Ch.22: The Next Generation: Dawn of A New Era
Copyright@ 2016
Copyright@ July 19, 2016
Copyright@ 2016
Copyright@ August 16, 2016
Copyright@ 2016
This book is dedicated to Erin Hunter who gave me inspiration to write Warriors fanfiction. Also dedicated to my family, teachers, and friends who have supported me in my writing.
Leader: Bramblestar- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Deputy: Squirrelflight- dark ginger she-cat with green eyes
Medicine Cat: Jayfeather- gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
Leafpool- light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Graystripe- long-haired gray tom
Dustpelt- dark brown tabby tom
Brackenfur- golden brown tabby tom
Cloudtail- long-haired white tom with blue eyes
Millie- Striped gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Bluepaw (blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes)
Thornclaw- golden-brown tabby tom
Spiderleg- long-limbed tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes
Apprentice: Amberpaw (pale ginger she-cat)
Birchfall- light brown tabby tom
Whitewing- white she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice: Dewpaw (gray-and-white tom)
Berrynose- cream-colored tom
Ravenclaw- jet-black tom with a tiny white dash on his chest with a white-tipped tail, a torn ear, and green eyes
Mousewhisker- gray-and-white tom
Cinderheart- gray tabby she-cat
Apprentice: Firepaw (tabby tom with green eyes)
Lionblaze- golden tabby tom with amber eyes
Dovewing- pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
Rosepetal- dark cream she-cat
Apprentice: Diamondpaw (black she-cat with a white diamond in the middle of her forehead; has emerald eyes)
Poppyfrost- tortoiseshell she-cat
Apprentice: Lilypaw (tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat)
Blossomfall- tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Bumblestripe- very pale gray tom with black stripes
Apprentice: Seedpaw (golden-brown she-cat)
Cherryfall- ginger she-cat
Molewhisker- brown-and-cream tom
Daisy- cream, long-furred cat from the horseplace
Ivypool- silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes
Frostfur- pure snow-white she-cat with dark blue eyes and sleek, soft fur
Purdy- Plump tabby, former loner with a gray muzzle
Sandstorm- pale ginger she-cat with green eyes
Brightheart- white she-cat with ginger patches
Leader: Rowanstar- ginger tom
Deputy: Tawnypelt- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Medicine Cat: Littlecloud- very small tabby tom
Crowfrost- black-and-white tom
Grassfur- pale brown tabby she-cat
Owlclaw- light brown tabby tom
Scorchfur- dark gray tom
Tigerheart- dark brown tabby tom
Ferretclaw- black-and-gray tom
Apprentice: Spikepaw (dark brown tom)
Pinenose- black she-cat
Stoatfur- tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Pouncetail- brown tabby tom
Snowbird- pure-white she-cat
Dawnpelt- cream-furred she-cat
Snaketail- dark brown tom with tabby-striped tail
Whitewater- white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye
Ratscar- brown tom with long scar across his back
Oakfur- small brown tom
Smokefoot- black tom
Kinkfur- tabby she-cat, with long fur that sticks out at all angles
Ivytail- black, white, and tortoiseshell she-cat
Leader: Onestar- brown tabby tom
Deputy: Harespring- brown-and-white tom
Apprentice: Slightpaw (black tom with flash of white on his chest)
Medicine Cat: Kestrelflight- mottled gray tom
Crowfeather- dark gray tom
Apprentice: Featherpaw (gray tabby she-cat
Nightcloud- black she-cat
Apprentice: Hootpaw (dark gray tom)
Weaselfur- ginger tom with white paws
Leaftail- dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Oatpaw (pale brown tabby tom)
Emberfoot- gray tom with two dark paws
Heathertail- light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Breezepelt- black tom with amber eyes
