Luke was at Jack’s side mere seconds after Alicia. Bethany stood beside Alicia while she was crouching beside Jack trying to get him to wake up. Professor Amora put a hand on his shoulder. “How long is it before he wakes usually?” she asked. “I...I don’t know. It varies. Sometimes he doesn’t pass out but when he does….” Luke trailed off. “How much magic was that?” Alicia asked Professor Amora. “What do you mean?” Professor Amora replied, moving to stand beside Alicia. “The more magic he uses, the more exhausted he gets.” Alicia replied quickly.
“We need to wake him up.” Bethany said quickly. “Why?” Luke asked, confused. “His’s getting faster and his hands are glowing.” Bethany explained quickly. Luke hadn’t even noticed the faint glow coming from Jack’s hands. “How are we even supposed to wake him up?” Alicia asked, concerned. “I’m afraid this is out of my are of expertise.” Professor Amora told them. She sounded like she didn’t know what to do but Luke got an idea.
“Alicia, you have to wake him up.” he said. “I-I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that.” Alicia murmured. “He said he can feel you or whatever which is probably your magic right? Since yours seems to be strongest it should be able to wake him up.” Luke said. He didn’t know how he’d thought of that. “He...he blocked it off. I don’t think I can.” Alicia replied. “Yeah you can. Whatever defense he had is probably down now but hurry.” Bethany urged. Now Jack’s breathing was getting worse.
Alicia hesitantly touched Jack’s arm. Nothing happened. “Try his hand, Alicia.” Professor Amora told her. “His magic is showing through his hands at the moment so if it is a link between your magic and his then it will be easier.” she explained quickly. Alicia didn’t hesitate. She closed her eyes and Luke looked from her to Jack. After a moment Jack took a deep breath and his hands stopped glowing and his breathing returned to normal. Alicia’s eyes opened and so did Jack’s at the exact same time.
“Told you so.” he groaned. “That’s the first thing you’re going to say after that?” Luke asked, relieved that the idea worked. “Yup.” Jack replied, sitting up. Alicia hugged him and after a moment he hugged her back. Bethany sat down beside Luke. She seemed relieved too. Luke wondered how many times this could happen before Jack didn’t wake up. He didn’t want to think about that though. Alicia let go of him, blushing. Luke wondered how Jack was so oblivious but in a way he had an answer. Alicia had been right earlier. He hated that Jack had said those things back in the dueling room, but he also didn’t want to get hurt again.
He didn’t know if Jack would even forgive him. It didn’t seem like he would. “You need to stop passing out.” Luke told him. “What do you care?” Jack asked. It wasn’t a retort. It seemed like he was genuinely asking the question. Luke didn’t say anything. “Are you alright, Jack?” Bethany asked, breaking the silence. “This time it was weird. I’m not exhausted right now, it’s just gone.” Jack replied. Just then Alicia collapsed against Jack. “Alicia?” Jack said, shaking her slightly. She didn’t reply. “What did she do?” Jack asked them.
“I-I don’t know. I just said that she should try to wake you up with your weird feel thing and she did.” Luke replied. “My stupid magic. It makes everything a trade.” Jack murmured. Professor Amora kneeled down and gently pulled Alicia away from Jack and laid her on the ground. She was unconscious but her breathing was normal. “I do not believe she has to go to the infirmary but we shall take her back to her room. You all may find your focuses tomorrow.” she told them. She snapped her fingers and the room around them faded. Suddenly they were in Alicia and Bethany’s room. Jack got to his feet as Professor Amora looked Alicia over.
Luke looked at Jack and saw how guilty he looked. “It isn’t your fault you know.” he told him. “I think it kind of is, being how you’re suddenly being somewhat nice to me.” Jack muttered. “This is not the time.” Bethany interrupted. Professor Amora turned back to the three of them. “She will be alright. She just needs rest.” she said. They all nodded and Professor Amora went to the doorway. Before she left she turned back to look at Jack. “It appears you have too much magic to be able to use a focus. It was overwhelmed.” she told him, then she left.
