Jack looked at all the adults behind the Headmaster. There were nine of them total. Some of them looked kind of frightening to him then there were some that seemed nice like Professor Amora. He had to look away quickly to catch up with the rest of the group. He walked behind Alicia and then turned his attention back to the massive room. As glorious as it was it didn’t make him forget about what had happened with the sword. He shivered at the thought of it and Alicia glanced back at him, concerned. He smiled at her but it was forced. She turned back and sped up her pace to catch back up so she was behind Bethany.
They all wanted answers and Jack knew he should tell them but they would probably think he was crazy and if he told them then maybe they would be in danger too. The mirror said to find people he trusted and he trusted the Selected well Luke was kind of fifty-fifty. However, Luke had helped him when he needed it so maybe he could trust him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAdywrzwwUEF
He just didn’t want anyone else to get hurt and he had already hurt Alicia so maybe they did deserve to know. But, he didn’t really know what was going on himself. All he knew was he was in danger and something bad was happening. He just wanted to know why. He was just some kid with a messed up childhood and unusual abilities. The person that was in his house and in the woods had said he had great power but what did that mean? Was that even true?
How could he have great power when using his magic just caused problems and hurt him….and others. He still felt so horribly guilty about hurting Alicia. She’d told him over and over again that it wasn’t his fault when they were alone earlier. The reason she had been upset still baffled him. She had been upset because he had hurt himself. That made no sense to him. Jack knew Alicia was selfless, she always put others first. That still didn’t clear it up for him. Maybe this was how it was being friends with someone. Both were upset the other got hurt? That made sense. He was upset he hurt her and she was upset he got hurt too.
He just now realized Martin had led them to a row in the front where unlike the other rows there were only four seats. Jack didn’t like this. He already felt most students he passed staring at him. He could feel it as he sat down too. He was beside Alicia and Bethany was on the other side of her then Luke. Martin was sitting in the row behind them and Jack could sense the other people in that row staring at the back of his head. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAwOKPXueIAE
He wished he could be normal and not have everyone staring at him. The room was filled with chatter and he kept his eyes down. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA4MZcSNKEbv
“You okay?” Alicia asked, pulling him from his thoughts. 431Please respect copyright.PENANANCjEA0tdlb
“I can feel people staring at me.” he muttered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAXNbEORzkWy
“Do you mind me asking why it bothers you?” she said. Jack shook his head. 431Please respect copyright.PENANALSYsPZySAX
“It just makes me uncomfortable and self conscious I guess. I mean they’re all staring at me because of my magic. I can’t even use it properly and all I’ve been doing is messing up.” he told her, still keeping his gaze down.
“Jack, all the stuff that has happened is not your fault. I don’t know what’s going on. None of us do and we want you to trust us at least Bethany and I do.” Alicia replied. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAYDKUufRTR5
“Trust isn’t the issue.” Jack muttered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANASKHV0LmocK
Alicia sighed. “Then will you tell me what is?” “I don’t want to put any of you in danger but I hurt you so it is very conflicting right now. I want to tell you but I just don’t know if I should.” Jack said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAAWRiEhBGlw
“It wasn’t your fault and maybe we could help you.” Alicia replied. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAs4HTUbSWxW
Jack looked over at her. He could see the sincerity in her gaze and he did trust her but he couldn’t bear the thought of her getting hurt again. He was so torn and he wasn’t sure what to do but thankfully his attention was called elsewhere by the Headmaster.
He had held up a hand for quiet and all the voices went quiet. Jack swore if someone had dropped a pin everyone would hear it. Everyone seemed to respect the Headmaster immensely. Jack was relieved because he felt people’s gaze shift off of him and to the Headmaster. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAqnZ7lkCEuF
“As all of you know the Selected have been chosen. I wish for all of you to welcome them and give them assistance as they prepare for their tests.” the Headmaster told all of them. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA64mOjCiICE
His voice seemed to echo throughout the room. There was a break out of murmurs after he said this and Jack heard his name whispered in the row behind him. He felt Alicia touch his arm. He looked over and she smiled at him encouragingly. As she touched him he felt warmth. It was strange however.
