Ch.20: The Next Generation: Sunset
It was a beautiful day. A certain dark heart sat watching the patrol leave the Fireclan camp. Slinktail was his name. He thirsted for power. He wanted and needed it. He knew the only way that he would get power was if he became leader. So that was his plan. Become leader. It wasn't much to work on, but he would figure out how to do it. All he had to do was become the deputy.
A few of the kits ran across the camp, zipping past him, interrupting his thoughts. they were chasing a moss ball. Shykit ran after the moss ball, catching up to it, tossing it to Lilykit. Lilykit did likewise. So on the game went, which they called the moss ball game. You know how kits are. They make up the strangest and silliest things. That's just how they are.
Firelight and Leaftail watched their soon-to-be apprenticed kits play. They were so happy. It wouldn't be long when they would become warriors. Kits in a clan are apprentices for six moons. Warriors are appointed at about one season.
Suddenly, there was a yowl and some growling and snarling just beyond the gorse tunnel. Every able cat went into action, racing to help whatever cat it was that needed help.
Shykit and Lilykit started to follow with a slow walk, but their mothers pulled them close, tucking them in with their tails, not wanting any harm to come to their precious ones.
Slinktail followed in the shadows watching the scene. A pack of about seven wolves was attacking every cat that came after them. Slink Fur suddenly had an idea. He dashed forward and with one swipe each, he killed both the leader and the deputy.
It was a brutal fight as it raged on. It looked like the hungry, vicious, fearless wolves were winning. Then, in one instant, Slink Tail, coming to the rescue to save his mate, was killed without sympathy. It saddened his mate, Soottail. She could only watch in horror as it killed him.
The battle with the vicious, merciless creatures ended when Tiger Pelt cam in, attacking each wolf single-pawed, one on one with them running off, the black one barely running, as it limped, having a hurt paw.
"And don't come back!" he yowled after them, watching them go.
Half a moon later, Diamondtail became leader and Fireblaze became deputy. Diamondtail's new name was now Diamondstar, while Fireblaze's new name was Fireflame. Also, Lilykit was Lilypaw and Shykit was Shypaw. They were apprentices now and proud of it.