“See she’s going to be fine, Jack.” Bethany said. Jack crossed his arms tightly over his chest. “I’ve done more to hurt Alicia than anything else. She wouldn’t have gotten hurt or be unconscious right now if it wasn’t for me.” Jack muttered. “Come on. It’s like you’ve known each other for years. I don’t think she’s going to be mad at you.” Luke sighed. “I know I said the same thing. Look Alicia is going to be okay. Plus we know that yet again the amount of power Jack has is astounding.” Bethany deduced. “Yeah it’s so amazing that it causes pain not just for myself but for other people too. Oh and we can’t forget the fact that thanks to it Alicia is now unconscious instead of me.” Jack replied, sarcastically.
“You and Luke are very much alike sometimes.” Bethany muttered, shaking her head. “What are you talking about?” Luke asked. “You both act like this. Whenever something happens you say sarcastic remarks and are constantly getting angry with everyone, so I want to know what really happened between you two. Luke, there is more to it than what you told Alicia and myself. So, why the heck do you two hate each other so much?” Bethany snapped. There was silence for several minutes. Luke knew she had a point but he couldn’t tell Jack the truth. Not all of it. “Sorry, Bethany.” Jack murmured.
“Yeah me too.” Luke said. He had no reason to be rude to Bethany and she shouldn’t have to deal with all of this because so far she was trying to help everyone else. She was trying to get to the bottom of what was happening and try to solve all the other problems too. “So please just answer.” Bethany murmured. Jack looked at Luke; he honestly had no idea what he had done to ruin their friendship. He remembered how Jack was always there. His parents had always been busy when he was younger so he’d hardly see them but Jack was always around.
His sister had been too. Tagging along and playing games with them. The thing was Jack didn’t know she had died. He believed what pretty much everyone had ever known her did. They thought that she was at some fancy school on the farther edge of town. “Uh, I don’t really remember we probably got into some sort of fight or something.” he mumbled. “No we didn’t. I asked myself what I did for a very long time but there was no fight I could remember. I came up to you in the street a few days after you’d been ignoring me and I asked you why. All you said was you hated me and that is how it’s been ever since.” Jack told him.
Luke sighed. “I don’t have to tell you anything, Jack. You already said we could never be friends again so why does it matter why I hate you?” Luke snapped. Bethany didn’t intervene; she was just watching and listening. “An answer would be nice. One day I had a best friend and I had a good family. I’ve already got an answer as to why Iost the family part but why did I lose my friend? That question haunted me for a long time until you first punched me. Then I got over it and realized I wasn’t going to know.” Jack retorted.
“At least you aren’t a complete idiot and the realization hit.” Luke muttered. “Fine then let’s talk about your question. What was your answer? Maybe it will give me some clue as to how I screwed up so badly that you hated me and made everyone else hate me too.” Jack snapped. “It wasn’t you alright?! I don’t want to talk about it, especially not with you. I just needed you to feel like I really hated you so you wouldn’t know!” Luke shouted. “What the heck is that supposed to mean?!” Jack demanded. Luke was silent. He didn’t know how he was supposed to answer. He’d slipped.
“Right Claire and your parents are probably the only ones you give answers to.” Jack muttered. Luke winced at his sister’s name. “Luke? How does he not know that your-” Bethany started. “Don’t.” Luke interrupted. Jack looked between them. “You owe him an answer. You went through all that to hurt him and make him feel like you hated him so you can at least tell him the truth.” Bethany told him. Luke knew she was right. He didn’t want to hate Jack. He never did. Now that he looked back all he’d done was hurt his former best friend. He’d tried to convince himself everyday that he hated Jack but it was never really true.
“I did it because…...I didn’t want to get hurt again. I didn’t want anyone to be close to me in case I lost them.” Luke said, quietly. “That doesn’t make any sense.” Jack replied. “I shouldn’t have done what I did to you. You were always a good friend and you were always the first to solve an argument or forgive me when I apologized. I shut everyone out and all that did was hurt me more but by the time I realized that, it was too late. I didn’t think you could ever forgive me after all of it. The others got used to doing it too so I had to keep it up. Those were the pretenses. Acting like I’m fine. Acting like I hate you more than anything or anyone else.” Luke murmured.
“I still don’t get it. Why did you shut me out if I didn’t do anything?” Jack asked him. “Because I didn’t want to feel the same pain I did when….when….Claire died.” Luke whispered. Jack was silent for a little while. This was killing Luke but he didn’t want to keep up this stupid charade anymore. He was tired of keeping everyone at arm's length and seeing everyone else happy with real friends of their own. After everything he’d heard that Jack is going through, why was he trying to cause him more pain? What the heck was wrong with him? “S-She’s dead?” Jack asked, quietly. Luke knew Jack had loved Claire. He was as much a big brother to her as he’d been.