It was just where she touched and it felt like it was coming off of her. It was almost the same feeling when the energy surged through him when he used his magic but not quite. It was really similar to something but he couldn't place it yet. As he focused on it he felt it spread through his body. It clouded his mind as it rushed through him. He jerked his arm away and the feeling was gone. He realized it had only been a few moments. Alicia looked at him and he could see he’d made her upset. 431Please respect copyright.PENANADVL88curzD
“Sorry.” she mumbled to him. Jack touched his arm where she had. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtM3CdZCYWG
“It wasn’t you.” he whispered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA0uGkSVn56h
“What happened?” she asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAQn73W1OTFS
“I’ll explain later.” Jack promised. Alicia turned back to where the Headmaster was holding up a hand for silence once again.
Jack thought about the feeling again. When he’d felt the presence of whoever was in the woods, it terrified him. However when he felt Alicia it was warm and comforting just like she was. It had felt good in a way and when the person in the woods had gotten to him his mind felt only fear. When Alicia had touched him his mind had been clouded differently. He couldn’t think of any words to describe it. In that moment he’d forgotten all his worries and fears. Whatever was going his magic was developing and he knew that this had something to do with it. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAdmKtNYNL0U
“I simply want to give a few reminders and some new ones.” the Headmaster announced. There were a few murmurs before everyone was silent again. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAuuhqURWNoY
Jack noticed the teachers were all serious and some were tense. Maybe the Headmaster had told them about the sword? He waited to see what these reminders would be.
“None of you are to leave the school and go into the surrounding forests without granted permission, you are all to be in your rooms at nightfall, and if any strange items are found they are to be brought straight to me or one of the other teachers.” the Headmaster continued.431Please respect copyright.PENANAFSdXtP7fs8
Now many students seem to protest against the first two reminders and many were confused with the last. However the Headmaster met Jack’s eyes a moment before raising his hand again. The students fell silent again and Jack looked at Alicia. Bethany and Luke were looking at him and Alicia was too. They all knew why there were new reminders. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAjnX4MdjTi1
“Before we part I wish to introduce all of you to the Selected because I know only a certain amount of you came to the Selection.” the Headmaster said.
Jack felt instant dread. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtupAdMb7Bg
“Ready to have that heart attack you wimp?” Luke asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANALvFLq83ENI
“Shut up.” Alicia and Bethany said in unison. The Headmaster gestured for them to join him. Jack shook his head slightly. He felt everyone’s eyes on him again.431Please respect copyright.PENANAZqgDFvWhn8
“Come on, Jack. It’ll be fine because we’ll be up there too.” Bethany told him as the three of them stood. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAqzIfWENwfW
Jack stood up too but he still looked uncertain. Alicia smiled at him and he felt a little better. He remembered the feeling of warmth that had radiated from her. He followed the rest of the Selected onto the raised platform.
Jack stood farthest from Headmaster beside Alicia. He looked out and saw everyone in the room looking at him. He could feel the teachers’ eyes on him too. He quickly looked down and tried to pretend that no one was looking at him but he was filled with pure dread. He hated attention and there was a reason for it of course but he kept that reason to himself. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAPyopuFTnXS
“You’ll be fine.” Alicia whispered to him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANACdxOzEIriE
“Thanks.” he whispered back. He wanted to believe her but he knew a lot of people were still looking at him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAkCQjjQ30WA
“The Selected: Luke Ramos, Bethany Jalen, Alicia Belle, and Jack Larmen.” the Headmaster announced, gesturing to them when he said their name.
Jack felt his face grow warm as the students clapped.431Please respect copyright.PENANAAZaLAUOuPx
“You going to have that heart attack yet?” Alicia teased. 431Please respect copyright.PENANABJI6RvDTVq
“Shut up.” Jack muttered but he was trying not to smile. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAD4CdTK1e4D
“Don’t smile, Jack. Don’t do it.” Alicia said, continuing to mess with him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAWUeoaRyxxR
“Stop it.” Jack replied, smiling. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA2khosadDLx
“I win.” Alicia murmured. Jack laughed quietly. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAhD1XkSh1r8
“Thanks, Alicia.” he said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAzu9dp8H3JJ
“Anytime.” she replied, smiling at him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAgU0ZbG1f9D
Then they both turned their attention back to the crowd of students when they heard shouting. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA1Uuv01Hr1J
“Show us his magic!” was the only shout Jack had managed to pick out. He froze as the Headmaster raised his hand again. The room was almost silent but there were still murmurs spreading through the room.
