Ch.10: The Shocking News
Summary: What if they had found out that Crowfeather and Leafpool were mates, earlier in the series? How would the clans react? Read to find out what happens.
It was a dark night, as Crowfeather padded towards the river bank, heading for the stepping stones to meet up with his new mate Leafpool. She had told him that she had something to tell him. But what could it possibly be that she couldn’t or wouldn’t let the others know about? Was it bad? No. It couldn’t be. She had told him that it was wonderful news that she had to tell him.
He stood on the first stepping stone, then moved to the second one and then jumped to the third one. A little bit of river water splashed onto his paws and legs, as he landed on the third one. Then he crouched down and estimated his jump, before jumping towards the other side of the river bank.
He landed in the water and dug hi claws into the bank, as the river tide tried to sweep him off his paws and carry him down stream. He wouldn’t let it, though. He was determined. With much effort, he jumped out of the river and landed onto the Thunderclan border. He shook the water out of his fur and then started licking his pelt, while he waited for his mate to arrive to tell him the news.
Leafpool headed through the undergrowth towards the river. It had been a long time since she had snuck out of camp at the dead of night. But when she had been a kit, it had just been play. And then she had met and fallen in love with Crowfeather. A Windclan warrior with as much loyalty as any cat could ever have; loyalty that Graystripe and Firestar would always have.
She padded up to and sat in front of her mate.
“Did you get an unwanted bath?” she joked to him and then laughed, seeing his damp pelt.
He ignored her joke.
“What is it that you had to tell me that you can’t let any other cat know?” he meowed to her.
“I’m going to have kits.”
He was silent for a few minutes, before he spoke.
“What are we going to do? You know how it is with half-clan born kits when it comes to two different clans. Look at what happened between Graystripe and Riverclan when Bluestar was your leader. I don’t want that kind of life for them. I want the best they possibly could have.”
“I know. But if Windclan finds out and wants the kits, you can raise them. And they will know their true mother,” she assured him.
They rubbed heads against heads.
“No matter what happens, we’ll be there for each other and these kits,” he promised her.
“I know we will,” the Medicine cat meowed back in agreement.