A week had passed before the Selected were able to begin their classes again. Everything had been postponed as the school was constantly searched and the service was held for Martin. The Headmaster had let Jack in through a different entrance so he was not bombarded with questions. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAZYX7Ns7C3b
He thought Jack needed time and Jack very much appreciated it. With the exception of the service they had not been able to leave their rooms much. They were allowed to visit each other so the four of them would often hang out together in either the boys’ room or the girls’ room.
Food was delivered to their rooms via magic and that was really it. The four of them had been trying to figure out any sort of clue or theory as to what the shadow figure wanted or who they were. They now knew that they didn’t want Jack dead but they weren’t sure exactly what the shadow wanted with him. 334Please respect copyright.PENANASJMnR5V7Qu
Bethany figured it had something to do with his powers and they all rather agreed. Jack still didn’t have much control over his abilities and one night during a nightmare, his powers had gone off. Luckily no one was hurt and no one but Luke and the two girls had known it happened.
Now they were going to resume classes again. The schedule had changed though. Now they had Professor Amora’s class first, then Dueling, then History. Then after lunch they would have study time in the library then free time to do as they pleased. However traveling outside the Academy was not prohibited. The teachers and Headmaster also wanted everyone to stay in pairs and not travel around alone.
Now that breakfast was over, they were going to Professor Amora’s. “Well, the three of us will get our focuses and I’m sure Professor Amora will know how to help you.” Alicia assured him as they walked. “I don’t know. I’m just going to try not to cause you to pass out this time. You shouldn’t have done that, you know.” Jack replied. “It isn’t like she knew that would happen.” Bethany chimed in. “True.” Luke added. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAubjwHnFxRK
He and Luke were getting along and even though Jack was conflicted, he was kind to Luke. He could understand and he could forgive him. He didn’t know if he could go past that.
“Well, once we get through this class then we can duel. I am not losing to you this time.” Luke told him. “I’m pretty sure it was just luck.” Jack replied with a shrug. “No, you beat him because you fought better.” Alicia stated, smiling slightly. “No, he used a dumb trick!” Luke exclaimed. “And you fell for it.” Bethany said, laughing. Jack and Alicia laughed too. They soon made it to her classroom and filed inside. She stood there like before with the focuses beside her.
“Hello to all of you.” she said kindly as they entered. They all stood in a row like last time. “Jack, I will speak to you after class. Today the others will find their focuses.” Professor Amora said. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAyJsMMgKnvp
Jack nodded. “Alicia, come choose one. If it is your focus then it will feel natural to use it if not then it will feel uncomfortable.” Professor Amora told Alicia. She went forward and picked up one of the small gems. Professor Amora has them use the same incantation as last time. A small like formed in Alicia’s hand but she seemed to cringe. She set the gem down.
“Try another.” Professor Amora encouraged. Now Alicia picked up a staff and did the spell again. A light formed at the end. It was impressive. Alicia smiled as she held the staff. “Since it is a bit inconvenient to travel with if you press the middle it will shrink down.” Professor Amora told her. Alicia did what she said and it shrunk down so Alicia could easily slip it into her pocket.
“Luke.” Professor Amora said as Alicia walked over to stand beside Jack. “That was really cool.” Jack told her. Alicia blushed slightly and mumbled a thank you. Luke picked up a wand and it didn’t seem comfortable to him so he tried one of the gems. It was a dark green gem and that became his focus. Bethany then went up and selected a wand which was her focus so she didn’t have to try again.
“Very well done all of you. Now I would like each of you to tell me how you felt when you selected your focus. You will write it down on paper and bring it to me tomorrow. Jack, I will have a different assignment for you. The three of you may start heading to your next class while I speak to him.” Professor Amora said. She smiled at the other three as they left then turned to Jack.
“How are you?” she asked him. “I’m fine.” Jack replied. “You aren’t very talkative.” Professor Amora commented with a kind smile. “No, I suppose I’m not.” Jack murmured. “The Headmaster and I have talked and we agreed that you should have some private lessons.” she told him.
