Bethany was deep in thought as she walked behind Martin. Today had been a crazy and pretty terrifying day. She had tried to cheer Alicia up when she came down the stairs almost on the verge of tears. Of course Jack had been able to do it. He was good at that sort of thing. She’d seen him do it before but he could never really do that for himself. She figured after everything he’d gone through, there was probably a lot of damage already done. She knew most of it had most likely come from his father and Luke. She didn’t understand how they could hate him so much. She regretted not talking to him sooner. He was easy to talk to and would have been an amazing friend to have.
Now her mind turned to all of the more terrible events that had happened that day. All she knew was that Jack was in some type of danger and that he was lying when he said he hadn’t seen the thing in the forest before. He was terrified and Luke’s theory was chilling to think about. Why would anyone want Jack dead? Why did the thing in the woods affect him so much? What was he hiding from the rest of them? All these questions just kept getting repeated in her head but never got answered. One question that wasn’t as major as the rest kept coming up and not having the answer to this irritated her. If Luke thought someone wanted to kill Jack, then why was he still being so awful to him? Why did Luke even hate him in the first place?
She was pulled from her thoughts by someone laughing. It was only for a moment but Jack had been the one laughing. She thought it was sad how rare it was for him to just be happy. She agreed with Alicia. Jack didn’t deserve any of this and that he didn’t see that he was good and kind. She saw it and so did Alicia, so why couldn’t he? She hated not being able to have answers to all of these questions. She liked to know everything and be able to be the one with answers. She figured Alicia and Luke wanted answers too. The biggest question was: Would Jack give them?
“Alright so this is a special place and needs to be treated with respect.” Martin told the four of them.
Bethany hadn’t even noticed where they’d been going. They were now standing at a large door like the one at the entrance but this one was much simpler. Martin pushed the door open and Bethany was in complete awe when she saw what was on the other side. It was like they were outside but when she looked up she realized they were still in the mountain. It was cold inside it but she’d been ignoring it.
As the five of them walked through the doorway, they could see little lights floating through the air. It didn’t seem like they were going in any definite pattern or direction. The lights nearest them flew higher and backed away from them. There was lush dark green grass beneath their feet and there were trees unlike Bethany had ever seen surrounding them. They had black trunks and blue-white leaves that seemed to glow. Whatever this room was it was huge. Bethany couldn’t even see the walls, just the trees going on and on. It was beautiful. She looked at the others’ faces and she guessed their awe and wonder was the same on her own face.
“This is beautiful.” she breathed.
The other Selected nodded in agreement. As Bethany continued to look out at the forest in front of them, one of the lights flew past her but it wasn’t a light. She’d seen wings and a body. She looked at Martin and she didn’t even have to voice her question aloud. He had been expecting it.
“They are Feitaris. They tend to stay away from people and are very attracted to light.” he explained.
“What do they look like?” Alicia asked.
“Well all of them are different. They usually have green or brown skin and their hair color differs. Their wings are kind of like a dragonfly’s and they have big round eyes. All their eyes are black.” Martin answered.
“Wait, you said they don’t go near people right?” Luke asked.
“Yes.” Martin replied.
“Then how come they are not flying away from Jack?” Luke said.
They all turned to look at Jack who was standing a few feet away from them. There were quite a few Feiyaries around him and they were only inches from him.
“This is highly unusual.” Martin commented.
“Um I didn’t do anything so why exactly is this happening?” Jack asked. He didn’t seem freaked out or alarmed that they were close to him. He didn’t even seem bothered.
“I have no idea.” Martin replied.
Alicia took a step toward Jack but the lights seemed to flinch away. Alicia took a few steps back then walked over to stand beside Bethany.
“What do you think is going on?” she asked her.
“I have no idea but Martin said they were attracted to light so how does that apply to Jack?” Bethany muttered. The lack of answers was infuriating.
“Jack, they can speak so see if you can hear them and figure out why they are near you.” Martin said.
“Alright.” Jack replied.