Furzepelt- gray-and-white she-cat
Crouchfoot- ginger tom
Larkwing- pale brown tabby she-cat
Sedgewhisker- light brown tabby she-cat
Whiskernose- light brown tom
Whitetail- small white she-cat
Leader: Mistystar- gray she-cat with blue eyes
Deputy: Reedwhisker- black tom
Apprentice: Lizardpaw (light brown tom)
Medicine Cat: Mothwing- dappled golden she-cat
Willowshine- gray tabby she-cat
Mintfur- light gray tabby tom
Minnowtail- dark gray she-cat
Mallownose- light brown tabby tom
Apprentice: Havenpaw (black-and-white she-cat)
Grasspelt- light brown tom
Duskfur- brown tabby she-cat
Mosspelt- tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Perchpaw (gray-and-white she-cat)
Shimmerpelt- silver she-cat
Lakeheart- gray tabby she-cat
Heronwing- dark gray-and-black tom
Queens: Icewing- white she-cat with blue eyes
Petalfur- gray-and-white she-cat
Elders: Pouncefoot- ginger-and-white tom
Pebblefoot- mottled gray tom
Rushtail- light brown tabby tom
Leader: Leafstar- brown-and-cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Deputy: Sharpclaw- dark ginger tom
Medicine Cat: Echosong- silver tabby she-cat with green eyes
Patchfoot- black-and-white tom
Petalnose- pale gray she-cat
Apprentice: Sagepaw (pale gray tom; Petalnose and Rainfur’s son)
Sparrowpelt- dark brown tabby tom
Cherrytail- tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Waspwhisker- gray-and-white tom
Apprentice: Mintpaw (gray tabby she-cat; Petalnose and Rainfur’s daughter)
Shrewtooth- skinny black tom
Ebonyclaw- striking black she-cat
Apprentice: Frecklepaw (mottled light brown she-cat with spotted legs)
Billystorm- ginger-and-white tom
Apprentice: Snookpaw (black-and-white tom)
Harveymoon- white tom
Macgyver- black-and-white tom
Rockshade- black tom (Clovertail’s son)
Bouncefire- ginger tom (Clovertail’s son)
Tinycloud- small white she-cat (Clovertail’s daughter)
Queens: Fallowfern- brown she-cat (mother to Hunchfoot’s kits Rabbitkit, Creekkit, Nettlekit, and Plumkit)
Clovertail- light brown she-cat with white belly and legs (expecting Patchfoot’s kits)
Elders: Lichenfur- gray mottled she-cat
Tangle- ragged tabby tom, loner
Cats Outside Clans
Chapter 1
It was sun high as the new apprentices Diamondpaw, Firepaw, and Bluepaw scampered out of the apprentice den and across the clearing, towards the fresh-kill pile, excited for their first training session.
As they ate, they spoke to one another about their first apprenticeship day.
“I can’t wait until we start training today!” Bluepaw meowed.
“I wonder if we’ll get to train together,” Diamondpaw meowed.
“I hope we do,” Firepaw meowed.
After they had finished their food and had cleaned themselves, their mentors padded up to them, at each other’s flanks.
“Are you three ready for your training?” Cinderheart meowed to them.
“Are we ever!” Firepaw meowed happily.
“Let’s go then,” Millie meowed.
The three new apprentices followed their mentors Cinderheart, Rosepetal, and Millie out of camp and towards the middle of the Thunderclan territory.
The day went by with the mentors training the apprentices, both new and older apprentices, teaching them fighting moves and how to properly hunt.
At sundown, they entered the camp, each with a piece of fresh-kill. They set their fresh-kill on top of the fresh-kill pile. Thunderclan would eat well tonight due to how much they had caught today.
“Why don’t you three go make sure the elders, queens, kits, and Jayfeather have eaten?” Rosepetal meowed.
“You may eat when you have done that,” Cinderheart meowed.
They watched the apprentices go do as they were told.
Diamondpaw entered the medicine cat den, while Firepaw and Bluepaw went to the queens, elders, and kits.
Jayfeather turned his head towards the sound of the moss that hung from the entrance rustling. He sniffed the air, but couldn’t smell the scent of an injured clanmate.