“What exactly does that mean?” Jack asked. “That after you’ve had some study time, you will return here. The Headmaster and I will be here and we will try to help you use your magic. We are aware that you have not been taught any means of control. It will also help us learn more about your magic so that you can control it.” Professor Amora replied. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. My magic does more harm than it does good.” Jack muttered.
“Well, the only way you will get better is if you try to use it. It may also give you answers which I’m sure you must want.” Professor Amora said. Jack thought about it. Maybe it would be a good thing. He could learn to control his stupid magic better then he could possibly figure out how to use it properly without it hurting him or anyone else. “Alright.” he agreed finally.
“Splendid, come here after your time in the library. Straight here. No detours.” she told him. Jack nodded then she dismissed him. He exited and walked quickly. He reached the dueling room and entered. The others were already standing there with swords in hand. “Sorry, I’m late.” Jack mumbled, quickly getting a sword and walking over. “No need for apologies. Professor Amora already informed me you may be a bit late." Professor Bogassi replied.
“Today,” he continued, now turning to address them all, “I would like Jack to continue to teach Miss Belle while I work with Miss Jalen and Mr. Ramos. Later I will give further instruction. Go.” he told them. Jack smiled slightly at Alicia and she could see a bit of relief in her expression. “What? Did you think I was getting in trouble or something?” he asked, as they walked over to one side of the room while Professor Bogassi walked with Luke and Bethany to the opposite side. “Well, I was just….worried...about you.” Alicia stammered, blushing.
“Why are you blushing?” Jack asked before he could stop himself. Alicia just blushed harder. “Um, I don’t know.” she mumbled. “Okay then…..” Jack trailed off. Then he turned on her raising his blade. She moved quickly and blocked his blade with her own. Jack smiled at her. “That was really good,” he said. “Thanks.” she replied, smiling back.
“Hey, are you two actually fighting or just flirting with each other?” Luke called over to them. Bethany was going over a few moves with the professor so Luke had been watching them. Jack felt his face grow warm and he saw Alicia blush too. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAJMUfEZzgDx
He heard Luke laugh. Then Alicia swung her sword at his side and when he blocked, the small duel began. Jack gave her a few corrections and helped her with a couple moves. She was actually doing quite well. Then she managed to knock his legs out from under him when he wasn’t paying attention.
She laughed but then he grabbed her ankle and yanked her own feet out from underneath her. They both looked at each other for a minute then burst out laughing. “Seems you two are getting along well over here.” Professor Bogassi said, as he made it over to them. Both of them quickly got to their feet. Bethany was standing beside him with her sword in hand. 334Please respect copyright.PENANANMCNavvq4a
“Mr. Larmen, you may go review some moves with Mr. Ramos while I spend some time teaching Miss Jalen and Miss Belle.” Professor Bogassi said.
Jack nodded and walked over to Luke on the other side of the room. They were getting along better and Jack could see Luke had meant what he had said. However, Jack was still hesitant. Luke had hurt him a lot over the last few years.334Please respect copyright.PENANAT6cHfh9ka4
However, he knew he felt guilty and that he was trying to help him. He knew Claire meant a lot to Luke so he could kind of understand and he could forgive him but could he ever call Luke a friend again?
“So what were you and Alicia doing?” Luke asked with a grin. “Well, I was teaching her how to duel and she managed to knock me down.” Jack replied, casually. “So what is the deal with you two?” Luke asked as they stood across from each other, preparing to do a few drills. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAi4ejgpNsaf
“What do you mean?” Jack asked in return. “Well, you seem to be a bit more open around her. Calm and you trust her. She likes you and she gets upset when Raven asks you to go join her group.” Luke replied. Jack was quiet for a few moments. “She is the first person who hasn’t turned their back on me in any way.” he murmured after a moment.
He didn’t give Luke time to answer before he thrust his sword forward. He didn’t want Luke to answer. Luke blocked it and did a forward thrust of his own. Jack blocked it easily. They continued this for a while before both stopped a bit out of breath. “Do you mind if I ask you something?” Luke asked after a moment. “Depends.” Jack replied, twirling the hilt of his sword in his hand. “Do you think you’ll be able to handle the history professor?” Luke asked after a moment.
