Scene 10 opens with SVF, Veronica, and Warrior getting off the plane
Veronica: Warrior, did you check your seat?
Warrior: Yes, mom.
Veronica: You have your phone, right?
Warrior: *checks pocket* Yes, mom.
Veronica: You made sure to-
Johnny/SVF: Honey.
Veronica: *stops talking and looks at SVF*
Johnny/SVF: We checked everything. We got everything. No need to stress.
Veronica: *sighs* Right. This is a stress free vacation.
Johnny/SVF: Isn’t that right, son? *looks back to see Warrior on his phone*
Warrior: *giggles lightly*
Johnny/SVF: *quirks his eyebrow* Felicity?
Warrior: *looks up* Yeah. She took a picture with her new kitten. *shows SVF* Isn’t it cute?
Johnny/SVF: *pauses* The cat or the girl?
Veronica: *smacks SVF lightly*
Johnny/SVF: *chuckles lightly* What?
Warrior: *chuckles at his parents* Can’t it be both?
Johnny/SVF: *sighs sarcastically* I suppose.
Warrior: Don’t worry. I was just telling her I got off the plane safely. I won’t text her the whole trip.
Veronica: Fair enough. Now come on you two. The rental is ready to take us to the house.
Johnny/SVF: Rental? I thought we were getting an Uber.
Veronica: *looks sheepishly at SVF* I may have upgraded us a bit…
Johnny/SVF: *chuckles at her* It’s fine, honey. *whispers in her ear* You’re cute.
Veronica: *smiles at SVF and kisses his cheek lightly*
Warrior: *feigns nausea*
Johnny/SVF: *looks at Warrior* Just go back to your phone if you’re uncomfortable.
Warrior: *shrugs his shoulders* Okay. *goes back to texting Felicity*
Johnny/SVF: *rolls his eyes at Warrior. Whispers to Veronica* Kids these days.
Veronica: Right? *nudges SVF* Come on, the rental is up there.
Veronica: *opens the car door* Come on, boys. The house is right there.
Johnny/SVF: *gets out of the car and smiles* It’s just like I remember it.
Warrior: *gets out of the car. He stares at the house for a moment before taking a picture with his phone*
Johnny/SVF: *points to the horizon* Look, hon. The sunset.
Veronica: *links arms with SVF. Sighs* Just like I remember it from our wedding night.
Johnny/SVF: Mmm. What a night that was.
Veronica: Mmm. Sexy is what it was.
Johnny/SVF: Mmmmhmmm.
Warrior: *cough says* Get a room.
Johnny/SVF: *glares at Warrior and points to the house* Why don’t you go put our bags away? After that, get ready for your tropical cookout excursion.
Warrior: *groans lightly before saying* Okay… *mumbles just barely audibly* Give you two kids some alone time.
Veronica: *sticks her tongue out at Warrior*
Warrior: *sticks his tongue out back before going into the house to put the bags away*
Johnny/SVF: *wraps his arms around Veronica’s waist and pulls her close* After he leaves, we can go do, as Warrior used to call it… *makes vomit noise*
Veronica: *laughs at SVF’s impression of young Warrior* Yeah! And I had an idea.
Johnny/SVF: Oh, what’s that?
Veronica: I figured we could try… *looks behind her before turning back and whispering in SVF’s ear*
Johnny/SVF: *perks up a lot, clearly happy about something. Yells* Warrior! You almost done?
Warrior: *yells back from the house* I stuck your bags in your room. What do you need?
Johnny/SVF: *thinks for a second before responding* Why don’t you go FaceTime Felicity on the beach before the cookout? You’re mom and I need the house to ourselves for a bit.
Warrior: *pokes his head out the front door, making a face* Not that I mind talking to my girlfriend, but you two are weird.
Johnny/SVF: At least we aren’t in the back of a car.
Warrior: *makes a face at SVF. He walks to the beach and pulls out his phone*
Johnny/SVF: *watches Warrior for a few moments*
Warrior: *holds his phone out* Hey, Felicity!