“My parents didn’t want anyone to know. I-I still don’t really understand why. That’s why I shut you out. Why I shut everyone out.” Luke said, his voice barely above a whisper. “So not only did you shut me out but you bullied me and had everyone else join in. On top of that didn’t even tell me she….she died. It’s great you got to have your life how you wanted and it didn’t matter who you hurt while I wished I could have one friend. One. I can’t believe you.” Jack replied. His tone had a but of a sharpness to it. Luke couldn’t blame him.
“I didn’t bother because I knew you wouldn’t forgive me. But I always feared you would. If you did…..I don’t know what I would do. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Luke muttered. “No, you didn’t bother because you were afraid, Luke. At one point I knew you better than anyone. I don’t even know you at all anymore. One thing you never did was lie. You had never lied to me when we were friends. You never even tried. Now that’s all your living. Just lies.” Jack retorted. “Jack.” Bethany interrupted. “No, he’s right. I’ve done too much to him.” Luke told her. “So then why are you telling me now?” Jack asked.
Luke was quiet. Should he answer? Would Jack even care? He cleared his throat and his hands fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. “Because right now you’ve been through things you never should have. I may have acted like I hated you and tried to convince myself of it, but I never wanted you to be in danger. I never faked concern and you never imagined it. It took me a very long time to get to the point where I could somewhat convince myself that I despised you. I am sorry. Today in the dueling room is the first time I felt fine again honestly. Then you said all of those things and… stung.” he said, quietly.
Jack sighed. “What do you mean by ‘feel fine again?’” he asked. Luke still heard the anger and hurt in his voice. “It was like talking to someone who actually knew me. Someone who was actually my friend. You’re the last real friend I had before I blocked everyone out. You could have some sort of death sentence on your head right now and I do not want to keep insulting you for no reason. That day on the hill…..was when I really started feeling conflicted.” Luke replied. “You had a reason. I do understand it, Luke. I guess I still kind of know you. You still fidget when you’re uncomfortable or upset.” Jack murmured. “That’s all I can tell you right now. I need to...process.” he added. “I can live with that.” Luke murmured. He didn’t even deserve that much from him.
When he looked at Jack’s expression he could see that he was looking at Alicia. He was worried about her but the rest of his expression seemed guarded. When they were younger Jack was like an open book. You could see exactly how he was feeling. I guess Jack had changed a lot more than he realized. It made sense though. He had to hide what was happening to him. He wondered how he really felt right now. If he had meant what he said or if he was angry. A quiet groan interrupted his thoughts. Jack immediately went over to Alicia and Bethany was only a few steps behind him.
It must have been over an hour since Alicia had passed out. It didn’t seem like that long though. He hesitantly walked over and stood at the foot of the bed as Alicia’s eyes opened. She sat up quickly. She seemed like she was freaking out. Jack touched her shoulder lightly. “Alicia, calm down you’re okay.” he assured her. She pulled away, breathing fast. Bethany looked like she had no idea what to do but Jack seemed totally calm. He sat on the edge of the bed facing Alicia. “You’re okay, Alicia.” he repeated. She looked at him and after a moment Jack put his arms around her. Luke sighed of course he could make her feel better. Although he was confused. Why had Alicia been freaking out in the first place?
Alicia was crying silently and Jack just held her as she did. He was talking to her but Luke couldn’t hear and he could tell Bethany couldn’t either. “What just happened?” Bethany asked as Luke opened his mouth to ask the exact same question. “Bad dreams.” Jack answered. Alicia wasn’t crying anymore but she didn’t move. “What are you talking about? I don’t think you dream when you pass out.” Luke replied. “Why do you think I freak out when I wake up?” Jack shot back. Everyone was silent. “Do you want to talk about it, Alicia?” Jack asked, quietly. “N-Not right now.” she whispered.
“Well if it makes you feel any better I don’t know if I should hate Luke or not. He told me why he shut me out.” Jack told her. Luke wondered how Jack was able to stay calm right now and how he knew what he could say to help Alicia. At least he hadn’t lost that aspect of himself. He had always been able to make Claire smile even on her worst day. “He actually told you.” Alicia replied. “Crazy right? He might be an imposter. I don’t think the real Luke would ever say sorry.” Jack murmured. Alicia laughed for a moment. “But I mean maybe he just went through a huge character change because I beat him at that duel.” Jack said, thoughtfully.
