Hey guys I just wanted to take a quick second and give you a tip on reading this issue. When you see a song in bold copy paste it in YouTube and listen to it while you read along. I gave you some important lyrics to listen for and I think if you really envision the characters singing it makes the story come out so much more. Let me know what you think please.
"Oh My Gosh! We are here!!!!"
Maxwell's squeals wakes Riley from her thoughts. As the gang pile out of the limo they are greeted with loud music hardly stifled by the building which also holds a large purple and green neon microphone blinking above it.
At the sight of all the people in the area Olivia speaks, "Surely they have private seating in this place." Her possession of Liam's hand has taken over to his full left side. Liam looks defeated as he keeps his focus in any other direction but Riley's.
Once they reach the front door Maxwell pulls the bouncer aside.
"So um.. buddy how about we talk about a VIP area for a second."
With her friends preoccupied Riley reluctantly turns in Drake's direction as he is looking around the building.
"Can we talk?" She motions for him to move further out of Olivia and Liam's earshot, he obliges.
"Hey are you mad at me or something?" Drake leans into Riley's ear making sure she could hear him through the loud playing of "Living La Vida Loca". His voice and hot breathe near her ear sends chills down her body.
"Why did you do that in the limo Drake?" Riley crosses her arms and takes a cautionary step back from him.
"I thought you liked the way I touch you." A sly smile creeps upon Drake's face he closes in the distance between the two yearning to kiss her exposed shoulder but settling for simply grazing the area with his fingertips.
Riley exhales loudly and takes another step back.
"I don't like these mind games you play."
"Mind games?" Drake scoffs and look towards an unsuspecting Liam. Olivia has whispered something in his ear and a full smile has taken over his face. "Or are you just upset that the Royal Highness is too busy to flirt with you at the moment."
"Stop trying to put Liam in this and stop trying to guess how I feel abut him! You tease me with these touches and looks and secret kisses just so I'll be the one who has to ask for more."
Riley and Drake are complete mirrors of each other, arms crossed eyes widen.
"Then you play this whole noble card leaving me to feel desperate and cheap. Saying "Oh we can't do this because Liam is my best friend and he is n love with you". Yet you don't mind sitting across from hi with your hand u my dress do you?! And I'm tired of it Drake I'm tired of playing this same game with you especially when your always the one with the upper hand."
"Oh so I'm the one playing the games? I'm the one who has the upper hand? Tell me something have you told Liam how you feel about me?"
Riley stammers, "Well...No-"
"Have you told him how you feel about him?"
"No but you know he's helping clear----"
"No right! Your just stringing him along till Beaumont's name is cleared. What's going to happen when he dumps Madeline and tries sticks a ring on your finger? Who will be strung along then Riley? Me or him?"
Riley takes a moment to respond the rise and fall of Drake's chest as he breathes told her his "games" we not to entertain him but to protect him.
"Drake I want to be with you... but.... it seems our issues aren't that we have to wait till the time is right. You don't trust me do you?"
Riley searches for an answer in his face, he quickly looks away.
"You make it hard to see where your priorities lie and you are the one playing mind games. With Liam, Maxwell, and Bertrand, is it so hard to think you maybe doing it with me too. It's really hard to trust you Sutton."
With those words piercing through her body, Riley walks away as she meets back up with the rest of the group Maxwell is all ready speaking with them.
"So let's go!!"
"We got a table?"
"Yeah Hana has been here for like 20 minuets already we are over there."
They reach Hanna who is waving frantically at the gang "Hey guys the waitress is on her way. I've had two drinks all ready see"
Riley hurries to sit next to Hana at the end of the crescent shape table. As Olivia and Liam sit in the middle Olivia begins to stroke his hand again she whispers in his ear, "Liam you know I have terrible stage fright let's do a song together ok?" He leans in and whispers back to her "As you wish." They flip open the large binder and begin to look for a song.
The waitress appears to take orders.
"What can I get you all?"
"Whiskey neat" Riley and Drake call out at the same time
The table laughs at the coincidence everyone but Riley and Drake.
Maxwell waves at the waitress "How about a couple round of Jolly Ranchers for the table mam?"
In no time the drinks come and after a couple of terrible renditions of "I Like Big Butts" and Before He Cheats" play the hostess announce for Maxwell to come on up.
Maxwell quickly takes a shot and jumps up "Ok are you guys ready because " He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a handful of confetti and blows it over the table "IT'S SHOWTIME!"
"Go Maxwell!" Hanna shouts. As the beat for Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" begins to play He quickly turns to Hana "hey how about we make this a duet?"