Jack hesitated. Professor Formento had been quite rude at their first encounter but he figured that he was just a harsh teacher and Jack’s abilities probably just made it worse for himself. “I’m used to being disliked. I think I can handle it.” he stated. “Still shouldn’t treat you like that.” Luke pointed out. Jack just shrugged it off.
The rest of Dueling passed quickly and before Jack knew it they were walking to the History room. They tried to open the door but it was locked, so they waited out in the hallway. Jack was talking to Alicia when a random boy walked by and shouldered Jack hard, causing him to fall. They laughed. “You can’t even stand your ground.” he muttered. Jack didn’t say anything just got to his feet.
The boy shoved him down again. “Stop it.” Alicia snapped as Jack got up again. “Why? He isn’t doing anything about it.” the boy replied with a smirk. Then Jack did something that shocked the other Selected. He shoved the other boy and he hadn’t expected it so he stumbled back. Then he charged forward and punched Jack in the face. They were shouting and a small crowd formed to watch them.
Luke immediately tried to help Jack and the three boys were just on the ground. Alicia and Bethany tried to shout at them but their voices were drowned out. Then the three boys were knocked apart. Professor Formento stood in the doorway of his classroom with his wand in hand. “Clear out all of you and detention for the three of you.” he said to the three boys who were getting to their feet.
Luke had a bleeding lip, Jack had a black eye forming, and the other boy had a few bruises. “Mr. Larmen you will come after your time with Professor Amora, Mr. Ramos you will come immediately after your time in the library and you will arrive at the same time as him after your last class, Mr. Remera.” Professor Formento told them, scowling. 334Please respect copyright.PENANACHiUs5y7xP
The three nodded. Jack had his arms crossed and stared at the ground. He was tired of people whispering and messing with him. He’d snapped and now he had detention. Great.
“Mr. Larmen, I thought you had more control of your temper but as you displayed in my class before I suppose not.” Professor Formento continued. “Sir-” Alicia started. “Enough unless you would like detention as well.” he told her. He then looked at Jack whose fists were clenched. The other boy had gone off and Luke seemed perfectly at ease. He was probably used to getting into fights. “Something you would like to say, Mr. Larmen?” Professor Formento asked. Jack could hear the slight taunt behind his tone.
“Several.” Jack muttered. “Mhm. Well I would suggest keeping your mouth shut whilst in my classroom unless you would like further punishment. Am I clear?” Professor Formento said. “Yes.” Jack replied. “Yes, what?” Professor Formento asked. “Yes, sir.” Jack replied through gritted teeth. “Very good. Now come in and let us begin our lesson.” Professor Formento replied, smirking at Jack as the others walked into the class.
Jack sat in the classroom with his arms crossed and kept his gaze down. He was trying to listen but he was really irritated. Now he had a detention because some idiot pushed his buttons. It wasn’t fair and he was so done with people making fun of him and pushing him around. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAIPnWyKhVIU
He’d dealt with it enough over the last few years and he just wanted everyone to leave him alone if they were going to make fun of him. He wished he was normal. He wished that he didn’t have magic so he wouldn’t be cut off from everyone else.
However he remembered what Alicia had told him a week ago. She wasn’t going to turn her back on him. Luke and Bethany were trying to help and sticking by him too. Professor Formento was talking about how only a few spells could be done without a focus and how the Three had been the first protectors. Jack was still half listening. The class dragged on and any other day Jack might have been really interested but his thoughts were keeping him from really focusing.
Then of course Professor Formento assigned them a two page essay on how the Three shaped the magic of their town and their impact in history. They would be receiving grades on them and this teacher seemed like a very harsh grader. Jack sighed and was the first out of that classroom. He immediately started walking down to lunch. He just wanted to get as far from Professor Formento as possible. Then he felt a gentle hand on his arm. He stopped.
Alicia brought him over to the side of the hall and Luke and Bethany came and stood around him. “What on earth got into you?” Alicia asked him. Jack looked up and was met with the concern in her gaze. He just shrugged. Alicia sighed and reached up, lightly touching beneath his eye. It was probably bruised now and he officially had a black eye. “You’re lucky you all you got was a black eye and a few bruises.” Bethany commented, as Alicia pulled her hand away.