Bethany started laughing too. “Yeah haha very funny.” Luke muttered, crossing his arms but he was kind of relieved. He still didn't understand why he cared so much about a friendship he’d destroyed so long ago. Maybe his mother had been right. He didn’t have to keep up his stupid charades anymore. “It was so bad.” Alicia whispered all laughter fading instantly. “I know, believe me I know. It’ll be okay though because you are never going to do that ever again. I do not typically tell people what to do but you are not allowed to do that.” Jack told her, his voice turning serious as well.
“No promises.” Alicia told him, pulling away. “Alicia. I am being serious.” Jack replied. “Okay.” Alicia reluctantly agreed after a few moments. “I’m just glad you’re alright.” Bethany murmured, giving Alicia a quick hug. Alicia looked between him and Jack. “Sooo are you two...good?” she asked. Luke looked at Jack. “I’m not going to keep messing with him if that’s what you mean.” he said. Jack didn’t say anything. “Jack?” Alicia asked, uncertainly. “I don’t know. Not to be rude but I’ll believe it when I see it.” Jack replied. “I think they’ve both been tested enough today, Alicia. They both have some thinking to do.” Bethany told Alicia.
She nodded then looked at Luke. “It’s good you at least told him.” she said. “I guess so.” he replied. “Okay so now that we have all internal issues aside. Do we have any idea what we could possibly do next? I mean like with our situation.” Bethany stated. “You mean my situation that you’re all involved in? I think figuring out whatever the heck I am would be a good start and also find out who the shadowy figure is.” Jack replied. “Well, it must be someone who hates you. No offense.” Luke replied.
“None taken. Although that list isn’t very long.” Jack muttered. “What your….” Alicia trailed off. Jack shook his head. “He hates magic and whoever this is has magic. Plus, I’ve heard it talk. I swear I recognized the voice from somewhere though.” Jack replied. Luke watched as the three of them went in an endless loop. They weren’t really getting any real answers. Finally he interrupted them. “We just have to wait. We’ve gone over everything we already know, so we have to wait for new information.” he said.
The other three nodded in agreement. Suddenly Jack got up. “What’s wrong?” Alicia asked. “Nothing. I just remembered the Headmaster wanted to talk to me.” Jack replied. “You’ve been here for what? Two days?” Luke teased. Jack rolled his eyes but there was a small smile on his face. “I think it’s about the whole thing with Fern.” Jack told them. “Then go. We’ll be fine.” Bethany replied. Famous last words, Luke thought.
“He’s blaming himself isn’t he?” Alicia asked after a few moments. “He just feels bad, Alicia.” Bethany replied. “It wasn’t his fault. It was an accident.” Alicia murmured. They were all silent. “Look at it from his point of view though. He’s been through a lot of stuff and a good portion of it is my fault. He’s finally making friends, but it’s hard for him. He isn’t like anyone else so he doesn’t have anyone to relate to and in his mind he’s done more harm than good.” Luke said, finally breaking the silence. Bethany and Alicia looked at him with surprise on their faces.
“How do you know that?” Alicia asked. “I used to know him better than anyone. He’s changed a lot but some things remain the same.” Luke replied. “I’ve noticed some of those things but how do you know he feels like he has no one to relate to?” Bethany asked. “I don’t know how you don’t see it. Jack doesn’t typically yell or get angry. At least when we were younger he didn’t. That hasn’t seemed to have changed too much. He is good at staying calm in situations but when he’s had enough of something, he just snaps. He’s said he hates his magic, people are calling him names and whispering about him, he has hurt people he cares about, and he agrees with his father.” Luke explained.
“I still don’t get how you got the conclusion that he feels like he has no one to relate to from that.” Bethany stated. “No one else has magic before they come to this Academy. No child in history. How do you think he feels being how the majority of people are looking at his magic as a bad thing?” Luke replied, crossing his arms. “He hates his magic so how are we supposed to fix that?” Alicia asked as Bethany pondered Luke’s words in silence. “I don’t know.” Luke muttered. He honestly had no idea. Jack wasn’t a simple open book anymore so who knew what else he was feeling. He was angry. That Luke knew.