He extends his hand to her and as she takes it "Are you sure I'm not as experienced as you." As they walk to the stage he responds "No on is my dear. No one"
They begin to sing awkwardly at first but soon finding their own rhythm on which parts to sing.
"Awe aren't they ...cute" Olivia starts and she hands the waitress their selection to sing. "Are you not singing Riley?"
"Yes I am" Riley hands the waitress her selection while Olivia sets her sights to Drake "Looks like its just Drake huh?" she turns to Liam "and I thought I was the party pooper!"
Drake looks at the waitress who stands waiting for his selection. He hands her his empty glass "Keep them coming please"
After a couple of songs end, the hostess announces Liam and Olivia to the stand. The song "Nights with you" by Mo begins to play.
To calm Olivia obvious nervers Liam starts the song off looking directly in her eyes.
"Girl your gorgeous you know you might not always feel like it but you are." He picks up her chin with his fingers and and once it was her turn Olivia is fully into the song signing only to Liam.
"Lose Attention. Even though this world is mad and you feel out of control.
But your the best at When you let it off by banging your head and putting your hands up in the air.
oh babe Ill take you out tonight Don't care about your fiancee waking up alone!"
"Wow" Maxwell stares at the display in front of him mouth agape. "She almost looks---"
"Human" Hanna laughs.
"I was going to say harmless but that's close enough."
They all chuckle lightly. All but Drake as his thought and focus has been solely on Riley who hasn't looked in his direction all night.
By the time Liam and Olivia find their seats the third round of drinks have made its way to the table. Drake's liquid courage kicks in and in front of the whole gang he stands. "Riley can we talk?"
"Come to the stage Riley!!" announces the Hostess.
Riley walks past Drake and before she can make it on the stage she is stopped by the hostess.
"Hey hun look I know know you wanted that Bebe Rexha song "The Way I Are" but look I got you something better very close to Whitney just follow the words you'll be fine!"
Before Riley can respond she is on the stage a bright light blinding her. Somehow the only visible thing is Drake still standing watching her.
The song "How will I Know" covered by Sam Smith starts to play.
Riley looks at the hostess who gives her a thumbs up and points to the screen. She closes her eyes, she knows the words. This song is the whole relationship with the only man she can see see at the moment.
"Oh it's you I know your the one I dream of
Look into my eyes take me to the stars above
Oh I lose control cant seem to get enough
When I wake from dream tell me is it really love
How will I know if you really love me?"
Once Riley gets enough courage to open her eyes Drake has disappeared.And she sees no one, nothing but the light before her. The crowd is quiet and she stumbles through the song ending with a forced smile and wet eyes. When she finds her seat back at the quiet table Maxwell begins.
"Hey Riley don't be embarrassed you were great up there." He reaches over the table and places a hand on hers
"Hmm it looked like she was about to cry if you ask me."
Liam nudges Olivia "Hey you were perfect right Hana" He scoots over and wraps his arm around Riley.
"Right I think you gave a whole new emotional feel to the song Like I really didn't hear the words until I heard you sing it like that."
Before Riley could say or move from Liam the hostess begins another announcement.
"We will now have Drake to the stage."
A clearly drunken Drake makes his way to the stage as the crowd claps softly. He finds Riley in the crowd and sees she is wrapped in the arms of Liam.
"This is for priorities."
The music for Dancing on my Own by Calum Scott begins to play.
The table is silent as Drake begins to sing it is Hana who speaks. "I didn't know Drake could sing." No one answers her.
"I'm in the corner watching you kiss him Ohh
I'm right over here why cant you see me Ohh
I'm giving it my all but I'm not the guy your taking home
Ohh I keep dancing on my own."
Riley looks up at Drake his dark brown eyes piercing through her. She hasn't notice Liam's arm is no longer around her. She never heard him tell her he was leaving with Olivia . She hasn't even realized how rudely she said "No" when he asked her to come with them.
Drake finishes his song and quickly leaves the stage. Riley starts to run after him when Hana grabs her arm.
"Hey are you leaving too? Your going to miss my rendition of "Fantasy".
"You can do Mariah? You sure bout that you may need a backup singer don't want you to have to whistle through your high notes"Maxwell insists.
"No I got this!" She places a hand in front of his face.
"So you leaving Riley?"
"Yeah I think so I'm going to check on Drake. You all have fun!"
And with that she was off past the door spotting Drake climbing into a back of a taxi. He sees her and waits for her to get in before shutting the door. Madonna's Open Your Heart blasting through the building as they drive away.