Jack looked at the Headmaster. “I know that recent events have left all of you…..curious but he will not be demonstrating his magic.” he told everyone. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAxC7cd47JyF
Jack felt relief flood through him but it vanished as there was shouting again. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAmgZeJdPX7C
“How do we know he isn’t lying?” 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtfxywQt6Jj
“Most of us weren’t even there!” 431Please respect copyright.PENANAJntIRqYhJC
“He’s a freak if it’s true!” some of the students shouted. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAptHjKeujw9
Bethany looked over at him, she didn’t know what to do. The Headmaster raised a hand again but the shouting continued. Jack could hear insults and disbelief about his magic and he wanted it to stop.431Please respect copyright.PENANAfSJB9Jr3Zc
“Jack.” Alicia said, looking at him with concern. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAOnP3hBSqiD
“I can’t listen to this.” Jack muttered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAJUxtWH9SkG
“Then don’t.” Alicia replied. She wanted him to ignore them but he couldn’t. The Headmaster and teachers still couldn’t get them to calm down.
“Stop!” Jack shouted, raising a hand. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAlgN6bb8TaN
A burst of light flooded the room. Jack felt the burning again. He gritted his teeth and his fists clenched. The room was completely silent now. After a few moments the burning ceased and he just felt tired. He hid being tired and the pain. The Headmaster and teachers were looking at him now, and their expressions were the same as everyone else’s….shocked. Alicia, Luke, and Bethany’s shock was probably from the fact that he’d used his magic. Everyone else’s was because he could use magic.431Please respect copyright.PENANAXer4f3IfBk
“I couldn’t deal with it anymore.” Jack muttered, crossing his arms. What the students were saying had made him upset and he was done being insulted. He’d had enough for today and he wasn’t going to deal with all of them insulting him either.
No one said anything. The room remained silent for several minutes before the Headmaster looked back at the crowd.431Please respect copyright.PENANAy6rEcDiFAc
“All of you back to your day.” he told everyone, waving a hand to open the doors. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAu5tsuwdZHB
The whispers broke out immediately as the students stood and filed out of the room. Martin was the only one who remained and he came up onto the platform. Jack took a deep breath and touched his head lightly. He heard footsteps retreating behind him along with more whispers. The teachers must have left. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAIiGcUq6eIS
“Jack, are you alright?” Alicia asked. His hand immediately dropped to his side. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAMhqWZpmREF
“Other than being a bit irritated, yes I’m fine.” Jack replied.
He really didn’t feel fine at all. He was tired and his head hurt but He didn’t want anyone to worry about him. He’d already caused enough problems.431Please respect copyright.PENANAODmnGn40kp
“I am sorry for their behavior.” the Headmaster apologized. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAlvTlqDpv97
“I’m used to it.” Jack muttered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA4orVjhG3OP
“You’re lying, about what you said before.” Bethany said out of the blue. They were all standing around him now. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAlqg3TkfYhu
“What do you mean?” Luke asked, confused. Everyone seemed confused by her statement other than the Headmaster. His expression was unreadable.431Please respect copyright.PENANAoWo2kmEx17
Bethany looked Jack straight in the eyes as she gave her answer. “You aren’t okay.” she stated. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtlEF8scCMo
“It’s been a long day and so I just got irritated.” Jack replied.