“Well, I think you handled yourself well.” Luke cut in. “Luke, not helping.” Bethany hissed. “Enough. Look, I got sick of it. I’m tired of being pushed around. I was done so I shoved him.” Jack interrupted. “Jack…..I know you’re still...upset about what happened. You can talk to us, okay? Just take a deep breath because you let him bait you.” Alicia told him, softly. 334Please respect copyright.PENANARyM6xFsfgc
Jack was quiet. He’d known it wasn’t the right thing to do but his nerves were strung very tight. “There’s nothing to talk about.” Jack muttered as he started walking again. The others followed in silence. They were almost to the dining hall and Jack thought they were going to make it there without any further issues.
Then Raven showed up. “Hey, Jack.” she said, grabbing his arm to stop him. Jack didn’t say anything. He didn’t have the patience to deal with Raven. “Gosh, what happened to you?” she asked, touching his face. He heard Alicia suck in a breath. “Stop.” Jack told her, stepping away from her touch. 334Please respect copyright.PENANA73RRB4KNu2
“I’m just concerned about you.” Raven said innocently as she reached out to grab his hand. “Leave me alone!” Jack shouted. He saw the surprise on Raven’s face along with the other Selected’s. He turned and ran. He went right past the dining hall. He didn’t know where his feet were taking him but he kept running.
He ran down corridor after corridor until there were no more people. Finally he stopped at a dead end. He was still for a moment then he started hitting the wall. It hurt but he honestly didn’t care. He kept hitting the wall as his thoughts finally consumed him. It was his fault. All of this was. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAMMdWFLaAGY
He didn’t even know what was happening. Martin had died trying to protect him and help him. His friends glared and whispered whenever they saw Jack pass by. A lot of people had reminded him of the fact that Martin’s death was his fault. Some had even said he should’ve died instead.
Blood started running down his knuckles but he didn’t stop. The others kept saying he could talk to them and they could help but they couldn’t. They would never understand how he felt. No one would. He was different from everyone else. He was an outcast, a freak…..a curse. He was completely useless too. His powers never worked and he himself couldn’t do anything.
Everyone looked at him like he was some sort of disease or some freak of nature. He heard the things they said about him and he knew what they thought of him. The other Selected kept looking at him like he was about to snap. They never mentioned certain things around him probably thinking if they did then he’d lose control. He didn’t know what the shadow wanted and he had no idea who it could be.
That thought opened another flood of thoughts that he’d tried to keep dammed off. He could still feel the touch of the shadow and hear that chilling laugh. He remembered everything it had said to him. They had said they knew everything about him and that there was some sort of plan. What did they want? Why did they want him to be weak? Why was that the way it was supposed to be? Question after question as his fists hit the wall and no answers came. The pain he’d felt from that spell…
He kept wondering if that was how much pain Martin had been in before he’d died. Why had he lived and Martin hadn’t? The shadow somehow knew that the spell wouldn’t kill him. How did they know? They had known who he was and they had caused him so much pain. He could barely sleep out of the fear it would come back. He wouldn’t be able to fight them off if they did. If they did come back then would someone else die or get hurt? What if it was Luke or Bethany? Or…..Alicia?
He couldn’t think about that. They were even in danger because of him. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if any of them got hurt because they were trying to help him. He didn’t bother trying to stop his tears and the pain from hitting the wall was barely registering as his thoughts berated him. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAnR2IuRr6VD
He felt so much pain, sadness, and guilt. He didn’t know what to do with it all. He was trying to act like he was okay but he wasn’t. He was trying to figure out what was happening but he was getting nowhere. He continued to hit the wall and have his thoughts go around in speeding circles until strong hands grabbed his wrists.
He was pulled against someone into an embrace. “Enough, Mr. Larmen. That’s enough.” a familiar voice said quietly. Jack recognized it as the Headmaster’s. Jack didn’t try to fight. He couldn’t stop his tears and the Headmaster’s embrace was oddly comforting. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAx2D0lZsKt9
He’d never been embraced like this before. He couldn’t manage to say anything. “It’s alright, Mr. Larmen. You’re alright.” the Headmaster told him. Jack tried to take a deep breath but he started coughing as a result. “Do not force it. You are allowed to feel.” the Headmaster said. His voice was gentle and he continued to embrace him.