“Is that why he’s snapped at us then?” Bethany asked after a moment. “Yeah. It’s why he snapped in the stupid history class too. He’s changed so much over the last few years. It’s unbelievable.” Luke murmured. “What’s changed?” Alicia asked. Luke thought for a few moments. “He was such a clown. He made jokes all the time and it was also so easy to tell what he was thinking.” Luke told them. He almost smiled at the memories but he couldn’t do it. He had ruined that friendship. The only real friendship he’d ever had. He couldn’t believe he had suppressed all this guilt for so long.
“He made jokes?” Bethany asked, surprised. “He still kind of does.” Alicia murmured with a small smile. “It used to be all the time though. He would make so many people laugh. He used to laugh all the time too. He doesn’t really do that anymore.” Luke muttered. “You seemed to get along really well with him after the duel though.” Bethany commented. “I guess so, but I don’t think we’ll be friends again. I’ve done too much which was the point. I didn’t want our friendship to be repairable.” Luke replied. “Well, you can at least act nicer to him because he needs all the help he can get right now.” Alicia said.
They continued to talk and decided to do the essay when Jack came back. Then they would head down to the library and work on it together. They also decided that maybe they could do some more research and figure out why Jack had magic too. Luke had no idea where they were supposed to start. How were they supposed to get answers about something that had literally never happened? It was about a little over half an hour before Jack came back.
He opened the door and walked in. He seemed fine. “So did you get in trouble?” Luke joked. “No, I didn’t.” Jack replied. “Well, we were waiting for you to get back so we could head down to the library. We have to work on that assignment.” Bethany said. “You didn’t have to wait for me, you know.” Jack told them. “We figured we could just work on it together.” Alicia replied. “Okay then.” he said. “Let’s go.” Bethany announced, walking out the door. Luke followed with Jack and Alicia following him. He heard them talking but he didn’t bother trying to really listen.
After a few minutes he quickened his pace for a moment to catch up with Bethany. “Do you think we’re actually going to get real answers about something that’s never happened from a library?” he asked her. “I don’t know. It’s just the only place we have to look for right now.” Bethany replied. “So, remember that time you threw a rock at me?” Luke asked. “Yeah, it was very funny.” Bethany replied with a grin. “No it w-, okay not the point. Would you do it again?” Luke said.
Bethany was quiet for a few seconds. “Depends. It seems like you’re really trying to fix things so I don’t think I would right at this moment. Why do you ask?” Bethany responded. “I honestly have no idea.” Luke murmured. “I think you know why.” Bethany commented. “Then I think you know too with your weird mind reading powers.” Luke teased. “It’s just being observant. If you want to make friends again then make sure you choose the right ones. I know it’s hard but it’s better than being alone.” Bethany told him.
“I think you could possibly be right.” Luke replied with a small smile. “I really think it was good that you told Jack the truth.” Bethany said. “He deserves to know. He loved my sister just as much as I did.” Luke said, quietly. “I don’t think she would want you to act like this though.” Bethany stated. “I think Alicia is probably our best bet as far as getting Jack to stay calm goes. I’ve never seen him this angry and upset.” Luke said, changing the subject.
“It’s so weird. You don’t notice he’s mad until he actually yells or snaps at someone.” Bethany muttered. “Yeah.” Luke replied. Then they reached the library. It had been a few floors down. He remembered how he and Bethany had asked directions when they were looking for it the other day. The two doors swung open when they got close. Luke noticed the surprise mixed with delight on Jack’s face. Alicia’s face was filled with awe but Luke thought Jack was the most happy about this library than any of them. Bethany went over to a large desk that had an older woman sitting behind it. She wore spectacles that made her eyes twice the size they should normally be and she seemed to have a permanent sort of scowl on her face.
Luke led Jack and Alicia over to one of the tables and they all sat around it. There were four chairs in total at the little round table. Alicia sat beside Jack and Luke sat across from Alicia. After a few moments of silence Bethany came over with parchment and ink pens. She passed them out to them then sat down. Luke hated this silence. A lot had happened today and none of them even picked up their pens yet. He looked at Jack who was staring down at his paper. Luke couldn’t read his expression but he could read Alicia’s. Something was bothering her. He thought it was probably whatever dreams had occurred but he wasn’t sure. He thought about what had just happened. He’d told Jack the truth and it did make him feel better in a way.
