Scene 1 opens with a black slate reading 7 YEARS LATER
Johnny/SVF: So, principal. Is there a reason I’m here?
Principal: Well, Mr. Figure. Mrs. Figure. Warrior has been having some problems with the other students.
Veronica: What kind of problems? Is he okay?
Principal: Yes, he’s fine. It’s the other kids I’m worried about.
Johnny/SVF: Other students? Then why are you talking to us?
Principal: Well, you see Mr. Figure… now, we all know no school is without a bullying problem.
Johnny/SVF: *looks at Principal confused* Yeah…
Principal: Now, don’t get me wrong. Warrior is not the bully in this situation. But, well… he had one of our regular bullies here sent to the hospital.
Veronica: *gasps* You’re talking about our Warrior, right?
Principal: *sighs* You don’t see another kid named Warrior here, or anywhere for that matter, do you?
Johnny/SVF: *glares at Principal, deadpan*
Veronica: But, why would Warrior do that?
Principal: What Warrior told me was that he felt the need to bring the bully to justice. He said that no kid should walk around school fearing for his safety, so he took the guy out.
Johnny/SVF: Hmmm, I see. *tries to cover up proud smile*
Veronica: *shoots SVF a look at first, but then also gets caught up in trying to cover up a proud smile*
Johnny/SVF: Well, we’ll have a talk about not sending kids to the hospital. But I don’t see a problem with standing up to bullies.
Principal: I don’t either. I just don’t want something to happen to Warrior, like him going to jail for assault. Or getting expelled from school.
Veronica: *suddenly looks panicked* You wouldn’t expel him, would you?
Principal: *throws his hands up* Oh no, of course not. I wouldn’t, but the school board might. I’m just saying that he needs to be careful. It’s no secret that you two have some crime fighting history with the mayor.
Johnny/SVF: Yes, that’s right.
Principal: *nods his head* I just don’t want Warrior to get the idea that teenage bullies should be treated like adult terrorists. That’s all.
Veronica: *nods her head* We’ll have a talk with Warrior tonight.
Principal: Thank you. *stands up*
Veronica: *also stands up*
Johnny/SVF: *stands up with them*
Principal: And don’t fear too much about expulsion. I won’t let that happen. Warrior is a good kid. I just don’t want him getting hurt.
Johnny/SVF: And neither do we.
Principal: *reaches his hand out and shakes both of their hands* Thank you for meeting with me.
Veronica: Of course, principal.
Johnny/SVF: And don’t worry. This won’t happen again.
Principal: I’m sure it won’t. Have a lovely day you two.
Johnny/SVF: *nods his head*
Veronica: Thank you. You too. *they both walk out of the office*
Scene 1 ends