“I think it’s kind of funny how after everything a crowd of students insulting you made you irritated.” Luke said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAIVDKsrfMke
“Let me know how you feel after hurting your friend, getting cut with a sword that is extremely painful and is supposed to kill you, and have a crowd of people yelling insults at you again.” Jack retorted. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAXg1Xn3e9UJ
Everyone was quiet. Alicia touched his arm. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAgsM4TPWkXg
“It’ll be okay.” she said. The warmth flooded through him again and he took a step away from her. She dropped her hand and Jack immediately felt bad. He kept hurting Alicia. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAaeWBcroxSf
“It’s not you, I swear.” he told her. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAsf7AEYHA85
“Then what is it?” Alicia asked, looking down. The Headmaster looked at Jack curiously. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAXj46TfqIIw
“Did we miss something?” Luke asked. Bethany looked confused too.431Please respect copyright.PENANAZBXndYZkJX
“I…..” Jack trailed off. 431Please respect copyright.PENANASf6sZXumlF
“You obviously hurt Alicia’s feelings so what did you do?” Luke snapped. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAUpy76B7F0s
“Shut up.” Jack retorted. Luke opened his mouth to say something but the Headmaster cut him off.
“I’m sure what Mr.Ramos meant to say was why did you back away from Alicia.” he said, giving Luke a look. Luke looked away and didn’t say anything else. 431Please respect copyright.PENANARJhSTbiazT
“I don’t really know what happened. It was kind of like the forest in the sense that I couldn’t think and I couldn’t really focus at all.” Jack muttered after a moment. He looked at Alicia and saw horror on her face. She must have thought that she’d given him the same feeling as the shadow person in the woods. 431Please respect copyright.PENANATzckm0kDCu
“It wasn’t the same feeling though. It was…..different. I can’t really explain it.” he said quickly. Alicia looked relieved. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAxPk298cV37
“This is everytime she touches you?” the Headmaster asked.
“Yes.” Jack replied. Luke coughed but Jack knew it was to hide a laugh. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAKnSdPNqfPJ
“Is it just with her?” the Headmaster asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA4oS6g7hfv3
“I don’t know.” Jack muttered. The Headmaster stood in front of him and touched Jack’s arm. He felt something but he couldn’t identify it. It wasn’t as strong as Alicia’s had been. Even the shadow in the forest hadn’t been as strong as hers. He hadn’t told them that. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA3RGobgPK8i
“Jack can you hear me?” the Headmaster’s voice asked through the unknown feeling. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAhvKRQk8ho0
“Yes.” Jack said, his voice was a bit strained. Then the feeling vanished and everything was normal again. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAJxEUOZgf2f
“Miss Belle, would you mind? I am trying to see if my theory is true.” the Headmaster said.
“No.” Jack said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAkBC9HUpc88
“No?” Bethany asked confused. “431Please respect copyright.PENANAf0PJuALIju
I can’t focus and I don’t want to hurt anyone.” Jack muttered, crossing his arms. The Headmaster looked at him for a moment. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAipYEYaZBSy
“I do not believe you will hurt anyone from her touch.” he told him. He gestured for Alicia to stand in front of Jack. She did and she looked at him. Jack could see the question in her eyes. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA4gTFcWZ2UE
“It doesn’t hurt me.” Jack murmured. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAda3Je9qXzE
“When she touches you, try to break through and focus again.” the Headmaster instructed. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAaqsQfRjCnw
“And if I can’t?” Jack asked, his tone showed he believed more in him failing than actually being able to do it.
“You don’t believe in yourself at all do you?” Bethany asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAhSLxQpHkm6
“Not one bit. I have zero reason to.” Jack replied. Everyone seemed surprised by his answer, even the Headmaster. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtqnRtHU0vY
“Well now you do have a reason.” Alicia said. Jack looked up and met her gaze. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAfkGiJ64Db3
“And what would that be?” he asked quietly. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAwgQfSduAjI
“Because I believe in you.” Alicia replied. She touched his arm and Jack’s mind was immediately clouded. All he felt was warmth. He could feel Alicia’s kindness and gentleness. He heard a vague echo of voices but he couldn’t hear what they were saying. He didn’t remember what was going on either. Then he heard his name. Who was calling him? He thought.