Jack surrendered to the Headmaster and let it all in. The Headmaster rested a hand on Jack’s head and was able to soothe him after several minutes. Jack was finally able to calm down. “Come with me.” the Headmaster murmured, keeping an arm over Jack’s shoulders as led him back the way he’d come. However they did take one different turn and Jack didn’t let his gaze leave the ground. After maybe ten minutes or so they reached a doorway and the Headmaster brought him inside.
Jack looked up to see where he was. This must be the Headmaster’s office. There was a grand desk opposite of the door. There were two chairs on the side closest to them and on the other side was a bigger chair that must be where the Headmaster sat. There were papers on it and behind the desk was a large window. The rays of the setting sun coming through it.334Please respect copyright.PENANAHNaaT1aIW5
The window was most likely invisible from the outside but the view from it was beautiful. He could see the town and the lush green forest. Above the window was some sort of painting. There was what he assumed to be a sorceress and two sorcerers. The sorceress stood with flowing purple robes between the two sorcerers who both wore a dark red. The sorceress was beautiful and the two sorcerers stood proud and strong beside her.
He looked away and there was another table to one side of the room. It was covered in various strange objects but the one that caught his attention was a sword. It was the sword. He moved closer to the Headmaster with a small noise of fear. The Headmaster didn’t say anything but he waved a hand and the sword flew into a wardrobe looking object near the table. The brief glimpse Jack got of the inside was that it was filled with all sorts of weapons.
The Headmaster led him over to one of the chairs and had him sit down. He then moved to the other side of his desk and opened a drawer. “I-I’m s-sorry.” Jack whispered. He didn’t know what else to say. He still looked down and he was looking at his hands now. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAALQ2CdFIac
They were already healing and the bruises that had started to form were already fading. “You do not have to apologize.” the Headmaster told him. He walked over with bandages in hand. “Aguarium.” the Headmaster murmured. Water washed over Jack’s hand, cleaning away the blood and the little specks of dust and bits of stone from his hands.
The Headmaster then bandaged them with gentle hands when the water disappeared and the wounds were clean. “Just in case. We wouldn’t want to risk an infection of some sort.” he said. “T-Thank you.” Jack said in a shaky voice as the Headmaster put the remaining bandages away. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAHrUF4Uw73R
“You will not make eye contact with me. Is there a reason?” the Headmaster asked as he sat down in his chair across from Jack. “I…….” he trailed off. He was ashamed and unsure. The Headmaster had seen him like that. He probably wasn’t that fond of him to begin with.
“If you are worried that I view you any differently because of your abilities then I can assure you that I do not see you as anything less than I do any other student or Selected.” the Headmaster told him. Jack finally looked up at the Headmaster’s face. There was genuine concern in his eyes and he seemed to mean those words. “See? I mean my words.” the Headmaster murmured.334Please respect copyright.PENANAI1ZbaUBhaI
“Why? Everyone else sees me as some sort of freak or outcast.” Jack replied, quietly. “I do not believe that is true. The other Selected do not seem to and I do not. Nor does Professor Amora and Professor Bogassi says you are quite a natural at dueling.” the Headmaster said, leaning back in his chair.
Jack was surprised. “Do you just pity me then?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The Headmaster was quiet for a few moments. “I do feel sympathetic towards you, yes. Professor Amora is worried about you as well. Honestly after what I just saw my own worry has increased. However I do not just pity you. I care, Mr. Larmen.” he said, finally. Jack felt tears come to his eyes. An adult had never really cared about him or at least said they did. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAcfMzvVWatY
“Forgive me but I did do a bit of digging so I could know why your father kept you from the Selection. I do know what he did. He was wrong. I do not know what he has said to you but whatever he has said I very much doubt is true.” the Headmaster said, softly.