Johnny/SVF: *looks back to Veronica* Coast is clear.
Veronica: *raises her eyebrows up and down* Race ya! *pushes SVF aside and runs into the house*
Johnny/SVF: *shakes his head* Man, is she gonna get it. *runs in after her and shuts the front door*
Warrior: Mom! Dad! Get up! The train’s about to leave!
Johnny/SVF: *scuffles out of his room, his hair unkempt*
Veronica: *exits room, rubbing her eyes* I don’t understand why the train must leave so early.
Johnny/SVF: It takes two hours to get to the hiking spot. And this is a five hour hike.
Veronica: So, we have four total hours of travel time and five hours of hiking?
Johnny/SVF: Yup.
Veronica: Ugh… at least we can sleep on the train.
Johnny/SVF: Yeah.
Warrior: *holding the front door open* Come on, guys!
Johnny/SVF: *grumbles* Coming!
Warrior: *gets off train*
Johnny/SVF: *follows him off train. Looks behind him* Veronica, you okay?
Veronica: *wobbles off train, wiping off her mouth* I’m fantastic…
Johnny/SVF: Oof, sorry hon.
Veronica: *smiles weakly at him. She looks past SVF and notices a group of people on the other side of the stop. She gets a big smile on her face* Shadow! Look over there!
Johnny/SVF: *looks over there and sees Jason, Hilary, and Andrew* Oh… my… gosh! *starts to walk over to them*
Jason: *notices SVF coming towards him and gets excited* Guys! Look who it is!
Hilary: *gasps* OMG, Shadow. *looks past him* Veronica!
Veronica: *runs to Hilary and hugs her* Oh my gosh! It’s been so long. How you been?
Hilary: We’ve been great! How bout you?
Veronica: Busy, but we finally got a vacation.
Hilary: Noice!
Andrew: I’ll drink to that. *pulls out a whiskey flask and takes a swig*
Veronica: *sighs* Same old, Andrew.
Hilary: *chuckles* Right?
Warrior: *slowly walks up next to Veronica*
Hilary: *gasps loudly* Oh my gosh! Is this your kid!?
Veronica: Yeah! This is our son, Warrior. Say hi, Warrior.
Warrior: *pauses to stare* Hi…
Johnny/SVF: Warrior, these are our friends from high school. This is Jason.
Jason: Hey.
Johnny/SVF: Hilary.
Hilary: Howdy.
Johnny/SVF: And Andrew.
Andrew: *takes a drink* Wassup!
Hilary: *whispers to Warrior* I wouldn’t use Andrew here as an example for good behavior. He’s been this way since high school.
Warrior: *slowly nods his head* Ah…
Veronica: Well… are you guys doing the hike?
Jason: Yeah!
Hilary: This is so cool! I totally didn’t expect you guys to be here.
Johnny/SVF: Yeah. It’s amazing that you guys still hang out like this.
Andrew: Oh hell yeah. We got no one else really. Jason never married. Hilary is a widow.
Hilary: *looks sadly to the ground*
Andrew: And I was married twice, but divorced both of them. I have one kid, but he’s seven and likes his mom way more than me.
Veronica: Oh, I’m so sorry Andrew. And Hilary. That’s terrible.
Andrew: Eh, it's all good. *takes a gulp of his whiskey*
Warrior: *keeps looking at his phone*
Veronica: Warrior, tell Felicity goodbye. It’s time for the hike.
Warrior: *rolls his eyes and puts his phone in his pocket*
Johnny/SVF: *whispers to their friends* He just started dating for the first time.
Hilary: *gasps* Aww, that’s so cute. How long?
Johnny/SVF: *counts on his fingers* About… 5 days.
Andrew: Ah… a beginner. *turns to Warrior* The best thing I ever did for my first wife was… well… let’s just say we had to scrub the kitchen counter a few times.
Warrior: *makes a face* Mom…
Veronica: Andrew!
Andrew: What? He’s seventeen. He needs to know this stuff.
Veronica: And we will tell him when we are good and ready!
