Ch.5: Sasha’s Trilogy: The Fray
Hi, my name is Sasha. I’m Tigerstar’s mate. I know I shouldn’t be his mate, since he’s evil and all, but I guess that’s how it goes with us, though. I’m a light tabby she-cat.
I’m walking in the forest. I’m a longer, as the clan cats would call me.
Suddenly, I hear a cat; then several cats. It sounds like a battle.
I race toward the sounds. I hope to goodness I’m not too late. I may be Tigerstar’s mate, but I don’t wish any harm on Firestar and his clan. And besides, Tigerstar can’t punish me. I’m not a clan cat.
I get to the heart of the forest. I unsheathe my claws and throw myself into battle. I’m one of the strongest cats.
I take a swipe at Blackfoot, raking my claws across his flank and pelt. He runs away hurt, leaving Sandstorm. She’s hurt badly, though.
She looks up at me, astonished that I of all cats would save her pelt.
“Hi, Sandstorm,” I greet.
Next, I lick her wounds, trying to stop or slow the bleeding. It doesn’t work. She’s losing a lot of blood and I don’t want her to die, so I gently put her scruff between my teeth and drag her out of the battle and to her camp, hoping there’s a cat there that can help.
I’m soon there. I know all the Medicine cat’s names.
“Leafpool! Jaypaw!” I call out in a rush.
Next, comes a black apprentice.
He sniffs the air.
“What is it? Are you hurt?” he asks me.
“No, but Sandstorm is. Where’s the Medicine den?” I ask.
“Follow me.”
I drag her into the den.
“Leave her to me,” he orders.
I do as I’m told.
I want to go back to the battle to help all cats of Thunderclan, so I run as fast as my legs will carry me, back to the battle. I must help Thunderclan.
I’m soon back.
I yowl a battle cry, as I push and claw at Darkstripe. He’s attacking Graystripe. I can’t stand that; can’t stand to see Graystripe losing. I hiss in fiery, as he bites my shoulder. Then I claw his pelt, ears, and face. He lets go and runs away in pain.
“Sasha,” he croaks.
He suffered bites and scratches, but the worse of all is a gash in his side. I know he’ll died if I don’t act quickly. I get him onto my back and take him to Jaypaw’s den. I then race back to the battle. I fight my mate who’s not happy with me trying to protect Firestar. I know it’s a mistake, but I do it anyway.
When we fight, my mate pins me down to the ground.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he growls.
He’s mad now. I know it, but I’m a brave cat.
“Save Thunderclan cats from the likes of you,” I answer.
“Then I’ll have to stop you.”
“Fine; stop me.”
Suddenly, he claws my side. I yowl in pain and agony. That’s when Firestar knocks him to the side. Tigerstar pushes him aside and rakes his claws down my back. Then he bites my already wounded side, leaving a gash there. I have no strength left and collapse to the ground. Then Tigerstar vanishes.
“Sasha,” Firestar says, limping over to me. He hurt his front paw.
“I tried, Firestar.”
“It’s okay, Sasha.”
“No, it’s not. I couldn’t stop Graystripe or Sandstorm from getting badly injured. All I managed to do right was take them to Jaypaw.”
“It’s alright, Sasha. They’ll be fine I’m sure,” he says, though it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself.
I close my eyes.
In the next minute, I feel Firestar drag me by the scruff.
I must’ve fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes, I’m in the Medicine den.
I look around and see several wounded cats; Graystripe, Sandstorm, Brokentail, Ashfur, Diamondpelt, Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Mousefur, Runningwind, Whitepaw, Wiseheart, Goldenflower, Sootfur, Angeltail, and Cloudtail.
I get up, stretch, and ask if I can help with the wounded. Leafpool and Jaypaw say that I can and then tell me what herbs are used for what, and what wounds to use what herb for.
I move to my son Brambleclaw who has several claw marks on his pelt. I put moss and marigold on the wounds.
Meanwhile, Leafpool and Jaypaw are on their last patient.
When we’re done, we give them some moss nests to sleep in.
Afterward, I go to Firestar’s den.
“Firestar,” I greet. “How are you?” I don’t get a reply. “Firestar?” I pad inside and see that he’s in a deep sleep, so I leave his den.
A few days later, every cat is well, and I head out to be a longer again. This is my life.