“He said I was a curse.” Jack whispered, quickly wiping away tears that had fallen. “Well, I can assure you that is not true. I’ve seen how you interact with people and how you are in general. Your magic simply blinded him. It does not define you. It is simply a part of you.” the headmaster told him. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAtt56OKL7on
“It makes me an outcast.” Jack said quietly. The Headmaster stood and walked over to stand beside Jack. “Look up at the painting.” he instructed. Jack did as he asked and looked up at the sorcerers and sorceress once again.
“Do you know who they are?” the Headmaster asked him. Jack shook his head slightly. “Those are The Three.” the Headmaster said. “We are learning about them.” Jack said lamely. “Indeed you are. You know they are the founders of magic and they created this town and protected it. They also founded this Academy.” the headmaster continued. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAI3AvJsAtTZ
“Yeah, they were the most powerful people and magic has evolved since then so focuses must be used.” Jack said. “Very good. However they weren’t always known for those things.” the Headmaster replied. Jack could hear he was a bit impressed that he had retained that knowledge.
“What do you mean?” he asked, looking at the Headmaster. “They were outcasts. In fact all the people shunned them and they were sent away. Then threats came and they came back and used their abilities to save everyone. They were skilled and they did not let the opinions of others affect their views of themselves.” the Headmaster replied, looking at Jack as he answered.334Please respect copyright.PENANAkBNWiRSWGl
“They...they were outcasts?” Jack asked quietly. “Yes, they were. They probably received the same treatment you have received. It is unjust and you of all people do not seem to deserve it.” the Headmaster said.
“What do you mean?” Jack murmured, looking away.334Please respect copyright.PENANAqm071yt6I3
“You cannot be blamed for your lack of control. You were not brought up in an environment that nurtured your magic and accepted it. You were taught to hide it and push it away. Your emotions therefore control your powers which can be dangerous. You are also kind and you try to do the right thing. It is not your fault that you are in pain over the events that have occurred and that they have affected you. Your father should not have treated you that way. I was thinking of reporting him.” the Headmaster told him. 334Please respect copyright.PENANASLyTxqgiSi
Jack heard something in his voice but he couldn’t quite place it.
“No, don’t do that.” Jack said quickly. The Headmaster looked at him as he walked back over to the other side of the desk and sat down. “Why?” the Headmaster asked him. “My brother and sister need him. As does my mother. They barely make enough money to survive as it is and now that I’m gone everything is fine. He won’t hurt anyone else in that house.” Jack said, quietly. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAoc7K9G6g1Y
“Your amount of selflessness is astounding. You do not even wish vengeance. You think of the rest of your family first.” the Headmaster murmured. “I could see it on your face when I found you. You do not believe anyone can relate to you, do you?” the Headmaster asked after a moment of silence.
Jack shook his head slightly. “Can I test that?” the Headmaster asked. Jack looked up at him. “I...guess.” he said hesitantly. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAfx1cQCWGlN
“I am sure Professor Formento has told you about how magic has changed and all. One needs a focus now. There exceptions of course. Some more experienced sorcerers and sorceresses do not require a focus for some spells. However I do not require one. I was the only one and still remain the only one that does not need to use a focus to cast magic. It makes some of my spells stronger of course but I do not need it. I am different and was treated as such.” the Headmaster told him.
Jack looked at him confused. Why would anyone treat the Headmaster differently? He was the most powerful sorcerer their town knew. “Your father was more extreme but mine hurt me too. These scars on my face are from him. I was not always strong. In fact I was very much like you however there are many major differences.” he continued. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAu21S7VQKKE
“Your…” Jack trailed off. “Yes he did. Unlike you I was not selfless enough to think of the well being of my family. I came from a rich one but it still had its effects. I came to this school and people whispered and insulted me. Now I am the headmaster of the Academy.” the Headmaster finished.
“W-Why are you telling me this?” Jack asked, quietly. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAslMb0L8koT
“Because I want you to know that you are not alone. I may not be able to relate to you in every way but I can relate to you. I know how it feels to think no one cares and to feel unwanted. You are not though. Miss Belle, Miss Jalen, and even Mr. Ramos care about you. As does Professor Amora. She has come to see me several times. In fact she came to see me just a little while ago saying she had seen you run off. I’m sure the other Selected are worried about you as well. Especially after last week’s events.” the Headmaster told him.