“Jack? Can you hear us?” someone asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA5FbDMtvb5L
Hear them? Then he remembered. He concentrated on the voices, then they became clearer. He could hear the Headmaster and the other Selected. He could do it. Alicia believed he could and he could hear them. He focused hard and the warmth disappeared and everything was clear again. Alicia was still touching his arm and everyone was looking at him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAqeH6G4f7kw
“Did he...do it?” Martin asked the Headmaster uncertainly. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA6ITielL5Bm
“You know I’m standing right here.” Jack said, smiling a little bit. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAcML2E1TrvU
“You did it.” Alicia replied, hugging him. Jack hugged her back. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAOL7aKZnzX7
“Yeah I just remembered this friend of mine told me I could.” he said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAmlUpoKafdC
Alicia let go of him at the same time he let go of her. She was blushing for some reason. Jack didn’t really understand why.
“What exactly just happened to you? You barely moved and it was just…..weird.” Luke said. He was trying to suppress laughter, Bethany and the Headmaster were smiling a little bit too. Marcus was trying not to smile. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAdR7Y0jvlYO
“I couldn’t really hear any of you and I forgot what was happening. I couldn't focus on, well focusing.” Jack replied, looking down. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAgyzkurY7ZE
“You do that when you’re upset or hiding something.” Bethany said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAAPSh3NiZMu
“Will you stop it with that?” Jack asked, looking over at her. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAe3dkCHLACH
“It is kinda freaky.” Luke muttered. Bethany glared at him. Luke held up his hands. “Just saying.” he said.
“Jack, what’s wrong?” Alicia asked quietly while Bethany and Luke continued their conversation. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAAtjzkPgUh8
“Aside from the obvious, nothing is really…...wrong.” Jack murmured.431Please respect copyright.PENANAnEmh4n33ss
“Then what is it?” Alicia asked. Jack looked over and saw the Headmaster was talking to Martin. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAJ8zXpVlt4k
“When I….felt you it was stronger than when I felt the Headmaster. Even whoever was in the woods.” he said, quietly.431Please respect copyright.PENANA3emEFFC3r5
“Is that a bad thing?” Alicia asked. There was something in her voice that Jack couldn’t place. “No. It isn’t a bad thing at all. You feel...warm. I could feel your kindness and gentleness too. That’s one of the reasons it’s so hard to focus. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever felt.” Jack explained, his face turning a bit pink.
Alicia blushed red but she smiled at him.431Please respect copyright.PENANASdG4UEi4oc
“Are you two love birds done?” Luke asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAf00uCf7bJt
Jack glared at him. “If you don’t knock it off, I’m pretty sure I can make you.” Jack retorted. The four Selected stood in a group now. The Headmaster still spoke with Martin a few feet away. He hadn’t noticed yet. The three of them looked at Jack in shock. Luke snapped out of it first and he moved so his face was inches from Jack’s. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAVDZXWlqsmk
“You might want to rethink that statement.” he said, coldly. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAibkQwTXppS
Jack didn’t back away. “I’m done with it, Luke. I’ve dealt with your insults long enough.” he retorted. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA30vcQZzij6
“Both of you don’t do this.” Bethany said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANARr502P0dl9
“Jack, come on.” Alicia added.
“Yeah, Jack. Back down like the coward you are.” Luke said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAwtOxQELf2e
“I am not a coward.” Jack replied his voice hard. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAUG51xHQxR1
“You aren’t? Do you remember yesterday? You didn’t even fight back, you just ran like the coward you are. You know Alicia is only your friend because she felt so bad for you. All you get is pity because you are a wimp. You are nothing, Jack and you always will be.” Luke told him, grinning. 431Please respect copyright.PENANABD7YboX4Lu
Jack felt angry and then he felt the energy. “No!” he shouted. A blast rang out and Luke was thrown back. Jack crumbled to his knees. The burning was more intense than before. He felt a hand on his shoulder. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAC2S4CGvXzn
“Jack!” he heard Alicia exclaim next to him.
