapter 1