Tears came to Jack’s eyes again. His words meant a lot to him. People really truly cared about him. “I can tell those words mean a great deal to you.” the Headmaster said quietly. “I can’t remember the last time an adult has said they cared. I….just don’t know how to deal with it all.” Jack whispered. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAOf3aNn12mi
“I can understand that. Pushing it down does not help. You have to face it and the only opinions you should listen to are the people who really do care about you. I would say Miss Belle’s opinion should matter most. From what I have seen she cares about you and has stayed by your side. Miss Jalen has not wronged you but Miss Belle has proven that she will not abandon you at times when others did.” the Headmaster replied.
“She’s the only person that hasn’t turned away.” Jack said quietly. “So do not push her away.” the Headmaster told him. Jack didn’t reply. He just wiped at his eyes for a second. “Why did you run off, Mr. Larmen? I have a feeling it might have something to do with that nearly faded black eye of yours.” the Headmaster asked quietly. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAAkFdDDsU7I
“No, that was just one of the things. Raven sent me over the edge.” Jack murmured. “Miss McCallister? What did she do?” the Headmaster asked. “She just wouldn’t leave me alone and I told her to stop touching me because I really did not want to be touched. She has been bothering Alicia so I already don’t have much patience with her.” Jack said.
“You reached a breaking point which is completely understandable. I know you blame yourself, Mr. Larmen but you are not at fault for his decision.” the Headmaster stated. “I should’ve just stayed in the room.” Jack said quietly. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAfGiZEWLXQt
“You are not at fault. In fact I was truly worried, afraid even that I was not going to be able to reverse that spell. It has never been done. It is a miracle that you are even breathing right now.” the Headmaster said. Jack looked at the Headmaster. He was afraid that he wouldn’t have been able to wake him up?
“I can see your confusion. I have not talked to you much but I have grown rather...fond of you. You remind me much of myself when I was your age and for some reason I always worry something has happened to you. I do not often embrace my students in that way. You are just all sorts of different.” the Headmaster said with a small smile. Jack was able to give a small smile in return.
“I’m correct in assuming Professor Amora has told you of our private lessons am I not?” the Headmaster asked after a moment. “Yeah, she told me. I go to her classroom after the library then I have a detention.” Jack said with a sigh. “Ah yes. I did hear about that. Professor Formento said you attacked someone but I honestly do not believe you would do that unless extremely provoked.” the Headmaster replied. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAYTg4E1r9Pw
“They kept shoving me. I just didn’t want to let them walk all over me. I shoved them back and….it kind of...escalated after that.” Jack muttered, looking down at his bandaged hands.
The Headmaster was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. “Enter.” the Headmaster called. The door opened and Professor Amora walked in holding something. “Oh thank the heavens, you found him.” she said, looking at Jack. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAvUXMiZBwvL
The Headmaster gave Jack a look and Jack smiled a bit and looked down again. Professor Amora walked over and set a plate in front of Jack. “You missed lunch so I brought some up just in case you were here.” she told him. He looked up at her. “Thank you.” he said.
“What happened?” she asked, looking at his hands. Jack didn’t reply. “He is alright, Amora.” the Headmaster told her. “Glad to hear it.” she said. She lifted Jack’s gaze. “You haven’t been sleeping much, have you?” she asked. Jack didn’t say anything. She let him drop his gaze again. There were a few moments of silence. Then a terrible noise reached Jack’s ears. He winced and put his hands over them trying to drown out the noise. It sounded like strangled screeching and scraping bonded together.
It was painful to his ears and it was giving him a terrible headache. He felt Professor Amora’s hand on his shoulder. He gasped as the sound got louder. He got to his feet and staggered over to the wardrobe. He didn’t know why. 334Please respect copyright.PENANA4t0dGc9eom
The Headmaster and Professor Amora were by his side and it looked like the Headmaster said something to Professor Amora but Jack couldn’t hear it over the terrible noise. He felt something come out of his mouth but he couldn’t even hear his own voice. Professor Amora looked at him with concerned eyes.