“What is going on over here?” the Headmaster demanded. The voice were distant and everything was blurred by pain. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAynbe2ggpuX
“Jack attacked me!” Luke exclaimed. Jack groaned in pain as Bethany yelled at Luke. He felt Alicia touch his hand. 431Please respect copyright.PENANATfTyDfVADe
“Jack, focus on me. You’ll be alright.” she said, softly. 431Please respect copyright.PENANALjg6bqsAug
“Alicia.” Jack gasped. He could hear the Headmaster talking to Luke and Bethany. He heard Martin too. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAzX0oQHan84
“I’m right here.” Alicia assured him, squeezing his hand. He focused on her and the warmth went through him, overpowering the pain. He took a deep breath and after a moment everything returned to normal.
His vision became clear again and he saw Alicia on her knees beside him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAPMiSBAWOnh
“I’m sorry.” he whispered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAWjJ6GgRnDs
“You don’t need to apologize. What Luke said was wrong, all of it.” Alicia replied. Jack stood up with her but he staggered. Alicia steadied him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAmOfdyIO8Xh
“You’re tired.” she said.431Please respect copyright.PENANAt3b7einm7z
“Who cares? He attacked me with his magic.” Luke interjected. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAwhn5pSL6GK
“Is this true Mr. Larmen?” the Headmaster asked, looking into Jack’s eyes. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAmmtXE8gQIc
“Yes, but it was an accident.” Jack replied. He felt Alicia squeeze his hand again then release it. 431Please respect copyright.PENANApESW4mglHR
“And please explain how this accident occurred.” the Headmaster pressed. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAqMaQVA9FZT
“I lost control.” Jack mumbled, looking down. 431Please respect copyright.PENANASjBVWgwJbw
“I will not tolerate this Mr.Larmen. I am aware your situation is….unique however I will not provide exceptions to obvious rules such as not hurting others. I told you that the bickering would end once you entered the Academy.” the Headmaster told him.
Jack didn’t say anything. He kept his gaze down. “Headmaster, it wasn’t Jack’s fault.” Alicia said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAKYoGcdUXDz
“Just leave it be, Alicia.” Jack whispered. He guessed Luke was smirking because he was being told off. 431Please respect copyright.PENANApW2OH3ti6C
“And how is he not at fault?” the Headmaster asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAjUuPmWNdZx
“Don’t.” Jack muttered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANALev2h5jeLo
Alicia didn’t listen to him. “Luke was saying terrible things to Jack and he knew what would happen. He wants Jack to get in trouble. He didn’t even hurt Luke.” she told the Headmaster. 431Please respect copyright.PENANANL5Db8WuVI
“And what did he say to you Mr. Larmen?” the Headmaster asked him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANArrT7LJp57t
“I-It doesn’t matter.” Jack said, quietly.431Please respect copyright.PENANA4iIoUGi1lk
“If it didn’t matter then you would not have reacted in the manner you did.” the Headmaster replied.
“Just tell him.” Bethany urged. Jack looked up and he knew there was pain in his eyes. Luke’s remarks hurt and he knew it. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAcaKePmCW2Q
“He said I was nothing and that people only care about me because they feel bad for me. He said I was a coward too.” Jack whispered, looking down again. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA4d3AHk6u2q
“Well this certainly changes the story doesn’t it, Mr. Ramos?” the Headmaster asked. Luke didn’t say anything in response. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAd8zjjF3Sb9
“All of you are to go with Martin and there will be no more bickering. Final warning before there will be consequences. Am I clear?” the Headmaster said. All four of them nodded. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAanOa4blJzV
“Martin, you may take it from here.” the Headmaster said, turning to Martin. 431Please respect copyright.PENANABlNtcVQcnU
“Yes, Headmaster. Now the four of you follow me.” Martin said, walking off the platform. Luke followed immediately and Bethany gave Jack a small smile before following.