He knew Jack couldn’t forgive him but at least he had been understanding. It was mind-blowing to Luke that after everything Jack hadn’t just yelled at him and then ignored him. “Luke? Hello?” Bethany asked. He looked up. “Sorry, what?” he replied. “Just wanted to make sure you were still here.” Bethany said. “Was just staring into space.” he told her. “What was the assignment again?” he asked after a moment. “One page essay on what we learned.” Alicia replied. Now Luke noticed that Bethany and Alicia had a few sentences down.
Jack was still silent and when Luke looked at his paper he couldn’t believe it. Jack had almost written two paragraphs already. “How did you do that?” he asked. “Hm?” Jack asked, looking up. “How have you written so much?” Luke muttered. Jack shrugged. Bethany and Alicia had just noticed too. “How do you have such good handwriting? Mine’s terrible.” Bethany groaned. “I don’t know. It’s just how I write.” Jack replied. Jack’s handwriting was an elegant combination of cursive and normal handwriting. It looked nice and neat. Jack continued writing again as he rested his head on his fist.
Luke assumed the others had noticed his silence but they didn’t comment. Luke didn’t want to bother Jack. He was just doing the essay and he was nearly half-way done when Luke finally picked up his pen and started writing. They worked in silence. Even though they were supposed to be working together, they had all been through a decent amount today. Jack finished long before all of them and his essay was neat and orderly. Luke knew Jack had probably tried extra hard to make this essay good because he didn’t want to deal with that professor again.
Bethany and Alicia finished at relatively the same time and Luke was the only one still writing. “Do you want to talk about it, Alicia?” he heard Bethany ask. Apparently he had been oblivious to the fact that there was a conversation happening. He looked up and saw Jack put a hand on Alicia’s shoulder. “You don’t have to.” he told her. “What are these dreams though?” Luke asked as he finally finished the last sentence. Jack glanced at him for a moment before answering. “It’s…..kind of complicated. However if since the trade occurred then Alicia would have probably seen relatively the same things I do.” “You see that everytime?” Alicia asked. Luke could hear the astonishment and concern. Clearly whatever she’d seen had been bad.
“Sometimes it changes a bit. I usually just see blurs of things with certain parts clearer than others. It’s mostly fears.” Jack muttered. “You’ve been answering a lot of questions today.” Bethany commented. “Well, like I said before you’ll bug me until I answer them and this affected Alicia so since it’s not just me I do owe an explanation.” Jack replied. “What do you mean by “fears?”” Luke asked him. “Exactly that. It’s seeing fears that I have played out in a sort of nightmare and there’s other things too but I don’t know what they are. They’re usually pretty blurry or confusing.” Jack explained.
Luke noticed Jack was looking down at the table. Not really paying attention as to who was asking the questions but just answering them. Alicia whispered something to him and he saw Jack nod slightly. It appeared that Bethany had not heard what was said either. “So did you see the same things?” he asked before Bethany could. There was silence for a moment. “Yes.” Alicia answered, her voice quiet. “Will you tell us what happened?” Bethany asked, softly. The question was directed at Jack.
“You know what I fear.” was all Jack said in response. “We have a few thoughts but we don’t actually know. You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to. We just….want to try to help you.” Alicia murmured. “You saw it, Alicia.” Jack pointed out. “Doesn’t mean I know exactly what they are and honestly I don’t know how you are even okay after I had to see that once.” Alicia told him. “I think we’ve established the fact that he isn’t okay.” Luke said. “I think I understood some of them but I’m really confused on one.” Alicia murmured to him. “Which one?” Jack asked. Luke was surprised he was giving her permission to say it aloud.
“It was something about Luke.” Alicia said, her voice extremely quiet. A flood of conclusions filled his mind. Was Jack afraid of him? That was the one that kept circling back as he waited for Jack to reply. Silence dragged on for a while before Jack finally responded and the answer left Luke feeling worse than ever. “It isn’t really about Luke. He’s just more of a representation of it.” he said, quietly. “What does that mean?” Bethany asked, gently. “It’s my fear of not being able to have friends. If my once best friend didn’t want me around then why would anyone else?” Jack answered, his voice nearly breaking. Before any of them could say anything he got up and left the library with his essay in hand.