There were more of them around him now so he was surrounded by the little Feitaries. It was a very amazing thing to see to Bethany. Jack was smiling a little bit and she noticed one of the Feitaries was flying around his hand. He lifted it and the little light landed on it almost immediately. Jack said something but Bethany didn’t hear it. She figured he was asking what Martin had told him to.
“How is he supposed to hear them?” Alicia asked Martin.
“Something fascinating about Feiyaries is that when they speak to a specific person they can make their voice heard only to them.” Martin replied. He seemed curious and full of wonder as he looked at Jack. Luke had his arms crossed and was glaring at Jack as usual.
“Okay seriously, Luke, what is your deal?” Bethany asked. Luke looked over at her.
“What do you mean?” he asked in return.
“You haven’t given Jack a break ever since we got here and you always glare at him. What did he ever do to you?” Bethany replied. Alicia looked expectantly at Luke. She wanted to know the answer too.
“It’s none of your business.” Luke retorted. Before Bethany could respond or Alicia, Jack looked over at them.
“What did it say?” Martin asked.
“That their name is Fern and that she’s never seen so much light before. I honestly don’t really understand.” Jack replied.
The Feitaries (Fern) on his hand flew up and hovered above Jack’s heart.
“They don’t just see the light on the outside of things like when they glow. They can also see light on the inside of things.” Jack said.
Everyone was silent as that realization sunk in.
“So that means….” Alicia trailed off.
“That Jack is full of light.” Martin finished.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Jack muttered. It was barely loud enough for the others to hear him. Bethany barely caught it.
“I agree. I will speak to the Headmaster about this. This behavior is unusual for them.” Martin said.
Jack didn’t answer, something in his expression had changed. There was horror and fear in it for only a moment before he masked it. Fern had said something else. They waited for Jack to tell them but he never did.
“Jack, what happened?” Alicia asked. Bethany knew Alicia would have caught his change of expression. She could hear the concern in Alicia’s voice.
“Nothing.” Jack replied.
“Idiot it obviously wasn’t nothing or Alicia wouldn’t have continued with her constant concern for you.” Luke cut in. Jack glared at him for a moment but Bethany could see it was half-hearted. Whatever Fern had said bothered him.
“Just leave it be, Luke. It was nothing.” Jack replied.
The Feitaries started flying faster around him. Now there were just blurs of light swirling around Jack. Then after several more moments they flew up and dispersed in separate directions. Fern was the only one that remained. It seemed Jack was listening to her then after a moment she flew away. Jack didn’t say anything and he didn’t move.
“Jack.” Alicia said. He didn’t say anything.
“You’re upset about something she said so just tell us.” Bethany pressed. She didn’t understand what it could have said that would upset him but she also didn’t understand why there was a sword designed to kill him. It was a rough day.
“It was nothing really. Just surprised and confused because she was still trying to explain the whole light thing.” Jack lied. No one pressed him, it was silent for a few minutes.
“Well, I’ll take you all back to your rooms so you can change into warmer clothes. Then you’re free to explore the areas that have been shown to you as well as the main floor to the tenth floor.” Martin told them, finally breaking the silence.
“Why can’t we go to the other places?” Luke asked.
“Because they are forbidden to you at this time.” Martin replied. Bethany was only half listening. She was trying to figure out what Jack was keeping from them. He had looked afraid and a bit horrified so that could mean it was something about the shadowy figure in the woods.
No, that wasn’t it, she thought. When the shadowy figure had come up before, Jack’s fear had been different and there hadn’t been any horror in his expression. As she and the others followed Martin back to their rooms, she made a quick plan. She would talk to Alicia and convince her to talk to Jack. If anyone could get Jack to tell them what Fern had said, it would be Alicia. Bethany knew that Jack trusted her and that Alicia would know how to make him feel better about whatever had happened. It didn’t take long for them to reach their rooms and thankfully they didn’t run into any problems.
Bethany followed Alicia into their room and went over to her side where she started looking through the warm clothes. Alicia was doing the same thing and when Bethany looked over she could see worry and concern in her expression.
“I’m guessing you saw Jack’s reaction before he could hide it.” Bethany commented. “I just don’t understand why he’s hiding things. Also whatever that fairy thing told him made him upset.” Alicia muttered.