Alicia stayed beside him as they followed Bethany. Jack kept his eyes down and didn’t say anything. He kept hearing Luke’s taunts and he couldn’t believe he had reacted like that. He shouldn’t have let his magic blast Luke back. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAc8Ig2C0AGr
“Jack, don’t be upset about what Luke said. He wants you to and he just lied. You aren’t nothing and I wanted to be your friend because you are amazing. You’re kind, helpful, and sweet. You put others first and that’s something Luke doesn’t seem to understand that.” Alicia told him as they made it to the doorway. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA9sFPkf6CmD
“I’ve been told that I’m nothing for as long as I can remember.” Jack murmured. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAmYnWqDSohf
“Well it isn’t true.” Alicia countered. After a moment of silence she slipped her hand into his. Jack looked at her surprised. She blushed and looked away for a moment.
They walked into the hallway where students were walking in pairs and groups back and forth like before. “You’re amazing too, Alicia. Thank you.” Jack said quietly. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAQRRbaf0Bdu
She looked at him and he smiled slightly. She smiled too and they followed Martin and the other two down the hallway hand in hand. After Jack had fought through the warm feeling earlier he was able to control it now. If he wanted to he could feel it but it didn’t automatically happen now. At least he’d accomplished something today and it was because of Alicia. The were heading down to the main floor again. They had one more staircase to go down and Jack thought they were going to make it with no problems. They were going down another hallway when it happened. Jack thought he had to be jinxed. How could so many bad things happen in one day?
“I see you're still hanging around with this riff raff.” Raven McCallister said, stepping in front of him and Alicia. A group of students was surrounding them now and he could see that Bethany and Luke were still following Martin. They had no idea that they weren’t with them as they continued down the hallway. 431Please respect copyright.PENANARlQ0XHWW47
“We actually have to go somewhere so can we continue this conversation later?” Jack asked her. Alicia was looking down, Raven knew how to get to her. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAwHqiLDChvl
“No, Jack. I’m afraid I must insist on asking why you haven’t accepted my invitation to hang out with my group.” Raven replied, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA5FezP7OUhD
“I’m perfectly content hanging out with the people I already do.” Jack said, squeezing Alicia’s hand.
Jack noticed Raven’s gaze was on his and Alicia’s hands. “You and the other boy don’t get along. It’s extremely obvious. He wouldn’t be able to bother you if you were with me.” she told him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA7NaNB7oUN0
“Again my answer is no.” Jack retorted. Raven was quiet for a moment. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAYIRDfgWksY
“Quite the display you put on earlier. Casting light like that I mean. I have never seen that done before not even from teachers.” she said, taking a step forward she was directly in front of him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAeTYrwLNCDv
Jack was surprised by this. “You didn’t know? Well of course not. You haven’t had the chance to study magic.” Raven said with a grin. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtkHeKYsQAJ
“Look we need to catch up with the others so will you just leave us alone?” Alicia asked, looking at Raven. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAcMg0Os8FJ6
“You know I’m very surprised that he would spend his time with you. He has already proven that he is special. Even though his abilities are strange they are impressive. Yet you just drag him down.” Raven retorted, glaring at Alicia.
Alicia looked down again. Raven took a step back and someone walked between Jack and Alicia separating them. Jack glared at Raven. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAvSFr3tT2Bq
“You do not get to talk to Alicia that way. I don’t care if you’re popular or not. Notice even though you have been rude to her for no reason she has not insulted you.” he said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAOhuamWOq0q
“Because she’s weak.” Raven replied. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtSwQvgNPLh
“Because she’s kind.” Jack corrected.431Please respect copyright.PENANACrWoKR8oGx
“Well she isn’t kind enough to not exist.” Raven retorted. Jack saw the impact that remark made on Alicia. She pushed through the crowd and ran down the hall towards the stairs. Raven was smiling as she turned to Jack again. He was incredibly angry. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAXhhRgZ35D8
“I have no idea why you dislike her so much, but she is better than you will ever be.” he said, coldly.
“I highly doubt that.” Raven replied, unphased by his tone and words. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAehNVMiBgI0
“You want to know why I haven’t accepted your invitation? It’s because I would rather spend my time with Alicia. She never would have done what you just did. She’s better because she encourages people and helps others. You tear others down and hurt people. I’m not going to be around someone like you. Now tell them to move.” Jack retorted.431Please respect copyright.PENANAgavOGPoUt7
Raven looked at him shocked. He could tell she’d never been spoken to like that. She scowled but waved a hand and the students parted to let him pass. Jack went down the hallway and down the stairs to the main floor.
