Scene 7 opens with Veronica straightening Warrior’s tie in the living room
Warrior: Come on mom. I can do it myself.
Veronica: Oh yeah. Then why was it crooked before?
Warrior: *hesitates* I wasn’t done yet.
Veronica: Ah, I see. *finishes his tie* There you go. All done. *pulls Warrior to the mirror* Aww. Look at you.
Warrior: *sarcastically* Yeah. I look great, can you let me go now? She’ll be here to pick me up any minute.
Veronica: Oh… yeah. It’s strange that she’s the one driving and not you.
Warrior: *stares at her for a moment* I don’t have my license. Or a car.
Veronica: *pauses* Fair point. I guess she’ll get to be the gentle lady.
Warrior: I guess.
Johnny/SVF: *enters from his room* Hey, look at you, son!
Warrior: *feigns excitement* How do I look?
Johnny/SVF: *pats him on the shoulder* You look awesome. You are gonna be a total winner with this girl.
Veronica: *clears her throat*
Johnny/SVF: *looks at Veronica, pauses, then looks back to Warrior* But not too much of a winner.
Warrior: I know, dad. Nothing’s gonna happen.
Johnny/SVF: And if it starts to happen…?
Warrior: Run like hell.
Johnny/SVF: That’s my boy!
Veronica: Remember, open the door for her. Get her her drinks. And you lead her when you dance.
Warrior: Mom, I know all this already. Dad’s not as useless in this area as he seems.
Johnny/SVF: Hey!
Veronica: Oh come now. He’s only teasing.
Johnny/SVF: Yeah, yeah. I know.
*there’s a knock on the door*
Veronica: That must be her. *walks to the door and opens it* Well hello, Felicity.
Felicity: Hi Mrs. Figure.
Veronica: Please, do come in.
Felicity: *enters the house* May I just say it is an honor to officially meet you both. You two are the coolest heroes in town, and it is so cool that Warrior has such awesome parents.
Veronica: Why thank you, Felicity. *extends her hand*
Felicity: *shakes Veronica’s hand*
Johnny/SVF: *extends his hand and shakes it*
Felicity: *slightly taken aback* Wow… firm grip.
Johnny/SVF: I’d like to think so.
Warrior: *moves to greet Felicity* Hey, Felicity.
Felicity: Hey, Warrior.
Warrior: *his gaze sweeps over her whole body, taking in her beauty* You… you look amazing. *gets flustered* Uh, amazingly beautiful.
Felicity: *blushes hard* Thank you. And… you look incredibly handsome.
Warrior: *says nothing, but blushes hard and smiles meekly*
Veronica: Ok you two. Time for a picture. *takes out her phone*
Warrior: Ugh, mom…
Veronica: Just do it.
Warrior: *awkwardly moves next to Felicity*
Veronica: Come on, act like you like each other.
Warrior: *puts his arm around Felicity*
Veronica: There you go. Say Zook!
Felicity: Zook!
Warrior: *annoyed* Zook.
Veronica: *takes the pictures* Alright you two. Go on. Have fun. Be safe.
Warrior: *takes Felicity’s hand and leads her out the door*
Veronica: *right before the door closes* Use protection!
Warrior: *closes the door*
Veronica: *slowly turns around to face SVF with a weird look on her face* Did I seriously just tell my 17 year old son to use protection?
Johnny/SVF: *with an amused look on his face* Yes… yes you did.
Veronica: *groans* Now my son is gonna think his mom is okay with him going out and having sex behind the school somewhere.
Johnny/SVF: *takes Veronica’s hands* No he won’t. He probably knows you were just frazzled. He would never go out and have sex with a girl he’s not married to.
Veronica: *looks up at him* You sure?
Johnny/SVF: I’m sure.
Veronica: *smiles* Okay.
Johnny/SVF: You know… *looks back to the bedroom* The dance isn’t over till midnight, and it’s only eight. *raises his eyebrows up and down*
Veronica: *smiles mischievously* Ah. I see. So, you wanna go not use protection?
Johnny/SVF: Hell yeah, baby. *swoops her up in his arms* Just like old times, my sexy woman.
Veronica: Mmmm. Tell me that in a deeper, sexier voice when we get in there.
Johnny/SVF: Will do love! *runs with her in his arms. He goes into their bedroom and shuts the door*
*the camera stops outside the closed door. We can hear the bed squeak on impact before the scene fades out*
Scene 7 ends