Luke had nothing to say. He had affected Jack even worse than he thought. Now he feared that he would be alone. Feared that at one point people would turn away from him. And it was his fault. Alicia got up to go after him but Bethany stopped her. “I think he needs some space right now.” she told her. Alicia reluctantly sat down again. Luke was overwhelmed with guilt. “It’s my fault.” he whispered. “I don’t think he thinks that.” Bethany murmured.
“Why doesn’t he? Why doesn’t he just yell at me or be angry? This is worse.” Luke said, then got shushed by the librarian. “You should talk to him, Luke.” Alicia told him after a few moments of silence. “Alicia, Jack-” Alicia interrupted Bethany. “Look if that is one of Jack’s fears then Luke should go talk to him. All of us should because he thinks he is unable to have friends. So we should go prove to him that we are here. Right now we have to help him. He is hurting and we can’t let him think he’s alone.” she said. “Okay. Let’s go find him.” Bethany replied. Luke said nothing but picked up his essay and followed the two girls out of the library. “It’s dinner in like twenty minutes so we should have some time to talk to him.” Bethany murmured as they reached their rooms.
They checked Jack and Luke’s but all they found was Jack’s essay on his bed. “Where could he be?” Luke asked. “I have an idea.” Alicia replied and she led them to the grand doors that led to where the Feitaries were. The doors opened and they stepped out. The doors closed behind them. As they walked toward the treeline they saw Jack. He was sitting on a low branch of one of the trees. A few Feitaries flying around him. He hadn’t noticed they were there.
“Jack?” Alicia asked, looking up at him. He looked down, seeming surprised they were there. “Will you come down. We want to talk to you.” Bethany said. Jack hesitated but he dropped down from the branch, landing in front of them. “What?” he asked. “Well since we’re your friends we have to bug you to make sure you’re okay.” Alicia told him. “I’m fine. I just didn’t want to talk about it.” Jack replied.
“I’m sorry, Jack. It’s my-” Jack cut him off. “I am not blaming you, Luke. Yes, you have done some pretty awful things to me and there have been side effects. However the fear of not being able to have friends has more to it than that. I’ve already hurt Alicia several times and I’ve taken my frustrations out on all of you. It isn’t your fault.” he assured him. Luke just felt worse. Why couldn’t Jack just yell at him like a normal person?
“That wasn’t your fault, Jack.” Alicia murmured. “You can say that, Alicia and you can mean it however no one forced me to snap at you or burn you with my powers.” Jack replied. Alicia just hugged him. Jack hugged her back. After a moment they released each other. “Something is still bothering you.” Bethany said, quietly. “A lot of things bother me, Bethany. I’m also still trying to process everything Luke said and figure out what’s going on.” Jack murmured.
“We just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. For better or worse you have the three of us and we are going to help you.” Alicia assured him. Jack smiled slightly. Luke was glad to see it. At least he had smiled. Maybe he even believed her. “Well it’s going to be time for dinner soon. Can we go together in good spirits?” Bethany asked. “If it’s alright with the two of you, I want to talk with Jack for a second.” he replied then looked at Jack. “If that’s alright with you too,” he added.
“I’m fine with it.” Jack told him. Luke felt a pang of guilt again. Seriously why didn’t Jack be mad like a normal person? The two girls started heading toward the door while Luke and Jack remained in the same spot. Luke started fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “What’s on your mind? You’re fidgeting so something’s off.” Jack said. “I just….just wanted to ask how you’re being so….so understanding and everything. You haven’t really yelled at me or gotten mad. I...I’ve messed up so badly and done some pretty just terrible things and I don’t understand how you aren’t just ignoring me or yelling at me.” Luke stammered.
“I am mad, Luke. You did do a lot of messed up stuff, but you did it out of hurt and loss. You were afraid and because of that you pushed people away. I can’t really hate you for having a human reaction. No matter how extreme it was and I know Claire meant a lot to you. I am not saying any of it was okay but like I said earlier, I can understand the reason behind it.” Jack replied. Luke hated that Jack’s expression was still unreadable. However he was able to see that Jack meant what he was saying.
“I really know it doesn’t mean much but I am sorry and I have regretted everything everyday.” Luke murmured. “I forgive you, Luke. I really do. It still hurts and it is difficult but I forgive you.” Jack said, quietly. “I don’t deserve that, Jack. I really don’t.” Luke replied. “If someone is able to ask for forgiveness and they mean it then they do deserve it.” Jack told him with a small smile. Luke smiled back. It was a small smile but it was a smile nonetheless.
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