As he was going down the last few stairs he saw Bethany talking to Alicia. She looked so hurt and upset. What Raven had said had hurt her and that only made Jack dislike Raven more. He saw Luke and Martin standing a bit away from the two girls. When he got to the bottom, Luke saw him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAI8gdChX15q
“What did you do to her this time?” he asked, crossing his arms. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAYo6ZLiua9I
“I didn’t do anything.” Jack retorted. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAtAs2Fk5m8H
“Then what exactly happened?” Martin asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAmwi4zvsbPf
“Raven.” Jack replied, walking over to Alicia and Bethany. 431Please respect copyright.PENANA9KwZeaoIbW
They looked over at him as he came over. Alicia looked hurt and Bethany was looking at him hopefully. It seemed like she hadn’t been able to cheer Alicia up.
“Alicia, none of the things she said to you were remotely true.” Jack told her. Alicia looked down. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAR2SzOGwSlK
“She doesn’t even want me to exist.” she said quietly. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAsvWkdx2a20
“Well I really don’t care what she thinks. I want you to exist and so does Bethany. I’m sure there are many more people too.” Jack replied. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAJsFmHtbtUd
“Why don’t you just hang out with her? You would be popular and not have to deal with Luke. Isn’t that what you wanted?” Alicia muttered.431Please respect copyright.PENANAEd5vrBl3GS
Jack looked at her for a moment. “She isn’t you.” he said, simply. Bethany had quietly left the two of them and went over to Martin and Luke. Alicia looked at Jack confused. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAHRu0jaFVHq
“What do you mean?” she asked. “I want to hang out with you and not her. She’s just rude and if the roles were reversed you never would have said what she did.” Jack explained.
“I am the reason that everyone in town knows about your dad.” Alicia mumbled. 431Please respect copyright.PENANATmjWKL84O1
Jack was quiet for a moment. “If you really want to play the bad friend card, I literally burned you this morning.” Jack replied. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAxpKwvYIUVC
“That wasn’t your fault.” Alicia told him. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAiOmUKfqsEE
“That aside, what Raven said was not true at all and you shouldn’t believe her.” Jack said. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAurbuwwj6cN
“I’m being ridiculous. You’ve had the worst day today and I’m upset about this.” Alicia muttered.431Please respect copyright.PENANA0DK282wsNj
“You have every right to be upset, Alicia. The only reason I got through today was because of you and Bethany too. You were there for me after all of it.” Jack murmured. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAFHZTuaKLfJ
Alicia smiled slightly. “Now come on. We still have one more thing Martin is going to show us.” Jack said. He couldn’t help smiling a little bit too.
The two of them walked over to the others who paused their own conversation as they did. “What exactly happened?” Martin asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAsmIL2i0goT
“Doesn’t matter because none of it was true and Raven is just annoying.” Jack replied. “That girl who invited you to sit with her earlier?” Bethany asked. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAT8YAcgu7Gs
Jack nodded. Luke muttered something and crossed his arms. “Might as well say it to my face, Luke.” Jack said, looking over at him.431Please respect copyright.PENANAV3WDn4VK8U
“I don’t want you to attack me again.” Luke retorted. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAC0I2izinNI
“Well then maybe you shouldn’t be so rude to people. If you hadn’t been a complete jerk it never would have happened.” Jack muttered. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAaDkeCsnFPZ
“It isn’t my fault you can’t control your freak magic.” Luke replied. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAv9Esl2fKYh
“And it isn’t my fault I have it.” Jack retorted. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAe8fy2gCQ4z
“Enough.” Martin interrupted.
“If you both continue to argue then the Headmaster said there will be consequences.” Bethany told them. 431Please respect copyright.PENANAZiu4rahgDC
“Exactly. Now let’s go.” Martin said, beginning to lead them down a hallway beside the stairway. They were on the floor they had first been on that day. Jack wondered where they were going. He just prayed nothing else would go wrong today.
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