She was changing from her dress into a long sleeved blue sweater and black pants. She took her out too and let it fall down her back.
“Talk to him, please. I can’t get any answers to anything. I only get more questions. Something is definitely going on and Jack seems to be at the center of all of it.” Bethany said.
“He isn’t going to tell us about the shadow thing.” Alicia replied.
“I know, just try to figure out what that Fern told him.” Bethany told her. She was wearing brown pants and a purple long sleeved shirt.
“I just want him to trust me.” Alicia whispered. Bethany walked over and put a hand on Alicia’s shoulder.
“He does trust you, Alicia. He’s having a hard time, but you haven’t failed to make him smile. You’ve been there for him through all of this.” she murmured. Alicia was quiet. Bethany was about to say something but then she heard yelling. Alicia beat her to the door and she opened it quickly.
“Just leave it alone, Luke!” they heard Jack shout.
“How am I supposed to do that?! You’re covered in-” Luke shouted but Jack interrupted him.
“Shut up!”
Bethany moved past Alicia and knocked on the door. Alicia moved to stand beside her. The room was silent for a moment before the door was opened by Luke who was wearing dark blue pants and a grey long sleeved shirt.
“Alicia, Bethany.” he said. There was still irritation in his voice.
“What were you two arguing about this time?” Alicia asked. She pushed past Luke and Bethany followed.
“Nothing important.” Jack said.
He was leaning against the wall next to his bed. He was wearing a light blue long sleeved shirt which was a bit too big for him and black pants. Bethany noticed that the blankets were clean now and there was no trace of blood on them. Luke muttered something as he closed the door.
“What was that, Luke?” Bethany asked.
“He’s just being annoying as usual.” Jack told her, glaring at Luke.
“Oh I was being annoying because I was slightly concerned about your health?” Luke asked, returning the glare.
“What is he talking about, Jack?” Alicia asked, looking over at Jack. She walked over to stand in front of him.
“Nothing.” Jack replied, crossing his arms.
“Why won’t you just tell them? We would already know where they’re from.” Luke muttered.
“You’re hurt.” Bethany said after a moment. She was looking at Jack.
“W-What?” Alicia gasped.
“You’ve been here all day. Is it really shocking at this point?” Jack muttered.
“Physically.” Bethany corrected herself. Jack sucked in a breath.
“How did you figure that out?” Luke asked, sitting on his bed.
“Well based on what we overheard you two yelling about, you bringing up health, your last comment, and the fact that Jack is hiding it makes it very obvious.
“She’s good.” Luke said, looking at Jack and Alicia. After a moment a grin appeared on his face.
“What are you grinning about? Did you not just hear what Bethany said?” Alicia asked.
“You and Jack match.” Luke said, suppressing a laugh. Alicia and Jack looked at each other. Alicia blushed and Jack smiled a little bit.
“Back to what you were arguing about.” Bethany sighed.
“It doesn’t matter.” Jack muttered, his smile vanishing.
“Yes it does. Please just tell us what you and Luke were arguing about and what that thing Fern said.” Alicia said, gently.
“We were changing clothes and Luke saw some...injuries I have and then we started yelling at each other.” Jack murmured, looking down.
Bethany knew he was upset but she couldn’t figure out what else he was feeling because she couldn’t see his eyes.
“Your father.” she said, quietly. Jack didn’t say anything but Bethany knew it was true.
“What injuries?” Alicia asked, her voice very quiet. Again Jack said nothing.
“He has bruises all over his chest and back.” Luke said. When Bethany looked over she noticed he was concerned. There was none of the arrogance or dislike in his gaze or manner now. She was shocked by his answer though. Apparently Jack had hidden more than she thought. Alicia was looking at Jack with wide eyes. It seemed like he couldn’t bring himself to meet her eyes.
“You’re being dramatic, Luke.” he said, quietly.
“No, I’m really not. I get why you hide it from me but why are you hiding it from Bethany and Alicia? They haven’t done anything to you.” Luke replied.
“Because they’ll go away. They aren’t permanent and in case you haven’t noticed, I didn’t really have any friends thanks to you. So I am so sorry that I lack the communication skills needed and don’t confide all of my stupid problems in people.” Jack snapped.