The Headmaster opened the wardrobe and the sound got worse. His knees gave out and he was pretty sure he screamed. He felt warm liquid come out of his nose and he held his hands tight over his ears as he was on his knees in front of the wardrobe. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAHEvJ281Elh
Professor Amora got on the ground next to him and pulled him into her gentle arms. After a few more seconds the sound finally died and Jack collapsed against Professor Amora. He was breathing hard but he took his hands away from his ears. His head was pounding painfully but the noise had stopped.
“Jack, are you alright?” Professor Amora asked him quietly as she wiped the blood from his nose away with her long maroon sleeve. He just groaned softly. He couldn’t form an answer right now. The Headmaster kneeled in front of him, holding the sword. Jack turned into Professor Amora, shaking with fear and pain. She held him tight. “Headmaster.” she said. “Believe me, I do not want to do this to him either.” the Headmaster replied quietly.
“Mr. Larmen. I just need you to do one task then you do not have to look at it anymore.” the Headmaster said. Jack hesitantly turned to look at the sword again. He was afraid of that sword. He remembered the pain it had caused him. “I just need you to touch it. Just for a moment.” the Headmaster murmured.334Please respect copyright.PENANA0KZwSmL80V
Jack really didn’t want to but then it would be over. “It’s okay.” Professor Amora murmured to him. Jack reached out with a trembling hand and touched the top of the blade. The sound rang even louder than before. He screamed and jerked his hand away, turning into Professor Amora again.
He was shaking and he was terrified. He heard the Headmaster get up and he assumed he was putting the sword away. Professor Amora brushed tears away from Jack’s face that he didn’t even know had fallen then hugged him again. He let her. Her embrace was comforting and he was afraid and his head hurt worse now. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAnJVfPYElUk
“Just breathe, Jack. It’s gone. It isn’t going to hurt you. You’re alright.” she assured him. He just cried into her. The pain in his head was overwhelming and he was so terrified of that blade.
There was silence except for Professor Amora’s quiet words as she tried to soothe him. His own mother had never even comforted him like this. This professor that he’d known for just over a week was comforting him more than his mother had even tried to. Finally he was able to calm down. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAH8Bt1S3BNr
“D-Did you h-hear i-it?” he whispered in a painfilled voice. “What did you hear, Jack?” she asked him softly. “I-I d-don't know b-but i-it hurt.” he choked out. “Is there anything hurting you right now?” she asked him, brushing away his tears. “M-My h-head.” he groaned softly.
“Was it coming from the sword, Mr. Larmen?” the Headmaster asked. Jack nodded slightly. “Do you want me to numb the pain? I can do that and you can eat then I’ll take you to the nurse.” Professor Amora murmured. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAkk7LRovu6G
“J-Just m-make it s-stop p-please.” Jack whispered. “Okay.” she whispered back. She moved her arm and he felt something lightly touch his head. Professor Amora whispered a spell and he couldn’t quite catch the words. Then the pain faded so there was just a dull throbbing in his head. He let out a sigh of relief and his body relaxed.
She helped him up to his feet and brought him back over to the chair and gently pushed him into it. “Now eat. The spell should last long enough for you to do that and for me to get you to the nurse.” she told him. “Thank you.” Jack whispered, looking up at her. “You don’t have to thank me. Just eat, okay?” she replied. He nodded then started to eat the food she had brought him. The Headmaster came and sat across from him again and Professor Amora sat in the chair beside him.
“I know I am asking a lot of you, Mr. Larmen. Will you tell me what the sound was you were hearing?” the Headmaster asked. Jack was quiet for a few moments. “I-It was like this high pitched scraping noise and screeching mixed together. It…..i-it hurt.” he murmured finally. “Where did it hurt?” the Headmaster asked him. 334Please respect copyright.PENANAC9wJplKEZj
“M-My head.” Jack whispered. “What do you think this could mean, Amora?” the Headmaster asked her. Before she could answer, Jack interrupted. “I-I think it was a message.” he said quietly. “What do you mean, Mr. Larmen?” the Headmaster asked. “I-I think whoever is b-behind all of this wanted to prove that they are watching. T-That they can hurt me w-whenever they want.” Jack whispered.
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