“What can I help you with?” he questioned.
“I came to make sure that you’ve eaten,” Diamondpaw replied.
“You don’t need to worry about me. Go eat, Diamondpaw.”
“Okay. Thanks, Jayfeather.”
Jayfeather heard the moss rustle again, as Diamondpaw padded out.
After they had all gone to sleep, apart from a couple warriors whom were guarding the Thunderclan camp entrance, Diamondpaw and Jayfeather had the same prophecy dram, but with different Starclan cat. While Diamondpaw was visited by an elder, Jayfeather was visited by one of their former leaders.
Diamondpaw dreamt that she was padding through an unfamiliar forest, exploring, the familiar scent of Thunderclan around her Then she heard a voice.
“Diamondpaw, come here.”
The apprentice turned around to see an old she-cat sitting under a tree. She assumed this was an elder, so she did as she was told.
“Who are you?” she asked the unfamiliar face.
“My name is Goldenflower, young’un. I was an elder back in the old territory. I’ve come to deliver a message to you.”
“Nice to meet you, Goldenflower.” She dipped her head in respect, before looked at her again. “What’s the message?”
“The Hawk will rise
The Bramble will fall
The Squirrel will shine
And peace will be once more
But beware of the Dark Forest
The future lies in your paws,” Goldenflower recited, before she faded away.
Chapter 2
Diamondpaw woke up to sunlight, wondering what Goldenflower had meant by the message. Why would the future be in her paws, and what kind of future was it? Hers or the clans’? She was only one cat and she wasn’t even a warrior yet.
After she licked her pelt into place, she padded out of the apprentice den. Soon she had eaten and was padding into the forest at Rosepetal’s flank for her training today.
Towards the end of the day, she returned to camp with Rosepetal who then told her to go meet the other apprentices to learn to get the elders new moss for their nests. And once she’d learned that, unlike the other apprentices, she loved doing it.
Afterward, she ate a piece of fresh-kill and then headed for bed.
Chapter 3
After several moons of being an apprentices, Diamondpaw earned her warrior name Diamondtail, along with the other apprentices. Firepaw became Firepelt, while Bluepaw became Blueclaw. And so the three siblings became warriors together.
A moon later, after Bramblestar lost his last life in a battle and Squirrelflight became the leader by the name of Squirrelstar, the youngest kit of Firestar lead the clan as her father once had, Diamondtail at her pelt as her deputy. And after those events, Diamondtail finally started to understand Goldenflower’s prophecy. She realized that the Bramble and Squirrel were Bramblestar and Squirrelstar. The Hawk had to be a cat, but she knew there weren’t any warriors by that name except…That’s when it dawned on her. Hawkfrost would be coming back or using a warrior. The future had to mean that she had to save the future of the clans from him, or else the clans wouldn’t survive.
Chapter 4
A moon later, Hawkfrost rose as Starclan had prophesied to Diamondtail. Hawkfrost was working through a Shadowclan warrior named Crowfrost. Through Crowfrost, Hawkfrost started a fierce battle between Shadowclan and Thunderclan, which ultimately ended with the deaths of Squirrelstar and Berrynose.
That day at the time that a deputy would be appointed, Diamondtail chose her deputy to be Ravenclaw, the former apprentice and farm cat Ravenpaw. And when she received her leader name Diamondstar, she got her nine lives from Starclan. Wiseheart gave her wisdom, Lionheart gave her the strength to never give up in the times of hardship, Snowfur gave her patience, Bluestar gave her understanding, Firestar gave her the life of forgiveness, Silverstream gave her peace, Hollyleaf gave her “sight” to predict what choice would bring out what outcome to better lead the clan, Feathertail gave her the life of knowledge, and Sorreltail gave her love that a queen would give her kits.
As the prophecy foretold, peace came to be once more between the five clans and Diamondstar lead Thunderclan just as a born leader would. And so Diamondstar’s story continued on for several moons.