Ch.1: Cats of the Clans
Let me tell you the beginning of the clan cats. This is that story. But as you read, you’ll find that it started with more than four clans. Here’s the story.
It was a beautiful night. It was the night of the Gathering. There were the clans of Thunderclan, Riverclan, Wind clan, Shadowclan, and Skyclan. Each clan was thriving in their territory, so they talked amongst themselves.
Let me introduce you to each cat, and let’s start with Thunderclan.
The leader is Sunstar, a tabby tom with green eyes. The deputy is Tawnyspots, but would soon change to Bluefur. The Medicine cat is Goosefeather. The warriors are Goldenflower, Frostfur, One-Eye, Brightheart, Ashfur, Whitestorm, Lionheart, Redtail, Thistleclaw (Bluepaw and Snowpaw's father) and Rosetail. The apprentices are Darkpaw, Smallpaw, Bluepaw, and Snowpaw. The Queens are Moonflower (Bluepaw and Snowpaw's mother) and Tigerheart. Elders are Patchtail, Poppypelt, and Startail.
Next is the battle hungry Shadowclan, since they like picking fights with the other clans so much.
The leader is Raggedstar and the deputy is Cloudpelt. The Medicine cat is Yellowfang and the warriors are Russetfur, Tawnytail, Ashpelt, Whitefur, and Blackfoot. The Queens are Seedpelt and Leaftail and the Elders are Runningtail and Darkpelt. The apprentices are Nightpaw, Brownpaw, and Shadepaw.
In addition, is Windclan.
The leader is Swiftstar and the deputy is Deadfoot. The Medicine cat is Thrushpelt and the warriors are Tornear, Blacktail, Lionclaw, Sorrelheart, Crowfrost, Hawkpelt, Darkclaw, Thornheart, Specklepelt, and Mossheart. Queens are Roseheart and Gorseclaw. The Elders are Morningflower, Darkflower, and Patchflower.
The fourth clan is Riverclan.
The leader is Crookedstar and the deputy is Leopardfur. The Medicine cat is Brambleberry. The warriors are Mudpelt, Whiteclaw, Heavystep, Pebblepelt, and Greyheart. Queens are Willowtail and Brambleclaw. The Elders are Lostface, Blackfur, and Lightpelt. The apprentices are Silverpaw, Redpaw, Blazepaw, and Berrypaw.
The last clan is Skyclan.
The leader is Cloudstar and the deputy is Buzzardtail. The Medicine cat is Fawnstep. The warriors are Bristlepelt, Fireblaze, Mistytail, Hollypelt, and Hawkflight. The apprentices are Graypaw, Soarpaw, and Leappaw. The Queens are Patchear, Sandpelt, and Bluepelt. The Elders are Longpelt and Fireclaw.
There weren’t always Clans. There was once a time where cats were either loners or lived with their house folk.
One night, some Loners gathered together to talk. They wanted to make a clan. Each cat wanted to be leader, though, so there was a fight and some died.
Afterwards, the dead cats spoke. They decided to have five different clans; Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, Shadowclan, and Skyclan. The leaders of each clan started with Thunderstar, Riverstar, Windstar, Shadowstar, and Skystar. Their ancestors told them what cat will be in what rank. Then they set the rules. They told of the rules, punishments, names for everything, names for the clan cats, and what the dead will be called; the good and evil dead.
Next, they told of the territories and what to eat and how to live in the forest.
That’s the clan story; now back to the actual story.
A few moons after the Gathering, Sunstar's deputy came to him.
“Sun Star, Skyclan wishes to speak to you. They’re at the gorse tunnel waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Tawnyspots.”
He padded over to the leader of Skyclan.
Leafstar spoke.
“We wish to share your hunting grounds. We have little prey. It’s harder and harder to find prey. Please, Sun Star, help us out,” he pleaded desperately.
“I grant you half our land on the east side,” he told Leafstar.
“Thank you.”
He bowed his head to Sun Star, and then Skyclan left the camp.
A few moons later, Bluefur became leader after Sun Star was killed in a gruesome battle with Shadow Clan.
She was now Bluestar. She was loyal and wise. She was young with wisdom. Her deputy was Redtail.
So everybody lived happily ever after in the forest.