“Jack, you’re problems aren’t stupid. You have had a terrible day and that is a massive understatement. Plus the way it sounds you haven’t had a great childhood either.” Bethany said, softly.
“Yeah it really wasn’t that great and why do you or Alicia even care? You just started talking to me and it wasn’t like you had much of a choice is it? Now that we’re all here at this academy together.” Jack retorted. Alicia took a step away from him and tears filled her eyes. Jack didn’t look at anyone as he left, slamming the door behind him.
“Alicia, I’m sure he didn’t mean any of that.” Bethany said, walking over to her.
“Yeah he did.” Luke murmured.
“What?” Bethany asked, surprised. She hugged Alicia as she started to cry silently.
“Think about it, Bethany. I made everyone ignore him and mess with him, his father well….you know, and everything that happened today. He had his sister. I know they were close but he never really had any friends and that’s on me. Then he was Selected and you two talked to him? I mean from his perspective it may seem like pity or that no one cared to talk to him until……...he was more than he was.” Luke said, quietly.
Bethany felt Alicia tense as Luke finished. She stopped crying and pulled away, brushing the tears from her face. “This is on all of us.” she whispered.
“Luke, why can’t you just admit to Jack that you care? Why do you even hate him?” Bethany asked.
“Please just answer.” Alicia added.
Luke took a deep breath. “No one knows this but I used to have a sister. She meant so much to me but then she…..passed away.” he whispered. This was the most open Luke had ever been.
“What does that have to do with Jack?” Alicia asked. Bethany thought for a moment. His sister had passed away…..and he’d known Jack and his sister were close.
“You were friends with Jack once weren’t you?” she asked.
Luke hesitated before nodding. Alicia looked surprised, almost shocked. Before she could say anything, Bethany continued. “You pushed him away after your sister died because you didn’t want to get hurt again. That’s why you don’t have any real friends. It’s also why you care that Jack’s been getting hurt and that someone may want to kill him. Even after trying so hard to push him away, you still care.” she said.
“Are you sure you can’t read people’s minds or see things?” Luke asked.
“I am just putting facts and feelings together.” Bethany replied.
“You shouldn’t push people away, Luke. It doesn’t sound like Jack deserved it. How old were you both?” Alicia murmured.
“Like eight. I should have known by then that something was wrong. He was usually tired and he would have bruises or cuts that he would make a flustered excuse.” Luke said, quietly.
“You can’t blame yourself. No one knew and no one was ever supposed to. All of us were bad friends to Jack.” Bethany muttered.
“Maybe that’s why he won’t tell us what’s going on.” Alicia whispered.
“No, Alicia. He adores you and he would only keep it from you if he had to.” Luke told her, standing up. Alicia blushed.
“H-How would you know that?” she asked.
“He’s opened up to you and he was upset when you weren’t talking to him.” Luke said, shrugging.
“We should go find him and Luke, you should tell him why you were so awful to him.” Bethany said.
“No, I have already ruined whatever friendship we had.” Luke replied, quickly.
“Jack needs us. He’s in danger and we have to help him and show him that we are his friends.” Alicia told them.
“I’ll help so he doesn’t get hurt but that is all I’m promising and you two can’t tell him what I told you. I’m trusting the both of you.” Luke muttered.
“Alright, I have an idea.” Bethany said. Luke and Alicia looked at her expectantly.
“Alica, you’ll find Jack and if he opens up then try to figure out what Fern said.” she continued, then looked at Luke. “Luke, you and I will see if there’s a library and if there is then we’ll try to find anything that looks like the shadowy figure in the woods. We can also look to see if we can find out more information about the sword that hurt Jack. If we can find something important then Jack will have to tell us what’s going on.” she finished.
“It’s a good plan, Bethany but there’s one possible problem.” Luke said.
“What’s that?” Bethany asked.
“He isn’t going to tell us anything if we don’t find something and even then he might not.” Luke explained.
“And he’s hurt right now and what happens when his emotions get out of control?” he added, quietly.
“His powers.” Alicia and Bethany said in unison.