Andrew: Okay, okay! Sorry…
Johnny/SVF: It’s okay, Andrew. *looks at his watch* Oh, we better get going. The hike is just about to start.
Hilary: Oh, goody goody! Let’s go!
Veronica: Come on, Warrior. *guides Warrior to the hiking spot*
Jason: *sitting in the train with everyone after the hike* So, Shadow, what’s happened since that day Satan tried to kill us all?
Johnny/SVF: Well, after I fought this shittin’ creature, The Hunter, Veronica and I got married.
Jason: Sweet! Wasn’t this island your honeymoon spot?
Johnny/SVF: Yeah. It was pretty great. But it didn’t have all these activities back then.
Jason: *chuckles* I’m sure. What does Warrior think of being at the place where you two first… *motions with his hands* made love?
Johnny/SVF: Oh, he hates it. But we assured him that the people that run this place have washed the sheets since then.
Jason: *laughs hysterically*
Johnny/SVF: *laughs with him* But after Veronica got pregnant, everything changed. I actually felt like I had to survive every fight I was in. I had to, for Warrior. *sighs* I remember when he was ten, he fought the villains called Ice Reaper and Spurious with us. He really kicked ass, too.
Jason: That’s impressive.
Johnny/SVF: I’ve been training him since he was a small child. He’s incredibly strong, too. Probably what first caught his girlfriend’s eye.
Jason: Ah, what’s her name again?
Johnny/SVF: Felicity.
Jason: *nods* Pretty name.
Johnny/SVF: Warrior seems to think so.
Jason: Hmm, I’m sure.
Johnny/SVF: I mean, we knew this would happen eventually. Veronica is more freaked out than I am, but she’s starting to calm down about it.
Jason: *looks over his shoulder*
Veronica: *she is sitting a few rows back chatting and laughing with Hilary*
Jason: She seems pretty calm to me.
Johnny/SVF: Yeah, now. She’s not worried about his being ready. She knows she is. She’s just worried about how much impact Felicity will have on Warrior.
Jason: How so?
Johnny/SVF: Felicity is an atheist. Now, we aren’t telling him he can’t date her. But Veronica’s just worried about how she might rub off on him. She’s trying to think happy thoughts, but it’s hard for her. She’s already tried to get Warrior to go all the way with her.
Jason: *eyes widen* Really?
Johnny/SVF: Yeah, but Warrior handled it really well. And she completely understood. From what I’ve been hearing about their conversations, he’s starting to rub off well on her.
Jason: How so?
Johnny/SVF: Warrior clearly wants Felicity to become a Christian, and I think he might succeed.
Jason: Really? That’s great!
Johnny/SVF: Yeah. *looks over at Warrior*
Warrior: *he’s talking to Felicity on the phone* Yeah, I almost fell at one point, but God really saved my ass.
Johnny/SVF: *smiles at Warrior*
Jason: *nods at Warrior* You’ve raised a good kid.
Johnny/SVF: *looks at Jason* You think so?
Jason: Yeah, definitely.
Johnny/SVF: Thanks, man.
Jason: *nods his head*
Andrew: *comes stumbling in from the bar car with a drink in his hand* Hey, guys. What’s up?
Jason: *laughs* Are you ever sober?
Andrew: *shakes his head* Not since my second wife. She tried real hard to sober me up. But I wouldn’t have any of it. I told her, “If you don’t love me the way I am, then you should just leave.” And… she did.
Johnny/SVF: Geez man. Sorry about that.
Andrew: Nah, it’s alright. I guess I’m just made to be single. Like Jason here.
Jason: *smiles meekly, but sadly*
Andrew: *keeps stumbling down the train car to the girls*
Johnny/SVF: *looks at Jason* You don’t want to be single forever, do you?
Jason: *shakes his head* I just haven’t found the right woman yet. But I’m starting to think I never will.
Johnny/SVF: If God wants you to be with someone, he’ll guide you to her. You just gotta be patient.
Jason: Yeah… let’s hope so.
Johnny/SVF: *smiles and pats Jason’s arm like a bro*
Scene 10 ends